Mitos penciptaan Tionghoa

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Mitos penciptaan Tionghoa adalah penjelasan simbolik soal cikal bakal alam semesta, bumi dan kehidupan. Dalam mitologi Tionghoa, istilah "[[mitos kosmogonik" atau "mitos asal usul" lebih akurat keitmbang "mitos penciptaan", karena sangat sedikit cerita yang melibatkan deitas pencipta atau kehendak ilahi. Mitos penciptaan Tionghoa secara mutlak berbeda dari tradisi-tradisi monoteistik dengan satu versi terotoritasi, seperti mitos penciptaan Kitab Kejadian Yudeo-Kristen: karya klasik Tionghoa memuat mitos-mitos asal usul yang beragam dan berseberangan.


  • Birrell, Anne (1993), Chinese Mythology: An Introduction, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press .
  • Bodde, Derk (1961), "Myths of Ancient China", Mythologies of the Ancient World, Anchor, hlm. 367–408 .
  • Cullen, Christopher (2008), "Cosmogony: Overview", The Encyclopedia of Taoism, Routledge, hlm. 47–8 .
  • Forke, Alfred (1925), The World-Conception of the Chinese: Their Astronomical, Cosmological and Physico-philosophical Speculations, Probsthain .
  • Girardot, Norman J. (1976), "The Problem of Creation Mythology in the Study of Chinese Religion", History of Religions, No. 15.4, hlm. 289–318 .
  • Granet, Marcel (1934), La Pensée Chinoise . (Prancis)
  • Hawkes, David, ed. (1985), The Songs of the South: An Anthology of Ancient Chinese Poems by Qu Yuan and Other Poets, Penguin .
  • Jan Yün-hua (1977), "The Silk Manuscripts on Taoism", T'oung Pao, Vol. 63 (No. 1), hlm. 65–84 .
  • Lincoln, Bruce (1986), Myth, Cosmos, and Society: Indo-European Themes of Creation and Destruction, Cambridge: Harvard University Press .
  • Mair, Victor H., ed. (1990), Tao Te Ching: The Classic Book of Integrity and the Way, Bantam Books .
  • Major, John S. (1978), "Myth, Cosmogony, and the Origins of Chinese Science", Journal of Chinese Philosophy (No. 5), hlm. 1–20 .
  • Major, John S.; et al., ed. (2010), The Huainanzi: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Government in Early Han China, New York: Columbia University Press .
  • Medhurst, Walter Henry (1838), China: Its State and Prospects, with Especial Reference to the Spread of the Gospel, Crocker & Brewster .
  • Mote, Fredrick F. (1971), Intellectual Foundation of China, Alfred A. Knopf .
  • Werner, E.T.C. (1922), "Cosmogony—P'an Ku and the Creation Myth", Myths and Legends of China, Harrap, hlm. 76–92 .

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