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k →‎Film berpenghasilan tertinggi: Inside Out 2 sekarang lebih laris dari Spider-Man
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Alex Neman (bicara | kontrib)
Tag: halaman dengan galat kutipan
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Meski ada penyesuaian inflasi agak menyulitkan, sejumlah pihak berusaha melakukannya. Perkiraan bergantung kepada [[indeks harga]] yang dipakai untuk menyesuaikan penghasilan kotor,<ref name="Leonhardt" /> lalu [[nilai tukar]] yang dipakai untuk menukarkan mata uang juga dapat memengaruhi penghitungan, keduanya dapat memengaruhi peringkat akhir dalam daftar yang sesuai inflasi. ''Gone with the Wind''—pertama dirilis tahun 1939—diakui secara luas sebagai film tersukses sepanjang masa. Pada tahun 2014, ''[[Guinness World Records]]'' memeprkirakan penghasilan kotor globalnya sesuai inflasi mencapai $3,4&nbsp;miliar. Perkiraan penghasilan kotor sesuai inflasi ''Gone with the Wind'' sangat bervariasi; pemiliknya, [[Turner Entertainment]], memperkirakan penghasilan sesuai inflasinya $3,3&nbsp;miliar pada 2007, beberapa tahun sebelum ''Guinness'';<ref name="gwtw tcm" /> perkiraan lainnya mencantumkan antara dua angka tersebut, ada yang mencantumkan kurang dari $3&nbsp;miliar tahun 2010,<ref name="Shone">{{Cite news |first=Tom |last=Shone |authorlink=Tom Shone |title=Oscars 2010: How James Cameron took on the world |website=[[The Daily Telegraph]] |date=February 3, 2010 |url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/oscars/7144424/Oscars-2010-How-James-Cameron-took-on-the-world.html |accessdate=March 22, 2012}}</ref> dan ada yang mencantumkan $3,8&nbsp;miliar tahun 2006.<ref>{{Cite news |last=Hill |first=George F. |title=Gone With The Wind, Indeed |date=June 25, 2006 |website=[[The Washington Post]] |url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/23/AR2006062301502.html |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20181227233419/https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/23/AR2006062301502.html |archivedate=December 27, 2018}}</ref> Film pesaing ''Gone with the Wind'' bergantung kepada angka yang digunakan: ''Guinness'' meletakkan ''Avatar'' di peringkat kedua dengan penghasilan $3&nbsp;miliar, sedangkan perkiraan lain meletakkan ''Titanic'' di peringkat kedua dengan penghasilan penayangan perdana global hampir $2,9&nbsp;miliar menurut harga tahun 2010.<ref name="Shone" />
Meski ada penyesuaian inflasi agak menyulitkan, sejumlah pihak berusaha melakukannya. Perkiraan bergantung kepada [[indeks harga]] yang dipakai untuk menyesuaikan penghasilan kotor,<ref name="Leonhardt" /> lalu [[nilai tukar]] yang dipakai untuk menukarkan mata uang juga dapat memengaruhi penghitungan, keduanya dapat memengaruhi peringkat akhir dalam daftar yang sesuai inflasi. ''Gone with the Wind''—pertama dirilis tahun 1939—diakui secara luas sebagai film tersukses sepanjang masa. Pada tahun 2014, ''[[Guinness World Records]]'' memeprkirakan penghasilan kotor globalnya sesuai inflasi mencapai $3,4&nbsp;miliar. Perkiraan penghasilan kotor sesuai inflasi ''Gone with the Wind'' sangat bervariasi; pemiliknya, [[Turner Entertainment]], memperkirakan penghasilan sesuai inflasinya $3,3&nbsp;miliar pada 2007, beberapa tahun sebelum ''Guinness'';<ref name="gwtw tcm" /> perkiraan lainnya mencantumkan antara dua angka tersebut, ada yang mencantumkan kurang dari $3&nbsp;miliar tahun 2010,<ref name="Shone">{{Cite news |first=Tom |last=Shone |authorlink=Tom Shone |title=Oscars 2010: How James Cameron took on the world |website=[[The Daily Telegraph]] |date=February 3, 2010 |url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/oscars/7144424/Oscars-2010-How-James-Cameron-took-on-the-world.html |accessdate=March 22, 2012}}</ref> dan ada yang mencantumkan $3,8&nbsp;miliar tahun 2006.<ref>{{Cite news |last=Hill |first=George F. |title=Gone With The Wind, Indeed |date=June 25, 2006 |website=[[The Washington Post]] |url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/23/AR2006062301502.html |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20181227233419/https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/23/AR2006062301502.html |archivedate=December 27, 2018}}</ref> Film pesaing ''Gone with the Wind'' bergantung kepada angka yang digunakan: ''Guinness'' meletakkan ''Avatar'' di peringkat kedua dengan penghasilan $3&nbsp;miliar, sedangkan perkiraan lain meletakkan ''Titanic'' di peringkat kedua dengan penghasilan penayangan perdana global hampir $2,9&nbsp;miliar menurut harga tahun 2010.<ref name="Shone" />

:{{legend|#b6fcb6|''film masih diputar di bioskop di seluruh dunia satu pekan sejak {{Days before now|{{#switch: {{CURRENTDAYNAME}} |Saturday=1 |Sunday=2 |Monday=3 |Tuesday=4 |Wednesday=5 |Thursday=6 |0}}}}''.|text={{†|alt=film masih diputar}}}}<!--Please do not remove this, or else the highlighting in the table becomes unintelligible. The date is set to update every Friday according to UTC time.-->

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Revisi per 6 Juli 2024 17.18

Cuplikan judul dari trailer Gone with the Wind.
Gone with the Wind memegang rekor film berpenghasilan tertinggi selama 25 tahun. Apabila angkanya disesuaikan dengan inflasi, film ini juga merupakan film berpenghasilan tertinggi sepanjang masa.

Film meraup penghasilan dari berbagai media, antara lain bioskop, video rumahan (kaset), hak penyiaran televisi, dan pernak-pernik. Namun, penghasilan box office bioskop merupakan acuan utama industri dalam menilai kesuksesan sebuah film. Alasannya, data bioskop lebih mudah diakses daripada data penjualan kaset dan hak siar. Selain itu, industri perfilman sudah biasa memakai data bioskop. Artikel ini berisi daftar film peraih box office tertinggi (berdasarkan nilai riil versus nominal penghasilannya), daftar film berpenghasilan tertinggi berdasarkan tahun kalender, urutan peralihan rekor film berpenghasilan tertinggi, dan daftar seri film berpenghasilan tertinggi. Semua daftar diurutkan berdasarkan penghasilan box office bioskop internasional (apabila ada datanya) tanpa menghitung hasil penjualan kaset, hak siar, dan pernak-pernik.

Dulu, film perang, musikal, dan drama sejarah merupakan genre yang paling populer, tetapi film berseri menjadi salah satu film terpopuler pada abad ke-21. Penonton sangat tertarik dengan genre pahlawan super. Delapan film Marvel Cinematic Universe masuk daftar nominal ini. Film pahlawan super tersukses, Avengers: Endgame, juga merupakan film berpenghasilan tertinggi kedua dalam daftar nominal. Empat film yang diangkat dari komik Avengers masuk sepuluh besar. Film adaptasi Marvel Comics lainnya juga lumayan sukses, termasuk seri Spider-Man dan X-Men, sedangkan film-film yang diangkat dari komik Aquaman, Batman, dan Superman karya DC Comics cukup bagus performanya. Masing-masing empat film Star Wars dan seri Middle-earth karya Peter Jackson juga masuk daftar nominal, sedangkan seri Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, dan Pirates of the Caribbean mendominasi daftar ini. Avatar, peringkat pertama di daftar nominal, merupakan film berpenghasilan tertinggi yang bukan karya adaptasi ataupun sekuel. Film animasi keluarga selalu stabil penghasilannya; film-film Disney sering ditayangkan ulang di bioskop sebelum teknologi video rumahan muncul. Disney juga sukses besar berkat film Frozen, Frozen II, Zootopia, dan The Lion King (dengan pembuatan ulang animasi komputernya sebagai film animasi berpenghasilan tertinggi), serta film-film di bawah merek Pixar, antara lain Incredibles 2, Inside Out 2, dan Toy Story 3 dan 4. Seri Despicable Me, Shrek, dan Ice Age menjadi seri non-Disney dengan performa terbaik.

Meski prestasi sebagian besar film tahun 1960-an dan 1970-an terkikis oleh inflasi, masih ada seri film zaman itu yang dilanjutkan sampai sekarang. Selain seri Star Wars dan Superman, film-film James Bond dan Star Trek masih dirilis secara rutin; keempat judul tersebut merupakan seri-seri film berpenghasilan tertinggi. Beberapa film lama yang memegang rekor film berpenghasilan tertinggi masih mempertahankan rekornya menurut standar masa kini, tetapi secara nominal dikalahkan oleh film-film top masa kini yang mendulang hasil dari naiknya harga tiket penonton. Apabila disesuaikan dengan inflasi, secara komparatif, Gone with the Wind—pemegang rekor film berpenghasilan tertinggi selama 25 tahun—masih merupakan film berpenghasilan tertinggi sepanjang masa. Semua penghasilan di daftar ini memakai kurs dolar Amerika Serikat dalam nilai nominal, kecuali penghasilan yang diberi keterangan tambahan.

Film berpenghasilan tertinggi

Foto dua orang paruh baya berambut hitam.
Film berpenghasilan tertinggi, Avengers: Endgame disutradarai oleh Anthony dan Joe Russo.

Dengan penghasilan box office global lebih dari $2,9 miliar, Avatar menjadi film "berpenghasilan tertinggi", tetapi klaim ini biasanya hanya mengacu kepada penghasilan dari bioskop tanpa menghitung hasil penjualan kaset dan hak siar televisi (porsinya cukup besar dalam total penghasilan film). Apabila hasil penjualan kaset juga dihitung, film mana yang paling sukses tidak bisa langsung ditentukan. Titanic meraup $1,2 miliar dari penjualan dan penyewaan video dan DVD,[1] ditambah $2,2 miliar dari hasil penjualan tiket. Meski total hasil penjualan Avatar belum diketahui, film ini mendapatkan $345 juta lewat penjualan 16 juta keping DVD dan Blu-ray di Amerika Utara[2] dengan total penjualan 30 juta keping DVD dan Blu-ray di seluruh dunia.[3] Apabila hasil penjualan kaset dihitung, dua film ini masing-masing meraup lebih dari $3 miliar. Hak penyiaran televisi juga berkontribusi besar terhadap penghasilan film. Penjualan hak siar televisi ditambah hasil sewa film (pay-per-view) biasanya setara dengan 20–25% penghasilan box office;[4] Titanic mendapatkan $55 juta dari hak siar NBC dan HBO,[1] setara dengan 9% penghasilan kotornya di Amerika Utara.

Apabila sebuah film sangat mudah dieksploitasi sebagai barang komersial, penghasilan tambahannya bisa mengalahkan hasil penjualan langsung.[5] The Lion King menghasilkan lebih dari $2 miliar lewat pemutaran bioskop dan penjualan kaset,[6] tetapi dikalahkan oleh $6 miliar yang dihasilkan lewat pemutaran adaptasi musikalnya di bioskop-bioskop di seluruh dunia.[7] Pernak-pernik juga sangat menguntungkan: The Lion King mendapatkan $3 miliar lewat penjualan pernak-pernik,[8] sedangkan Cars—$462 juta lewat pemutaran bioskop dan dianggap biasa saja bila dibandingkan dengan film Pixar lainnya[9]—meraup lebih dari $8 miliar lewat penjualan pernak-pernik di seluruh dunia lima tahun setelah dirilis tahun 2006.[10][11] Pixar mencetak rekor lagi melalui Toy Story 3, film yang menghasilkan hampir $10 miliar lewat penjualan pernak-pernik ditambah $1 miliar dari pemutaran bioskop.[12]

Di daftar ini, film diurutkan berdasarkan penghasilan dari pemutaran bioskop dalam nilai nominal dan peringkat tertinggi yang dicapai. Secara keseluruhan, 39 film meraup lebih dari $1 miliar di seluruh dunia, lima di antaranya meraup lebih dari $2 miliar, dipuncaki oleh Avengers: Endgame. Semua film ditayangkan (dan ditayangkan ulang) di bioskop pada abad ke-21. Film-film yang tidak diputar pada abad tersebut tidak masuk daftar karena terkena inflasi harga tiket. Jumlah penduduk dan tren membeli tiket tidak dipertimbangkan.

  † Latar berwarna berarti film masih diputar satu pekan sejak 8 Oktober 2024 di bioskop di seluruh dunia.

FBox Office Mojo tidak lagi memperbarui total penghasilan utama Frozen pada bulan Agustus 2014, padahal masih diputar. Total yang dicantumkan di sini mencakup penghasilan di Jepang, Nigeria, Spanyol, Britania Raya, dan Jerman hingga akhir 2015, tetapi tidak mencakup penghasilan di Turki, Islandia, Brasil, dan Australia (2016) yang mencapai sekian ratus ribu dolar. Film ini ditayangkan ulang di Britania Raya pada Desember 2017; Olaf's Frozen Adventure meraup $2,3 juta lagi di negara itu. Totalnya dibulatkan menjadi $1 juga karena memperhitungkan ketidakakuratan angka.
F8Penghasilan kotor The Fate of the Furious diambil dari BoxOffice alih-alih sumber utama daftar ini, Box Office Mojo, karena ada anomali dalam jumlah Box Office Mojo. Penurunan total hasil mingguan di beberapa negara—paling parah di Argentina—memicu penurunan total global.[14] Karena ada dugaan anomali di sumber, daftar ini juga menyertakan angka alternatif.
TS3Box Office Mojo merevisi penghasilan kotor film-film Pixar pada Agustus 2016. Karena itu, penghasilan kotor Toy Story 3 dikoreksi dari $1,063 miliar menjadi $1,067 miliar.[15][16] Artinya, film ini menempati posisi #4 pada akhir masa rilisnya, bukan #5, sesuai yang tercantum dalam sumber.
PSAngka Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone adalah penghasilan box office dini yang pada tahun 2001 merupakan angka tertinggi kedua setelah Titanic. Angka Jurassic Park lebih tinggi daripada angka Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone karena ditambah hasil penayangan ulang 3-D tahun 2013.
DM2Disney merilis perbaikan penghasilan kotor The Lion King dari $987,5 juta menjadi $968,5 juta.[17] Artinya, Despicable Me 2 naik satu tingkat pada akhir masa rilisnya.

Film berpenghasilan tertinggi sesuai inflasi

Peta dunia dengan berbagai kawasan berwarna menurut tingkat inflasinya
Tingkat inflasi di seluruh dunia bervariasi sehingga mempersulit penyesuaian inflasi.

Karena dampak inflasi berjangka panjang, terutama kenaikan pesat harga tiket bioskop, daftar yang tidak disesuaikan dengan inflasi lebih memihak kepada film-film baru.[18] Daftar yang belum disesuaikan, sering dijumpai di media massa, tidak berguna apabila ingin membandingkan film-film yang rentang tahunnya jauh. Karena itu, banyak film-film lama yang tidak muncul lagi di daftar modern yang belum disesuaikan, padahal pendapatan komersialnya lebih tinggi apabila disesuaikan dengan kenaikan harga tiket.[19] Untuk menutup penurunan nilai mata uang (devaluasi), beberapa tabel menyesuaikan datanya dengan inflasi. Namun, penyesuaian inflasi pun tidak sepenuhnya mengatasi masalah ini karena harga tiket dan inflasi tidak selalu sejalan. Contohnya, pada tahun 1970, harga tiket adalah $1,55, sekitar $6,68 menurut nilai dolar 2004 sesuai inflasi; pada tahun 1980, harganya naik menjadi $2,69, turun menjadi $5,50 menurut nilai dolar 2004 sesuai inflasi.[20] Harga tiket juga naik mengikuti variasi inflasi di berbagai negara sehingga mempersulit penyesuaian penghasilan kotor global.[18]

Hambatan lain adalah perilisan film dalam berbagai format dengan harga tiket yang berbeda. Contohnya, Avatar dirilis dalam format 3D dan IMAX: hampir dua per tiga tiket film ini berasal dari penayangan 3D dengan harga rata-rata $10, sedangkan seperenam lainnya berasal dari penayangan IMAX dengan harga rata-rata di atas $14.50, berbeda dengan harga rata-rata $7,61 untuk penayangan 2D tahun 2010.[21] Faktor sosial dan ekonomi seperti perubahan jumlah penduduk[22] dan pertumbuhan pasar internasional[23][24][25] turut memengaruhi jumlah orang yang membeli tiket bioskop, demografi penonton (beberapa film menjual lebih banyak tiket diskon untuk anak-anak), atau kelarisan/popularitas film di kota-kota besar yang harga tiketnya lebih mahal.[19]

Sistem pengukuran keberhasilan sebuah film didasarkan pada penghasilan kotor tanpa penyesuaian. Alasannya, sistemnya memang seperti ini dari dulu mengikuti praktik industri perfilman: hasil penjualan tiket dihitung per bioskop dan diteruskan ke distributor, kemudian distributor merilis totalnya ke media massa.[26] Beralih ke sistem yang lebih adil yang menghitung penjualan tiket alih-alih hitungan kotor belum tentu cocok karena satu-satunya data yang tersedia untuk film lama adalah total penjualan tiket.[22] Karena industri perfilman semakin mengutamakan pemasaran film-film yang baru dirilis, angka tanpa penyesuaian selalu dipakai di iklan-iklan supaya film blockbuster baru bisa meningkatkan penjualannya secara pesat dan merebut gelar "film top sepanjang masa".[20][27] Karena itu, sedikit sekali alasan untuk beralih ke sistem yang lebih ajeg dari sudut pandang pemasaran maupun pemberitaan.[26]

Meski ada penyesuaian inflasi agak menyulitkan, sejumlah pihak berusaha melakukannya. Perkiraan bergantung kepada indeks harga yang dipakai untuk menyesuaikan penghasilan kotor,[27] lalu nilai tukar yang dipakai untuk menukarkan mata uang juga dapat memengaruhi penghitungan, keduanya dapat memengaruhi peringkat akhir dalam daftar yang sesuai inflasi. Gone with the Wind—pertama dirilis tahun 1939—diakui secara luas sebagai film tersukses sepanjang masa. Pada tahun 2014, Guinness World Records memeprkirakan penghasilan kotor globalnya sesuai inflasi mencapai $3,4 miliar. Perkiraan penghasilan kotor sesuai inflasi Gone with the Wind sangat bervariasi; pemiliknya, Turner Entertainment, memperkirakan penghasilan sesuai inflasinya $3,3 miliar pada 2007, beberapa tahun sebelum Guinness;[28] perkiraan lainnya mencantumkan antara dua angka tersebut, ada yang mencantumkan kurang dari $3 miliar tahun 2010,[29] dan ada yang mencantumkan $3,8 miliar tahun 2006.[30] Film pesaing Gone with the Wind bergantung kepada angka yang digunakan: Guinness meletakkan Avatar di peringkat kedua dengan penghasilan $3 miliar, sedangkan perkiraan lain meletakkan Titanic di peringkat kedua dengan penghasilan penayangan perdana global hampir $2,9 miliar menurut harga tahun 2010.[29]

Film berpenghasilan tertinggi hingga 2022 sesuai inflasi[31][Inf]
Rank Title
Worldwide gross
(2023 $)
1 Gone with the Wind GW$4.341.000.000 1939
2 Avatar A1$3.957.000.000 2009
3 Titanic $2,516,000,000T$3.677.000.000 1997
4 Star Wars $3.563.000.000 1977
5 Avengers: Endgame AE$ 2019
6 The Sound of Music $2.984.000.000 1965
7 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial ET$2.917.000.000 1982
8 The Ten Commandments $2.758.000.000 1956
9 Doctor Zhivago $2.615.000.000 1965
10 Star Wars: The Force Awakens TFA$2.577.000.000 2015

InfPenyesuaian inflasi menggunakan indeks harga konsumen negara-negara maju versi Dana Moneter Internasional.[32] Indeks ini digunakan secara seragam ke semua penghasilan kotor di daftar Guinness World Records tahun 2014, dimulai dengan indeks 2014. Angka di tabel di atas mempertimbangkan inflasi tahun 2014 dan seterusnya.

TTotal penghasilan sesuai inflasi Titanic menurut Guinness naik $102.000.000 antara edisi 2012 (terbit tahun 2011) dan edisi 2015, kenaikan sebesar 4,2% diterapkan ke total penghasilan sesuai inflasi lainnya di tabel di atas dan tidak menghitung penghasilan kotor dari penayangan ulang 3D tahun 2012.[31][33] Tabel ini menyertakan penghasilan kotor sebesar $343.550.770 dari penayangan ulang dan menyesuaikan inflasinya dari indeks tahun 2014.[34] Penghasilan Titanic bertambah $691.642 setelah penayangan ulang terbatas dalam rangka ulang tahun ke-20 tahun 2017, tetapi angkanya tidak dihitung dalam total penghasilan sesuai inflasi.[35]

AEKarena Avengers: Endgame dirilis tahun 2019, penghasilan kotornya tidak mengalami penyesuaian inflasi.

Film berpenghasilan tertinggi menurut tahun

Glosarium: Sewa distributor

Angka box office dilaporkan dalam bentuk penghasilan kotor atau sewa distributor (distributor rentals). Sewa distributor lumrah di film-film lama. Orang sering salah mengira sewa sebagai penghasilan kaset. Sewa adalah porsi distributor dari total penghasilan film di bioskop. Singkatnya, penghasilan kotor box office dikurangi porsi bioskop.[36][37] Harga sewa dari dulu berkisar 30–40% apabila distributornya memiliki jaringan bioskop, kurang lebih sepertiga penghasilan kotor yang dibayarkan ke distributor film.[38] Di pasar modern, harga sewa bisa bervariasi jauh—ada beberapa faktor—tetapi harga sewa film-film dari studio besar rata-rata 43%.[36]

Selera penonton cukup beragam pada abad ke-20, tetapi ada beberapa tren yang berkembang. Pada masa film bisu, film-film bertema perang sangat digemari penonton. The Birth of a Nation (Perang Saudara Amerika Serikat), The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The Big Parade, dan Wings (tiga-tiganya Perang Dunia I) menjadi film tersukses pada masing-masing tahun rilisnya. Tren film perang ini ditutup oleh All Quiet on the Western Front tahun 1930. Seiring munculnya film bersuara tahun 1927, musikal—genre yang cocok untuk memamerkan teknologi baru ini—menjadi jenis film yang paling populer. 1928 dan 1929 dikuasai oleh film musikal. Genre ini terus bertahan pada 1930-an, tetapi Perang Dunia II kembali memopulerkan film-film bertema perang, dimulai oleh Gone with the Wind (Perang Saudara AS) tahun 1939 dan ditutup oleh The Best Years of Our Lives (Perang Dunia II) tahun 1946. Samson and Delilah (1949) merintis tren drama sejarah Romawi Kuno/Kristen pada 1950-an ketika bioskop dan televisi berlomba-lomba menarik perhatian penonton.[39] Quo Vadis, The Robe, The Ten Commandments, Ben-Hur, dan Spartacus menjadi film berpenghasilan tertinggi pada masanya saat penayangan perdana. Genre ini perlahan ditinggalkan setelah sejumlah film besar merugi.[40] Kesuksesan White Christmas dan South Pacific tahun 1950-an menjadi awal kebangkitan musikal pada tahun 1960-an. West Side Story, Mary Poppins, My Fair Lady, The Sound of Music, dan Funny Girl menjadi film tersukses dalam dekade itu. Tahun 1970-an, selera penonton beralih ke film-film konsep tinggi. Enam film besutan George Lucas atau Steven Spielberg menjadi film tersukses sepanjang 1980-an. Pada abad ke-21, industri perfilman semakin bergantung kepada seri dan adaptasi. Film-film box office didominasi oleh film yang diangkat dari kekayaan intelektual yang sudah terbit lebih dulu.[41]

Foto laki-laki paruh baya berkacamata.
Film-film yang disutradarai Steven Spielberg sudah enam kali menyandang gelar "film berpenghasilan tertinggi tahun ini" dan tiga kali memegang gelar "film berpenghasilan tertinggi sepanjang masa".

Steven Spielberg adalah sutradara yang paling banyak terwakili di tabel ini (6 film) dan menempati peringkat pertama tahun 1975, 1981, 1982, 1984, 1989, dan 1993. Cecil B. DeMille (1932, 1947, 1949, 1952, dan 1956) dan William Wyler (1942, 1946, 1959, dan 1968) masing-masing menempati peringkat kedua (5 film) dan ketiga (4 film), sedangkan D. W. Griffith (1915, 1916, dan 1920), George Roy Hill (1966, 1969, dan 1973), James Cameron (1991, 1997, dan 2009), dan Russo Brothers (2016, 2018, dan 2019) masing-masing diwakili oleh 3 film. George Lucas menyutradarai dua film di tabel ini tahun 1977 dan 1999, tetapi juga menjabat sebagai produser dan penulis naskah untuk film tahun 1980, 1981, 1983, 1984, dan 1989. Sutradara berikut ini juga menyutradarai dua film di tabel ini: Frank Lloyd, King Vidor, Frank Capra, Michael Curtiz, Leo McCarey, Alfred Hitchcock, David Lean, Stanley Kubrick, Guy Hamilton, Mike Nichols, William Friedkin, Peter Jackson, Gore Verbinski, dan Michael Bay; Mervyn LeRoy, Ken Annakin, dan Robert Wise masing-masing diwakili oleh satu film solo dan satu film bersama, sedangkan John Ford menyutradarai dua film. Film-film Disney biasanya disutradarai beberapa orang. Sejumlah sutradara pernah terlibat dalam produksi film berpenghasilan tertinggi: Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske, Clyde Geronimi, David Hand, Ben Sharpsteen, Wolfgang Reitherman, dan Bill Roberts menyutradarai sedikitnya dua film dalam tabel ini. Hanya tujuh sutradara yang berturut-turut memegang gelar film berpenghasilan tertinggi: McCarey (1944 dan 1945), Nichols (1966 dan 1967), Spielberg (1981 dan 1982), Jackson (2002 dan 2003) Verbinski (2006 dan 2007), dan Russo Brothers (2018 dan 2019).

Karena ada beberapa jadwal rilis—apalagi ketika filmnya dirilis menjelang akhir tahun—dan pola rilis di seluruh dunia, banyak film yang masa rilisnya merentang selama dua tahun kalender atau lebih. Lantas, penghasilan kotor yang dicantumkan di sini tidak terbatas kepada tahun rilisnya. Penghasilan kotor juga tidak terbatas kepada penayangan perdananya di bioskop. Film lama biasanya dirilis ulang secara rutin sehingga angka di tabel mencakup seluruh masa rilis film sejak penayangan perdana; penghasilan kotor perdana film dicantumkan dalam kurung setelah totalnya (jika diketahui). Karena datanya tidak lengkap, jumlah uang yang dihasilkan dan masa penghasilan beberapa film tidak bisa dipastikan. Namun, tabel ini secara umum merunut film-film yang meraup penghasilan tertinggi setiap tahun. Apabila perkiraannya saling berseberangan, kedua film akan dicantumkan. Apabila sebuah film masuk peringkat pertama karena dirilis ulang, pemegang rekor sebelumnya juga dicantumkan.

film masih diputar film masih diputar di bioskop di seluruh dunia satu pekan sejak 8 Oktober 2024.
Film berpenghasilan tertinggi menurut tahun penayangan[42][43][44]
Tahun Judul Penghasilan kotor global Biaya produksi Referensi
1915 The Birth of a Nation &&&&&&&050000000.&&&&&050.000.000–&&&&&&0100000000.&&&&&0100.000.000
&&&&&&&020000000.&&&&&020.000.000+R (&&&&&&&&05200000.&&&&&05.200.000)R
&&&&&&&&&0110000.&&&&&0110.000 [# 83][# 84][# 85]
1916 Intolerance &&&&&&&&01000000.&&&&&01.000.000*R IN &&&&&&&&&0489653.&&&&&0489.653 [# 86][# 87]
1917 Cleopatra &&&&&&&&&0500000.&&&&&0500.000*R &&&&&&&&&0300000.&&&&&0300.000 [# 86]
1918 Mickey &&&&&&&&08000000.&&&&&08.000.000 &&&&&&&&&0250000.&&&&&0250.000 [# 88]
1919 The Miracle Man &&&&&&&&03000000.&&&&&03.000.000R &&&&&&&&&0120000.&&&&&0120.000 [# 89]
1920 Way Down East &&&&&&&&05000000.&&&&&05.000.000R (&&&&&&&&04000000.&&&&&04.000.000)R &&&&&&&&&0800000.&&&&&0800.000 [# 90][# 91]
1921 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse &&&&&&&&05000000.&&&&&05.000.000R (&&&&&&&&04000000.&&&&&04.000.000)R &&&&&&&&&0600000.&&&&&0600.000–&&&&&&&&&0800000.&&&&&0800.000 [# 92]
1922 Robin Hood &&&&&&&&02500000.&&&&&02.500.000R &&&&&&&&&0930042.780000930.042,78 [# 93][# 94]
1923 The Covered Wagon &&&&&&&&05000000.&&&&&05.000.000R &&&&&&&&&0800000.&&&&&0800.000 [# 95][# 96]
1924 The Sea Hawk &&&&&&&&03000000.&&&&&03.000.000R &&&&&&&&&0700000.&&&&&0700.000 [# 95]
1925 The Big Parade &&&&&&&018000000.&&&&&018.000.000–&&&&&&&022000000.&&&&&022.000.000R
&&&&&&&&&0382000.&&&&&0382.000 [# 97][# 98][# 99]
Ben-Hur &&&&&&&010738000.&&&&&010.738.000R (&&&&&&&&09386000.&&&&&09.386.000)R &&&&&&&&03967000.&&&&&03.967.000 [# 100][# 101]
1926 For Heaven's Sake &&&&&&&&02600000.&&&&&02.600.000R FH &&&&&&&&&0150000.&&&&&0150.000 [# 90][# 102]
1927 Wings &&&&&&&&03600000.&&&&&03.600.000R &&&&&&&&02000000.&&&&&02.000.000 [# 90][# 103][# 104]
1928 The Singing Fool &&&&&&&&05900000.&&&&&05.900.000R &&&&&&&&&0388000.&&&&&0388.000 [# 104][# 105]
1929 The Broadway Melody &&&&&&&&04400000.&&&&&04.400.000–&&&&&&&&04800000.&&&&&04.800.000R &&&&&&&&&0379000.&&&&&0379.000 [# 106][# 107]
Sunny Side Up &&&&&&&&03500000.&&&&&03.500.000*R SS &&&&&&&&&0600000.&&&&&0600.000 [# 108][# 109]
1930 All Quiet on the Western Front &&&&&&&&03000000.&&&&&03.000.000R &&&&&&&&01250000.&&&&&01.250.000 [# 90][# 110][# 111][# 112]
1931 Frankenstein &&&&&&&012000000.&&&&&012.000.000R (&&&&&&&&01400000.&&&&&01.400.000)R &&&&&&&&&0250000.&&&&&0250.000 [# 113][# 114]
City Lights &&&&&&&&05000000.&&&&&05.000.000R &&&&&&&&01607351.&&&&&01.607.351 [# 115]
1932 The Sign of the Cross &&&&&&&&02738993.&&&&&02.738.993R &&&&&&&&&0694065.&&&&&0694.065 [# 96][# 116][# 117][# 118]
1933 King Kong &&&&&&&&05347000.&&&&&05.347.000R (&&&&&&&&01856000.&&&&&01.856.000)R 0Kesalahan ekspresi: Karakter tanda baca "," tidak dikenal..Kesalahan ekspresi: Karakter tanda baca "," tidak dikenal.672,255,75 [# 119]
I'm No Angel &&&&&&&&03250000.&&&&&03.250.000+R &&&&&&&&&0200000.&&&&&0200.000 [# 120][# 121]
Cavalcade &&&&&&&&03000000.&&&&&03.000.000–&&&&&&&&04000000.&&&&&04.000.000R &&&&&&&&01116000.&&&&&01.116.000 [# 91][# 111]
She Done Him Wrong &&&&&&&&03000000.&&&&&03.000.000+R &&&&&&&&&0274076.&&&&&0274.076 [# 122][# 123][# 124]
1934 The Merry Widow &&&&&&&&02608000.&&&&&02.608.000R &&&&&&&&01605000.&&&&&01.605.000 [# 125][# 117]
It Happened One Night &&&&&&&&01000000.&&&&&01.000.000R ON &&&&&&&&&0325000.&&&&&0325.000 [# 126][# 127]
1935 Mutiny on the Bounty &&&&&&&&04460000.&&&&&04.460.000R &&&&&&&&01905000.&&&&&01.905.000 [# 117]
1936 San Francisco &&&&&&&&06044000.&&&&&06.044.000+R (&&&&&&&&05273000.&&&&&05.273.000)R &&&&&&&&01300000.&&&&&01.300.000 [# 125][# 117]
1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs &&&&&&0418000000.&&&&&0418.000.000+S7 (&&&&&&&&08500000.&&&&&08.500.000)R &&&&&&&&01488423.&&&&&01.488.423 [# 128][# 129]
1938 You Can't Take It With You &&&&&&&&05000000.&&&&&05.000.000R &&&&&&&&01200000.&&&&&01.200.000 [# 130][# 131]
1939 Gone with the Wind &&&&&&0390525192.&&&&&0390.525.192–&&&&&&0402352579.&&&&&0402.352.579
(&&&&&&&032000000.&&&&&032.000.000)R GW
&&&&&&&&03900000.&&&&&03.900.000–&&&&&&&&04250000.&&&&&04.250.000 [# 132][# 133][# 134][# 135][# 136]
1940 Pinocchio &&&&&&&087000862.&&&&&087.000.862* (&&&&&&&&03500000.&&&&&03.500.000)R &&&&&&&&02600000.&&&&&02.600.000 [# 137][# 129][# 138]
Boom Town &&&&&&&&04600000.&&&&&04.600.000*R &&&&&&&&02100000.&&&&&02.100.000 [# 139][# 140]
1941 Sergeant York &&&&&&&&07800000.&&&&&07.800.000R &&&&&&&&01600000.&&&&&01.600.000 [# 141][# 142]
1942 Bambi &&&&&&0267997843.&&&&&0267.997.843 (&&&&&&&&03449353.&&&&&03.449.353)R &&&&&&&&01700000.&&&&&01.700.000–&&&&&&&&02000000.&&&&&02.000.000 [# 143][# 144][# 145]
Mrs. Miniver &&&&&&&&08878000.&&&&&08.878.000R &&&&&&&&01344000.&&&&&01.344.000 [# 146][# 147]
1943 For Whom the Bell Tolls &&&&&&&011000000.&&&&&011.000.000R &&&&&&&&02681298.&&&&&02.681.298 [# 148][# 149][# 150]
This Is the Army &&&&&&&&09555586.4400009.555.586,44*R &&&&&&&&01400000.&&&&&01.400.000 [# 151][# 152][# 150]
1944 Going My Way &&&&&&&&06500000.&&&&&06.500.000*R &&&&&&&&01000000.&&&&&01.000.000 [# 153][# 154][# 155]
1945 Mom and Dad &&&&&&&080000000.&&&&&080.000.000MD/&&&&&&&022000000.&&&&&022.000.000R &&&&&&&&&&065000.&&&&&065.000 [# 156]
The Bells of St. Mary's &&&&&&&011200000.&&&&&011.200.000R &&&&&&&&01600000.&&&&&01.600.000 [# 157]
1946 Song of the South &&&&&&&065000000.&&&&&065.000.000* (&&&&&&&&03300000.&&&&&03.300.000)R &&&&&&&&02125000.&&&&&02.125.000 [# 158][# 159][# 160]
The Best Years of Our Lives &&&&&&&014750000.&&&&&014.750.000R &&&&&&&&02100000.&&&&&02.100.000 [# 161][# 162]
Duel in the Sun &&&&&&&010000000.&&&&&010.000.000*R &&&&&&&&05255000.&&&&&05.255.000 [# 153][# 163]
1947 Forever Amber &&&&&&&&08000000.&&&&&08.000.000R &&&&&&&&06375000.&&&&&06.375.000 [# 108][# 163]
Unconquered &&&&&&&&07500000.&&&&&07.500.000R UN &&&&&&&&04200000.&&&&&04.200.000 [# 164][# 165]
1948 Easter Parade &&&&&&&&05918134.&&&&&05.918.134R &&&&&&&&02500000.&&&&&02.500.000 [# 155][# 166]
The Red Shoes &&&&&&&&05000000.&&&&&05.000.000*R &&&&&&&&&0505581.&&&&&0505.581 (&&&&&&&&02000000.&&&&&02.000.000) [# 153][# 167][# 168]
The Snake Pit &&&&&&&&04100000.&&&&&04.100.000*R &&&&&&&&03800000.&&&&&03.800.000 [# 169][# 170]
1949 Samson and Delilah &&&&&&&014209250.&&&&&014.209.250R &&&&&&&&03097563.&&&&&03.097.563 [# 171][# 96]
1950 Cinderella &&&&&&0263591415.&&&&&0263.591.415
&&&&&&&&02200000.&&&&&02.200.000 [# 172][# 173][# 174]
King Solomon's Mines &&&&&&&010050000.&&&&&010.050.000R &&&&&&&&02258000.&&&&&02.258.000 [# 175]
1951 Quo Vadis &&&&&&&021037000.&&&&&021.037.000–&&&&&&&026700000.&&&&&026.700.000R &&&&&&&&07623000.&&&&&07.623.000 [# 171][# 176][# 177]
1952 This Is Cinerama &&&&&&&050000000.&&&&&050.000.000CI &&&&&&&&01000000.&&&&&01.000.000 [# 178][# 179]
The Greatest Show on Earth &&&&&&&018350000.&&&&&018.350.000R GS &&&&&&&&03873946.&&&&&03.873.946 [# 180][# 181][# 96]
1953 Peter Pan &&&&&&0145000000.&&&&&0145.000.000 &&&&&&&&03000000.&&&&&03.000.000–&&&&&&&&04000000.&&&&&04.000.000 [# 182]
The Robe &&&&&&&025000000.&&&&&025.000.000–&&&&&&&026100000.&&&&&026.100.000R &&&&&&&&04100000.&&&&&04.100.000 [# 183][# 184][# 177]
1954 Rear Window &&&&&&&024500000.&&&&&024.500.000* (&&&&&&&&05300000.&&&&&05.300.000)*R &&&&&&&&01000000.&&&&&01.000.000 [# 185][# 176]
White Christmas &&&&&&&026000050.&&&&&026.000.050* (&&&&&&&012000000.&&&&&012.000.000)*R &&&&&&&&03800000.&&&&&03.800.000 [# 186][# 187][# 188]
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea &&&&&&&025000134.&&&&&025.000.134*
&&&&&&&&04500000.&&&&&04.500.000–&&&&&&&&09000000.&&&&&09.000.000 [# 189][# 190][# 153][# 191]
1955 Lady and the Tramp &&&&&&0187000000.&&&&&0187.000.000 (&&&&&&&&06500000.&&&&&06.500.000)*R &&&&&&&&04000000.&&&&&04.000.000 [# 192][# 153][# 193]
Cinerama Holiday &&&&&&&021000000.&&&&&021.000.000CI &&&&&&&&02000000.&&&&&02.000.000 [# 194][# 195]
Mister Roberts &&&&&&&&09900000.&&&&&09.900.000R &&&&&&&&02400000.&&&&&02.400.000 [# 196]
1956 The Ten Commandments &&&&&&&090066230.&&&&&090.066.230R
&&&&&&&013270000.&&&&&013.270.000 [# 96][# 197][# 198]
1957 The Bridge on the River Kwai &&&&&&&030600000.&&&&&030.600.000R &&&&&&&&02840000.&&&&&02.840.000 [# 198]
1958 South Pacific &&&&&&&030000000.&&&&&030.000.000R &&&&&&&&05610000.&&&&&05.610.000 [# 199]
1959 Ben-Hur &&&&&&&090000000.&&&&&090.000.000R
&&&&&&&015900000.&&&&&015.900.000 [# 200][# 201]
1960 Swiss Family Robinson &&&&&&&030000000.&&&&&030.000.000R &&&&&&&&04000000.&&&&&04.000.000 [# 202]
Spartacus &&&&&&&060000000.&&&&&060.000.000 (&&&&&&&022105225.&&&&&022.105.225)R &&&&&&&010284014.&&&&&010.284.014 [# 203][# 204]
Psycho &&&&&&&050000000.&&&&&050.000.000+ (&&&&&&&014000000.&&&&&014.000.000)R &&&&&&&&&0800000.&&&&&0800.000 [# 205]
1961 One Hundred and One Dalmatians &&&&&&0215880212.&&&&&0215.880.212 &&&&&&&&03600000.&&&&&03.600.000–&&&&&&&&04000000.&&&&&04.000.000 [# 206][# 207][# 145]
West Side Story &&&&&&0105000000.&&&&&0105.000.000 (&&&&&&&031800000.&&&&&031.800.000)R &&&&&&&&07000000.&&&&&07.000.000 [# 208][# 209]
1962 Lawrence of Arabia &&&&&&&077324852.&&&&&077.324.852 (&&&&&&&069995385.&&&&&069.995.385) &&&&&&&013800000.&&&&&013.800.000 [# 210][# 211]
How the West Was Won &&&&&&&035000000.&&&&&035.000.000R &&&&&&&014483000.&&&&&014.483.000 [# 212]
The Longest Day &&&&&&&033200000.&&&&&033.200.000R &&&&&&&&08600000.&&&&&08.600.000 [# 209][# 211]
1963 Cleopatra &&&&&&&040300000.&&&&&040.300.000R &&&&&&&031115000.&&&&&031.115.000 [# 209][# 211]
From Russia with Love &&&&&&&078900000.&&&&&078.900.000/&&&&&&&029400000.&&&&&029.400.000R
&&&&&&&&02000000.&&&&&02.000.000 [# 213][# 214][# 215]
1964 My Fair Lady &&&&&&&055000000.&&&&&055.000.000R &&&&&&&017000000.&&&&&017.000.000 [# 216]
Goldfinger &&&&&&0124900000.&&&&&0124.900.000 (&&&&&&&046000000.&&&&&046.000.000)R &&&&&&&&03000000.&&&&&03.000.000 [# 213][# 215]
Mary Poppins &&&&&&&044000000.&&&&&044.000.000–&&&&&&&050000000.&&&&&050.000.000R &&&&&&&&05200000.&&&&&05.200.000 [# 217][# 216]
1965 The Sound of Music &&&&&&0286214076.&&&&&0286.214.076 (&&&&&&0114600000.&&&&&0114.600.000)R &&&&&&&&08000000.&&&&&08.000.000 [# 218][# 209]
1966 The Bible: In the Beginning &&&&&&&025300000.&&&&&025.300.000R &&&&&&&018000000.&&&&&018.000.000 [# 204]
Hawaii &&&&&&&034562222.&&&&&034.562.222* (&&&&&&&015600000.&&&&&015.600.000)*R &&&&&&&015000000.&&&&&015.000.000 [# 219][# 153]
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? &&&&&&&030000000.&&&&&030.000.000* (&&&&&&&014500000.&&&&&014.500.000)*R &&&&&&&&07613000.&&&&&07.613.000 [# 220][# 153][# 221]
1967 The Jungle Book &&&&&&0378000000.&&&&&0378.000.000 (&&&&&&&023800000.&&&&&023.800.000)R &&&&&&&&03900000.&&&&&03.900.000–&&&&&&&&04000000.&&&&&04.000.000 [# 192][# 222][# 223][# 145]
The Graduate &&&&&&&085000000.&&&&&085.000.000R &&&&&&&&03100000.&&&&&03.100.000 [# 224][# 225]
1968 2001: A Space Odyssey &&&&&&0141000000.&&&&&0141.000.000–&&&&&&0190000000.&&&&&0190.000.000
&&&&&&&010300000.&&&&&010.300.000 [# 226][# 209]
Funny Girl &&&&&&&080000000.&&&&&080.000.000–&&&&&&0100000000.&&&&&0100.000.000 &&&&&&&&08800000.&&&&&08.800.000 [# 227][# 228]
1969 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid &&&&&&0152308525.&&&&&0152.308.525 (&&&&&&&037100000.&&&&&037.100.000)R &&&&&&&&06600000.&&&&&06.600.000 [# 229][# 209][# 225]
1970 Love Story &&&&&&&080000000.&&&&&080.000.000R &&&&&&&&02260000.&&&&&02.260.000 [# 230][# 231]
Airport &&&&&&&075000000.&&&&&075.000.000R &&&&&&&010000000.&&&&&010.000.000 [# 232][# 233]
1971 The French Connection &&&&&&&075000000.&&&&&075.000.000R &&&&&&&&03300000.&&&&&03.300.000 [# 108]
Fiddler on the Roof &&&&&&&049400000.&&&&&049.400.000R
&&&&&&&&09000000.&&&&&09.000.000 [# 234][# 235]
Diamonds Are Forever &&&&&&0116000000.&&&&&0116.000.000 (&&&&&&&045700000.&&&&&045.700.000)R &&&&&&&&07200000.&&&&&07.200.000 [# 213][# 214]
1972 The Godfather &&&&&&0245066044.&&&&&0245.066.044–&&&&&&0286000000.&&&&&0286.000.000
&&&&&&&&06200000.&&&&&06.200.000 [# 236][# 235][# 237][# 238]
1973 The Exorcist &&&&&&0413071948.&&&&&0413.071.948 (&&&&&&0110000000.&&&&&0110.000.000)R &&&&&&&010000000.&&&&&010.000.000 [# 239][# 240]
The Sting &&&&&&0115000000.&&&&&0115.000.000R &&&&&&&&05500000.&&&&&05.500.000 [# 241][# 242]
1974 The Towering Inferno &&&&&&&091838000.&&&&&091.838.000R &&&&&&&014300000.&&&&&014.300.000 [# 243][# 244][# 245][# 246]
Blazing Saddles &&&&&&&080000000.&&&&&080.000.000+R &&&&&&&&02600000.&&&&&02.600.000 [# 247][# 248]
1975 Jaws &&&&&&0470653591.&&&&&0470.653.591 (&&&&&&0193700000.&&&&&0193.700.000)R &&&&&&&&09000000.&&&&&09.000.000 [# 249][# 250][# 251]
1976 Rocky &&&&&&0225000000.&&&&&0225.000.000 (&&&&&&&077100000.&&&&&077.100.000)R &&&&&&&&01075000.&&&&&01.075.000 [# 252][# 235][# 253]
1977 Star Wars &&&&&&0775398007.&&&&&0775.398.007
&&&&&&&011293151.&&&&&011.293.151 [# 254][# 255][# 235][# 256]
1978 Grease &&&&&&0395452066.&&&&&0395.452.066 (&&&&&&0341000000.&&&&&0341.000.000) &&&&&&&&06000000.&&&&&06.000.000 [# 257][# 258][# 224][# 259]
1979 Moonraker &&&&&&0210300000.&&&&&0210.300.000 &&&&&&&031000000.&&&&&031.000.000 [# 213][# 260]
Rocky II &&&&&&0200182289.&&&&&0200.182.289 &&&&&&&&07000000.&&&&&07.000.000 [# 261][# 262][# 260]
1980 The Empire Strikes Back &&&&&&0547969004.&&&&&0547.969.004 (&&&&&&0413562607.&&&&&0413.562.607)SW &&&&&&&023000000.&&&&&023.000.000–&&&&&&&032000000.&&&&&032.000.000 [# 263][# 264]
1981 Raiders of the Lost Ark &&&&&&0389925971.&&&&&0389.925.971
&&&&&&&018000000.&&&&&018.000.000–&&&&&&&022800000.&&&&&022.800.000 [# 265]
1982 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial &&&&&&0792910554.&&&&&0792.910.554
&&&&&&&010500000.&&&&&010.500.000–&&&&&&&012200000.&&&&&012.200.000 [# 266][# 255][# 267][# 268]
1983 Return of the Jedi &&&&&&0475106177.&&&&&0475.106.177 (&&&&&&0385845197.&&&&&0385.845.197)SW &&&&&&&032500000.&&&&&032.500.000–&&&&&&&042700000.&&&&&042.700.000 [# 269][# 264]
1984 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom &&&&&&0333107271.&&&&&0333.107.271 &&&&&&&027000000.&&&&&027.000.000–&&&&&&&028200000.&&&&&028.200.000 [# 270][# 271][# 272]
1985 Back to the Future &&&&&&0389053797.&&&&&0389.053.797 (&&&&&&0381109762.&&&&&0381.109.762) &&&&&&&019000000.&&&&&019.000.000–&&&&&&&022000000.&&&&&022.000.000 [# 273][# 274]
1986 Top Gun &&&&&&0356830601.&&&&&0356.830.601 (&&&&&&0345000000.&&&&&0345.000.000) &&&&&&&014000000.&&&&&014.000.000–&&&&&&&019000000.&&&&&019.000.000 [# 275][# 276][# 271]
1987 Fatal Attraction &&&&&&0320145905.&&&&&0320.145.905 &&&&&&&014000000.&&&&&014.000.000 [# 277][# 271]
1988 Rain Man &&&&&&0354825476.&&&&&0354.825.476 &&&&&&&030000000.&&&&&030.000.000 [# 278][# 279]
1989 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade &&&&&&0474171806.&&&&&0474.171.806–&&&&&&0494000000.&&&&&0494.000.000 &&&&&&&036000000.&&&&&036.000.000–&&&&&&&055400000.&&&&&055.400.000 [# 280][# 271][# 281]
1990 Ghost &&&&&&0505702423.&&&&&0505.702.423 &&&&&&&022000000.&&&&&022.000.000 [# 282][# 271]
1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day &&&&&&0523774456.&&&&&0523.774.456 ($519,843,345) &&&&&&&094000000.&&&&&094.000.000 [# 283][# 284]
1992 Aladdin &&&&&&0504050045.&&&&&0504.050.045 &&&&&&&028000000.&&&&&028.000.000 [# 285][# 145]
1993 Jurassic Park $1.029.939.903 ($914.691.118) &&&&&&&063000000.&&&&&063.000.000–&&&&&&&070000000.&&&&&070.000.000 [# 75]
1994 The Lion King &&&&&&0968483777.&&&&&0968.483.777 (&&&&&&0763455561.&&&&&0763.455.561) &&&&&&&045000000.&&&&&045.000.000–&&&&&&&079300000.&&&&&079.300.000 [# 286]
1995 Toy Story &&&&&&0373554033.&&&&&0373.554.033 (&&&&&&0364873776.&&&&&0364.873.776) &&&&&&&030000000.&&&&&030.000.000 [# 287][# 288]
Die Hard with a Vengeance &&&&&&0366101666.&&&&&0366.101.666 &&&&&&&070000000.&&&&&070.000.000 [# 289][# 290]
1996 Independence Day &&&&&&0817400891.&&&&&0817.400.891 &&&&&&&075000000.&&&&&075.000.000 [# 291]
1997 Titanic $2.187.463.944 ($1.843.201.268) &&&&&&0200000000.&&&&&0200.000.000 [# 7]
1998 Armageddon &&&&&&0553709626.&&&&&0553.709.626 &&&&&&0140000000.&&&&&0140.000.000 [# 292][# 293]
1999 Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace $ ($924.317.558) &&&&&&0115000000.&&&&&0115.000.000–&&&&&&0127500000.&&&&&0127.500.000 [# 73][# 264]
2000 Mission: Impossible 2 &&&&&&0546388105.&&&&&0546.388.105 &&&&&&0100000000.&&&&&0100.000.000–&&&&&&0125000000.&&&&&0125.000.000 [# 294][# 271]
2001 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone &&&&&&0975051288.&&&&&0975.051.288 (&&&&&&0974755371.&&&&&0974.755.371) &&&&&&0125000000.&&&&&0125.000.000 [# 295]
2002 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers &&&&&&0926349708.&&&&&0926.349.708 (&&&&&&0921780457.&&&&&0921.780.457) &&&&&&&094000000.&&&&&094.000.000 [# 296]
2003 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King $ ($ &&&&&&&094000000.&&&&&094.000.000 [# 50]
2004 Shrek 2 &&&&&&0919838758.&&&&&0919.838.758 &&&&&&0150000000.&&&&&0150.000.000 [# 297]
2005 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire &&&&&&0897099794.&&&&&0897.099.794 (&&&&&&0896911078.&&&&&0896.911.078) &&&&&&0150000000.&&&&&0150.000.000 [# 298]
2006 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest $ &&&&&&0225000000.&&&&&0225.000.000 [# 68]
2007 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End &&&&&&0963420425.&&&&&0963.420.425 &&&&&&0300000000.&&&&&0300.000.000 [# 299]
2008 The Dark Knight $1.004.558.444 ($997.039.412) &&&&&&0185000000.&&&&&0185.000.000 [# 300]
2009 Avatar $2.789.679.794 ($2.749.064.328) &&&&&&0237000000.&&&&&0237.000.000 [# 1][# 301]
2010 Toy Story 3 $1.066.969.703 &&&&&&0200000000.&&&&&0200.000.000 [# 66]
2011 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 $1.341.693.157 ($1.341.511.219) &&&&&&0250000000.&&&&&0250.000.000HP [# 33]
2012 The Avengers $1.518.812.988 &&&&&&0220000000.&&&&&0220.000.000 [# 18]
2013 Frozen $ ($ &&&&&&0150000000.&&&&&0150.000.000 [# 38]
2014 Transformers: Age of Extinction $ &&&&&&0210000000.&&&&&0210.000.000 [# 59]
2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens $ &&&&&&0245000000.&&&&&0245.000.000 [# 9]
2016 Captain America: Civil War $1.153.304.495 &&&&&&0250000000.&&&&&0250.000.000 [# 47]
2017 Star Wars: The Last Jedi $1.332.539.889 &&&&&&0200000000.&&&&&0200.000.000 [# 35]
2018 Avengers: Infinity War $2.048.359.754 &&&&&&0316000000.&&&&&0316.000.000–&&&&&&0400000000.&&&&&0400.000.000 [# 11][# 302]
2019 Avengers: Endgame $2.797.501.328 &&&&&&0356000000.&&&&&0356.000.000 [# 3]
2020 Demon Slayer: Mugen Train $507.119.058 $15.750.000 [# 303]
2021 Spider-Man: No Way Home $1.922.598.800 ($1.912.233.593) $200.000.000 [# 13][# 304]
2022 Avatar: The Way of Water $2.320.250.281 &&&&&&0350000000.&&&&&0350.000.000–&&&&&&0460000000.&&&&&0460.000.000 [# 5][# 305][# 306]
2023 Barbie $1.445.638.421 &&&&&&0128000000.&&&&&0128.000.000–&&&&&&0145000000.&&&&&0145.000.000 [# 26][# 307][# 308]
2024 Inside Out 2 $1.123.523.097 $200.000.000 [# 52][# 309]

(...) Karena penghasilan kotor tidak terbatas kepada penayangan perdananya di bioskop, penghasilan kotor perdana film dicantumkan dalam kurung setelah totalnya (jika diketahui).

*Penghasilan kotor Kanada dan Amerika Serikat saja.

RSewa distributor.

INTidak ada sumber waktu itu yang mencantumkan penghasilan 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, tetapi The Numbers memperkirakan penghasilan kotor box office di Amerika Utara mencapai $8.000.000.[45] Namun, angka ini bisa jadi salah diambil dari penghasilan kotor film versi baru tahun 1954 yang juga meraup $8.000.000 sebagai hasil sewa di Amerika Utara.[46]

FHSejumlah sumebr seperti The Numbers menyatakan bahwa Aloma of the South Seas adalah film berpenghasilan tertinggi tahun itu dengan total $3 juta.[47] Akan tetapi, tidak ada sumber waktu itu yang mencantumkan penghasilan Aloma of the South Seas. Jadi, tidak jelas dari mana $3 juta itu. Kalau itu penghasilan kotor sewa, maka film ini bukan saja film berpenghasilan tertinggi tahun itu, tetapi juga salah satu film berpenghasilan tertinggi sepanjang zaman film bisu. Apabila benar demikian, ini tidak lazim karena International Motion Picture Almanac dan Variety tidak mencantumkannya di daftar mereka.

SSBelum jelas apakah angka Sunny Side Up untuk Amerika Utara saja atau global. Sumber lain mencantumkan $2 juta.[48] Artinya, angka yang lebih tinggi ini mungkin merupakan hasil sewa global karena penghitungan hasil internasional waktu itu masih belum mapan.[49]

ONAngka It Happened One Night tidak benar-benar mencerminkan kesuksesannya: film ini didistribusikan dengan cara dipaketkan dengan lebih dari dua puluhan film Columbia lainnya dan total penghasilannya dirata-ratakan; penghasilan kotor sejatinya bisa jadi lebih tinggi.

S7Penghasilan kumulatif global sebesar $418 juta yang diterima Snow White tidak mencakup penghasilan di luar Amerika Utara sejak 1987 sampai seterusnya.

GWPenghasilan Gone with the Wind dari penayangan perdananya tidak bisa dipastikan. Rata-rata catatan masa itu mencantumkan hasil sewa $32 juta di Amerika Utara. Catatan modern mengulang klaim tersebut; namun, angka tersebut bisa jadi angka hasil sewa global. Catatan dagang mengolah data dengan mendapatkannya dari distributor yang ingin memasarkan film sukses atau menyurvei bioskop dan membuat perkiraan. Distributor biasanya melaporkan harga sewa global karena angka yang lebih tinggi membuat film ini seolah sukses, sedangkan perkiraan hanya terbatas pada penghasilan di Amerika Utara; karena itu, sudah biasa apabila hasil sewa global dan Amerika Utara bercampur. Pada awal Perang Dunia II, banyak pasar asing tertutup bagi Hollywood sehingga industri perfilman mulai melaporkan penghasilan box office Amerika Utara saja.[49] Sesuai pendekatan baru ini, harga sewa Gone with the Wind di Amerika Utara direvisi menjadi $21 juta tahun 1947 ($11 juta lebih sedikit daripada angka sebelumnya),[50] dan pada 1953—usai penayangan ulang 1947—Variety melaporkan penghasilan $26 juta.[51] Pada 1956, MGM melaporkan penghasilan kumulatif Amerika Utara sebesar $30.015.000 dan penghasilan luar negeri sebesar $18.964.000 dari tiga film.[52] Hasil sewa global senilai $32 juta dari penayangan perdananya cocok dengan angka yang direvisi dan angka global yang dilaporkan: angka-angka ini menunjukkan bahwa film ini meraup $21 juta di Amerika Utara dan $11 juta di luar negeri lewat penayangan perdana, ditambah $9 juta di Amerika Utara dan $8 juta di luar negeri lewat serangkaian penayangan ulang hingga tahun 1956.

MDMom and Dad umumnya tidak masuk daftar 'film berpenghasilan tinggi' seperti daftarnya Variety karena distribusinya independen. Film ini pada dasarnya tergolong film eksploitasi dan dipasarkan sebagai film pendidikan seks untuk mengakali sensor film. Karena berselisih dengan Motion Picture Production Code, Mom and Dad dilarang beredar besar-besaran dan dibatasi untuk tayang di bioskop independen dan bioskop mobil. Ini adalah film tersukses di genrenya dan masih beredar hingga 1970-an ketika pornografi radikal mulai berkembang. Pada penghujung 1947, film ini meraup $2 juta. Tahun 1949, $8 juta. Tahun 1956, film ini mendapat $22 juta dari hasil sewa dengan penghasilan kotor $80 juta dan seharusnya bisa masuk sepuluh film tersukses pada akhir 1940-an dan awal 1950-an. Penghasilan totalnya diperkirakan mencapai $100 juta.

UNChopra-Gant menyatakan bahwa angka Unconquered adalah penghasilan box office Amerika Utara, tetapi tabel yang mereka gunakan tidak memisahkan penghasilan kotor global dan Amerika Utara. Sumber lain menyatakan bahwa angka Forever Amber ($8 juta) dan Life with Father ($6,5 juta)[53] sebenarnya merupakan penghasilan kotor sewa global. Jadi, angka Unconquered bisa jadi berarti itu.

CIAngka Cinerama mencerminkan penghasilan kotor. Karena Cinerama memiliki bioskop, tidak ada harga sewa untuk film. Artinya, studio menerima 100% penghasilan kotor box office, berbeda dengan rata-rata film lain yang pendapatan distributornya tidak sampai separuh penghasilan kotor. Karena Variety waktu itu memeringkatkan film berdasarkan hasil sewa AS, mereka membuat perkiraan hasil sewa untuk film-film Cinerama supaya bisa dibandingkan dengan film-film lain di tabel mereka. Dalam This Is Cinerama, penghasilan kotor global $50 juta diperbaiki menjadi penghasilan kotor sewa AS $12.5 juta; angka ini 25% dari jumlah yang dilaporkan Cinerama. Rumus Variety tampaknya memangkas separuh penghasilan kotor untuk mengetahui perkiraan AS, lalu memangkasnya lagi separuh untuk menyimulasikan harga sewa. Angka sewa Variety sering diulang, tetapi tidak ada dasarnya—angka ini dikarang-karang untuk keperluan analisis perbandingan.[54] Kelima film Cinerama secara keseluruhan meraup penghasilan box office global sebesar $120 juta.[55]

GSVariety menyatakan hasil sewa global The Greatest Show on Earth sekitar $18,35 juta ($12,8 juta di antaranya berasal dari Amerika Serikat[46]) satu tahun usai dirilis. Namun, Birchard mencantumkan angka di atas $15 juta hingga 1962. Angka Birchard bisa jadi hasil sewa kotor Amerika Utara saja dan mencakup penghasilan dari penayangan ulang tahun 1954 dan 1960.

SWPenghasilan kotor "penayangan perdana" Star Wars tidak mencakup penghasilan dari penayangan edisi khusus tahun 1997. Akan tetapi, angka ini tidak mencakup penghasilan dari penayangan ulang sebelum edisi khusus.

HPBiaya produksi dibagi dengan Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1.

Garis waktu film berpenghasilan tertinggi

Poster bioskop The Birth of a Nation menampilkan laki-laki bertudung sedang membawa salib terbakar di atas kuda.
The Birth of a Nation adalah pelopor berbagai teknik pembuatan film yang masih dipakai hingga sekarang dan merupakan film tersukses sepanjang masa ketika pertama kali dirilis.

Sedikitnya sebelas film memegang rekor 'film berpenghasilan tertinggi' sejak The Birth of a Nation menempati peringkat pertama pada tahun 1915. The Birth of a Nation dan Gone with the Wind masing-masing bertahan sebagai film berpenghasilan tertinggi selama 25 tahun berturut-turut. Rekor ini juga dipegang tiga kali oleh film-film Steven Spielberg dan dua kali oleh film-film James Cameron. Spielberg menjadi sutradara pertama yang memecahkan rekornya sendiri ketika Jurassic Park mengalahkan E.T.. Cameron mengulangi hal yang sama ketika Avatar mengalahkan rekor Titanic. Saat merebut peringkat pertama tahun 2019, Avengers: Endgame menjadi film sekuel pertama yang memegang rekor film berpenghasilan tertinggi. Dengan demikian, berakhir pula dominasi Spielberg/Cameron selama 36 tahun.

Beberapa sumber mengklaim The Big Parade mengalahkan The Birth of a Nation sebagai film berpenghasilan tertinggi, lalu digantikan oleh Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs yang tidak lama kemudian digeser oleh Gone with the Wind.[56] Penghasilan pasti The Birth of a Nation tidak diketahui, tetapi penghasilan globalnya diperkirakan mencapai $5,2 juta tahun 1919 menurut perkiraan modern.[57] Penayangan luar negerinya tertunda akibat Perang Dunia I. Film ini baru dirilis di luar negeri tahun 1920-an; dengan menghitung penayangan perdana beruntun di Amerika Serikat, penghasilan $10 juta yang dilaporkan Variety tahun 1932 cocok dengan perkiraan di atas.[58] Waktu itu, Variety mencantumkan The Birth of a Nation di atas The Big Parade ($6.400.000) menurut hasil sewa distributor dan—jika perkiraannya betul—Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ($8.500.000)[59] tidak meraup penghasilan yang cukup dalam satu pekan pertamanya untuk menyandang gelar ini;[60] tetapi film ini berpotensi menjadi film bersuara (talkie) berpenghasilan tertinggi dan[61] menggeser The Singing Fool ($5.900.000).[62] Meski publik yakin The Birth of a Nation tidak mungkin dikalahkan oleh film bisu,[63] rekornya akan jatuh ke tangan Ben-Hur keluaran 1925 ($9.386.000) jika penghasilan The Birth of a Nation jauh lebih sedikit daripada perkiraan penghasilan kotornya.[64] Selain penghasilan sewa kotor lewat penayangan publik, The Birth of a Nation diputar di sejumlah acara pribadi, klub, dan organisasi yang hasil penjualannya tidak diketahui.[65] Film ini sangat populer di kalangan anggota Ku Klux Klan yang memanfaatkannya sebagai sarana perekrutan.[66] Variety pernah memperkirakan total penghasilan film ini kurang lebih $50 juta.[67] Walaupun klaimnya sudah dicabut, angka ini masih dilaporkan oleh media massa sekalipun tidak ada buktinya.[57] Meski publik mengakui Gone with the Wind sebagai film berpenghasilan tertinggi saat penayangan perdananya—benar dalam konteks penayangan publik—total penghasilannya mungkin tidak melampaui The Birth of a Nation sampai beberapa tahun berikutnya; film ini masih dinyatakan sebagai film berpenghasilan tertinggi sampai 1960-an.[65] Gone with the Wind sendiri mungkin sempat dikalahkan oleh The Ten Commandments (1956) yang terakhir tayang pada akhir 1960 dengan pendapatan sewa global $58–60 juta[68][69] berbeda dengan Gone with the Wind yang mendapatkan $59 juta;[70] apabila benar menduduki posisi pertama, The Ten Commandments tidak bertahan lama karena Gone with the Wind dirilis lagi tahun berikutnya dan menambah penghasilannya menjadi $67 juta. Tergantung keakuratan perkiraannya, Ben-Hur versi baru tahun 1959 mungkin juga menyabet rekor ini dari Gone with the Wind: pada akhir 1961, film ini meraup $47 juta di seluruh dunia,[71] dan pada 1963, film ini berada di posisi kedua setelah Gone with the Wind dengan selisih $2 juta dan penghasilan internasional $65 juta,[72] pada akhirnya meraup $66 juta dari penayangan perdananya.[73]

Film pornografi Deep Throat (1972) kabarnya meraup $600 juta, angka yang diduga dilebih-lebihkan oleh mafia dalam skema pencucian uang.

Film lain yang diklaim sebagai film berpenghasilan tertinggi adalah film pornografi Deep Throat (1972). Pada tahun 1984, Linda Lovelace bersaksi di hadapan Subkomite Kehakiman Senat Amerika Serikat Bidang Hukum Di Bawah Umur bahwa film ini meraup $600 juta;[74] angka ini menuai banyak perdebatan karena apabila benar, penghasilan film ini melampaui Star Wars sehingga Deep Throat menjadi film berpenghasilan tertinggi sampai akhir 1970-an. Pendapat utama yang membantah angka tersebut adalah film ini tidak dirilis secara luas sehingga penghasilan kotor sebesar itu tidak mungkin terwujud.[75] Angka pastinya tidak diketahui, tetapi kesaksian dalam persidangan federal tahun 1976—empat tahun setelah film dirilis—menunjukkan film ini menghasilkan lebih dari $25 juta.[76] Roger Ebert mengira film ini mungkin menghasilkan $600 juta di atas kertas karena mafia memegang kepemilikan bioskop dewasa waktu itu dan akan mencuci uang obat-obatan terlarang dan prostitusi di bioskop. Mafia mungkin saja melebih-lebihkan pendapatan box office film ini.[77]

The Birth of a Nation, Gone with the Wind, The Godfather, Jaws, Star Wars, E.T., dan Avatar menaikkan rekor penghasilan kotornya lewat penayangan ulang. Penghasilan kotor dari penayangan perdananya dihitung di tabel ini ditambah total penghasilan dari penayangan ulang hingga rekornya tergeser; karena itu, total penghasilan The Birth of a Nation mencakup penayangan ulang akhir 1970-an dan awal 1980-an, kecuali edisi khusus tahun 1997; total penghasilan E.T. mencakup penayangan ulang tahun 1985, kecuali tahun 2002; total penghasilan Avatar mencakup edisi khusus tahun 2010 yang mewakili seluruh penghasilannya hingga rekornya tergeser. Gone with the Wind tercantum dua kali di tabel ini: total untuk tahun 1940 mencakup penayangan tahun 1939–1942 (keliling/besar-besaran/bertarif murah)[78] ditambah semua penghasilannya hingga penayangan ulang tahun 1961 sebelum rekornya direbut oleh The Sound of Music tahun 1966; angka tahun 1971—setelah merebut kembali rekornya—meliputi penghasilan dari penayangan ulang tahun 1967 dan 1971, tetapi tidak meliputi penayangan ulang setelahnya. The Godfather dirilis lagi tahun 1973 setelah memenangi penghargaan di Academy Awards ke-45, sedangkan Jaws dirilis lagi tahun 1976. Penghasilan kotor keduanya mungkin mencakup penghasilan dari penayangan ulang. The Sound of Music, The Godfather, Jaws, Jurassic Park, dan Titanic menambah penghasilannya masing-masing lewat penayangan tahun 1973, 1997, 1979, 2013, dan 2012, tetapi tidak disertakan dalam angka total karena rekornya sudah tergeser sebelum dirilis ulang.

Garis waktu rekor film berpenghasilan tertinggi
Tahun Judul Rekor penghasilan kotor Referensi
1915[56] The Birth of a Nation $5,200,000R [# 84]
1940 $15,000,000R [# 310]
1940[28] Gone with the Wind $32,000,000R [# 134]
1963 $67,000,000R [# 311]
1966[56] The Sound of Music $114,600,000R [# 209]
1971[56] Gone with the Wind $116,000,000R [# 312]
1972[56] The Godfather $127,600,000–142,000,000R [# 235][# 313]
1976[79][80] Jaws $193,700,000R [# 250]
1978[81][82] Star Wars $410,000,000/$268,500,000R [# 314][# 235]
1982 $530,000,000 [# 255]
1983[83] E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial $619,000,000–664,000,000 [# 255][# 267]
1993 $701,000,000 [# 315]
1993[56] Jurassic Park $914,691,118 [# 75]
1998[84] Titanic $1,843,201,268 [# 7]
2010[85][86] Avatar $2.749.064.328 [# 1]
2019[87][88] Avengers: Endgame $2,797,501,328 [# 3]
2021[89] Avatar $2,847,397,339 [# 1]
2022 $2,923,706,026

RSewa distributor.

Termasuk penayangan ulangTermasuk penghasilan dari penayangan ulang. Apabila sebuah film menambah penghasilan kotornya lewat penayangan ulang sambil memegang rekor, tahun penghasilan kotor tertingginya dimiringkan.

Seri film berpenghasilan tertinggi

Siluet laki-laki mengarahkan pistol ke kamera.
Seri James Bond adalah seri film pertama dengan penghasilan kotor lebih dari $1 miliar.

Sebelum 2000, hanya tujuh seri film yang berpenghasilan kotor di atas $1 miliar di box office: James Bond,[90] Star Wars,[91] Indiana Jones,[92] Rocky,[93][94][95] Batman,[96] Jurassic Park,[97] dan Star Trek.[98] Sejak pergantian abad ke-21, jumlahnya naik menjadi lebih dari 50 (tidak termasuk film top tunggal seperti Avatar, Titanic, dan Frozen).[99] Ini dipicu oleh inflasi dan pertumbuhan pasar serta penerapan model berseri oleh Hollywood: film-film yang temanya sudah dikenal duluan oleh publik, misalnya diangkat dari karya sastra ternama atau tokoh yang sudah lengkap kisahnya. Metodologinya berlandaskan pandangan bahwa film-film yang berkaitan dengan sesuatu yang familier di mata publik akan lebih mudah dipasarkan. Karena itu, film-film seperti ini diberi julukan "pre-sold" (film yang sudah terjual duluan) oleh kalangan industri perfilman.[100]

Seri film sedikitnya terdiri atas dua karya yang berasal dari satu kekayaan intelektual (produk). Biasanya, karya tersebut sejalan dengan produknya, tetapi tidak selalu harus seperti itu. Konsep yang masih bertahan dalam model seri ini adalah crossover (percampuran lintas cerita). Crossover bisa diartikan "cerita yang mempertemukan tokoh atau konsep dari dua teks/seri teks atau lebih".[101] Crossover memungkinkan suatu produk dimanfaatkan oleh lebih dari satu seri film. Misalnya, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice tidak semata-mata bagian dari seri Batman dan Superman, tetapi juga bagian dari DC Extended Universe, sebuah jagat bersama (shared universe). Jagat bersama adalah jenis crossover yang memungkinkan beberapa karakter dari berbagai macam karya fiksi menghuni dunia fiksi yang sama.[102] Jagat bersama yang paling sukses dalam perfilman adalah Marvel Cinematic Universe, percampuran beberapa produk pahlawan super milik Marvel Comics. Marvel Cinematic Universe juga merupakan seri film berpenghasilan tertinggi dengan total lebih dari $22 miliar di box office.

Film-film Star Wars adalah seri berpenghasilan tertinggi yang diangkat dari satu kekayaan intelektual/produk dengan total penghasilan lebih dari $9 miliar di box office (tetapi film-film James Bond produksi Eon meraup lebih dari $18 miliar apabila disesuaikan dengan harga saat ini[104]). Apabila penghasilan tambahan dari pernak-pernik juga dihitung, maka Star Wars adalah kekayaan intelektual paling benilai;[105] Star Wars memegang rekor dunia Guinness sebagai "seri pernak-pernik film tersukses" dengan nilai £19,51 miliar pada tahun 2012 (sekitar $30 miliar).[106][107] Marvel Cinematic Universe adalah seri dengan jumlah film berpenghasilan kotor >$1 miliar terbanyak (8 film). Empat film Avengers merangkai satu-satunya seri yang setiap filmnya berpenghasilan kotor lebih dari $1 miliar. Avengers juga merupakan satu-satunya seri yang penghasilan rata-ratanya lebih dari $1 miliar per film. Namun, penghasilan rata-rata seri Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jurassic Park, dan Finding Nemo, film-film Harry Potter, dan adaptasi Middle-earth oleh Peter Jackson mencapai lebih dari $1 miliar sesuai inflasi.[100][108]

film masih diputar sedikitnya satu film dalam seri ini masih diputar satu pekan sejak 8 Oktober 2024.
Seri film berpenghasilan tertinggi[§] (Film di setiap seri dapat dibaca dengan menekan tombol "tampilkan".)
Peringkat Seri Total penghasilan kotor global Jumlah film Rata-rata film Film berpenghasilan tertinggi

SMarvel Cinematic Universe dan DC Extended Universe adalah jagat bersama yang memiliki entri untuk beberapa kekayaan intelektual/produknya.

*Penghasilan kotor Kanada dan Amerika Serikat saja.

RSewa distributor.

Lihat pula


  1. ^ a b Pincus-Roth, Zachary (January 8, 2006). "Movies aren't the only B.O. monsters". Variety. Diakses tanggal February 2, 2014. 
  2. ^ "Avatar – Video Sales". The Numbers. Nash Information Services, LLC. Diakses tanggal November 12, 2013. 
  3. ^ "Unkind unwind". The Economist. March 17, 2011. Diakses tanggal April 12, 2012. 
  4. ^ Vogel, Harold L. (2010). Entertainment Industry Economics: A Guide for Financial Analysis. Cambridge University Press. hlm. 224. ISBN 978-1-107-00309-5. Most pictures would likely receive 20% to 25% of theatrical box office gross for two prime-time network runs. 
  5. ^ Clark, Emma (November 12, 2001). "How films make money". BBC News. Diakses tanggal April 12, 2012. 
  6. ^ Pincus-Roth, Zachary (January 8, 2006). "Movies aren't the only B.O. monsters". Variety. Diakses tanggal September 24, 2014. 
  7. ^ Kennedy, Mark (September 22, 2014). "'The Lion King' Earns Record Box Office". Associated Press. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2014-09-25. Diakses tanggal September 29, 2014. 
  8. ^ "The Entertainment Glut". Bloomberg Businessweek. February 15, 1998. Diakses tanggal September 25, 2014. 
  9. ^ "Pixar – Worldwide (Unadjusted)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal April 12, 2012. 
  10. ^ Szalai, Georg (February 14, 2011). "Disney: 'Cars' Has Crossed $8 Billion in Global Retail Sales". The Hollywood Reporter. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal March 19, 2011. 
  11. ^ Chmielewski, Dawn C.; Keegan, Rebecca (June 21, 2011). "Merchandise sales drive Pixar's 'Cars' franchise". Los Angeles Times. Diakses tanggal April 12, 2012. 
  12. ^ Palmeri, Christopher; Sakoui, Anousha (November 7, 2014). "More Disney Fun and Games With 'Toy Story 4' in 2017". Bloomberg News. Diakses tanggal June 30, 2015. 
  13. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office Grosses". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 29, 2020. Diakses tanggal April 6, 2022. 
  14. ^ "The Fate of the Furious (2017) – International Box Office Results: Argentina". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal January 11, 2018. 
  15. ^ "Pixar Movies at the Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 16, 2016. 
  16. ^ "Pixar Movies at the Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 20, 2016. 
  17. ^ Brevert, Brad (May 29, 2016). "'X-Men' & 'Alice' Lead Soft Memorial Day Weekend; Disney Tops $4 Billion Worldwide". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  18. ^ a b Bialik, Carl (January 29, 2010). "How Hollywood Box-Office Records Are Made". The Wall Street Journal. Diakses tanggal August 9, 2011. 
  19. ^ a b Pincus-Roth, Zachary (July 6, 2009). "Best Weekend Never". Slate. Diakses tanggal August 10, 2011. 
  20. ^ a b Anderson, S. Eric; Albertson, Stewart; Shavlick, David (March 2004). How the motion picture industry miscalculates box office receipts. Proceedings of the Midwest Business Economics Association. Loma Linda University. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (DOC) tanggal October 29, 2013. Diakses tanggal April 8, 2013. 
  21. ^ Gray, Brandon. "'Avatar' Claims Highest Gross of All Time". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal February 3, 2010. 
  22. ^ a b Bialik, Carl (January 30, 2010). "What It Takes for a Movie to Be No. 1". The Wall Street Journal. Diakses tanggal August 9, 2011. 
  23. ^ Kolesnikov-Jessop, Sonia (May 22, 2011). "Hollywood Presses Its Global Agenda". The New York Times. Diakses tanggal January 4, 2012. 
  24. ^ Hoad, Phil (August 11, 2011). "The rise of the international box office". The Guardian. Diakses tanggal January 4, 2012. 
  25. ^ Frankel, Daniel (May 1, 2011). "Why the Foreign Box Office Leads: 'Fast Five,' 'Thor' Open Overseas First". The Wrap. Diakses tanggal January 4, 2012. 
  26. ^ a b Bialik, Carl (December 17, 2007). "Box-Office Records Are the Stuff of 'Legend'". The Wall Street Journal. Diakses tanggal August 10, 2011. 
  27. ^ a b Leonhardt, David (March 1, 2010). "Why 'Avatar' Is Not the Top-Grossing Film". The New York Times. Diakses tanggal April 7, 2013. 
  28. ^ a b Miller, Frank; Stafford, Jeff (January 5, 2007). "Gone With the Wind (1939) – Articles". Turner Classic Movies. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal September 26, 2013. 
  29. ^ a b Shone, Tom (February 3, 2010). "Oscars 2010: How James Cameron took on the world". The Daily Telegraph. Diakses tanggal March 22, 2012. 
  30. ^ Hill, George F. (June 25, 2006). "Gone With The Wind, Indeed". The Washington Post. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 27, 2018. 
  31. ^ a b Guinness World Records. 60 (edisi ke-2015). Guinness World Records. 2014. hlm. 160–161. ISBN 978-1-908843-70-8. 
  32. ^ "World Economic Outlook: Inflation rate, end of period consumer prices". International Monetary Fund. Diakses tanggal May 10, 2019. 
  33. ^ Glenday, Craig, ed. (2011). Гиннесс. Мировые рекорды [Guinness World Records] (dalam bahasa Russian). Diterjemahkan oleh Andrianov, P.I.; Palova, I.V. (edisi ke-2012). Moscow: Astrel. hlm. 211. ISBN 978-5-271-36423-5. 
  34. ^ "Titanic 3D (2012) – International Box Office results". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal November 25, 2012. North America: $57,884,114; Overseas: $285,666,656 
  35. ^ "Titanic (20th Anniversary)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal July 1, 2019. Domestic Total Gross: $691,642 
  36. ^ a b Cones, John W. (1997). The feature film distribution deal: a critical analysis of the single most important film industry agreement. Southern Illinois University Press. hlm. 41. ISBN 978-0-8093-2082-0. Distributor rentals: It is also important to know and recognize the difference between the distributor's gross receipts and the gross rentals. The term "rentals" refers to the aggregate amount of the film distributor's share of monies paid at theatre box offices computed on the basis of negotiated agreements between the distributor and the exhibitor. Note that gross receipts refers to amounts actually received and from all markets and media, whereas gross rentals refers to amounts earned from theatrical exhibition only, regardless of whether received by the distributor. Thus, gross receipts is the much broader term and includes distributor rentals. The issue of film rentals (i.e., what percentage of a film's box office gross comes back to the distributor) is of key importance...More current numbers suggest that distributor rentals for the major studio/distributor released films average in the neighborhood of 43% of box office gross. Again, however, such an average is based on widely divergent distributor rental ratios on individual films. 
  37. ^ Marich, Robert (2009) [1st. pub. Focal Press:2005]. Marketing to moviegoers: a handbook of strategies used by major studios and independents (edisi ke-2). Southern Illinois University Press. hlm. 252. ISBN 9780809328840. Rentals are the distributors' share of the box office gross and typically set by a complex, two-part contract. 
  38. ^ Balio, Tino (2005). The American film industry. University of Wisconsin Press. hlm. 296. ISBN 978-0-299-09874-2. Film Rentals as Percent of Volume of Business (1939): 36.4 
  39. ^ Balio, Tino (1987). United Artists: the Company that Changed the Film Industry. University of Wisconsin Press. hlm. 124–125. ISBN 978-0-299-11440-4. To rekindle interest in the movies, Hollywood not only had to compete with television but also with other leisure-time activities...Movies made a comeback by 1955, but audiences had changed. Moviegoing became a special event for most people, creating the phenomenon of the big picture. 
  40. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 179. "Later epics proved far more disastrous for the backers. Samuel Bronston's The Fall of the Roman Empire, filmed in Spain, cost $17,816,876 and grossed only $1.9 million in America. George Stevens's long-gestating life of Christ, The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965), which had been in planning since 1954 and in production since 1962, earned domestic rentals of $6,962,715 on a $21,481,745 negative cost, the largest amount yet spent on a production made entirely within the United States. The Bible—in the Beginning... (1966) was financed by the Italian producer Dino De Laurentiis from private investors and Swiss banks. He then sold distribution rights outside Italy jointly to Fox and Seven Arts for $15 million (70 percent of which came from Fox), thereby recouping the bulk of his $18 million investment. Although The Bible returned a respectable world rental of $25.3 million, Fox was still left with a net loss of just over $1.5 million. It was the last biblical epic to be released by any major Hollywood studio for nearly twenty years."
  41. ^ Williams, Trey (September 25, 2015). "Ridley Scott's latest 'Alien' announcement drives Hollywood's sequel problem". MarketWatch. Diakses tanggal May 12, 2016. 
  42. ^ "Yearly Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal January 6, 2012. 
  43. ^ "Movie Index By Year". The Numbers. Nash Information Services. LLC. Diakses tanggal January 6, 2012. 
  44. ^ Dirks, Tim. "All-Time Box-Office Hits By Decade and Year". Filmsite.org. American Movie Classics. Diakses tanggal January 5, 2012. 
  45. ^ "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea". The Numbers. Nash Information Services, LLC. Diakses tanggal January 5, 2012. 
  46. ^ a b Finler 2003, hlm. 358
  47. ^ Milwaukee Magazine. 32. 2007. The year's top–grossing movie, Aloma made $3 million in the first three months and brought Gray back to Milwaukee for its opening at the Wisconsin Theatre. 
  48. ^ Parkinson, David (2007). The Rough Guide to Film Musicals. Dorling Kindersley. hlm. 28. ISBN 9781843536505. But they had previously succeeded in showing how musicals could centre on ordinary people with Sunny Side Up (1929), which had grossed $2 million at the box office and demonstrated a new maturity and ingenuity in the staging of story and dance. 
  49. ^ a b Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 67. "For similar reasons of accountability, Variety has typically used figures for domestic (U.S. and Canadian) rather than worldwide revenue. This became its standard policy in 1940, when the advent of war in Europe persuaded the American film industry (temporarily, as it turned out) that it should be wholly reliant on the home market for profitability. Where specific rentals data are reported in Variety before this (which tended to be only sporadically) they were often for worldwide rather domestic performance. This was also the case with other trade sources, such as Quigley's annual Motion Picture Almanac, which published its own all-time hits lists from the early 1930s onward. The subsequent confusion of domestic and worldwide figures, and of rental and box-office figures, has plagued many published accounts of Hollywood history (sometimes including those in Variety itself), and we have attempted to be diligant in clarifying the differences between them."
  50. ^ Shearer, Lloyd (October 26, 1947). "GWTW: Supercolossal Saga of an Epic". The New York Times. Diakses tanggal July 14, 2012. 
  51. ^ "Cinema: The Big Grossers". Time. February 2, 1953. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-08-23. Diakses tanggal September 15, 2012. 
  52. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 129. "Domestic Rentals: $30,015,000 (61%); Foreign Rentals: $18,964,000 (39%)...Gone with the Wind includes initial release plus four rereleases (1941,1942,1947 and 1954) since foreign rental revenues were available only cumulative through 1956."
  53. ^ McDermott, Christine (2010), Life with Father, hlm. 307, No matter what the billing, the movie became a worldwide hit with $6.5 million in worldwide rentals, from Pappa och vi in Sweden to Vita col padre in Italy, although it booked a net loss of $350,000.  In: Block & Wilson 2010.
  54. ^ Mulligan, Hugh A. (September 23, 1956). "Cinerama Pushing Ahead As Biggest Money-Maker". The Register-Guard. Eugene, Oregon. hlm. 7B. 
  55. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 145. "The commercial success of the five Cinerama travelogues, which earned an aggregate worldwide box-office gross of $120 million by 1962 (including $82 million in the United States and Canada), nevertheless demonstrated to the mainstream industry the market value of special screen formats."
  56. ^ a b c d e f Dirks, Tim. "Top Films of All-Time: Part 1 – Box-Office Blockbusters". Filmsite.org. Diakses tanggal August 11, 2010. 
  57. ^ a b Wasko, Janet (1986). "D.W. Griffiths and the banks: a case study in film financing". Dalam Kerr, Paul. The Hollywood Film Industry: A Reader. Routledge. hlm. 34. ISBN 9780710097309. Various accounts have cited $15 to $18 million profits during the first few years of release, while in a letter to a potential investor in the proposed sound version, Aitken noted that a $15 to $18 million box-office gross was a 'conservative estimate'. For years Variety has listed The Birth of a Nation's total rental at $50 million. (This reflects the total amount paid to the distributor, not box-office gross.) This 'trade legend' has finally been acknowledged by Variety as a 'whopper myth', and the amount has been revised to $5 million. That figure seems far more feasible, as reports of earnings in the Griffith collection list gross receipts for 1915–1919 at slightly more than $5.2 million (including foreign distribution) and total earnings after deducting general office expenses, but not royalties, at about $2 million. 
  58. ^ "Biggest Money Pictures". Variety. June 21, 1932. hlm. 1.  Cited in "Biggest Money Pictures". Cinemaweb. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 5, 2011. Diakses tanggal June 25, 2015. 
  59. ^ "'Peter Pan' flies again". Daily Record. Ellensburg, Washington. United Press International. July 21, 1989. hlm. 16. 
  60. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 237. "By the end of 1938, it had grossed more than $8 million in worldwide rentals and was ranked at the time as the second-highest-grossing film after the 1925 epic Ben-Hur".
  61. ^ Finler 2003, hlm. 47. "Walt Disney took a big risk when he decided to invest $1.5 million in his first feature-length animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It became the biggest hit of the sound era and the largest-grossing movie since The Birth of a Nation – until the release of independent producer David O. Selznick's Gone with the Wind just two years later."
  62. ^ Barrios, Richard (1995). A Song in the Dark: The Birth of the Musical Film. Oxford University Press. hlm. 49. ISBN 9780195088113. Since it's rarely seen today, The Singing Fool is frequently confused with The Jazz Singer; although besides Jolson and a pervasively maudlin air the two have little in common. In the earlier film Jolson was inordinately attached to his mother and sang "Mammy"; here the fixation was on his young son, and "Sonny Boy" became an enormous hit. So did the film, which amassed a stunning world-wide gross of $5.9 million...Some sources give it as the highest gross of any film in its initial release prior to Gone with the Wind. This is probably overstating it—MGM's records show that Ben-Hur and The Big Parade grossed more, and no one knows just how much The Birth of a Nation brought in. Still, by the standards of the time it's an amazing amount. 
  63. ^ Everson, William K. (1998) [First published 1978]. American silent film. Da Capo Press. hlm. 374. ISBN 978-0-306-80876-0. Putting The Birth of a Nation in fifth place is open to question, since it is generally conceded to be the top-grossing film of all time. However, it has always been difficult to obtain reliable box-office figures for this film, and it may have been even more difficult in the mid-1930's. After listing it until the mid-1970's as the top-grosser, though finding it impossible to quote exact figures, Variety, the trade journal, suddenly repudiated the claim but without giving specific details or reasons. On the basis of the number of paid admissions, and continuous exhibition, its number one position seems justified. 
  64. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 163. "MGM's silent Ben-Hur, which opened at the end of 1925, had out-grossed all the other pictures released by the company in 1926 combined. With worldwide rentals of $9,386,000 on first release it was, with the sole possible exception of The Birth of a Nation, the highest-earning film of the entire silent era."
  65. ^ a b du Brow, Rick (September 22, 1965). "Documentary On The Klan Made Quite An Impact On Du Brow". The Columbus Dispatch. hlm. 12. 
  66. ^ Hodgkinson, Will (April 12, 2004). "Culture quake: The Birth of a Nation". The Daily Telegraph. Diakses tanggal January 31, 2012. 
  67. ^ Thomas, Bob (January 18, 1963). "'West Side Story' Earned $19 Million Last Year". Reading Eagle. Associated Press. hlm. 20. 
  68. ^ Klopsch, Louis; Sandison, George Henry; Talmage, Thomas De Witt (1965). "Christian Herald". 88: 68. Yet "The Ten Commandments" has earned 58 million dollars in film rentals and is expected to bring in 10 to 15 million each year it is reissued. 
  69. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 160–161. "General release began at normal prices in 1959 and continued until the end of the following year, when the film was temporarily withdrawn (the first of several reissues came in 1966). The worldwide rental by this time was around $60 million. In the domestic market it dislodged Gone with the Wind from the number one position on Variety's list of All-Time Rentals Champs. GWTW had hitherto maintained its lead through several reissues (and was soon to regain it through another in 1961)."
  70. ^ Oviatt, Ray (April 16, 1961). "The Memory Isn't Gone With The Wind". Toledo Blade. hlm. 67–68. 
  71. ^ "Ben-Hur (1959) – Notes". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal November 17, 2012. 
  72. ^ Thomas, Bob (August 1, 1963). "Movie Finances Are No Longer Hidden From Scrutiny". The Robesonian. Associated Press. hlm. 10. 
  73. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 324. "Worldwide rentals: $66.1 million (initial release)"
  74. ^ Washington (AP) (September 13, 1984). "'Deep Throat' star against pornography". The Free Lance–Star. hlm. 12. 
  75. ^ Hiltzik, Michael (February 24, 2005). "'Deep Throat' Numbers Just Don't Add Up". Los Angeles Times. Diakses tanggal February 2, 2012. 
  76. ^ Memphis (UPI) (May 1, 1976). "'Deep Throat' Defendant Found Guilty of Conspiring". The Palm Beach Post. hlm. A2. 
  77. ^ Ebert, Roger (February 11, 2005). "Inside Deep Throat". rogerebert.com. Chicago Sun-Times. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 6, 2011. Diakses tanggal February 2, 2012. 
  78. ^ Bartel, Pauline (1989). The Complete Gone with the Wind Trivia Book: The Movie and More. Taylor Trade Publishing. hlm. 127. ISBN 978-0-87833-619-7. At the end of the 1941 general release, MGM decided to withdraw GWTW again. The prints were battered, but the studio believed one final fling for GWTW was possible. The film returned to movie theaters for the third time in the spring of 1942 and stayed in release until late 1943 ... When MGM finally pulled the film from exhibition, all worn-out prints were destroyed, and GWTW was at last declared out of circulation. MGM, which by then had sole ownership of the film, announced that GWTW had grossed over $32 million. 
  79. ^ Dick, Bernard F. (1997). City of Dreams: The Making and Remaking of Universal Pictures. University Press of Kentucky. hlm. 168. ISBN 9780813120164. Jaws (1975) saved the day, grossing $104 million domestically and $132 million worldwide by January 1976. 
  80. ^ Kilday, Gregg (July 5, 1977). "Director of 'Jaws II' Abandons His 'Ship'". The Victoria Advocate. hlm. 6B. 
  81. ^ New York (AP) (May 26, 1978). "Scariness of Jaws 2 unknown quantity". The StarPhoenix. hlm. 21. 
  82. ^ Fenner, Pat C. (January 16, 1978). "Independent Action". Evening Independent. hlm. 11-A. 
  83. ^ Cook, David A. (2002). Lost Illusions: American Cinema in the Shadow of Watergate and Vietnam, 1970–1979. Volume 9 of History of the American Cinema, Charles Harpole. University of California Press. hlm. 50. ISBN 9780520232655. The industry was stunned when Star Wars earned nearly $3 million in its first week and by the end of August had grossed $100 million; it played continuously throughout 1977–1978, and was officially re-released in 1978 and 1979, by the end of which it had earned $262 million in rentals worldwide to become the top- grossing film of all time – a position it would maintain until surpassed by Universal's E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial in January 1983. 
  84. ^ "Titanic sinks competitors without a trace". BBC News. BBC. February 25, 1998. Diakses tanggal August 13, 2010. 
  85. ^ Cieply, Michael (January 26, 2010). "He Doth Surpass Himself: 'Avatar' Outperforms 'Titanic'". The New York Times. Diakses tanggal January 27, 2010. 
  86. ^ Segers, Frank (January 25, 2010). "'Avatar' breaks 'Titanic' worldwide record". The Hollywood Reporter. Diakses tanggal December 4, 2010. 
  87. ^ Whitten, Sarah (July 21, 2019). "'Avengers: Endgame' is now the highest-grossing film of all time, dethroning 'Avatar'". CNBC. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 21, 2019. Diakses tanggal July 21, 2019. 
  88. ^ Robbins, Shawn (July 20, 2019). "Avengers: Endgame Surpasses Avatar As #1 Global Release of All Time on Saturday". BoxOffice. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 24, 2019. Diakses tanggal July 24, 2019. 
  89. ^ Tartaglione, Nancy (March 13, 2021). "'Avatar' Overtakes 'Avengers: Endgame' As All-Time Highest-Grossing Film At Global Box Office; China Reissue Growing". Deadline Hollywood. Diakses tanggal March 13, 2021. 
  90. ^ "Box Office History for James Bond Movies". The Numbers. Nash Information Services, LLC. Diakses tanggal January 4, 2012. 
  91. ^ "Box Office History for Star Wars Movies". The Numbers. Nash Information Services, LLC. Diakses tanggal January 4, 2012. 
  92. ^ "Indiana Jones – Worldwide (Unadjusted)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal January 6, 2012. 
  93. ^ Anderson, Dave (November 16, 2003). "Bayonne Bleeder Throws a Punch at the Italian Stallion". The New York Times. Diakses tanggal January 4, 2012. 
  94. ^ Schneiderman, R. M. (August 10, 2006). "Stallone Settles With The 'Real' Rocky". Forbes. Diakses tanggal January 4, 2012. 
  95. ^ Poller, Kenneth G. (November 12, 2003). "Charles Wepner v. Sylvester Stallone" (PDF). Mango & Iacoviello. Diakses tanggal January 4, 2012. 
  96. ^ "Batman – Worldwide (Unadjusted) & Batman: Mask of the Phantasm". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal January 6, 2012. 
  97. ^ "Jurassic Park – Worldwide (Unadjusted)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal January 6, 2012. 
  98. ^ "Box Office History for Star Trek Movies". The Numbers. Nash Information Services, LLC. Diakses tanggal January 4, 2012. 
  99. ^ "Movie Franchises". The Numbers. Nash Information Services, LLC. Diakses tanggal September 19, 2017. 
  100. ^ a b The Economist online (July 11, 2011). "Pottering on, and on". The Economist. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 11, 2011. 
  101. ^ Nevins, Jess (August 23, 2011). "A Brief History of the Crossover". io9. Diakses tanggal July 19, 2018. 
  102. ^ Nevins, Jess (September 9, 2011). "The First Shared Universes". io9. Diakses tanggal July 19, 2018. 
  103. ^ "How 'Spectre' May Stack Up With 'Thunderball' as a James Bond Blockbuster". The New York Times. November 6, 2015. Diakses tanggal January 7, 2018. 
  104. ^ Sebelum Spectre dirilis tahun 2015, penghasilan kotor seri James Bond kurang lebih $17,7 miliar sesuai harga tahun 2015;[103] setelah menghitung hampir $900 juta dari Spectre, seri ini mendapatkan sedikitnya $18,6 miliar sesuai inflasi.
  105. ^ Harrod, Horatia (May 17, 2011). "Pixar's $6 billion playthings". The Daily Telegraph. Diakses tanggal April 12, 2012. 
  106. ^ Swatman, Rachel (June 16, 2015). "Star Wars: The Force Awakens second trailer sets YouTube world record". Guinness World Records. Diakses tanggal June 17, 2015. 
  107. ^ "Field Listings – Exchange Rates". The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 15, 2015. Diakses tanggal June 17, 2015. 
  108. ^ "Finding Dory vs. Finding Nemo" (North American "domestic" grosses adjusted to 2016 prices). Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal October 21, 2016. 

Sumber box office

  1. ^ a b c d Avatar
  2. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 3, 2010. 
  3. ^ a b c "Avengers: Endgame (2019)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 7, 2023. Diakses tanggal March 13, 2021. 
  4. ^ a b c d e "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal October 23, 2019. 
  5. ^ a b "Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 19, 2022. Diakses tanggal May 26, 2023. 
  6. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 7, 2023. 
  7. ^ a b c Titanic
  8. ^ a b "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 16, 2001. 
  9. ^ a b "Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 8, 2019. Diakses tanggal August 15, 2016. 
  10. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal April 5, 2016. 
  11. ^ a b "Avengers: Infinity War (2018)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 21, 2020. Diakses tanggal January 13, 2019. 
  12. ^ a b c d "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal April 1, 2019. 
  13. ^ a b "Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 29, 2022. Diakses tanggal June 28, 2024. All Releases: $1,922,598,800; Original Release: $1,912,233,593 
  14. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 29, 2022. 
  15. ^ "Jurassic World (2015)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal March 8, 2021. Diakses tanggal March 7, 2022. 
  16. ^ a b "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 26, 2015. 
  17. ^ "The Lion King". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 25, 2020. Diakses tanggal January 8, 2020. 
  18. ^ a b "The Avengers (2012)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 6, 2023. Diakses tanggal January 18, 2023.  Kesalahan pengutipan: Tanda <ref> tidak sah; nama "avengers" didefinisikan berulang dengan isi berbeda
  19. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal October 1, 2012. 
  20. ^ "Furious 7 (2015)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 2, 2019. Diakses tanggal January 9, 2023. 
  21. ^ a b "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 26, 2015. 
  22. ^ "Top Gun: Maverick (2022)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 17, 2022. Diakses tanggal June 8, 2023. 
  23. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 29, 2022. 
  24. ^ "Frozen II". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 12, 2019. Diakses tanggal March 26, 2020. 
  25. ^ a b c "Top Lifetime Grosses – Worldwide". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 1, 2020. 
  26. ^ a b "Barbie (2023)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 9, 2023. Diakses tanggal March 28, 2024. 
  27. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 17, 2024. 
  28. ^ "Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 18, 2022. Diakses tanggal January 8, 2022. 
  29. ^ "The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal April 5, 2023. Diakses tanggal May 17, 2024. 
  30. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 29, 2023. 
  31. ^ "Black Panther (2018)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 30, 2020. Diakses tanggal October 29, 2018. 
  32. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 1, 2018. 
  33. ^ a b Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2
  34. ^ a b "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal October 31, 2011. 
  35. ^ a b "Star Wars: The Last Jedi". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 1, 2019. Diakses tanggal May 21, 2018. 
  36. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal April 27, 2018. 
  37. ^ "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 21, 2020. Diakses tanggal January 12, 2019. 
  38. ^ a b Frozen
    Total as of August 3, 2014: $247,650,477
    Total as of August 31, 2014: $249,036,646
    Total as of August 17, 2014: $167,333
    Total as of July 27, 2014: $21,668,593
    Total as of November 2, 2014: $22,492,845
    Total as of June 8, 2014: £39,090,985
    Total as of November 30, 2014: £40,960,083 ($1 = £0.63866)
    Total as of December 7, 2014: £41,087,765 ($1 = £0.64136)
    Total as of December 14, 2014: £41,170,608 ($1 = £0.636)
    Total as of November 26, 2017: £42,840,559 ($1 = £0.7497)
    Total as of December 3, 2017: £42,976,318 ($1 = £0.742)
    Total as of March 30, 2014: €35,098,170
    Total as of October 18, 2015: €42,526,744
    nb. the exact euro to dollar conversion rate is unknown for earnings since April 2014, but the euro never fell below parity with the dollar during 2014 and 2015 (as can be verified by comparing the exchange rate on the individual date entries at the provided reference) so an approximate conversion rate of €1: $1 is used here to give a lower-bound.
  39. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 2, 2014. 
  40. ^ "Beauty and the Beast (2017)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 18, 2019. Diakses tanggal September 5, 2017. 
  41. ^ a b c "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 11, 2017. 
  42. ^ "Incredibles 2 (2018)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal October 21, 2020. Diakses tanggal March 25, 2019. 
  43. ^ "The Fate of the Furious (2017)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 22, 2017. 
  44. ^ "Iron Man 3 (2013)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 15, 2017. Diakses tanggal October 28, 2013. 
  45. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 21, 2014. 
  46. ^ "Minions (2015)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 2, 2019. Diakses tanggal January 18, 2023. 
  47. ^ a b "Captain America: Civil War (2016)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 6, 2023. Diakses tanggal January 18, 2023. 
  48. ^ a b "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 1, 2016. 
  49. ^ "Aquaman (2018)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 17, 2023. Diakses tanggal January 18, 2023. 
  50. ^ a b "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 5, 2023. Diakses tanggal November 7, 2023.  Kesalahan pengutipan: Tanda <ref> tidak sah; nama "lotr3" didefinisikan berulang dengan isi berbeda
  51. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 5, 2004. 
  52. ^ a b "Inside Out 2 (2024)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal July 4, 2024. 
  53. ^ "Spider-Man: Far From Home". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 2, 2019. Diakses tanggal June 28, 2024. 
  54. ^ "Captain Marvel (2019)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 21, 2020. Diakses tanggal July 21, 2019. 
  55. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 23, 2019. 
  56. ^ "Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 2, 2019. Diakses tanggal January 18, 2014. 
  57. ^ "Skyfall (2012)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal October 17, 2022. Diakses tanggal January 18, 2023. 
  58. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal March 3, 2013. 
  59. ^ a b "Transformers: Age of Extinction". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 2, 2019. Diakses tanggal May 17, 2015. 
  60. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 2, 2014. 
  61. ^ "The Dark Knight Rises (2012)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal September 4, 2023. Diakses tanggal November 7, 2023. 
  62. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 3, 2012. 
  63. ^ "Joker (2019)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal August 1, 2023. Diakses tanggal November 30, 2022. 
  64. ^ "Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 30, 2019. Diakses tanggal March 21, 2020. 
  65. ^ "Toy Story 4". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 14, 2019. Diakses tanggal December 7, 2019. 
  66. ^ a b "Toy Story 3 (2010)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal March 17, 2010. 
  67. ^ a b "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 18, 2011. 
  68. ^ a b "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal January 11, 2010. 
  69. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 1, 2006. 
  70. ^ "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 5, 2019. Diakses tanggal September 2, 2022. 
  71. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal April 19, 2017. 
  72. ^ "Aladdin (2019)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal June 17, 2019. Diakses tanggal November 2, 2019. 
  73. ^ a b Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
  74. ^ "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal March 23, 2020. Diakses tanggal August 22, 2011. 
  75. ^ a b c Jurassic Park
    • Total: "Jurassic Park (1993)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal September 15, 2013. Worldwide: $1,029,153,882; Production Budget: $63 million 
    • Original release: "Jurassic Park (1993)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 19, 2013. Diakses tanggal April 5, 2013. $914,691,118 
    • 2011 re-release: "Jurassic Park (2011 re-release)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal January 17, 2015. United Kingdom: $786,021 
    • As of 2010: Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 756–757. "Production Cost: $70.0 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s) ... Jurassic Park was a smash at the box office, bringing in $920 million in worldwide box office and spawning two sequels."
  76. ^ Krämer, Peter (1999). "Women First: Titanic, Action-Adventure Films, and Hollywood's Female Audience". Dalam Sandler, Kevin S.; Studlar, Gaylyn. Titanic: Anatomy of a Blockbuster. Rutgers University Press. hlm. 108130. ISBN 978-0-8135-2669-0. On page 130, the list has Jurassic Park at number one with $913 million, followed by The Lion King... 
  77. ^ "Despicable Me 3 (2017)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 17, 2021. Diakses tanggal January 18, 2023. 
  78. ^ "Finding Dory (2016)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal September 29, 2022. Diakses tanggal January 18, 2023. 
  79. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 25, 2016. 
  80. ^ "Alice in Wonderland (2010)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 2, 2019. Diakses tanggal January 18, 2023. 
  81. ^ "All Time Worldwide Box Office". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 1, 2010. 
  82. ^ "Zootopia (2016)". Box Office Mojo. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 11, 2020. Diakses tanggal January 7, 2017. 
  83. ^ Monaco, James (2009). How to Read a Film:Movies, Media, and Beyond. Oxford University Press. hlm. 262. ISBN 9780199755790. The Birth of a Nation, costing an unprecedented and, many believed, thoroughly foolhardy $110,000, eventually returned $20 million and more. The actual figure is hard to calculate because the film was distributed on a "states' rights" basis in which licenses to show the film were sold outright. The actual cash generated by The Birth of a Nation may have been as much as $50 million to $100 million, an almost inconceivable amount for such an early film. 
  84. ^ a b Wasko, Janet (1986). "D.W. Griffiths and the banks: a case study in film financing". Dalam Kerr, Paul. The Hollywood Film Industry: A Reader. Routledge. hlm. 34. ISBN 9780710097309. Various accounts have cited $15 to $18 million profits during the first few years of release, while in a letter to a potential investor in the proposed sound version, Aitken noted that a $15 to $18 million box-office gross was a 'conservative estimate'. For years Variety has listed The Birth of a Nation's total rental at $50 million. (This reflects the total amount paid to the distributor, not box-office gross.) This 'trade legend' has finally been acknowledged by Variety as a 'whopper myth', and the amount has been revised to $5 million. That figure seems far more feasible, as reports of earnings in the Griffith collection list gross receipts for 1915–1919 at slightly more than $5.2 million (including foreign distribution) and total earnings after deducting general office expenses, but not royalties, at about $2 million. 
  85. ^ Lang, Robert, ed. (1994). The Birth of a nation: D.W. Griffith, director. Rutgers University Press. hlm. 30. ISBN 978-0-8135-2027-8. The film eventually cost $110,000 and was twelve reels long. 
  86. ^ a b Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 26.
    • Intolerance: "Domestic Rentals: $1.0 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
    • Cleopatra: "Domestic Rentals: $0.5; Production Cost: $0.3 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
  87. ^ Birchard, Robert S. (2010), Intolerance, hlm. 45, Intolerance was the most expensive American film made up until that point, costing a total of $489,653, and its performance at the box ... but it did recoup its cost and end with respectable overall numbers.  In: Block & Wilson 2010.
  88. ^ Coons, Robin (June 30, 1939). "Hollywood Chatter". The Daytona Beach News-Journal. hlm. 6. 
  89. ^ Shipman, David (1970). The great movie stars: the golden years. Crown Publishing Group. hlm. 98. It was a low budgeter—$120,000—but it grossed world-wide over $3 million and made stars of Chaney and his fellow-players, Betty Compson and Thomas Meighan. 
  90. ^ a b c d "Biggest Money Pictures". Variety. June 21, 1932. hlm. 1.  Cited in "Biggest Money Pictures". Cinemaweb. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 8, 2011. Diakses tanggal July 14, 2011. 
  91. ^ a b Solomon, Aubrey (2011). The Fox Film Corporation, 1915–1935: A History and Filmography. McFarland & Company. ISBN 9780786462865. 
    • Way Down East: p. 52. "D.W. Griffith's Way Down East (1920) was projected to return rentals of $4,000,000 on an $800,000 negative. This figure was based on the amounts earned from its roadshow run, coupled with its playoff in the rest of the country's theaters. Griffith had originally placed the potential film rental at $3,000,000 but, because of the success of the various roadshows that were running the $4,000,000 total was expected. The film showed a profit of $615,736 after just 23 weeks of release on a gross of $2,179,613."
    • What Price Glory?: p. 112. "What Price Glory hit the jackpot with massive world rentals of $2,429,000, the highest figure in the history of the company. Since it was also the most expensive production of the year at $817,000 the profit was still a healthy $796,000..."
    • Cavalcade: p. 170. "The actual cost of Cavalcade was $1,116,000 and it was most definitely not guaranteed a success. In fact, if its foreign grosses followed the usual 40 percent of domestic returns, the film would have lost money. In a turnaround, the foreign gross was almost double the $1,000,000 domestic take to reach total world rentals of $3,000,000 and Fox's largest profit of the year at $664,000."
    • State Fair: p. 170. "State Fair did turn out to be a substantial hit with the help of Janet Gaynor boosting Will Rogers back to the level of money-making star. Its prestige engagements helped raked in a total $1,208,000 in domestic rentals. Surprisingly, in foreign countries unfamiliar with state fairs, it still earned a respectable $429,000. With its total rentals, the film ended up showing a $398,000 profit."
  92. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 53. "The Four Forsemen of the Apocalypse was to become Metro's most expensive production and one of the decade's biggest box-office hits. Its production costs have been estimated at "something between $600,000 and $800,000." Variety estimated its worldwide gross at $4 million in 1925 and at $5 million in 1944; in 1991, it estimated its cumulative domestic rentals at $3,800,000."
  93. ^ Brownlow, Kevin (1968). The parade's gone by . University of California Press. hlm. 255. ISBN 978-0-520-03068-8. The negative cost was about $986,000, which did not include Fairbanks' own salary. Once the exploitation and release prints were taken into account, Robin Hood cost about $1,400,000—exceeding both Intolerance ($700,000) and the celebrated "million dollar movie" Foolish Wives. But it earned $2,500,000. 
  94. ^ Vance, Jeffrey (2008). Douglas Fairbanks. University of California Press. hlm. 146. ISBN 9780520256675. The film had a production cost of $930,042.78—more than the cost of D.W. Griffith's Intolerance and nearly as much as Erich von Stroheim's Foolish Wives (1922). 
  95. ^ a b "Business: Film Exports"Perlu langganan berbayar. Time. July 6, 1925. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal November 5, 2010. Diakses tanggal July 12, 2011. 
  96. ^ a b c d e Birchard, Robert S. (2009). Cecil B. DeMille's Hollywood. University Press of Kentucky. ISBN 9780813138299. 
  97. ^ May, Richard P. (Fall 2005), "Restoring The Big Parade", The Moving Image, 5 (2): 140–146, doi:10.1353/mov.2005.0033, ISSN 1532-3978, ...earning somewhere between $18 and $22 million, depending on the figures consulted 
  98. ^ Robertson, Patrick (1991). Guinness Book of Movie Facts and Feats (edisi ke-4). Abbeville Publishing Group. hlm. 30. ISBN 9781558592360. The top grossing silent film was King Vidor's The Big Parade (US 25), with worldwide rentals of $22 million. 
  99. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 58–59. "Even then, at a time when the budget for a feature averaged at around $300,000, no more than $382,000 was spent on production...According to the Eddie Mannix Ledger at MGM, it grossed $4,990,000 domestically and $1,141,000 abroad."
  100. ^ "Ben-Hur (1925) – Notes". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal December 19, 2017. 
  101. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 163. "MGM's silent Ben-Hur, which opened at the end of 1925, had out-grossed all the other pictures released by the company in 1926 combined. With worldwide rentals of $9,386,000 on first release it was, with the sole possible exception of The Birth of a Nation, the highest-earning film of the entire silent era. (At a negative cost of $3,967,000, it was also the most expensive.)"
  102. ^ Miller, Frank. "For Heaven's Sake (1926) – Articles". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal January 15, 2012. 
  103. ^ Finler 2003, hlm. 188. "At a cost of $2 million Wings was the studio's most expensive movie of the decade, and though it did well it was not good enough to earn a profit."
  104. ^ a b The Jazz Singer and The Singing Fool
    • Block, Hayley Taylor (2010), The Jazz Singer, hlm. 113, The film brought in $2.6 million in worldwide rentals and made a net profit of $1,196,750. Jolson's follow-up Warner Bros. film, The Singing Fool (1928), brought in over two times as much, with $5.9 in worldwide rentals and a profit of $3,649,000, making them two of the most profitable films in the 1920s.  In: Block & Wilson 2010.
  105. ^ Crafton, Donald (1999). The Talkies: American Cinema's Transition to Sound, 1926–1931. University of California Press. hlm. 549–552. ISBN 9780520221284. The Singing Fool: Negative Cost ($1000s): 388 
  106. ^ Birchard, Robert S. (2010), The Broadway Melody, hlm. 121, It earned $4.4 million in worldwide rentals and was the first movie to spawn sequels (there were several until 1940).  In: Block & Wilson 2010.
  107. ^ Bradley, Edwin M. (2004) [1st. pub. 1996]. The First Hollywood Musicals: A Critical Filmography of 171 Features, 1927 Through 1932. McFarland & Company. ISBN 9780786420292. 
    • The Singing Fool: p. 12. "Ego aside, Jolson was at the top of his powers in The Singing Fool. The $150,000 Warner Bros. paid him to make it, and the $388,000 it took to produce the film, were drops in the hat next to the film's world gross of $5.9 million. Its $3.8-million gross in this country set a box-office record that would not be surpassed until Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)."
    • The Broadway Melody: p. 24. "The Broadway Melody with a negative cost of $379,000, grossed $2.8 million in the United States, $4.8 million worldwide, and made a recorded profit of $1.6 million for MGM."
    • Gold Diggers of Broadway: p. 58. "It grossed an impressive $2.5 million domestically and nearly $4 million worldwide."
  108. ^ a b c Solomon, Aubrey (2002) [First published 1988]. Twentieth Century-Fox: a corporate and financial history. Filmmakers series. 20. Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 9780810842441. 
    • Sunny Side Up: p. 10. "Sunny Side Up, a musical starring Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell, showed domestic rentals of $3.5 million, a record for the company."
    • Forever Amber: p. 66. "On the surface, with world rentals of $8 million, Forever Amber was considered a hit at distribution level."
    • The French Connection
    p. 167. "The Planet of the Apes motion pictures were all moneymakers and Zanuck's record would have immediately improved had he stayed through the release of The French Connection, which took in rentals of approximately $75 million worldwide."
    p. 256. "$3,300,00".
  109. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 46. "Production Cost: $0.6 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
  110. ^ Cormack, Mike (1993). Ideology and Cinematography in Hollywood, 1930–1939. Palgrave Macmillan. hlm. 28. ISBN 9780312100674. Although costing $1250000—a huge sum for any studio in 1929—the film was a financial success. Karl Thiede gives the domestic box-office at $1500000, and the same figure for the foreign gross. 
  111. ^ a b Balio, Tino (1996). Grand Design: Hollywood as a Modern Business Enterprise, 1930–1939. Volume 5 of History of the American Cinema. University of California Press. ISBN 9780520203341. 
    • Cavalcade: p. 182. "Produced by Winfield Sheehan at a cost of $1.25 million, Cavalcade won Academy Awards for best picture, director, art direction and grossed close to $4 million during its first release, much of which came from Great Britain and the Empire."
    • Whoopee: p. 212. "Produced by Sam Goldwyn at a cost of $1 million, the picture was an adaptation of a smash musical comedy built around Eddie Cantor...A personality-centered musical, Whoopee! made little attempt to integrate the comedy routines, songs, and story. Nonetheless, Cantor's feature-film debut grossed over $2.6 million worldwide and started a popular series that included Palmy Days (1931), The Kid from Spain (1932), and Roman Scandals (1933)."
  112. ^ Hell's Angels
    • Balio, Tino (1976). United Artists: The Company Built by the Stars. University of Wisconsin Press. hlm. 110. Hughes did not have the "Midas touch" the trade press so often attributed to him. Variety, for example, reported that Hell's Angels cost $3.2 million to make, and by July, 1931, eight months after its release, the production cost had nearly been paid off. Keats claimed the picture cost $4 million to make and that it earned twice that much within twenty years. The production cost estimate is probably correct. Hughes worked on the picture for over two years, shooting it first as a silent and then as a talkie. Lewis Milestone said that in between Hughes experimented with shooting it in color as well. But Variety's earnings report must be the fabrication of a delirious publicity agent, and Keats' the working of a myth maker. During the seven years it was in United Artists distribution, Hell's Angels grossed $1.6 million in the domestic market, of which Hughes' share was $1.2 million. Whatever the foreign gross was, it seems unlikely that it was great enough to earn a profit for the picture. 
  113. ^ Feaster, Felicia. "Frankenstein (1931)". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal July 4, 2011. 
  114. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 163. "It drew $1.4 million in worldwide rentals in its first run versus $1.2 million for Dracula, which had opened in February 1931."
  115. ^ Vance, Jeffrey (2003). Chaplin: genius of the cinema. Abrams Books. hlm. 208. Chaplin's negative cost for City Lights was $1,607,351. The film eventually earned him a worldwide profit of $5 million ($2 million domestically and $3 million in foreign distribution), an enormous sum of money for the time. 
  116. ^ Ramsaye, Terry, ed. (1937). "The All-Time Best Sellers – Motion Pictures". International Motion Picture Almanac 1937–38: 942–943. Kid from Spain: $2,621,000 (data supplied by Eddie Cantor) 
  117. ^ a b c d Sedgwick, John (2000). Popular Filmgoing In 1930s Britain: A Choice of Pleasures. University of Exeter Press. hlm. 146–148. ISBN 9780859896603. Sources: Eddie Mannix Ledger, made available to the author by Mark Glancy... 
    • Grand Hotel: Production Cost $000s: 700; Distribution Cost $000s: 947; US box-office $000s: 1,235; Foreign box-office $000s: 1,359; Total box-office $000s: 2,594; Profit $000s: 947.
    • The Merry Widow: Production Cost $000s: 1,605; Distribution Cost $000s: 1,116; US box-office $000s: 861; Foreign box-office $000s: 1,747; Total box-office $000s: 2,608; Profit $000s: -113.
    • Viva Villa: Production Cost $000s: 1,022; Distribution Cost $000s: 766; US box-office $000s: 941; Foreign box-office $000s: 934; Total box-office $000s: 1,875; Profit $000s: 87.
    • Mutiny on the Bounty: Production Cost $000s: 1,905; Distribution Cost $000s: 1,646; US box-office $000s: 2,250; Foreign box-office $000s: 2,210; Total box-office $000s: 4,460; Profit $000s: 909.
    • San Francisco: Production Cost $000s: 1,300; Distribution Cost $000s: 1,736; US box-office $000s: 2,868; Foreign box-office $000s: 2,405; Total box-office $000s: 5,273; Profit $000s: 2,237.
  118. ^ Shanghai Express
    • Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 165. "Shanghai Express was Dietrich's biggest hit in America, bringing in $1.5 million in worldwide rentals."
  119. ^ King Kong
    • Jewel, Richard (1994). "RKO Film Grosses: 1931–1951". Historical Journal of Film Radio and Television. 14 (1): 39. 1933 release: $1,856,000; 1938 release: $306,000; 1944 release: $685,000 
    • "King Kong (1933) – Notes". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal January 7, 2012. 1952 release: $2,500,000; budget: $672,254.75 
  120. ^ "I'm No Angel (1933) – Notes". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal January 7, 2012. According to a modern source, it had a gross earning of $2,250,000 on the North American continent, with over a million more earned internationally. 
  121. ^ Finler 2003, hlm. 188. "The studio released its most profitable pictures of the decade in 1933, She Done Him Wrong and I'm No Angel, written by and starring Mae West. Produced at a rock-bottom cost of $200,000 each, they undoubtedly helped Paramount through the worst patch in its history..."
  122. ^ Block, Alex Ben (2010), She Done Him Wrong, hlm. 173, The worldwide rentals of over $3 million keep the lights on at Paramount, which did not shy away from selling the movie's sex appeal.  In: Block & Wilson 2010.
  123. ^ Phillips, Kendall R. (2008). Controversial Cinema: The Films That Outraged America. ABC-CLIO. hlm. 26. ISBN 9781567207248. The reaction to West's first major film, however, was not exclusively negative. Made for a mere $200,000, the film would rake in a healthy $2 million in the United States and an additional million in overseas markets. 
  124. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 135. "Total production cost: $274,076 (Unadjusted $s)."
  125. ^ a b Turk, Edward Baron (2000) [1st. pub. 1998]. Hollywood Diva: A Biography of Jeanette MacDonald. University of California Press. ISBN 9780520222533. 
    • The Merry Widow: p. 361 Cost: $1,605,000. Earnings: domestic $861,000; foreign $1,747,000; total $2,608,000. Loss: $113,000.
    • San Francisco: p. 364 Cost: $1,300,000. Earnings: domestic $2,868,000; foreign $2,405,000; total $5,273,000. Profit: $2,237,000. [Reissues in 1938–39 and 1948–49 brought profits of $124,000 and $647,000 respectively.]
  126. ^ McBride, Joseph (2011). Frank Capra: The Catastrophe of Success. University Press of Mississippi. hlm. 309. ISBN 9781604738384. According to the studio's books It Happened One Night brought in $1 million in film rentals during its initial release, but as Joe Walker pointed out, the figure would have been much larger if the film had not been sold to theaters on a block-booking basis in a package with more than two dozen lesser Columbia films, and the total rentals of the package spread among them all, as was customary in that era, since it minimized the risk and allowed the major studios to dominate the marketplace. 
  127. ^ Dick, Bernard F. (2008). Claudette Colbert: She Walked in Beauty. University Press of Mississippi. hlm. 79. ISBN 9781604730876. Although Columbia's president, Harry Cohn, had strong reservations about It Happened One Night, he also knew that it would not bankrupt the studio; the rights were only $5,000, and the budget was set at $325,000, including the performers' salaries. 
  128. ^ Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
    • Monaco, Paul (2010). A History of American Movies: A Film-By-Film Look at the Art, Craft, and Business of Cinema. Scarecrow Press. hlm. 54. ISBN 9780810874343. Considered a highly risky gamble when the movie was in production in the mid-1930s, by the fiftieth anniversary of its 1937 premiere Snow White's earnings exceeded $330 million. 
    • Wilhelm, Henry Gilmer; Brower, Carol (1993). The Permanence and Care of Color Photographs: Traditional and Digital Color Prints, Color Negatives, Slides, and Motion Pictures. Preservation Pub. hlm. 359. ISBN 978-0911515008. In only 2 months after the 1987 re-release, the film grossed another $45 million—giving it a total gross to date of about $375 million! 
    • "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1987 Re-issue)". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. North American box-office: $46,594,719 
    • "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1993 Re-issue)". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. North American box-office: $41,634,791 
  129. ^ a b Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Pinocchio
    p. 207. "When the budget rose from $250,000 to $1,488,423 he even mortgaged his own home and automobile. Disney had bet more than his company on the success of Snow White."
    p. 237. "By the end of 1938, it had grossed more than $8 million in worldwide rentals and was ranked at the time as the second-highest-grossing film after the 1925 epic Ben-Hur".
    p. 255. "On its initial release Pinocchio brought in only $1.6 million in domestic rentals (compared with Snow White's $4.2 million) and $1.9 million in foreign rentals (compared with Snow White's $4.3 million)."
  130. ^ 1938
    • You Can't Take It With You:"You Can't Take It With You Premieres". Focus Features. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal September 13, 2012. You Can't Take It With You received excellent reviews, won Best Picture and Best Director at the 1938 Academy Awards, and earned over $5 million worldwide. 
    • Boys Town: Block, Alex Ben (2010), Boys Town, hlm. 215, The film quickly became a smash nationwide, making a profit of over $2 million on worldwide rentals of $4 million.  In: Block & Wilson 2010.
    • The Adventures of Robin Hood: Glancy, H. Mark (1995). "Warner Bros Film Grosses, 1921–51: the William Schaefer ledger". Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television. 1 (15): 55–60. doi:10.1080/01439689500260031. $3.981 million. 
    • Alexander's Ragtime Band: Block, Hayley Taylor (2010), Alexander's Ragtime Band, hlm. 213, Once the confusion cleared, however, the film blossomed into a commercial success, with a profit of $978,000 on worldwide rentals of $3.6 million.  In: Block & Wilson 2010.
  131. ^ Chartier, Roy (September 6, 1938). "You Can't Take It With You". Variety. Diakses tanggal September 13, 2011. 
  132. ^ "Gone with the Wind". The Numbers. Nash Information Services. LLC. Diakses tanggal February 8, 2013. 
  133. ^ "Gone with the Wind". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  134. ^ a b Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama gwtw tcm
  135. ^ (Inggris) Gone with the Wind di Box Office Mojo
  136. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 283 ."The final negative cost of Gone with the Wind (GWTW) has been variously reported between $3.9 million and $4.25 million."
  137. ^ "Pinocchio (1940)". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  138. ^ Barrier, Michael (2003). Hollywood Cartoons: American Animation in Its Golden Age. New York: Oxford University Press. hlm. 266. ISBN 9780199839223. The film's negative cost was $2.6 million, more than $1 million higher than Snow White's. 
  139. ^ Schatz, Thomas (1999) [1st. pub. 1997]. Boom and Bust: American Cinema in the 1940s. Volume 6 of History of the American Cinema. University of California Press. hlm. 466. ISBN 9780520221307. Boom Town ($4.6 million). 
  140. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 258259. "Production Cost: $2.1 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s) ... Boom Town was the biggest moneymaker of 1940 and one of the top films of the decade."
  141. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 267. "With worldwide rentals of $7.8 million in its initial release, the movie made a net profit of over $3 million."
  142. ^ Finler 2003, hlm. 301. "The studio did particularly well with its war-related pictures, such as Sergeant York (1941), which cost $1.6 million but was the studio's biggest hit of the decade aside from This is the Army (1943), the Irving Berlin musical for which the profits were donated to the Army Emergency Relief fund."
  143. ^ "Bambi". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  144. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 281. "Worldwide rentals of $3,449,353 barely recouped the film's nearly $2 million production cost."
  145. ^ a b c d Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 712–713.
    • Bambi: "Worldwide Box Office: $266.8; Production Cost: $1.7 (Millions of $s)"
    • 101 Dalmatians: "Worldwide Box Office: $215.0; Production Cost: $3.6 (Millions of $s)"
    • The Jungle Book: "Worldwide Box Office: $170.8"; Production Cost: $3.9 (Millions of $s)"
    • Aladdin: "Worldwide Box Office: $505.1"; Production Cost: $28.0 (Millions of $s)"
  146. ^ Glancy, Mark (1999). When Hollywood Loved Britain: The Hollywood 'British' Film 1939–1945. Manchester University Press. hlm. 9495. ISBN 9780719048531. Mrs Miniver was a phenomenon. It was the most popular film of the year (from any studio) in both North America and Britain, and its foreign earnings were three times higher than those of any other MGM film released in the 1941–42 season. The production cost ($1,344,000) was one of the highest of the season, indicating the studio never thought of the film as a potential loss-maker. When the film earned a worldwide gross of $8,878,000, MGM had the highest profit ($4,831,000) in its history. Random Harvest nearly matched the success of Mrs Miniver with worldwide earnings of $8,147,000 yielding the second-highest profit in MGM's history ($4,384,000). Random Harvest was also the most popular film of the year in Britain, where it proved to be even more popular than Britain's most acclaimed war film, In Which We Serve. 
  147. ^ Block & Wilson 2010
    • Mrs. Miniver: Burns, Douglas (2010), Mrs. Miniver, hlm. 279, Mrs. Miniver's galvanizing effect on Americans spawned a record-breaking ten-week run at Radio City Music Hall and garnered a $5.4 million take in domestic rentals (making Mrs. Miniver 1942's top grosser), with a $4.8 million profit on worldwide rentals of $8.9 million. 
    • Yankee Doodle Dandy: p. 275. "It became the second biggest box-office hit of 1942 (after Mrs. Miniver) and was praised by critics, making a profit of $3.4 million on worldwide rentals of $6.5 million."
  148. ^ McAdams, Frank (2010), For Whom the Bell Tolls, hlm. 287, Despite the early furor over the novel being “pro-red and immoral,” the film opened to strong and favorable reviews and brought in $11 million in worldwide rentals in its initial release.  In: Block & Wilson 2010.
  149. ^ "For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943) – Notes". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal June 24, 2012. 
  150. ^ a b "A Guy Named Joe (1944) – Notes". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal August 29, 2012. According to M-G-M studio records at the AMPAS Library, the film had a negative cost of $2,627,000 and took in $5,363,000 at the box office. When the picture was re-issued for the 1955–56 season, it took in an additional $150,000. 
  151. ^ Bergreen, Laurence (Summer 1996). "Irving Berlin: This Is the Army". Prologue. 28 (2). Part 3. Diakses tanggal August 22, 2012. 
  152. ^ "This Is the Army (1943) – Notes". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal July 9, 2011. 
  153. ^ a b c d e f g Finler 2003, hlm. 356–363
  154. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 420. "(Unadjusted $s) in Millions of $s – Production Cost: $1.0"
  155. ^ a b Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 232.
    • Mrs. Miniver: "Domestic Rentals: $5,358,000; Foreign Rentals: $3,520,000 (Unadjusted $s)"
    • Meet Me in St. Louis: "Domestic Rentals: $5,016,000; Foreign Rentals: $1,623,630 (Unadjusted $s)"
    • Easter Parade: "Domestic Rentals: $4,144,000; Foreign Rentals: $1,774,134 (Unadjusted $s)"
  156. ^ Schaefer, Eric (1999). "Bold! Daring! Shocking! True!": A History of Exploitation Films, 1919–1959. Duke University Press. hlm. 197–199. ISBN 9780822323747. Leading the pack of postwar sex hygiene films was Mom and Dad (1944), which would become not only the most successful sex hygiene film in history but the biggest pre-1960 exploitation film of any kind. At the end of 1947, the Los Angeles Times reported that Mom and Dad had grossed $2 million. By 1949 Time had estimated that Mom and Dad had taken in $8 million from twenty million moviegoers. And publicity issuing from Mom and Dad's production company indicated that by the end of 1956 it had grossed over $80 million worldwide. Net rentals of around $22 million by 1956 would easily place it in the top ten films of the late 1940s and early 1950s had it appeared on conventional lists. Some estimates have placed its total gross over the years at up to $100 million, and it was still playing drive-in dates into 1975...The film was made for around $65,000 with a crew of Hollywood veterans including director William "One Shot" Beaudine, cinematographer Marcel LePicard, and a cast that sported old stalwarts Hardie Albright, Francis Ford, and John Hamilton. 
  157. ^ Block & Wilson 2010
    • p. 296. "Production Cost: $1.6 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)"
    • Wasson, Sam (2010), The Bells of St. Mary's, hlm. 297, This was that rare sequel that did even better at the box office than the original, bringing in a $3.7 million profit on $11.2 million in worldwide rentals. 
  158. ^ "Song of the South". The Numbers. Nash Information Services. LLC. Diakses tanggal July 10, 2011. 
  159. ^ Gabler, Neal (2007). Walt Disney: the biography. Aurum Press. hlm. 438. Still, the film wound up grossing $3.3 million... 
  160. ^ "Song of the South (1946) – Notes". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal July 25, 2012. 
  161. ^ Hall & Neale 2010
    • p. 132."Best Years was considerably cheaper, costing only $2.1 million, and therefore vastly more profitable."
    • p. 286 (note 6.70). "Worldwide rentals for The Best Years of Our Lives amounted to $14,750,000."
  162. ^ Burns, Douglas (2010), The Best years of Our Lives, hlm. 301, The film made a $5 million profit on worldwide rentals of $14.8 million.  In: Block & Wilson 2010.
  163. ^ a b Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 285 (note 6.56). "The cost of Duel in the Sun has been reported as both $5,255,000 (Haver, David O'Selznick's Hollywood, 361) and $6,480,000 (Thomson, Showman: The Life of David O'Selznick, 472); the latter figure may include distribution expenses. Forever Amber cost $6,375,000 (Solomon, Twentieth Century-Fox: A Corporate and Financial History, 243)."
  164. ^ Chopra-Gant, Mike (2006). Hollywood Genres and Post-war America: Masculinity, Family and Nation in Popular Movies and Film Noir. I.B. Tauris. hlm. 18. ISBN 9781850438151. Forever Amber: $8 million; Unconquered: $7.5 million; Life with Father: $6.25 million 
  165. ^ "Unconquered (1947) – Notes". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal January 10, 2012. 
  166. ^ Miller, Frank. "Easter Parade (1948) – Articles". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal July 19, 2012. 
  167. ^ Street, Sarah (2002). Transatlantic Crossings: British Feature Films in the United States. Continuum International Publishing Group. hlm. 110. ISBN 9780826413956. Although both films had higher than average budgets (The Red Shoes cost £505,581 and Hamlet cost £572,530, while the average cost of the other thirty films for which Rank supplied information was £233,000), they resulted in high takings at home and abroad. 
  168. ^ Officer, Lawrence H. (2011). "Dollar-Pound Exchange Rate From 1791". MeasuringWorth. Diakses tanggal November 18, 2012. 1947–1948: $4.03 (per British pound) 
  169. ^ "The Snake Pit". The Numbers. Nash Information Services. LLC. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 28, 2011. 
  170. ^ "'Snake Pit' Seen No Problem After All". Variety. January 19, 1949. hlm. 7. 
  171. ^ a b Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 136–139
    • Samson and Delilah: "...the film became the highest grosser in the studio's history to date, with domestic rentals of $7,976,730 by 1955 and a further $6,232,520 overseas...For all their spectacle, Samson and David were quite economically produced, costing $3,097,563 and $2,170,000 respectively."
    • Quo Vadis: "Production costs totaled a record $7,623,000...Worldwide rentals totaled $21,037,000, almost half of which came from the foreign market."
  172. ^ "Cinderella (1950)". The Numbers. Nash Information Services. Diakses tanggal January 2, 2017. 
  173. ^ Eisner, Michael D.; Schwartz, Tony (2009). Work in Progress. Pennsylvania State University. hlm. 178. ISBN 9780786885077. Cinderella revived its fortunes. Re-released in February 1950, it cost nearly $3 million to make but earned more than $20 million worldwide. 
  174. ^ Barrier, Michael (2003). Hollywood Cartoons: American Animation in Its Golden Age. Oxford University Press. hlm. 401. ISBN 9780195167290. It cost around $2.2 million, little more than each of the two package features, Melody Time and The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (as Tluo Fabulous Characters had ultimately been named), that just preceded it, but its gross rentals—an amount shared by Disney and RKO—were $7.8 million, almost twice as much as the two package features combined. 
  175. ^ The E. J. Mannix ledger. Margaret Herrick Library, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences: Howard Strickling Collection. 1962. 
  176. ^ a b Lev, Peter (2006). Transforming the Screen, 1950–1959. Volume 7 of History of the American Cinema. University of California Press. ISBN 9780520249660. 
    • Quo Vadis: p. 15. "MGM's most expensive film of the period, Quo Vadis (1951) also did extremely well. The cost was $7,623,000, earnings were an estimated $21.2 million (with foreign earnings almost 50 percent of this total), and profit was estimated at $5,562,000."
    • Rear Window: pp. 203204. "Rear Window (1954) was an excellent commercial success, with a cost of $1 million and North American rentals of $5.3 million."
  177. ^ a b Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 335.
    • The Robe: "Domestic Rentals: $16.7; Foreign Rentals: $9.4; Production Cost: $4.1 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
    • Quo Vadis: "Domestic Rentals: $11.1; Foreign Rentals: $15.6; Production Cost: $7.5 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
  178. ^ Mulligan, Hugh A. (September 23, 1956). "Cinerama Pushing Ahead As Biggest Money-Maker". The Register-Guard. Eugene, Oregon. hlm. 7B. 
  179. ^ Zone, Ray (2012). 3-D Revolution: The History of Modern Stereoscopic Cinema. University Press of Kentucky. hlm. 71. ISBN 9780813136110. Produced at a cost of $1 million, This is Cinerama ran 122 weeks, earning $4.7 million in its initial New York run alone and eventually grossed over $32 million. It was obvious to Hollywood that the public was ready for a new form of motion picture entertainment. The first five Cinerama feature-length travelogues, though they only played in twenty-two theaters, pulled in a combined gross of $82 million. 
  180. ^ Burns, Douglas (2010), The Greatest Show on Earth, hlm. 354–355, By May 1953, Variety was reporting that the Best Picture winner had amassed $18.35 million in worldwide rentals.  In: Block & Wilson 2010.
  181. ^ "The Greatest Show on Earth (1952) – Notes". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal January 8, 2012. 
  182. ^ "Peter Pan (1953) – Notes". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal July 24, 2011. 
  183. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 147148. "To take full advantage of CinemaScope's panoramic possibilities, shooting was delayed for the sets to be redesigned and rebuilt, adding $500,000 to the eventual $4.1 million budget...It ultimately returned domestic rentals of $17.5 million and $25 million worldwide, placing it second only to Gone with the Wind in Variety's annually updated chart."
  184. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 367. "It brought in $16.7 million in domestic rentals, $9.4 million in foreign rentals, and made a net profit of $8.1 million."
  185. ^ "Rear Window". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  186. ^ "White Christmas". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  187. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 420. "Domestic Box Office: $19.6 million; Production Cost: $3.8 million."
  188. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 149. "VistaVision was first used for the musical White Christmas (1954), which Variety named the top grosser of its year with anticipated domestic rentals of $12 million."
  189. ^ "20000 Leagues Under The Sea". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  190. ^ Miller, John M. "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954) – Articles". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal January 9, 2012. 
  191. ^ Finler 2003, hlm. 320. "It was up and running in time to handle Disney's most elaborate expensive feature, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, based on the book by Jules Verne, starring James Mason and Kirk Douglas and directed by Richard Fleischer at a cost of $4.5 million."
  192. ^ a b D'Alessandro, Anthony (October 27, 2003). "Disney Animated Features at the Worldwide Box Office". Variety. The Jungle Book $378 million; Lady and the Tramp $187 million 
  193. ^ "Lady and the Tramp (1955) – Notes". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal July 27, 2011. 
  194. ^ Minego, Pete (May 21, 1956). "Pete's Pungent Patter". Portsmouth Daily Times. Portsmouth, Ohio. hlm. 19. 
  195. ^ "Cinerama Holiday (1955) – Notes". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal July 7, 2012. 
  196. ^ Block & Wilson 2010
    • p. 382. "Production Cost: $2.4 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)"
    • Burns, Douglas (2010), Mister Roberts, hlm. 383, Mister Roberts sailed onto movie screens buoyed by enthusiastic reviews and receptive audiences. For pr, Fonda, Cagney, and lemmon reenacted several scenes on ed sullivan's popular Toast of the Town television variety show. It returned a net profit of $4.5 million on worldwide rentals of $9.9 million, putting it in the top 5 domestic films of 1955. 
  197. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 327. "Production cost: $13.3 million; Domestic Film Rental: $31.3; Foreign Film Rental: $23.9; Worldwide Box office (estimated): $122.7 (Initial Release – Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
  198. ^ a b Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 159–161
    • The Ten Commandments: "No film did more to entrench roadshow policy than The Ten Commandments. While the success of This Is Cinerama, The Robe, and even Eighty Days could be attributed, at least in part, to their respective photographic and projection formats, that of DeMille's film (which cost a record $13,266,491) could not...General release began at normal prices in 1959 and continued until the end of the following year, when the film was temporarily withdrawn (the first of several reissues came in 1966). The worldwide rental by this time was around $60 million. In the domestic market it dislodged Gone with the Wind from the number one position on Variety's list of All-Time Rentals Champs. GWTW had hitherto maintained its lead through several reissues (and was soon to regain it through another in 1961)."
    • The Bridge on the River Kwai: Columbia's Anglo-American war film The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) opened on a roadshow basis in selected U.S. cities (including New York, Chicago, Boston, and Los Angeles) and in London. Costing only $2,840,000 to produce, it grossed $30.6 million worldwide on first release."
  199. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 153. "South Pacific also became for a time the most successful film ever released in the United Kingdom, where it earned a box-office gross three times its negative cost of $5,610,000. Anticipated global rentals after three years were $30 million."
  200. ^ Ross, Steven J. (2011). Hollywood Left and Right: How Movie Stars Shaped American Politics. Oxford University Press. hlm. 278–279. ISBN 9780199911431. Costing $15 million to produce, the film earned $47 million by the end of 1961 and $90 million worldwide by January 1989. 
  201. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 324. "Worldwide box office: $146.9 million; Worldwide rentals: $66.1 million; Production cost: $15.9 million. (Initial Release – Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)"
  202. ^ Reid, John Howard (2006). America's Best, Britain's Finest: A Survey of Mixed Movies. Volume 14 of Hollywood classics. Lulu. hlm. 243–245. ISBN 9781411678774. Negative cost: around $4 million; Worldwide film rentals gross (including 1968 American reissue) to 1970: $30 million. 
  203. ^ Webster, Patrick (2010). Love and Death in Kubrick: A Critical Study of the Films from Lolita Through Eyes Wide Shut. McFarland & Company. hlm. 298 (note 2.23). ISBN 9780786459162. Spartacus cost $12 million and grossed some $60 million at the box office, figures Kubrick rarely again matched. 
  204. ^ a b Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 179.
    • Spartacus: "In the case of Spartacus, overseas earnings to 1969 amounted to $12,462,044, while U.S. and Canadian rentals (even including a million-dollar TV sale) were only $10,643,181. But the film failed to show a profit on production costs of $10,284,014 because of the distribution charges and expenses amounting to an additional $15,308,083."
    • The Bible: "The Bible—In the Beginning... (1966) was financed by the Italian producer Dino De Laurentiis from private investors and Swiss banks. He then sold distribution rights outside Italy jointly to Fox and Seven Arts for $15 million (70 percent of which came from Fox), thereby recouping the bulk of his $18 million investment. Although The Bible returned a respectable world rental of $25.3 million, Fox was still left with a net loss of just over $1.5 million. It was the last biblical epic to be released by any major Hollywood studio for nearly twenty years."
  205. ^ Nixon, Rob. "Psycho (1960) – Articles". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal January 9, 2012. 
  206. ^ "101 Dalmatians (1961)". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  207. ^ "One Hundred and One Dalmatians". Variety. December 31, 1960. Diakses tanggal August 23, 2011. 
  208. ^ Block, Hayley Taylor (2010), West Side Story, hlm. 449, With its three rereleases, it took in over $105 million in worldwide box office ($720 million in 2005 dollars).  In: Block & Wilson 2010.
  209. ^ a b c d e f g Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 434.
    • The Sound of Music: "Domestic Rentals: $68.4; Foreign Rentals: $46.2; Production Cost: $8.0 (Initial Release – Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
    • The Dirty Dozen: "Domestic Rentals: $20.1; Foreign Rentals: $11.2; Production Cost: $5.4 (Initial Release – Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
    • 2001: A Space Odyssey: "Domestic Rentals: $16.4; Foreign Rentals: $5.5; Production Cost: $10.3 (Initial Release – Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
    • Cleopatra: "Domestic Rentals: $22.1; Foreign Rentals: $18.2; Production Cost: $44.0 (Initial Release – Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
    • West Side Story: "Domestic Rentals: $16.2; Foreign Rentals: $15.6; Production Cost: $7.0 (Initial Release – Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
    • The Longest Day: "Domestic Rentals: $13.9; Foreign Rentals: $19.3; Production Cost: $8.6 (Initial Release – Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
    • Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid: "Domestic Rentals: $29.2; Foreign Rentals: $7.9; Production Cost: $6.6 (Initial Release – Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
  210. ^ Lawrence of Arabia
    • 1962 release: "Lawrence of Arabia". The Numbers. Nash Information Services. LLC. Diakses tanggal August 15, 2011. Worldwide Box Office: $69,995,385; International Box Office: $32,500,000 
    • US total (including reissues): "Lawrence of Arabia". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. $44,824,852 
  211. ^ a b c Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 165166
    • Lawrence of Arabia: Columbia released the $13.8 million Lawrence of Arabia (1962), filmed in Super Panavision 70, exclusively on a hard-ticket basis, but opened Barabbas (1962), The Cardinal (1963), and the $12 million Joseph Conrad adaptation Lord Jim (1965) as 70mm roadshows in selected territories only."
    • The Longest Day: "Darryl's most ambitious independent production was The Longest Day (1962), a three-hour reconstruction of D-Day filmed in black-and-white CinemaScope at a cost of $8 million. It grossed over $30 million worldwide as a roadshow followed by general release, thereby helping the studio regain stability during its period of reorganization."
    • Cleopatra: "With top tickets set at an all-time high of $5.50,Cleopatra had amassed as much as $20 million in such guarantees from exhibitors even before its premiere. Fox claimed the film had cost in total $44 million, of which $31,115,000 represented the direct negative cost and the rest distribution, print and advertising expenses. (These figures excluded the more than $5 million spent on the production's abortive British shoot in 1960–61, prior to its relocation to Italy.) By 1966 worldwide rentals had reached $38,042,000 including $23.5 million from the United States."
  212. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 164. "West cost $14,483,000; although it earned $35 million worldwide in just under three years, with ultimate domestic rentals totaling $20,932,883, high distribution costs severely limited its profitability."
  213. ^ a b c d Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 428–429
    • From Russia With Love: "Worldwide Box Office: 78.9; Production Cost: 2.0 (in millions of $s)"
    • Goldfinger: "Worldwide Box Office: 124.9; Production Cost: 3.0 (in millions of $s)"
    • Diamonds Are Forever: "Worldwide Box Office: 116; Production Cost: 7.2 (in millions of $s)"
    • Moonraker: "Worldwide Box Office: 210.3; Production Cost: 34.0 (in millions of $s)"
  214. ^ a b Chapman, James (2007). Licence to thrill: a cultural history of the James Bond films. I.B. Tauris. ISBN 978-1-84511-515-9. 
    • From Russia With Love: "The American release of From Russia With Love again followed on some six months after it had been shown in Britain. North American rentals of $9.9 million were an improvement on its predecessor, helped by a slightly wider release, though they were still only half the $19.5 million of foreign rentals... (Online copy at Google Books)"
    • Diamonds Are Forever: "Diamonds Are Forever marked a return to the box-office heights of the Bond films of the mid-1960s. Its worldwide rentals were $45.7 million..."[halaman dibutuhkan]
    • Moonraker: "These figures were surpassed by Moonraker, which earned total worldwide rentals of $87.7 million, of which $33 million came from North America. (Online copy at Google Books)"
  215. ^ a b Balio, Tino (2009). United Artists, Volume 2, 1951–1978: the Company that Changed the Film Industry. University of Wisconsin Press. hlm. 261. ISBN 978-0-299-23014-2. 
    • From Russia With Love: "The picture grossed twice as much as Dr. No, both domestic and foreign—$12.5 million worldwide (Online copy at Google Books)"
    • Goldfinger: "Produced on a budget of around $3 million, Goldfinger grossed a phenomenal $46 million worldwide the first time around. (Online copy at Google Books)"
  216. ^ a b Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 184
    • My Fair Lady: "My Fair Lady (1964) cost Warners $17 million to make, including a record $5.5 million just for the film rights to the Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe stage show and a million-dollar fee for star Audrey Hepburn. By 1967 it was reported to have grossed $55 million from roadshowing worldwide."
    • Mary Poppins: "Mary Poppins (1964), which cost $5.2 million, was neither a stage adaptation nor a roadshow. But by the end of its first release, it had grossed nearly $50 million worldwide."
  217. ^ Burns, Douglas (2010), Mary Poppins, hlm. 469, In its initial run, Poppins garnered an astounding $44 million in worldwide rentals and became the company's first Best Picture Oscar contender.  In: Block & Wilson 2010.
  218. ^ "The Sound of Music". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  219. ^ "Hawaii". The Numbers. Nash Information Services. LLC. Diakses tanggal August 18, 2011. 
  220. ^ "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  221. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 188. "The negative cost of Warners' adaptation of Edward Albee's play Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)—filmed in widescreen and black-and-white, largely set in domestic interiors and with a cast of only four principal actors—amounted to $7,613,000, in part because stars Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton received up-front fees of $1 million and $750,000 respectively, against 10 percent of the gross apiece. (Their participation was presumably added to the budget)."
  222. ^ "Animals Portray Parts in Disney's "Robin Hood"". Toledo Blade. October 18, 1970. Sec. G, p. 7. "The Jungle Book," in it's [sic] initial world-wide release, has grossed $23.8 million to date... 
  223. ^ "The Jungle Book". Variety. December 31, 1966. Diakses tanggal March 14, 2018. It was filmed at a declared cost of $4 million over a 42-month period. 
  224. ^ a b Denisoff, R. Serge; Romanowski, William D. (1991). Risky Business: Rock in Film. Transaction Publishers. ISBN 9780887388439. 
    • The Graduate: p. 167. "World net rental was estimated at more than $85 million by January 1971."
    • Grease: p. 236. "The film was produced for $6 million and Paramount reportedly spent another $3 million on promotion."
  225. ^ a b Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 191–192
    • The Graduate: "The Graduate eventually earned U.S. rentals of $44,090,729 on a production cost of $3.1 million to become the most lucrative non-roadshow picture (and independent release) to date."
    • Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid: "None of these films was roadshown in the United States; most were set in contemporary America or had a contemporary "take" on the past (the casting of genuine teenagers to play Romeo and Juliet, the urbane sophistication of the dialogue in Butch Cassidy, the antiauthoritarianism of Bonnie and Clyde and MASH); most were produced on modest or medium-sized budgets (as low as $450,000 for Easy Rider and no higher than $6,825,000 for Butch Cassidy); and all grossed upward of $10 million domestically."
  226. ^ 2001: A Space Odyssey
  227. ^ Haber, Joyces (March 27, 1969). "'Funny Girl' a Box Office Winner". Los Angeles Times. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2012-11-05. Diakses tanggal March 29, 2012. ..."Funny Girl" will gross an estimated $80 to $100 million worldwide. 
  228. ^ Welles, Chris (September 7, 1970). "Behind the Silence at Columbia Pictures—No Moguls, No Minions, Just Profits". New York. 3 (36). New York Media. hlm. 42–47. While Columbia, battling Ray Stark over every dollar, did Funny Girl for around $8.8 million, a million or so over budget, Fox spent nearly $24 million on Hello, Dolly!, more than twice the initial budget, and the film will thus have to gross three times as much to break even. 
  229. ^ Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
    • United States and Canada: "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. $102,308,525 
    • Outside North America: Vanity Fair. 2008. hlm. 388. Butch Cassidy went on to be a huge hit—by the spring of 1970 it had taken in $46 million in North America and grossed another $50 million abroad. 
  230. ^ "'Love Story' II: Ryan Redux?". New York. 9. New York Media. 1976. hlm. 389. Bring those handkerchiefs out of retirement. ... After all, the first movie made around $80 million worldwide. 
  231. ^ Block, Hayley Taylor (2010), Love Story, hlm. 545, The final cost came in at $2,260,000.  In: Block & Wilson 2010.
  232. ^ Scott, Vernon (June 30, 1979). ""Airports" Flourish". The Bryan Times. United Press International. hlm. 10. 
  233. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 541. "Screenwriter and director George Seaton was given a then-whopping production budget of $10 million to make what would be his last big movie after a long career as an actor in radio, a screenwriter, and a director."
  234. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 549. "Fiddler had the highest domestic box office of 1971 (it was second in worldwide box office after Diamonds Are Forever), with more than $100 million in unadjusted worldwide box office on its initial release. The soundtrack album was also a huge seller. The 1979 rerelease was not as successful, with the $3.8 million print and ad costs almost as high as the $4.3 million in worldwide rentals."
  235. ^ a b c d e f Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 527.
    • Star Wars: "Domestic Rentals: $127.0; Foreign Rentals: $141.5; Production Cost: $13.0 (Initial Release – Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
    • The Godfather: "Domestic Rentals: $85.6; Foreign Rentals: $42.0; Production Cost: $7.2 (Initial Release – Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
    • Fiddler on the Roof: "Domestic Rentals: $34.0; Foreign Rentals: $11.1; Production Cost: $9.0 (Initial Release – Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
    • Rocky: "Domestic Rentals: $56.0; Foreign Rentals: $21.1; Production Cost: $1.6 (Initial Release – Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
  236. ^ The Godfather
    • 1974: Newsweek. 84. 1974. hlm. 74. The original Godfather has grossed a mind-boggling $285 million... 
    • 1991: Von Gunden, Kenneth (1991). Postmodern auteurs: Coppola, Lucas, De Palma, Spielberg, and Scorsese. McFarland & Company. hlm. 36. ISBN 9780899506180. Since The Godfather had earned over $85 million in U.S.-Canada rentals (the worldwide box-office gross was $285 million), a sequel, according to the usual formula, could be expected to earn approximately two-thirds of the original's box-office take (ultimately Godfather II had rentals of $30 million). 
    • 1997 re-release: "The Godfather (Re-issue)". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. North America: $1,267,249 
    • As of 2010: Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 246. "Domestic Box Office: $135.0; Foreign Box Office: $110.1 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
    • Total: "The Godfather". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. Worldwide Gross: $245,066,044 
  237. ^ Jacobs, Diane (1980). Hollywood Renaissance. Dell Publishing. hlm. 115. ISBN 9780440533825. The Godfather catapulted Coppola to overnight celebrity, earning three Academy Awards and a then record-breaking $142 million in worldwide sales. 
  238. ^ "The Godfather (1972) – Notes". Turner Classic Movies. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-10-29. Diakses tanggal January 9, 2012. 
  239. ^ "The Exorcist". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  240. ^ Stanley, Robert Henry; Steinberg, Charles Side (1976). The media environment: mass communications in American society. Hastings House. hlm. 76. ISBN 9780803846814. ...further reflected by the phenomenal successes of The Sting, Chinatown and The Exorcist. The latter film, which cost about $10 million to produce, has grossed over $110 million worldwide. 
  241. ^ New York, 8, New York Media, 1975, ...Jaws should outstrip another MCA hit, The Sting, which had world-wide revenues of $115 million. (Online copy at Google Books) 
  242. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 560. "Production Cost: $5.5 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
  243. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 206–208. "The most successful entry in the disaster cycle was the $15 million The Towering Inferno which earned over $48,650,000 in domestic rentals and about $40 million foreign."
  244. ^ Klady, Leonard (1998). "All-Time Top Film Rentals". Variety. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal October 7, 1999. Domestic rentals: $48,838,000 
  245. ^ The Hollywood Reporter. January 27, 1976. Foreign rentals: $43 million  Tidak memiliki atau tanpa |title= (bantuan)
  246. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 568. "Production Cost: $14.3 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
  247. ^ Brooks, Mel (2004). "My Movies: The Collisions of Art and Money". Dalam Squire, Jason E. The movie business book (edisi ke-3). Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-0-7432-1937-2. To their credit, Blazing saddles, opened wide in June to tremendous business around the country. It's done over $80 million in rentals worldwide in 1974 dollars. (Online copy at Google Books) 
  248. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 564. "Production Cost: $2.6 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
  249. ^ "Jaws". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  250. ^ a b Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama jaws
  251. ^ Priggé, Steven (2004). Movie Moguls Speak: Interviews With Top Film Producers. McFarland & Company. hlm. 8. ISBN 9780786419296. The budget for the first Jaws was $4 million and the picture wound up costing $9 million. 
  252. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 214. "Rocky was the "sleeper of the decade". Produced by UA and costing just under $1 million, it went on to earn a box-office gross of $117,235,247 in the United States and $225 million worldwide."
  253. ^ Block, Alex Ben (2010), Rocky, hlm. 583, The budget was $1,075,000 plus producer's fees of $100,000.  In: Block & Wilson 2010.
  254. ^ "Star Wars (1977)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal January 10, 2012. 
  255. ^ a b c d Wuntch, Philip (July 19, 1985). "Return of E.T."Perlu langganan berbayar. The Dallas Morning News. Diakses tanggal March 6, 2012. Its worldwide box-office gross was $619 million, toppling the record of $530 million set by Star Wars. 
  256. ^ Hall & Neale 2010, hlm. 218. "Eventually costing $11,293,151, Star Wars was previewed at the Northpoint Theatre in San Francisco on May 1, 1977."
  257. ^ "Grease". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  258. ^ Hofler, Robert (2010). Party Animals: A Hollywood Tale of Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'N' Roll Starring the Fabulous Allan Carr. ReadHowYouWant.com. hlm. 145. ISBN 9781459600072. Despite the fact that Grease was well on its way to becoming the highest-grossing movie musical in the world, and eventually grossed over $341 million... 
  259. ^ "Grease (40th Anniversary)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal August 30, 2018. 
  260. ^ a b Kramer vs. Kramer
    • United & Babson Investment Report. 72. Babson-United, Inc. 1980. hlm. 262. Columbia Pictures Industries is continuing to rake in the box office dollars from its Oscar-winning Kramer vs. Kramer, which has topped $100 million in domestic grosses and $70 million overseas. Kramer, which cost less than $8 million to make, is now the second... 
    • Prince, Stephen (2002). A New Pot of Gold: Hollywood Under the Electronic Rainbow, 1980–1989. University of California Press. hlm. 7. ISBN 978-0-520-23266-2. Much of this was attributable to the performance of its hit film, Kramer vs. Kramer ($94 million worldwide and the number two film in the domestic market). 
  261. ^ "Rocky II". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  262. ^ Kilday, Greg (May 22, 1992). "Rules of the Game". Entertainment Weekly (119). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2018-12-25. Diakses tanggal July 4, 2012. 
  263. ^ The Empire Strikes Back
  264. ^ a b c Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 519.
    • The Empire Strikes Back: "Production Cost: $32.0 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
    • Return of the Jedi: "Production Cost: $42.7 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
    • The Phantom Menace: "Production Cost: $127.5 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
  265. ^ Raiders of the Lost Ark
  266. ^ "E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal January 10, 2012. 
  267. ^ a b Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 609. "Steven Spielberg, by far the most successful director of the decade, had the highest-grossing movie with 1982's E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, which grossed over $664 million in worldwide box office on initial release."
  268. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 652. "Production Cost: $12.2 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
  269. ^ Return of the Jedi
  270. ^ "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal February 12, 2013. 
  271. ^ a b c d e f Finler 2003, hlm. 190–191.
  272. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 664. "Production Cost: $28.2 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
  273. ^ Back to the Future
  274. ^ Finler 2003, hlm. 268. "The studio had a record operating income of $212 million in 1982, the year of Spielberg's E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (which had cost only slightly over $10 million) and $150 million in 1985, mainly due to another Spielberg production, the $22 million Back to the Future, which became the top box office hit of the year."
  275. ^ "Top Gun". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  276. ^ McAdams, Frank (2010), Top Gun, hlm. 678–679, Production Cost: $19.0 (Millions of $s) ... Despite mixed reviews, it played in the top 10 for an extended period and was a huge hit, grossing almost $345 million in worldwide box office.  In: Block & Wilson 2010.
  277. ^ Fatal Attraction
    • "Fatal Attraction". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
    • Scott, Vernon (June 15, 1990). "'Three Men and Baby' Sequel Adds Cazenove to Original Cast". The Daily Gazette. New York. Hollywood (UPI). hlm. 9 (TV Plus – The Daily Gazette Supplement). That legacy is the $167,780,960 domestic box-office and $75 million foreign gross achieved by the original... 
  278. ^ "Rain Man". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  279. ^ Finler 2003, hlm. 244. "Rain Man: 30.0 (cost in million $s)"
  280. ^ "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal September 15, 2013. 
  281. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 694–695. "Production Cost: $55.4 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s) ... The film went on to haul in over $494 million worldwide."
  282. ^ "Ghost". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  283. ^ Terminator 2
  284. ^ Ansen, David (8 July 1991). "Conan The Humanitarian". Newsweek. Diakses tanggal September 19, 2013. 
  285. ^ "Aladdin". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  286. ^ The Lion King
  287. ^ Toy Story
  288. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 776. "Production Cost: $30.0 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)"
  289. ^ "Die Hard: With A Vengeance". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  290. ^ Finler 2003, hlm. 123.
  291. ^ "Independence Day (1996)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal September 13, 2009. 
  292. ^ "Armageddon". Boxoffice. Diakses tanggal May 29, 2016. 
  293. ^ Block & Wilson 2010, hlm. 509. "Production Cost: $140.0 (Unadjusted $s in Millions of $s)."
  294. ^ "Mission: Impossible II". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal January 6, 2012. 
  295. ^ Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
  296. ^ The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
  297. ^ "Shrek 2 (2002)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal February 5, 2009. 
  298. ^ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  299. ^ "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal June 15, 2011. 
  300. ^ The Dark Knight
    • Total: "The Dark Knight (2008)". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal October 28, 2012. Total: $1,004,558,444 
    • Original release (excluding 2009 IMAX reissue): "The Dark Knight". The Numbers. Nash Information Services. LLC. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 8, 2009. Diakses tanggal October 28, 2012. North America: $531,039,412 (as of January 22, 2009); Overseas: $466,000,000; IMAX re-release: January 23, 2009 
    • 2009 IMAX re-release: "Warner Bros. Entertainment Wraps Record-Breaking Year". Warner Bros. January 8, 2009. Diakses tanggal April 22, 2016. With worldwide receipts of $997 million, “The Dark Knight” is currently fourth on the all-time box office gross list, and the film is being re-released theatrically on January 23. 
    • First-run gross and IMAX reissue: Gray, Brandon (February 20, 2009). "Billion Dollar Batman". Box Office Mojo. Diakses tanggal June 7, 2014. The Dark Knight had been hovering just shy of $1 billion for several months and reportedly sat at $997 million when Warner Bros. modestly relaunched it on Jan. 23, timed to take advantage of the announcement of the Academy Awards nominations on Jan. 22. 
  301. ^ Patten, D. (December 3, 2009). "'Avatar's' True Cost—and Consequences". The Wrap. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 5, 2009. 
  302. ^ Rubin, Rebecca (April 30, 2018). "'Avengers: Infinity War' Officially Lands Biggest Box Office Opening of All Time". Variety. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal May 2, 2018. Diakses tanggal May 14, 2018. 
  303. ^ "Kimetsu no Yaiba: Mugen Ressha-Hen (2020)". The Numbers. Nash Information Services, LLC. Diakses tanggal November 13, 2023. 
  304. ^ Rubin, Rebecca (December 14, 2021). "Box Office Preview: Spider-Man: No Way Home Eyes Mighty, Massive, Marvelous $150 Million-Plus Debut". Variety. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal December 14, 2021. Diakses tanggal December 14, 2021. 
  305. ^ McClintock, Pamela (November 22, 2022). "Box Office: 'Avatar: The Way of Water' Lands Coveted China Release". The Hollywood Reporter. Diakses tanggal January 10, 2023. 
  306. ^ Anthony D'Alessandro (December 18, 2022). "'Avatar: The Way Of Water' Opens To $134M; Why Pic's Box Office Fate Will Be Determined Through The Holidays – Sunday AM Update". Deadline. Diakses tanggal January 10, 2023. 
  307. ^ D'Alessandro, Anthony (July 23, 2023). "'Barbie' Still Gorgeous With Best YTD $155M Opening; 'Oppenheimer' Ticking To $80M+ In Incredible $300M+ U.S. Box Office Weekend – Sunday AM Update". Deadline Hollywood. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal July 21, 2023. Diakses tanggal July 23, 2023. 
  308. ^ Paskin, Willa (July 11, 2023). "Greta Gerwig's 'Barbie' Dream Job". The New York Times Magazine. Diarsipkan dari versi asliAkses gratis dibatasi (uji coba), biasanya perlu berlangganan tanggal July 11, 2023. Diakses tanggal July 11, 2023. 
  309. ^ Rubin, Rebecca (June 11, 2024). "Box Office: Inside Out 2 Aims to Reverse Pixar's Woes With $85 Million Debut". Variety (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal June 23, 2024. 
  310. ^ "Show Business: Record Wind"Perlu langganan berbayar. Time. February 19, 1940. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal February 2, 2010. Diakses tanggal January 19, 2013. 
  311. ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama Thomas (1963)
  312. ^ The Atlantic Monthly. 231. 1973. hlm. 2. As of the end of 1971, GWTW stood as the all-time money-drawing movie, with a take of $116 million, and, with this year's reissues, it should continue to run ahead of the second place contender and all-time kaffee-mit-schlag spectacle. 
  313. ^ New Times. 2. 1974. Coppola is King Midas, the most individually powerful U.S. filmmaker ." His credits include directing the first Godfather (worldwide earnings: $142 million, ahead of Gone with the Wind, The Sound of Music and The Exorcist)...(Online copy at Google Books) 
  314. ^ Harmetz, Aljean (May 18, 1980). "The Saga Beyond 'Star Wars'". The New York Times. Archived from the original on 2013-10-29. Diakses tanggal January 30, 2012. "Star Wars" has brought 20th Century-Fox approximately $250 million in film rentals ... "Star Wars" grossed $410 million, and his share was enough to allow him to finance its sequel, "The Empire Strikes Back," himself. 
  315. ^ "Jurassic Park (1993) – Miscellaneous notes". Turner Classic Movies. Diakses tanggal July 9, 2011. 

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