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Mok yan jong

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Revisi sejak 27 Desember 2014 17.13 oleh Samunav (bicara | kontrib)
Mok yan jong
Hanzi: 木人樁
Makna harfiah: "wooden man post"

Mok Yan Jong (Bahasa kanton: muk yan jong/Mandarin: mu ren zhuang) menurut arti harfiah adalah 'gelondongan kayu' yang ditancapkan di atas tanah. Banyak digunakan oleh praktisi beladiri yang berasal dari tiongkok. Ada berbagai macam bentuk mok yan jong, tetapi yang sangat dikenal luas yang berasal dari wing chun dan jeet kune do. Jika dulu ditancapkan ke tanah, sekarang dimodifikasi dengan membuat rangka dan dudukan yang tetap mampu memberi kelenturan balasan yang baik. Bahan yang digunakanpun sekarang tidak hanya dari kayu, tetapi juga dari besi, plastik dan serat fiber.

Dalam Wing Chun

Wing Chun Dummy at a Wing Tsun school

Dalam Jeet Kune Do

Bruce Lee, a student of Yip Man, had also made and modified a Wing Chun wooden dummy for his martial arts philosophy of Jeet Kune Do which had a modified neck and a metal leg. Many of the principles of Wing Chun are central to Jeet Kune Do.

In Choy Lee Fut

Ching Jong

Ching Jong (balanced dummy) has a different orientation to the arms more suited to Choy Lee Fut style's arm motions. In this version, the single top arm, protruding straight out from the front, moves up and down, anchored traditionally with a rope and heavy weight (the origin of the namesake) and anchored with a spring to the rear in modern times. Furthermore, the two middle arms now protrude outward in a "V", and also an additional lower arm that can be substitute with a traditional Wing Chun dummy's leg. Also, sandbags are mounted on the front and sides, which are struck for hand and finger conditioning, similar to makiwara.

Sui Sau Jong

The sui sau jong (breaking hand dummy) features a swinging arm around the shoulder level, hanging sandbags, as well as a rotor-like arm at the top, located at head height. The arms are coordinated so that striking the swinging arm causes the rotation of the helicopter arm, and vice versa. The main aim of this dummy is to train quick reactions for counterattacks.

Ma Jong

Unlike other dummies, the Ma Jong (horse dummy) is a moveable dummy.

The overall shape of the dummy is a horse, with the main body of a heavy log carrying two frames, a tall one at front and the short one in the rear. Each frames is mounted with a horizontal crossbar that is perpendicular to the log, which has spring mechanism that is connected to the wheels. When pushed back, the horse dummy charges forward, forcing the students to control the dummy through a good stances. Furthermore, as the two horizontal arms are interlocking spinning arms, this also trains coordination and speed.


Other dummys used in Choy Lee Fut includes the qiang bao zhuang (墻包樁) (a wall mounted sand bag), sha bao zhuang (沙包樁) (a sand bag apparatus, with one main heavy sand bag connected to two other sand bags on its side through a pulley system), and other mechanical dummies.
