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{{sedang ditulis}}{{Infobox writing system
{{Infobox writing system
|status=tidak resmi
|fam1=[[Night writing]]
|fam1=[[Night writing]]
|fam3=[[Japanese Braille]]
|fam3=[[Braille Jepang]]
| print = [[kanji]]
| print = [[kanji]]

'''''Kantenji''''', or '''braille kanji''', is a system of [[braille]] for transcribing [[written Japanese]]. It was devised in 1969 by {{nihongo|Taiichi Kawakami|川上 泰一}}, a teacher at the {{ill|Osaka School for the Blind|ja|大阪府立視覚支援学校}}, and was still being revised in 1991. It supplements [[Japanese braille]] by providing a means of directly encoding [[kanji]] characters without having to first convert them to [[kana]]. It uses an 8-dot braille cell, with the lower six dots corresponding to the cells of standard Japanese Braille, and the upper two dots indicating the constituent parts of the kanji.<ref name="kantenji.jp">{{cite web|title=盲人と文字 -漢点字の世界|url=http://www.kantenji.jp/ikkatsu.html|accessdate=27 December 2013}}</ref><ref name="n-braille">{{cite web|title=漢点字|url=http://www.n-braille.net/kantenji/eib.html|accessdate=27 December 2013}}</ref> The upper dots are numbered 0 (upper left) and 7 (upper right), the opposite convention of 8-dot braille in Western countries, where the extra dots are added to the bottom of the cell. A kanji will be transcribed by anywhere from one to three braille cells.
'''''Kantenji''''' atau '''braille kanji''' adalah sistem huruf [[braille]] untuk transkripsi [[Sistem penulisan bahasa Jepang|tulisan Jepang]]. Dirancang pada tahun 1969 oleh {{nihongo|Taiichi Kawakami|川上 泰一}}, seorang guru di {{ill|Sekolah Osaka untuk Tunanetra|ja|大阪府立視覚支援学校}}, dan direvisi pada tahun 1991. Ini melengkapi huruf [[braille Jepang]] dengan menyediakan cara penyandian langsung karakter [[kanji]] tanpa harus terlebih dahulu mengubahnya menjadi [[Aksara kana|kana]]. Ini menggunakan sel braille 8-titik, dengan enam titik bawah yang sesuai dengan sel Braille Jepang standar, dan dua titik atas menunjukkan bagian penyusun kanji.<ref name="kantenji.jp">{{cite web|title=盲人と文字 -漢点字の世界|url=http://www.kantenji.jp/ikkatsu.html|accessdate=27 December 2013}}</ref><ref name="n-braille">{{cite web|title=漢点字|url=http://www.n-braille.net/kantenji/eib.html|accessdate=27 December 2013}}</ref> Titik-titik atas diberi nomor 0 (kiri atas) dan 7 (kanan atas), kebalikan dari braille 8-titik di negara-negara Barat, di mana titik-titik tambahan ditambahkan ke bagian bawah sel. Kanji akan ditranskripsi dalam satu hingga tiga sel braille.

== Prinsip ==
[[File:Kantenji Dot Number.svg|thumb|80px|''Kantenji'' braille cell with diacritical upper dots 0 and 7]]
[[Berkas:Kantenji Dot Number.svg|jmpl|80px|Sel braille ''Kantenji'' dengan titik atas diakritik 0 dan 7]]
Only kanji utilize the upper dots 0 and 7. A cell occupying only dots 1–6 is to be read as kana, or less commonly as the middle element of a three-cell kanji.
Hanya kanji yang menggunakan titik atas 0 dan 7. Sel yang hanya menempati titik 1-6 harus dibaca sebagai kana, atau kurang umum sebagai radikal tengah dari kanji tiga sel.

Kana readings are used to derive common kanji elements that share that reading. For example, the kana {{bc|238|type=text}} き ''ki'' is used for elements based on the kanji 木, which has ''ki'' as one of its [[kunyomi|basic pronunciations]]. The two upper dots are then used to indicate whether this is a whole character,, or an element of a compound character. For a whole character, both upper dots are added, for {{bc|12348|type=text}} 木 ''ki''. For a partial character, one upper dot is used: The left upper dot alone indicates the first (left, top, or outside) constituent part of a kanji, as in {{bc|1238|23468|type=text}} 村, and the right upper dot alone signals the final (right, bottom, or inside) constituent part of a kanji, as in {{bc|1238|2348|type=text}} 林.<ref name="kantenji.jp"/> For those kanji where an element is repeated more than once, a suffix corresponding derived from the braille digit plus a right upper dot indicates the number of times an element occurs, as in {{bc|1238|245|type=text}} = 森.<ref name="n-braille"/>
Bacaan Kana digunakan untuk memperoleh elemen kanji umum yang homofon. Misalnya, kana {{bc|238|type=text}} き ''ki'' digunakan untuk elemen berdasarkan kanji 木, yang memiliki ''ki'' sebagai salah satu pengucapan dasarnya. Dua titik atas kemudian digunakan untuk menunjukkan apakah ini adalah murni karakteratau karakter radikal. Untuk karakter murni, kedua titik atas ditambahkan sehingga menjadi {{bc|12348|type=text}} 木 ''ki''. Untuk [[Radikal (Aksara Han)|karakter radikal]], satu titik atas digunakan: Titik atas kiri saja menunjukkan bagian radikal pertama (kiri, atas, atau luar) dari kanji, seperti pada {{bc|1238|23468|type=text}} 村, dan titik kanan atas saja menandakan bagian radikal akhir (kanan, bawah, atau dalam) kanji, seperti pada {{bc|1238|2348|type=text}} 林.<ref name="kantenji.jp"/> Untuk kanji yang radikalnya diulang lebih dari satu kali, sufiks yang bersesuaian berasal dari angka braille ditambah titik kanan atas menunjukkan berapa kali suatu radikal ditulis, seperti pada {{bc|1238|245|type=text}} = 森.<ref name="n-braille"/>

=== Kantenji yang terdiri dari dua sel karakter ===
That is, the kana {{bc|238}} き ''ki'' is the basis for the kanji {{bc|12348}} 木 ''ki'', as well as the two components of {{bc|1238|2348}} 林 ''hayashi'', and combined with the digit {{bc|25}} 3 it forms {{bc|1238|245}} 森 ''mori''.

Bentuk kantenji yang paling umum menggunakan pola dua sel, yang pertama dengan titik kiri atas terangkat, yang kedua dengan mengangkat bagian kanan atas. Pola titik menunjukkan dua elemen dasar yang terdiri dari kanji yang tersusun. Perhatikan bahwa elemen varian sering diwakili oleh kantenji dasar dan elemen tematik oleh penentu mereka.
''Kantenji'' are frequently abbreviated. For example, the kana {{bc|25}} う ''u'' is used for the 'roof' radical, 宀, which is conventionally pronounced ''u''. Thus, combined with the kanji {{bc|13458}} 子 ''ko'' (from the kana {{bc|358}} こ ''ko''), it forms the compound character {{bc|125|3458}} 字 ''ji'' (as in 漢字 ''kanji''). However, in print the 'roof' radical is not normally used on its own, while in ''kantenji'' it is used as an abbreviation for the most common kanji with the roof radical, {{bc|1245}} 家 ''ie'' "house".

A more extreme abbreviation is 恋 ''koi'' "love". In print this is (historically) 糸–言–糸 on the top plus 心 on the bottom, but in ''kantenji'' it is abbreviated to 言 + 心, for {{bc|1235|3468}} 恋 ''koi''.

Because there are only 63 six-dot patterns that ''kantenji'' can be based on, while there are significantly more elements from which kanji are built in print (for instance, the [[Kangxi radical|214 radicals]]), each of the ''kantenji'' patterns corresponds to several components in print. Most are visually or thematically linked. For example, the kana {{bc|2456|type=image|size=12}} そ ''so'' is the arbitrary basis for the kanji {{bc|134568|type=text}} 馬 ''uma'' "horse". From there, three kanji for farm animals are derived by adding a "selector" (a pattern with a single lower dot): {{bc|13568|24|type=text}} (馬 + selector 1) 牛 ''ushi'' "cattle", {{bc|13568|34|type=text}} (馬 + selector 2) 羊 ''hitsuji'' "sheep", and {{bc|13568|47|type=text}} (馬+selector 3) 豚 ''buta'' "pig". The kanji 曽 ''sō'', on the other hand, is based on the same braille pattern, despite having nothing to do with the horse radical or its meaning, because it is the historical basis of the kana そ ''so''. Thus {{bc|15|34568|type=text}} (selector 4 + 馬) is 曽 ''sō''. The selectors are generally only used for individual kanji. When 馬, 牛, 羊, 豚, or 曽 used as components of compound kanji in print, all are most commonly written as {{bc|13568|type=text}} or {{bc|34568|type=text}} in braille.<ref name=taijukai>{{cite web|title=漢点字入門|url=http://www.kunijima.sakura.ne.jp/temp/taijyukai.pdf|accessdate=30 December 2013|deadurl=yes|archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20131231141822/http://www.kunijima.sakura.ne.jp/temp/taijyukai.pdf|archivedate=31 December 2013|df=}}</ref>

The order of the cells is sometimes reversed to distinguish kanji that would otherwise be written the same in braille. For example, 料 is written {{bc|13567|3457|type=text}} (斗 + 私) to distinguish it from {{bc|1357|34567|type=text}} 科 (私 + 斗). Tricks such as reordering and abbreviation help utilize the 4,000 two-cell combinations. However, for rarer kanji, three cells are required. The middle cell may be a selector, as in {{bc|1237|5|347|type=text}} 汲 (水 + selector 5 + 系), or a kanji element, as in {{bc|123578|26|2467|type=text}} 瑠 (玉 + 月 + 田).<ref name=taijukai/>

===Kantenji elements===

The 63 basic 6-dot braille patterns are used to define 57 kanji elements and six selectors that build more complex characters from constituent parts. The blank 6-dot braille pattern always indicates a space, and is otherwise unused in kantenji.

{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center"
|+ Standard [[Japanese braille]] kana and Kantenji assignments
! width="9%" | Kantenji cell
! width="6%" | [[Japanese braille|Kana]]
! width="10%" | Kantenji element
| rowspan="17" style="border-top:#aaaaaa hidden; border-bottom:#aaaaaa hidden;" | &nbsp;
! width="9%" | Kantenji cell
! width="6%" | [[Japanese braille|Kana]]
! width="10%" | Kantenji element
| rowspan="17" style="border-top:#aaaaaa hidden; border-bottom:#aaaaaa hidden;" | &nbsp;
! width="9%" | Kantenji cell
! width="6%" | [[Japanese braille|Kana]]
! width="10%" | Kantenji element
| rowspan="17" style="border-top:#aaaaaa hidden; border-bottom:#aaaaaa hidden;" | &nbsp;
! width="9%" | Kantenji cell
! width="6%" | [[Japanese braille|Kana]]
! width="10%" | Kantenji element
|{{bc|0|size=16|type=8-dot}} || space || - || {{bc|2|size=16|type=8-dot}} || あ || [[Braille pattern dots-1#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|selector 1]] || {{bc|3|size=16|type=8-dot}} || - || [[Braille pattern dots-2#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|selector 2]] || {{bc|23|size=16|type=8-dot}} || い || [[Braille pattern dots-12#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|糹 / #2]]
|{{bc|7|size=16|type=8-dot}} || わ || [[Braille pattern dots-3#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|selector 3]] || {{bc|27|size=16|type=8-dot}} || な || [[Braille pattern dots-13#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|亻]] || {{bc|37|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ゐ || [[Braille pattern dots-23#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|幺]] || {{bc|237|size=16|type=8-dot}} || に || [[Braille pattern dots-123#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|氵]]
|{{bc|5|size=16|type=8-dot}} || -y- || [[Braille pattern dots-4#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|selector 4]] || {{bc|25|size=16|type=8-dot}} || う || [[Braille pattern dots-14#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|宀 / #3]] || {{bc|35|size=16|type=8-dot}} || お || [[Braille pattern dots-24#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|頁]] || {{bc|235|size=16|type=8-dot}} || え || [[Braille pattern dots-124#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|訁]]
|{{bc|57|size=16|type=8-dot}} || や || [[Braille pattern dots-34#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|疒]] || {{bc|257|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ぬ || [[Braille pattern dots-134#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|力]] || {{bc|357|size=16|type=8-dot}} || の || [[Braille pattern dots-234#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|禾]] || {{bc|2357|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ね || [[Braille pattern dots-1234#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|示]]
|{{bc|6|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ゛ || [[Braille pattern dots-5#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|selector 5]] || {{bc|26|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ら || [[Braille pattern dots-15#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|月]] || {{bc|36|size=16|type=8-dot}} || choon || [[Braille pattern dots-25#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|宿]] || {{bc|236|size=16|type=8-dot}} || り || [[Braille pattern dots-125#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|分]]
|{{bc|67|size=16|type=8-dot}} || を || [[Braille pattern dots-35#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|貝]] || {{bc|267|size=16|type=8-dot}} || た || [[Braille pattern dots-135#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|⽥]] || {{bc|367|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ゑ || [[Braille pattern dots-235#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|訁]] || {{bc|2367|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ち || [[Braille pattern dots-1235#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|竹]]
|{{bc|56|size=16|type=8-dot}} || -y-゛ || [[Braille pattern dots-45#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|比]] || {{bc|256|size=16|type=8-dot}} || る || [[Braille pattern dots-145#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|忄]] || {{bc|356|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ろ || [[Braille pattern dots-245#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|十]] || {{bc|2356|size=16|type=8-dot}} || れ || [[Braille pattern dots-1245#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|口]]
|{{bc|567|size=16|type=8-dot}} || よ || [[Braille pattern dots-345#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|广]] || {{bc|2567|size=16|type=8-dot}} || つ || [[Braille pattern dots-1345#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|土]] || {{bc|3567|size=16|type=8-dot}} || と || [[Braille pattern dots-2345#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|戸]] || {{bc|23567|size=16|type=8-dot}} || て || [[Braille pattern dots-12345#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|扌]]
|{{bc|8|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ゜ || [[Braille pattern dots-6#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|selector 6]] || {{bc|28|size=16|type=8-dot}} || か || [[Braille pattern dots-16#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|金]] || {{bc|38|size=16|type=8-dot}} || - || [[Braille pattern dots-26#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|⺼]] || {{bc|238|size=16|type=8-dot}} || き || [[Braille pattern dots-126#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|木]]
|{{bc|78|size=16|type=8-dot}} || 「 」 || [[Braille pattern dots-36#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|学]] - 龸 || {{bc|278|size=16|type=8-dot}} || は || [[Braille pattern dots-136#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|辶]] || {{bc|378|size=16|type=8-dot}} || - || [[Braille pattern dots-236#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|日]] || {{bc|2378|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ひ || [[Braille pattern dots-1236#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|辶]]
|{{bc|58|size=16|type=8-dot}} || -y-゜ || [[Braille pattern dots-46#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|亻]] || {{bc|258|size=16|type=8-dot}} || く || [[Braille pattern dots-146#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|艹]] || {{bc|358|size=16|type=8-dot}} || こ || [[Braille pattern dots-246#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|子]] || {{bc|2358|size=16|type=8-dot}} || け || [[Braille pattern dots-1246#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|犬]]
|{{bc|578|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ゆ || [[Braille pattern dots-346#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|彳]] || {{bc|2578|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ふ || [[Braille pattern dots-1346#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|女]] || {{bc|3578|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ほ || [[Braille pattern dots-2346#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|方]] || {{bc|23578|size=16|type=8-dot}} || へ || [[Braille pattern dots-12346#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|⺩]]
|{{bc|68|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ゛゜ || [[Braille pattern dots-56#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|数]] || {{bc|268|size=16|type=8-dot}} || さ || [[Braille pattern dots-156#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|阝]] || {{bc|368|size=16|type=8-dot}} || - || [[Braille pattern dots-256#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|心]] || {{bc|2368|size=16|type=8-dot}} || し || [[Braille pattern dots-1256#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|巿]]
|{{bc|678|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ん || [[Braille pattern dots-356#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|止]] || {{bc|2678|size=16|type=8-dot}} || ま || [[Braille pattern dots-1356#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|石]] || {{bc|3678|size=16|type=8-dot}} || " || [[Braille pattern dots-2356#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|囗]] || {{bc|23678|size=16|type=8-dot}} || み || [[Braille pattern dots-12356#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|耳]]
|{{bc|568|size=16|type=8-dot}} || -y-゛゜ || [[Braille pattern dots-456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|氵]] || {{bc|2568|size=16|type=8-dot}} || す || [[Braille pattern dots-1456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|発]] || {{bc|3568|size=16|type=8-dot}} || そ || [[Braille pattern dots-2456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|馬]] || {{bc|23568|size=16|type=8-dot}} || せ || [[Braille pattern dots-12456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|食]]
|{{bc|5678|size=16|type=8-dot}} || # || [[Braille pattern dots-3456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|火]] || {{bc|25678|size=16|type=8-dot}} || む || [[Braille pattern dots-13456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|車]] || {{bc|35678|size=16|type=8-dot}} || も || [[Braille pattern dots-23456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|門]] || {{bc|235678|size=16|type=8-dot}} || め || [[Braille pattern dots-123456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|目]]

===Single-cell kantenji characters===

Kantenji with both upper dots raised indicate a single-cell kantenji character. These are all common characters, and they generally define the archetype for character components based on a dot pattern.

{| class=wikitable
| {{bc|1234|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-12#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|糸]]
| {{bc|1247|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-13#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|人]]
| {{bc|1347|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-23#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|系]]
| {{bc|12347|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-123#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|水]]
| {{bc|1245|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-14#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|家]]
| {{bc|1345|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-24#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|頁]]
| {{bc|12345|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-124#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|言]]
| {{bc|1457|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-34#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|病]]
| {{bc|12457|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-134#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|力]]
| {{bc|13457|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-234#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|私]]
| {{bc|123457|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-1234#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|示]]
| {{bc|1246|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-15#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|月]]
| {{bc|1346|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-25#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|宿]]
| {{bc|12346|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-125#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|分]]
| {{bc|1467|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-35#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|貝]]
| {{bc|12467|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-135#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|⽥]]
| {{bc|13467|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-235#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|語]]
| {{bc|123467|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-1235#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|竹]]
| {{bc|1456|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-45#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|比]]
| {{bc|12456|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-145#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|性]]
| {{bc|13456|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-245#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|十]]
| {{bc|123456|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-1245#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|口]]
| {{bc|14567|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-345#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|店]]
| {{bc|124567|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-1345#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|土]]
| {{bc|134567|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-2345#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|戸]]
| {{bc|1234567|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-12345#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|⼿]]
| {{bc|1248|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-16#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|金]]
| {{bc|1348|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-26#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|肉]]
| {{bc|12348|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-126#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|木]]
| {{bc|1478|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-36#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|学]]
| {{bc|12478|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-136#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|走]]
| {{bc|13478|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-236#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|日]]
| {{bc|123478|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-1236#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|進]]
| {{bc|1458|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-46#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|仁]]
| {{bc|12458|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-146#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|草]]
| {{bc|13458|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-246#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|子]]
| {{bc|123458|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-1246#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|犬]]
| {{bc|14578|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-346#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|行]]
| {{bc|124578|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-1346#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|女]]
| {{bc|134578|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-2346#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|方]]
| {{bc|1234578|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-12346#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|玉]]
| {{bc|1468|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-56#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|数]]
| {{bc|12468|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-156#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|都]]
| {{bc|13468|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-256#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|心]]
| {{bc|123468|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-1256#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|巿]]
| {{bc|14678|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-356#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|止]]
| {{bc|124678|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-1356#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|石]]
| {{bc|134678|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-2356#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|囲]]
| {{bc|1234678|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-12356#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|耳]]
| {{bc|14568|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|氷]]
| {{bc|124568|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-1456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|発]]
| {{bc|134568|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-2456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|馬]]
| {{bc|1234568|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-12456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|食]]
| {{bc|145678|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-3456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|火]]
| {{bc|1245678|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-13456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|車]]
| {{bc|1345678|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-23456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|門]]
| {{bc|12345678|type=8-dot|size=16}} - [[Braille pattern dots-123456#related 8-dot kantenji patterns|目]]

===Double-cell variant kantenji characters===

Another kantenji form uses a base character with a selector (a 6-dot pattern with a single raised dot) either preceding or following to indicate a variant on the archetype of the dot pattern. When a base character is followed by selectors 4, 5, or 6, it usually indicates a variant with a single stroke added or removed from the base character. Variant kantenji are composed the same as a regular double-cell kantenji, with dot-0 (upper left) raised in the first cell, and dot-7 (upper right) raised in the second.

* {{bc|13568|24|type=8-dot|size=12}} - そ/馬 + selector 1 = 牛
* {{bc|13568|34|type=8-dot|size=12}} - そ/馬 + selector 2 = 羊
* {{bc|13568|47|type=8-dot|size=12}} - そ/馬 + selector 3 = 豚
* {{bc|15|34568|type=8-dot|size=12}} - selector 4 + そ/馬 = 曽
* {{bc|157|24|type=8-dot|size=12}} - や/病 + selector 1 = 山
* {{bc|157|34|type=8-dot|size=12}} - や/病 + selector 2 = 矢
* {{bc|12368|24|type=8-dot|size=12}} - し/巿 + selector 1 = 色
* {{bc|12368|47|type=8-dot|size=12}} - し/巿 + selector 3 = 巾
* {{bc|1238|45|type=8-dot|size=12}} - き/木 + selector 4 = 未
* {{bc|1238|46|type=8-dot|size=12}} - き/木+ selector 5 = 末
* {{bc|1238|48|type=8-dot|size=12}} - き/木+ selector 6 = 本

===Double-cell thematic kantenji characters===

Some kantenji sharing a common element are linked thematically, rather than structurally. The first cell indicates the general concept, and the second cell will be a determiner, pinning down the specific meaning and the character associated with it. The determiner is usually by pronunciation, although determiners can be associated by meaning as well. For example, characters for numbers are all preceded by 数, and followed by a cell corresponding to its braille number or to a similar looking character, while the kantenji for colors are 色 followed by the initial kana from one of its pronunciations. Like the base kantenji of variants, thematic determiners can be used in making composed kantenji, e.g. {{bc|23568|type=8-dot|size=12}} - せ/食 can be used for the element 青 in composed kantenji, as its thematic kantenji is {{bc|12368|234568|type=8-dot|size=12}} - し//色 + せ/食 = 青.

* {{bc|12368|24|type=8-dot|size=12}} - し//色 + か/金 = 赤
* {{bc|12368|2458|type=8-dot|size=12}} - し//色 + く/草 = 黒
* {{bc|12368|3458|type=8-dot|size=12}} - し//色 + こ/子 = 黄
* {{bc|12368|234568|type=8-dot|size=12}} - し//色 + せ/食 = 青
* {{bc|12368|234678|type=8-dot|size=12}} - し//色 + み/耳 = 緑
* {{bc|12368|245678|type=8-dot|size=12}} - し//色 + む/車 = 紫
* {{bc|168|3456|type=8-dot|size=12}} - 数 + #0 = 零 (0)
* {{bc|168|24|type=8-dot|size=12}} - 数 + #1 = 一
* {{bc|168|234|type=8-dot|size=12}} - 数 + #2 = 二
* {{bc|168|245|type=8-dot|size=12}} - 数 + #3 = 三

===Double-cell composed kantenji characters===

The most common kantenji form uses a two cell pattern, the first with the upper left dot raised, the second with the upper right raised. The dot patterns indicate the two basic elements that comprise the composed kanji. Note that variant elements are often represented by the base kantenji and thematic elements by their determiners.

* {{bc|125|3458|type=8-dot|size=12}} - う/宀 + こ/子 = 字
* {{bc|125|3458|type=8-dot|size=12}} - う/宀 + こ/子 = 字
Baris 200: Baris 33:
* {{bc|158|34568|type=8-dot|size=12}} - 亻 + そ//曽 = 僧
* {{bc|158|34568|type=8-dot|size=12}} - 亻 + そ//曽 = 僧

=== Kantenji terbalik ===
===Duplicative and multi-cell composed kantenji===

More complex kanji can be composed in two different ways, depending on whether they are composed of a single element, repeated, or multiple distinct elements. A kanji composed of a duplicated element can be indicated by a base character followed by the braille number counting repetitions of the element. Note that a single repeat is indicated by simply repeating the element in a standard double-cell kantenji. A complex kantenji can also be composed like a regular double-cell kantenji, adding a middle cell with neither upper dot raised. The last cell is always indicated by the upper right dot, no matter the length of the composed kantenji.

* {{bc|1238|245|type=8-dot|size=12}} - き/木 + #3 = 森
* {{bc|15678|35678|246|type=8-dot|size=12}} - 火 + も/門 + ら/月 = 燗

===Reversed kantenji===

Beberapa pola kantenji dapat digunakan untuk menulis dua atau lebih kanji umum, sementara membalikkan elemen tidak akan menandakan karakter umum apa pun. Ketika ini terjadi, bentuk terbalik dapat digunakan untuk menandakan kanji kedua itu.
Some kantenji patterns can be used to write two or more common kanji, while reversing the elements would not signify any common characters. When this happens, the reversed form can be used to signify that second kanji.

* {{bc|1358|24578|type=8-dot|size=12}} - こ/子 + ふ/女 = 好
* {{bc|1358|24578|type=8-dot|size=12}} - こ/子 + ふ/女 = 好
Baris 216: Baris 42:
* {{bc|1235678|34568|type=8-dot|size=12}} - め/目 + そ//羊 = 着
* {{bc|1235678|34568|type=8-dot|size=12}} - め/目 + そ//羊 = 着

== Teks ==
Contoh teks:
A sample text:

Baris 233: Baris 59:
:''Chi-ni hatarakeba kado-ga tatsu.''
:''Chi-ni hatarakeba kado-ga tatsu.''
:Dekati semuanya secara rasional, dan Anda menjadi kasar.
:Approach everything rationally, and you become harsh.

Baris 242: Baris 68:
:''Jō-ni sao-saseba nagasareru.''
:''Jō-ni sao-saseba nagasareru.''
:Tiang di sepanjang aliran emosi, dan Anda akan terhanyut dalam arus.
:Pole along in the stream of emotions, and you will be swept away in the current.

Baris 251: Baris 77:
:''Iji-wo tōseba kyūkutsu-da.''
:''Iji-wo tōseba kyūkutsu-da.''
:Berikan kebebasan untuk keinginan Anda, dan Anda menjadi tidak nyaman.
:Give free rein to your desires, and you become uncomfortably confined.

== Rujukan ==

Baris 259: Baris 85:
{{Japanese language}}
{{Japanese language}}

[[Category:Encodings of Japanese]]
[[Kategori:Encodings of Japanese]]
[[Category:Innovative braille scripts]]
[[Kategori:Innovative braille scripts]]
[[Category:8-dot braille scripts]]
[[Kategori:8-dot braille scripts]]

Revisi terkini sejak 10 Februari 2020 18.22

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Kantenji atau braille kanji adalah sistem huruf braille untuk transkripsi tulisan Jepang. Dirancang pada tahun 1969 oleh Taiichi Kawakami (川上 泰一), seorang guru di Sekolah Osaka untuk Tunanetra [ja], dan direvisi pada tahun 1991. Ini melengkapi huruf braille Jepang dengan menyediakan cara penyandian langsung karakter kanji tanpa harus terlebih dahulu mengubahnya menjadi kana. Ini menggunakan sel braille 8-titik, dengan enam titik bawah yang sesuai dengan sel Braille Jepang standar, dan dua titik atas menunjukkan bagian penyusun kanji.[1][2] Titik-titik atas diberi nomor 0 (kiri atas) dan 7 (kanan atas), kebalikan dari braille 8-titik di negara-negara Barat, di mana titik-titik tambahan ditambahkan ke bagian bawah sel. Kanji akan ditranskripsi dalam satu hingga tiga sel braille.

Sel braille Kantenji dengan titik atas diakritik 0 dan 7

Hanya kanji yang menggunakan titik atas 0 dan 7. Sel yang hanya menempati titik 1-6 harus dibaca sebagai kana, atau kurang umum sebagai radikal tengah dari kanji tiga sel.

Bacaan Kana digunakan untuk memperoleh elemen kanji umum yang homofon. Misalnya, kana ki digunakan untuk elemen berdasarkan kanji 木, yang memiliki ki sebagai salah satu pengucapan dasarnya. Dua titik atas kemudian digunakan untuk menunjukkan apakah ini adalah murni karakter 木 atau karakter radikal. Untuk karakter murni, kedua titik atas ditambahkan sehingga menjadi ki. Untuk karakter radikal, satu titik atas digunakan: Titik atas kiri saja menunjukkan bagian radikal pertama (kiri, atas, atau luar) dari kanji, seperti pada 村, dan titik kanan atas saja menandakan bagian radikal akhir (kanan, bawah, atau dalam) kanji, seperti pada 林.[1] Untuk kanji yang radikalnya diulang lebih dari satu kali, sufiks yang bersesuaian berasal dari angka braille ditambah titik kanan atas menunjukkan berapa kali suatu radikal ditulis, seperti pada = 森.[2]

Kantenji yang terdiri dari dua sel karakter

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Bentuk kantenji yang paling umum menggunakan pola dua sel, yang pertama dengan titik kiri atas terangkat, yang kedua dengan mengangkat bagian kanan atas. Pola titik menunjukkan dua elemen dasar yang terdiri dari kanji yang tersusun. Perhatikan bahwa elemen varian sering diwakili oleh kantenji dasar dan elemen tematik oleh penentu mereka.

  • ⠓ (braille pattern dots-125)⢜ (braille pattern dots-3458) - う/宀 + こ/子 = 字
  • ⢇ (braille pattern dots-1238)⢎ (braille pattern dots-2348) - き/木 + き/木 = 林
  • ⢇ (braille pattern dots-1238)⣾ (braille pattern dots-2345678) - き/木 + め/目 = 相
  • ⠵ (braille pattern dots-1356)⣾ (braille pattern dots-2345678) - ろ/十 + め/目 = 直
  • ⣁ (braille pattern dots-178)⡚ (braille pattern dots-2457) - 学/龸 + ぬ/力 = 労
  • ⣅ (braille pattern dots-1378)⢾ (braille pattern dots-234568) - 日 + せ//青 = 晴
  • ⢱ (braille pattern dots-1568)⢾ (braille pattern dots-234568) - 氷/氵 + せ//青 = 清
  • ⢑ (braille pattern dots-158)⢼ (braille pattern dots-34568) - 亻 + そ//曽 = 僧

Kantenji terbalik

[sunting | sunting sumber]

Beberapa pola kantenji dapat digunakan untuk menulis dua atau lebih kanji umum, sementara membalikkan elemen tidak akan menandakan karakter umum apa pun. Ketika ini terjadi, bentuk terbalik dapat digunakan untuk menandakan kanji kedua itu.

  • ⢕ (braille pattern dots-1358)⣚ (braille pattern dots-24578) - こ/子 + ふ/女 = 好
  • ⢵ (braille pattern dots-13568)⡎ (braille pattern dots-2347) - そ//羊 + に/水 = 洋
  • ⠵ (braille pattern dots-1356)⢎ (braille pattern dots-2348) - ろ//才 + き/木 = 材
  • ⣷ (braille pattern dots-1235678)⢼ (braille pattern dots-34568) - め/目 + そ//羊 = 着

Contoh teks:

KusamakuraNatsume Sōseki
Chi-ni hatarakeba kado-ga tatsu.
Dekati semuanya secara rasional, dan Anda menjadi kasar.
Jō-ni sao-saseba nagasareru.
Tiang di sepanjang aliran emosi, dan Anda akan terhanyut dalam arus.
Iji-wo tōseba kyūkutsu-da.
Berikan kebebasan untuk keinginan Anda, dan Anda menjadi tidak nyaman.
  1. ^ a b "盲人と文字 -漢点字の世界". Diakses tanggal 27 December 2013. 
  2. ^ a b "漢点字". Diakses tanggal 27 December 2013. 

Templat:Japanese language