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Pertempuran Ctesiphon (1915)

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Pertempuran Ctesiphon
Bagian dari Perang Dunia I

Peta pergerakan pasukan Britania tahun 1915.
Tanggal22 November 1915 – 25 November 1915
Hasil Secara taktis tidak jelas, kemenangan strategis Utsmaniyah
Pihak terlibat
 Britania Raya Kesultanan Utsmaniyah Kesultanan Utsmaniyah
Tokoh dan pemimpin
Britania Raya Charles Townshend Kesultanan Utsmaniyah Kolonel Nureddin
11.000 pasukan,
2 kapal perang
18.000 pasukan,
52 senapan
4.600 [1][2] 6.200 [2][3] hingga 9.500 [1]

Pertempuran Ctesiphon (bahasa Turki: Selman-ı Pak Muharebesi) adalah sebuah pertempuran yang berlangsung pada bulan November 1915 selama Perang Dunia I antara pasukan Imperium Britania melawan Kesultanan Utsmaniyah.

Sebelumnya, Pasukan Ekspedisi India D yang dipimpin oleh Jenderal Sir John Nixon telah memperoleh keberhasilan di Mesopotamia semenjak pendaratan di Al Faw. Salah satu alasan Britania menyerang Mesopotamia adalah untuk melindungi pengilangan minyak Abadan yang terletak di mulut Shatt al-Arab di Iran. Pasukan Britania menjalankan strategi bertahan sembari bergerak maju di bawah kepemimpinan Jenderal Townshend. Pada awalnya pasukan Britania dapat menghalau pasukan Utsmaniyah, tetapi kemudian terjadi pertempuran besar selama dua hari di Ctesiphon dan pasukan Utsmaniyah mampu menahan serangan Britania di tempat ini.

Catatan kaki

  1. ^ a b Griffiths William R., The Great War: The West Point Military History Series, Square One Publishers, Inc. p. 91 "The day's battle cost Townshend 4,600 casualties and Nur-ud-Din 9,500."
  2. ^ a b David F. Burg & L. Edward Purcell, Almanac of World War I, University Press of Kentucky, hlm. 90 "After two days of futile efforts to dislodge the Ottoman forces at Ctesiphon, Townshend concedes failure and orders a withdrawal to Lajj. His total casualties number nearly forty-six hundred; the Turks, nearly sixty-two hundred."
  3. ^ Erickson Edward J., Ordered to Die: a history of the Ottoman army in the first World War, Greenwood Press, hlm. 113-114 "He [Townshend] thereupon made the fateful decision to withdraw his force back downstream to Kut al Amara. The final Ottoman casualty figures were put at 6,188 killed and wounded, earlier estimates having been found to be exaggerated."

Daftar pustaka

  • The Battle of Ctesiphon – Downloaded from The Long, Long Trail: The Story of the British Army in the Great War of 1914–1918. Retrieved August 16, 2005.
  • Bruce, A. (n.d.). 22–25 November 1915 – The Battle of Ctesiphon. [Electronic Version] An Illustrated Companion to the First World War.
  • The Battle of Ctesiphon, 1915 – from The First World War. Retrieved August 16, 2005.
  • Millar, Ronald W. (1970). Death of an Army: The Siege of Kut, 1915– 1916. London: Houghton Mifflin.
  • The Battle of Kut – first hand account of an earlier battle published in an English illustrated magazine in 1916.
  • Erickson, Edward J. Ottoman Army Effectiveness in World War I: a comparative study. New York: Routledge, 2007.
  • Erickson, Edward J. Ordered to Die: A history of the Ottoman Army in the First World War Westport, CT, USA: Greenwood Press 2001.
  • Woodward, David R. "Field Marshal Sir William Robertson", Westport Connecticut & London: Praeger, 1998, ISBN 0-275-95422-6