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Perundingan antara pasukan Baydu dan Ghazan
Kematian4 Oktober 1295
Outside Tabriz[1]

Baydu (juga dieja Baidu) (meninggal tahun 1295) adalah penguasa keenam Ilkhanat di Iran. Ia adalah putra dari Taraqai, yang merupakan putra kelima Hulagu Khan.[3] Ia menggantikan sepupunya Gaykhatu sebagai penguasa Ilkhanat pada tahun 1295.

Gaykhatu sebelumnya tewas dibunuh atas perintah dari Taghachar, panglima pasukan Mongol. Ia lalu mengangkat Baydu sebagai penguasa. Baydu dianggap mudah dikendalikan dan hanya menjadi penguasa boneka.[4]

Baydu sangat bersimpati dengan agama Kristen,[5] tetapi terpaksa berpura-pura Muslim.[6]

Masa kekuasaannya berakhir setelah Ghazan berperang melawannya.[3] Baydu mencoba lari ke Georgia, tetapi ia malah ditawan di dekat Nakhichevan.[3][7] Ia lalu dibawa ke Tabriz dan dihukum mati pada 5 Oktober 1295.[3]


  1. ^ William Bayne Fisher, J. A. Boyle, John Andrew Boyle, Ilya Gershevitch, Richard Nelson Frye, Peter Avery, Peter Jackson, Laurence Lockhart, Charles Peter Melville, Gavin Hambly, The Cambridge History of Iran, Volume 5 (1968), hlm. 379
  2. ^ Volker Rybatzki, Genealogischer Stammbaum der Mongolen, Florilegia Altaistica: Studies in Honour of Denis Sinor on the Occasion of his 90th Birthday (2006), hlm. 177
  3. ^ a b c d Stevens, John. The history of Persia. Containing, the lives and memorable actions of its kings from the first erecting of that monarchy to this time; an exact Description of all its Dominions; a curious Account of India, China, Tartary, Kermon, Arabia, Nixabur, and the Islands of Ceylon and Timor; as also of all Cities occasionally mention'd, as Schiras, Samarkand, Bokara, &c. Manners and Customs of those People, Persian Worshippers of Fire; Plants, Beasts, Product, and Trade. With many instructive and pleasant digressions, being remarkable Stories or Passages, occasionally occurring, as Strange Burials; Burning of the Dead; Liquors of several Countries; Hunting; Fishing; Practice of Physick; famous Physicians in the East; Actions of Tamerlan, &c. To which is added, an abridgment of the lives of the kings of Harmuz, or Ormuz. The Persian history written in Arabick, by Mirkond, a famous Eastern Author that of Ormuz, by Torunxa, King of that Island, both of them translated into Spanish, by Antony Teixeira, who liv'd several Years in Persia and India; and now render'd into English.
  4. ^ Atwood, hlm. 525
  5. ^ Jackson, hlm. 176
  6. ^ Atwood, hlm. 253
  7. ^ Steppes, hlm. 377-378
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Mahmud Ghazan