Saya, pemegang hak cipta karya ini, merilis karya ini ke domain umum. Lisensi ini berlaku di seluruh dunia. Di sejumlah negara, tindakan ini tidak memungkinkan secara sah; bila seperti itu: Saya memberikan siapa pun hak untuk menggunakan karya ini untuk tujuan apa pun, tanpa persyaratan apa pun, kecuali yang ditetapkan oleh hukum.
Reproduction of works permanently found in public spaces, i. e. streets, squares, parks, rest areas and other open areas that are accessible to the public, is allowed without the authorization and compensation from and towards the author or copyright holder.
The works referred to in paragraph 1 of this article cannot be reproduced in three-dimensional form.
With regard to the reproduction of architectural structures, paragraph 1 of this article applies only to the external appearance of the architectural structure.
In the cases provided for in paragraph 1 of this article, the source and authorship of such copies shall be indicated, where applicable.
{{Information |Description={{en|1=Downtown Fier (Albania) – city park and mosque}} {{de|1=Stadtzentrum von Fier (Albanien) – Stadtpark und Moschee}} |Source=Eigenes Werk (own work) |Author=Albinfo |Date=September 2009 |Permission= |ot