Colhuacan (altepetl)

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(Dialihkan dari Culhuacan (altepetl))

Culhuacan (Nahuatl Klasik: Cōlhuàcān [koːlˈwaʔkaːn]) adalah salah satu negara-kota berbahasa Nahuatl yang terletak di Lembah Meksiko pada zaman pra-Kolumbus. Menurut tradisi, Colhuacan didirikan oleh orang-orang Toltek di bawah kepemimpinan Mixcoatl dan merupakan kota Toltek yang pertama.[1] Para penutur bahasa Nahuatl sepakat bahwa Colhuacan adalah kota pertama yang menyebut penguasa mereka dengan gelar "pembicara" (tlatoani).

Sejarah[sunting | sunting sumber]

Colhuacan mungkin merupakan kota chinampa pertama yang didirikan di pesisir Danau Xochimilco, dan chinampanya dapat ditilik kembali ke tahun 1100 M.[2][3]

Tlahtohqueh Cōlhuahcān (penguasa Colhuacan)[sunting | sunting sumber]

  • Huehue Topiltzin Nauhyotzin 717-763
  • Nonohualcatl I 763-845
  • Yohuallatonac 845-904
  • Quetzalacxoyatzin 904-953
  • Chalchiuhtlatonac 953-985
  • Totepeuh 985-1026
  • Nauhyotzin II 1026-1072
  • Cuauhtexpetlatzin 1072-1129
  • Nonohualcatl II 1130-1150
  • Achitomecatl 1151-1171
  • Cuauhtlatonac 1172-1185

(Dinasti Chichimeca)

  • Mallatzin 1186-1200
  • Cuauhtlahtolloc (caudillaje) 1200-1235
  • Chalchiuhtlatonac II 1235-1245
  • Cuauhtlix 1245-1252
  • Yohuallatonac Telpochtli 1252-1259
  • Tziuhtecatl 1260-1269
  • Xihuitltemoc 1269-1281
  • Coxcoxtli 1281-1307
  • Cuauhtlahtolloc (caudillaje) 1307-1323
  • Huehue Acamapichtli 1323-1336
  • Achitomecatl Teomecatl II 1336-1347
  • Nauhyotl Teuctli Tlamacazqui (Nauhyotzin III) 1347-1413
  • Xilomantzin 1413-1473
  • Tlatolcatzin 1473-1482
  • Tezozomoctli 1482-1521

Catatan kaki[sunting | sunting sumber]

  1. ^ Pohl 1991
  2. ^ Richard Blanton, "Prehispanic Settlement Patterns of the Ixtapalapa Peninsula Region, Mexico." PhD dissertation, University of Michigan, 1970.
  3. ^ Richard Blanton, "Prehispanic Adaptation in the Ixtapalapa Region, Mexico" Science 1972; 175(4028):1317-26

Daftar pustaka[sunting | sunting sumber]

  • Brenner, Anita. The Influence of Technique on the Decorative Style in the Domestic Pottery of Culhuacan, Mexico. Publicación de la Escuela Internacional de Arqueología y Etnología Americana 1931.
  • Cline, S.L. "Land Tenure and Land Inheritance in late Sixteenth-Century Culhuacan," in Explorations in Ethnohistory, H.R. Harvey and Hanns J. Prem, eds. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press 1984.
  • Cline, S.L. "A Legal Process at the Local Level: Estate Division in Sixteenth-Century Mexico," in Five Centuries of Law and Politics in Central Mexico, Ronald Spores and Ross Hassig, editors. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Publications in Anthropology 1984, 30:39-53.
  • Cline, S.L. Colonial Culhuacan, 1580-1600: A Social History of an Aztec Town. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press 1986.
  • Cline, S.L. and Miguel Léon-Portilla. The Testaments of Culhuacan. UCLA Latin American Center Publications. Nahuatl Studies Series, no. 1. 1984.
  • Gallegos, Gonzalo. "Relación Geográfica de Culhuacan," Revista Mexicana de Estudios Históricos 1(6)1927: 171-73.
  • Gorbea Trueba, José. "Primer libro de bautismos del ex-convento de Culhuacán, D.F." Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Boletín 6:3. n.d.
  • Léon-Portilla, Miguel. "El libro de testamentos indígenas de Culhuacán," Estudios de Cultura Náhuatl, 1976, 12:11-31.
  • Prem, Hanns J. "Los reyes de Tollan y Colhuacan" Estudios de cultura náhuatl volume 30, (1999) pp.23–70
  • Séjourné, Laurette. Culhuacan. Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 1970.

Referensi[sunting | sunting sumber]

Cronica Mexicayotl (1609).
Pohl, John M. D. 1991. Aztec, Mixtec and Zapotec Armies. Osprey.
Prem, Hanns J. (1999). "Los reyes de Tollan y Colhuacan" (PDF online reproduction). Estudios de cultura náhuatl (dalam bahasa Spanyol). México, D.F.: Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas, UNAM. 30: 23–70. ISSN 0071-1675. OCLC 1568281. 
Smith, Michael E. (1984). "The Aztlan Migrations of Nahuatl Chronicles: Myth or History?" (PDF online facsimile). Ethnohistory. Columbus, OH: American Society for Ethnohistory. 31 (3): 153–186. doi:10.2307/482619. JSTOR 482619. OCLC 145142543. 
Wimmer, Alexis (2006). "Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique" (online version, incorporating reproductions from Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl ou mexicaine [1885], by Rémi Siméon) (dalam bahasa Prancis).  (nah)