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Pogrom Jedwabne

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Pogrom Jedwabne
Bagian dari Perang Dunia II dan Holokaus
Tugu peringatan di Jedwabne, Kabupaten Łomża, Polandia
LokasiJedwabne, Pendudukan Polandia oleh Jerman
Koordinat53°17′20″N 22°18′34″E / 53.288792°N 22.309542°E / 53.288792; 22.309542
Tanggal10 Juli 1941 (1941-07-10)
Jenis serangan
Korban tewas
Sekitar 340 Yahudi Polandia[1]
PelakuSekitar 40 etnis Polandia[1]
MotifAntisemitisme, perampokan, retribusi kolektif, kolaborasi[2]
PengadilanPengadilan 1949–1950, Republik Rakyat Polandia

Pogrom Jedwabne adalah sebuah pembantaian Yahudi Polandia di kota Jedwabne, pendudukan Polandia oleh Jerman pada 10 Juli 1941, dalam Perang Dunia II dan tahap-tahap awal Holocaust.[3] Sekitar 340 pria, wanita dan anak-anak dibunuh, sekitar 300 orang diantaranya dikunci di sebuah gudang yang disulut api. Sekitar 40 orang Polandia non-Yahudi melakukan pembantaian tersebut;[a]



  1. ^ Radosław J. Ignatiew (Public Prosecutor, Białystok, 9 July 2002): "A group of Jewish men ... were forced to break up the Lenin monument [that had been erected by the Soviets] ... The group may have comprised 40 to 50 men ... The manner in which the victims from that group were killed is unknown ... Another, larger group of Jewish people ... included several hundred persons, probably about 300, as confirmed by the number of victims in both graves ... That group comprised victims of both sexes, of different ages, including children and infants. The people were led into a wooden thatched barn ... After the building had been closed, it was set on fire ... The crime's perpetrators sensu stricto were Polish inhabitants of Jedwabne and men from nearby places—at least some forty men."[1]


  1. ^ a b c Ignatiew 2002.
  2. ^ "All these acts had four elements in common: antisemitism prevalent in a significant part of the Polish population; looting Jewish property as one of the main motives for aggression; seeking retribution for real or imaginary Jewish cooperation with the Soviet occupant; German incitement – varying in different places, from direct organisation of pogroms to giving encouragement or condoning the behavior." "Pogrom in Jedwabne: Course of Events". POLIN, Museum of the History of Polish Jews. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 29 September 2019. Diakses tanggal 12 March 2018. 
  3. ^ Gross 2001, hlm. 14–20; Stola 2003; Persak 2011.

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Bacaan tambahan

  • Darewicz, Krzysztof (10 March 2001). "We Trusted Each Other: Jedwabne Rabbi Jacob Baker". Trans. Peter K. Gessner. Rzeczpospolita.
  • Gross, Jan T. (2000). Sąsiedzi: Historia zagłady żydowskiego miasteczka (dalam bahasa Polski). Sejny: Pogranicze. ISBN 978-83-86872-13-8. 
  • Gross, Jan T. (2003). Wokół Sąsiadów. Polemiki i wyjaśnienia (dalam bahasa Polski). Sejny: Pogranicze. ISBN 978-83-86872-48-0. 
  • Gross, Jan T. (Autumn 2002). "A Response". Slavic Review. 61 (3): 483–489. doi:10.2307/3090298. JSTOR 3090298. 
  • Grünberg, Slawomir (2005). The Legacy of Jedwabne. Spencer, New York: LogTV (documentary).
  • Materski, Wojciech; Szarota, Tomasz (2009). Polska 1939–1945. Straty osobowe i ofiary represji pod dwiema okupacjami [Poland 1939–1945: Casualties and the Victims of Repressions under the Nazi and the Soviet Occupations] (dalam bahasa Polski). Institute of National Remembrance. ISBN 978-83-7629-067-6. 

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