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==Architectural style==
==Architectural style==
[[Image:Icftvpm.JPG|thumb|150px|The [[Indian Coffee House, Kerala|Indian Coffee House]] in Thiruvananthapuram, which was designed by Laurie Baker]]
[[Berkas:Icftvpm.JPG|thumb|150px|The [[Indian Coffee House, Kerala|Indian Coffee House]] in Thiruvananthapuram, which was designed by Laurie Baker]]
Throughout his practice, Baker became well known for designing and building low cost, high quality homes, with a great portion of his work suited to or built for lower-middle to lower class clients. His buildings tend to emphasize prolific - at times virtuosic - masonry construction, instilling privacy and evoking history with brick ''jali'' walls, a perforated brick screen which utilises natural air movement to cool the home's interior and create intricate patterns of light and shadow. Another significant Baker feature is irregular, pyramid-like structures on roofs, with one side left open and tilting into the wind. Baker's designs invariably have traditional Indian sloping roofs and [[terracotta]] [[Mangalore]] tile shingling with [[gable]]s and vents allowing rising hot air to escape. Curved walls enter Baker's architectural vocabulary as a means to enclose more volume at lower material cost than straight walls, and for Laurie, "building [became] more fun with the circle." A testament to his frugality, Baker was often seen rummaging through salvage heaps looking for suitable building materials, door and window frames, sometimes hitting a stroke of luck as evidenced by the intricately carved entry to the [[Chitralekha Film Studio]] (Aakulam, Trivandrum, 1974-76): a capricious architectural element found in a junk heap.
Throughout his practice, Baker became well known for designing and building low cost, high quality homes, with a great portion of his work suited to or built for lower-middle to lower class clients. His buildings tend to emphasize prolific - at times virtuosic - masonry construction, instilling privacy and evoking history with brick ''jali'' walls, a perforated brick screen which utilises natural air movement to cool the home's interior and create intricate patterns of light and shadow. Another significant Baker feature is irregular, pyramid-like structures on roofs, with one side left open and tilting into the wind. Baker's designs invariably have traditional Indian sloping roofs and [[terracotta]] [[Mangalore]] tile shingling with [[gable]]s and vents allowing rising hot air to escape. Curved walls enter Baker's architectural vocabulary as a means to enclose more volume at lower material cost than straight walls, and for Laurie, "building [became] more fun with the circle." A testament to his frugality, Baker was often seen rummaging through salvage heaps looking for suitable building materials, door and window frames, sometimes hitting a stroke of luck as evidenced by the intricately carved entry to the [[Chitralekha Film Studio]] (Aakulam, Trivandrum, 1974-76): a capricious architectural element found in a junk heap.
[[Image:Dolas house.png|left|thumb|Baker's works, such as this house, blend seamlessly into the natural settings.]]
[[Berkas:Dolas house.png|left|thumb|Baker's works, such as this house, blend seamlessly into the natural settings.]]
Baker's architectural method is one of improvisation, in which initial drawings have only an idealistic link to the final construction, with most of the accommodations and design choices being made on-site by the architect himself. Compartments for milk bottles near the doorstep, windowsills that double as bench surfaces, and a heavy emphasis on taking cues from the natural condition of the site are just some examples. His Quaker-instilled respect for nature lead him to let the idiosyncrasies of a site inform his architectural improvisations, rarely is a topography line marred or a tree uprooted. This saves construction cost as well, since working around difficult site conditions is much more cost-effective than clear-cutting. ("I think it's a waste of money to level a well-moulded site") Resistant to "high-technology" that addresses building environment issues by ignoring natural environment, at the [[Centre for Development Studies]] (Trivandrum, 1971) Baker created a cooling system by placing a high, latticed, brick wall near a pond that uses air pressure differences to draw cool air through the building. His responsiveness to never-identical site conditions quite obviously allowed for the variegation that permeates his work.-->
Baker's architectural method is one of improvisation, in which initial drawings have only an idealistic link to the final construction, with most of the accommodations and design choices being made on-site by the architect himself. Compartments for milk bottles near the doorstep, windowsills that double as bench surfaces, and a heavy emphasis on taking cues from the natural condition of the site are just some examples. His Quaker-instilled respect for nature lead him to let the idiosyncrasies of a site inform his architectural improvisations, rarely is a topography line marred or a tree uprooted. This saves construction cost as well, since working around difficult site conditions is much more cost-effective than clear-cutting. ("I think it's a waste of money to level a well-moulded site") Resistant to "high-technology" that addresses building environment issues by ignoring natural environment, at the [[Centre for Development Studies]] (Trivandrum, 1971) Baker created a cooling system by placing a high, latticed, brick wall near a pond that uses air pressure differences to draw cool air through the building. His responsiveness to never-identical site conditions quite obviously allowed for the variegation that permeates his work.-->

Revisi per 14 November 2008 19.13

Laurence Wilfred Baker
Laurie Baker
Informasi Pribadi
Nama Laurence Wilfred Baker
Warga negara India, asal Britania
Tangal lahir 2 Maret 1917
Tempat lahir Britania Raya Birmingham, England
Tanggal kematian 1 April 2007, usia 90
Tempat kematian India Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Kehidupan Kerja
Bangunan terkenal
Proyek terkenal

Laurence Wilfred "Laurie" Baker (2 Maret 19171 April 2007) adalah seorang arsitek Inggris yang menerima berbagai penghargaan, terkenal karena inisiatifnya dalam membangun perumahan murah. Ia pergi ke India pada 1945 sebagian sebagai misionaris dan sejak itu ia menetap dan bekerja di India selama lebih dari 50 tahun. Pada 1989 ia memperoleh kewarganegaraan India dan tinggal di Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum), Kerala. Pada 1990, Pemerintah India menganugerahkan kepadanya Padma Shri, penghargaan sipil keempat tertinggi, sebagai pengakuan atas jasa-jasanya dalam bidang arsitektur.

Pendidikan dan karya misionaris

Baker belajar arsitektur di Birmingham dan lulus pada 1937, dalam usia 20 tahun, pada saat-saat pergolakan politik di Eropa. Komitmen awalnya atas India membuat ia bekerja sebagai arsitek untuk sebuah lembaga misi internasional dan antar-denominasi yang mengabdikan diri pada pemeliharaan para penderita lepra. Karena obat-obatan baru untuk penyakit ini menjadi semakin banyak tersedia, tanggung jawabnya terpusat pada usaha mengubah atau menggantikan tempat-tempat tinggal penderita yang dulunya digunakan untuk menampung meeka yang dijauhi oleh masyarakat karena penyakitnya. Baker kemudian menyadari bahwa pendidikan konstruksinya di Inggris ternyata tidak memadai untuk jenis-jenis masalah dan bahan-bahan yang dihadapinya: rayap dan muson tahunan, serta laterit, kotoran sapi, dan dinding-dinding dari lumpur yang dikeringkan. Karena itu, mau tak mau Baker harus mengamati dan belajar dari metode dan praktik-praktik arsitektur masyarakat setempat. Ia segera paham bahwa arsitektur dan metode-metode masarakat di tempat-tempat ini ternyata adalah sarana satu-satunya yang ada untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah yang mulanya membuatnya hampir putus asa.

Diilhami oleh temuan-temuannya - yang dengan rendah hati diakuinya bahwa itu semua adalh 'temuan' baginya, sementara bagi mereka yang mengembangkan praktik-praktik yang diamatinya adalah pengetahuan umum - ia mulai mengembangkan gaya arsitekturnya hingga mendekati budaya dan kebutuhan sesungguhnya dari mereka yang kelak benar-benar menggunakan bagnunan-bangunannya, dan bukan sekadar mengikuti selera "modern-istik" para kliennya yang mampu membayar.


Kampung di Nalanchira dekat Thiruvananthapuram, yang menjadi tempat tinggal Baker dan istrinya sejak 1970. Rumah ini, yang terletak di puncak bukit, dirancang oleh Baker.

Laurie Baker meninggal dunia pada pk. 7.30 pagi pada 1 April 2007, pada usia 90 tahun. Hingga akhir hayatnya, ia terus bekerja di dan di sekitar rumahnya di Trivandrum, meskipun kondisinya kesehatannya telah membuat kehadiran fisiknya di proyek pembangunannya menjadi minimal. Rancangan dan tulisannya dilakukannya kebanyakan di rumahnya. Penekatannya terhadap arsitektur pelan-pelan mendapatkan penghargaan ketika kecenderungan arsitektur mengarah kepada pembangunan tempat, dan bukan modernisasi atau stilisasi. Namun, sebagai akibat dari penerimaan yang meluas ini, rumah "Gaya Baker" menjadi semakin populer, dan hal ini justru membuat gundah Baker, karena ia merasa bahwa 'gaya' yang dijadikan komoditi itu semata-mata merupakan perwujudan dari dorongan budaya dan ekonomi wilayah tempat ia bekerja, dan bukan sebuah solusi yang dapat diterapkan begitu saja kepada situasi apapun juga di mana saja. Arsitektur Laurie Baker terfokus pada upaya mempertahankan sifat alamiah situsnya dan konstruksi masyarakat setempat yang mengutamakan pertimbangan ekonmois, serta integrasi yang utuh dengan budaya setempat yang telah menjadi sumber ilhamnya. Banyak dari tulisan-tulisan Laurie Baker diterbitkan dan dapat diperoleh lewat COSTFORD (Center Of Science and Technology For Rural Development - Pusat Sains dan Teknologi untuk Pembangunan Pedesaan), perusahaan yang kini menyelia banyak proyeknya, di mana ia menjadi Aristek Utamanya.


  • 1987: Penghargaan Indian National Habitat.
  • 1989: Medali Institut Arsitek India untuk Arsitek Terkemuka Tahun Ini.
  • 1990: Penghargaan Grand Masters - Arsiten Tahun Ini.
  • 1991: Pemerintah India - Padmashree
  • 1991: Medali Institut Arsitek India - Arsitek Luar Biasa.
  • 1992: Penghargaan Habitat PBB dan Roll of Honour.
  • 1993: Perhimpunan Arsitek Internasional - World Habitat Award.
  • 1995: Universitas Central Inggris. Doktor Universitas.

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