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Reformasi Katolik

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Catholic Reformation' ( sometimes referred to Contra Reformation or 'The rise of Catholic Belief ) is a period of the rise of catholic belief Catholic From the reign of Pope Pius IV Until the end of Thirty Years War, 1648.

Catholic reformation is a comprehensive effort that consists of five elements:

  1. Doctrine
  2. Church or structural reconfiguration (rearrangement)
  3. Religious groups
  4. Spiritual movements
  5. Political Dimensions

This reform also includes the establishment of seminary-seminary to educate priests in the spiritual live and the church's theological traditions, renewal of life-letting the religious groups to go back to their own spiritual foundation, and new spiritual movements that focused on devotional live and a personal relation with Christ, including Spanish mystics and [[French spirituality group].


Two terms above shows the different aspects of this movement. The term Contra-Refomation, often used by non-catholics, point out the perception that this reformation was done due to the fact of the rise of protestants and their actions towards Catholic institutions. With this perspective, the main reason of this reformation is to decrease the amount of people who convert to Protestantism. The other term, which is "Catholic Reformation" symbolizes that the renewals was done as an action of the church, not as a reaction towards the Protestant Reformation.

Researchers like i John C. Olin, dari Fordham University, and Henri-Daniel Rops,[1] start to use the term "Catholic Reformation"as the second part of the 20th century to stress out the effort of renewals, theological and disciplinary, in Roman Catholic Church that started before the traditional date started Protestant Reformation by [Martin Luther]] or before Trent Council (events like Lateran Council V, preaches about reformation that was delivered by John Colet in England, Consilium de Emendanda Ecclesia was published by Gasparo Contarini, establishment of Oratorium Cinta Kasih Illahi, and many more). and to show the abundant reformations of Trent and works of Catholic Reformist such as St. Philipus Neri, St. Ignatius Loyola, and St. Teresa from Avila, even though it was influenced by the respond towards Protestants, it's far more wide and comprehensive than just a literal response towards the bloom of Protestantism. They said that a lot of efforts were done with the eradication of violations and corruption in the Roman Catholic Church for the survival of the church itself, and that these reformations are much more broad in scope rather than just to proclaim Protestants as heretical.

Trente Council

A session in Trent Council, from a sculpture.

Pope Paul III (1534-1549) started Trent Council (1545-1563), a commission that includes the cardinals that was deputized to conduct institutional reform, to discuss problems that was debated such as corrupt bishops and priests, indulgence, and other financial deviations. This council strongly opposed several Protestant statements and reaffirming the basic foundational structure of Mid Age Church, the sacramental system, religious groups, and doctrines. This council oppose every compromises with Protestants, reaffirming the basic teachings of Mid Age Catholics. This council strongly supports the safety dogma that would be acquired through faith and work Transubstansiasi, states that during holy mass, consecrated (purified) bread and wine would change (substantially) into body and blood of Christ, reaffirmed by [Sacraments (Catholic Church)|Seven Sacraments]]. Other Catholci practices would rise up anger Church's liberal reformers, just like indulgensia pilgrimage, respect to the saints and relics, respect to Mother Mary was strongly reaffirmed as an important spiritual element.

Main Figures


  • Philipp M. Soergel: Wondrous in His Saints: Counter Reformation Propaganda in Bavaria. Berkeley CA: University of California Press, 1993

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