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Zakaria Botros

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Zakaria Botros (bahasa Arab: زكريا بطرس, born on 24 October 1934) adalah seorang Pastor Koptik dari Mesir. Ia pernah bekerja sebagai Pastor Gereja Ortodoks Koptik Iskandariyah di Australia pada tahun 1992. Meraih gelar Bachelors of Arts dalam bidang Sejarah. Terkenal karena program-program televisi di mana ia membahas pandangan kritis terhadap sejumlah ajaran Islam dan buku-buku bersifat Islam dalam rangka dialog Islam-Kristen di Timur Tengah. Majalah "World Magazine" memberi Pater Botros penghargaan "Daniel of the Year award" pada tahun 2008 karena keterbukaannya dalam menyatakan kebenaran agamawi meskipun mendapat tekanan berat.[1] Ia pernah disebut sebagai "musuh publik Islam No. 1" oleh surat kabar Arab al Insan al Jadeed.[2][3][4] Al-Qaeda has put a $60 million bounty on his head.[2][5]

Program Televisi

Hayah Evangelical Channel.

Botros menjadi terkenal luas pada tahun 2003 setelah dia muncul dalam suatu acara diskusi di televisi pada program "Hayah Evangelical Channel." Kemudian dia muncul dalam programnya sendiri pada saluran televisi yang sama. Pandangan kritisnya terhadap sejumlah ajaran Islam menghasilkan banyak perdebatan mengenainya dalam acara-acara televisi lain.[6] Ia paling sering muncul pada saluran "Al Hayat TV".[7] Pada bulan Juli 2010, "Joyce Meyer Evangelical Ministry" – yang merupakan sebuah partner untuk Hayah Channel – menginformasikan BBC Arabic bahwa saluran itu menghentikan penyiaran acara Zakaria Botros. Yayasan itu tidak memberikan komentar mengenai alasan penghentian.[8]

Al Fady Channel

Zakaria membuka saluran televisi sendiri pada bulanApril 2011, yang disebutnya "A Fady". Saluran tersebut disiarkan diAmerika Utara[9] dan Timur Tengah sejak bulan November 2011. <--

Tanggapan dari orang Muslim


A lot of Muslims found his criticism of Islam offensive.[butuh rujukan] This led many Muslim scholars and writers in the Middle East to respond to his claims. The most well known respondents included Abo Islam Ahmad Abdullah, Dr. Ibrahim Awad, and Dr. Abdullah Badr. Other public figures suggested that he be ignored.[10]

Abo Islam Ahmad Abdullah said that he invited the Coptic priest to a debate with a moderator on a TV show inside Egypt, but this offer was refused due to safety reasons, despite the fact that Muslim scholars made a promise in media that they would stay with him during the whole trip to guard his safety.[11][12][13]

Calls for stripping his citizenship

In 2009, Nabi El wahsh asked the Egyptian government to strip Zakaria Botros's citizenship due to "the instability and disturbing the public security which he caused to Egypt".[14][15][16][17]

Calls to arrest him

An Egyptian lawyer, Mahmoud Riad, sued the Egyptian president, the Foreign Minister, the Interior Minister, the Information Minister, and the Coptic Pope in a lawsuit to force the Egyptian government to request that Interpol arrest and extradite Zakaria Botros back to Egypt so that he might be held accountable for his denunciation of Islam. He stated that denouncing Islam is high treason, and, additionally, that Egypt should withdraw the ambassador to the country where Botros broadcasts his programs.[18][19][20] Earlier four lawyers had asked for the same thing.[21]

Conversions to Christianity

In an interview with Aljazeera TV, Islamic cleric Ahmad al-Qatani stated that some six million Muslims convert to Christianity annually, many of them persuaded by Botros’s public ministry.[22]

According to Botros, his analysis of Islamic scriptures is designed to give Muslims a "short, sharp shock", intended to make them ask questions and examine their faith.[23] However, he contends that he is not attacking Islam, but merely searching for the truth; "The truth is not restricted to someone, but it belongs to everybody, and it is the right of everybody to search for the truth and to embrace it without fear of authorities or the terrorism of bigots."[24]

Innocence of Muslims controversy

On September 16, 2012, the Los Angeles Times reported that Botros was an ideological influence on the film Innocence of Muslims, whose portrayal of the Prophet Mohammed set off protests and attacks on Western embassies across the Middle East. The article claims that he was an ideological mentor to three of the people who made it: Steve Klein, an anti-Islam activist and consultant on the film; Joseph Nassralla, head of a Christian TV channel where part of the film was shot; and Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the film's producer. Botros is also quoted in the article as telling the Arabic satellite TV station Alfady, "The movie is all things we said in the past."[25]

Botros officially denies on his website any involvement in the film's making or with its authors, saying some media are attempting "to incite aggression towards a scape goat". In the same statement, he expresses his "[concern] that the most authentic teachings of Islam incite its true followers to kill the infidels", seeing the violence sparked by the movie as "glimpses of its manifestation". On his September 14, 2012 broadcast, in consistence with his assumed style, he did in fact make a critical analyzis of the film's historical, factual and canonical accuracy "from a scholarly perspective", concluding that "no one appreciates such provocative scenes, they are offensive and unnecessary, yet the real problem is that they are consistent with the story of Mohamed as revealed in the authoritative Islamic literature [the Quran and Hadith]." [26] -->


  1. ^ Belz, Mindy (December 13, 2008). "Broadcast news". World Magazine. Worldmag.com. Diakses tanggal 2012-09-16. 
  2. ^ a b Chan, Cheryl (August 13, 2010). "Anti-Islam cleric with $60m bounty in Langley". The Province. Vancouver, British Columbia: canada.com. Diakses tanggal 2012-09-16. 
  3. ^ Jihad Watch (6/9/2009). "Interview with Father Zakaria Botros, 'Radical Islam's Bane'". Catholic Online. Catholic.org. Diakses tanggal 2012-09-16. 
  4. ^ Ibrahim, Raymond (2008-03-25). "Islam's 'Public Enemy #1′". National Review Online. Nationalreview.com. Diakses tanggal 2012-09-16. 
  5. ^ "Zakaria Botros: Islam's Scourge Returns". FrontPage Magazine. Frontpagemag.com. Diakses tanggal 2012-09-16. 
  6. ^ قناة «أوربت» الفضائية: حلقة من برنامج "القاهرة اليوم" تتكلم عن ماهية تلك البرامج ومقدميها - تاريخ البث: 7 نوفمبر 2007 م.
  7. ^ Raymond Ibrahim (March 25, 2008). "Islam's Public Enemy #1". National Review. 
  8. ^ موقع «BBC Arabic»: قناة "الحياة" وبرامج زكريا بطرص المثيرة للجدل؟ - تاريخ الوصول: 22 مايو 2010 م.
  9. ^ "الموقع الرسمى للقمص زكريا بطرس". Islam-christianity.net. Diakses tanggal 2012-09-16. 
  10. ^ http://jesus-for-all.com/father_zakaria/3amr_adeeb_khaled_gendee_attacking_fz.wmv
  11. ^ "Nwf.com: Urbanization in Western Asia: Environmen: ßĘČ". Neelwafurat.com. Diakses tanggal 2012-09-16. 
  12. ^ http://www.alarabiya.net/articles/2006/05/21/23951.html#7. Diakses tanggal 2012-09-16.  Tidak memiliki atau tanpa |title= (bantuan)
  13. ^ "إسلامي مصري يتعهد باستقبال زكريا بطرس في مصر وتوصيله لبيته". Diakses tanggal 2012-09-16. 
  14. ^ [1][pranala nonaktif]
  15. ^ http://www.youm7.com/News.asp?NewsID=133133
  16. ^ ""الوحش" يطالب بإسقاط الجنسية عن القمص زكريا بطرس". coptreal. Diakses tanggal 2012-09-16. 
  17. ^ "جريدة الوسط اليومية | الوحش يطالب بإسقاط الجنسية عن زكريا بطرس". El-wasat.com. Diakses tanggal 2012-09-16. 
  18. ^ "محاكمة زكريا بطرس". Arab Times. Diakses tanggal 2012-09-16. 
  19. ^ "الأقباط متحدون | طلب القبض على "زكريا بطرس" من الإنتربول الدولي". Copts United. Diakses tanggal 2012-09-16. 
  20. ^ "The Leading AL Rajol Site on the Net". alrajol.net. Diakses tanggal 2012-09-16. 
  21. ^ "موقع لواء الشريعة :: الأخبار ::دعوى قضائية تطالب الإنتربول بالقبض على القس زكريا بطرس". Shareah.com. Diakses tanggal 2012-09-16. 
  22. ^ http://www.orthodoxytoday.org/articles8/Ibrahim-Islams-Public-Enemy-Number-One.php
  23. ^ http://www.cbn.com/media/player/index.aspx?s=/vod/GLA111v2_WS
  24. ^ http://www.fatherzakaria.net/books/qaf/pdf/41-Episode.pdf
  25. ^ "Fiery O.C. cleric influenced figures behind anti-Islamic film". Los Angeles Times. September 16, 2012. Diakses tanggal September 16, 2012. 
  26. ^ http://www.fatherzakaria.net/

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