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| gini = {{DecreasePositive}}27,9 (2014)<ref name=eurogini>{{cite web|title=Gini coefficient of equivalised disposable income (source: SILC)|url=http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=ilc_di12|publisher=Eurostat Data Explorer|accessdate=4 December 2015}}</ref>
| gini = {{DecreasePositive}}27,9 (2014)<ref name=eurogini>{{cite web|title=Gini coefficient of equivalised disposable income (source: SILC)|url=http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/show.do?dataset=ilc_di12|publisher=Eurostat Data Explorer|accessdate=4 December 2015}}</ref>
| edbr = 41 (2017)<ref name=" World Bank and International Financial Corporation ">{{cite web |url=http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/hungary |title=Ease of Doing Business in Hungary |publisher=Doingbusiness.org |accessdate=2017-01-25 }}</ref>
| edbr = 41 (2017)<ref name=" World Bank and International Financial Corporation ">{{cite web |url=http://www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/hungary |title=Ease of Doing Business in Hungary |publisher=Doingbusiness.org |accessdate=2017-01-25 }}</ref>
| labor = {{increase}}4,729 juta (April 2017) (persentase orang yang bekerja 72,4%)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ksh.hu/gyorstajekoztatok/#/en/document/fog1704|title=Number of employed people increased by 2.0% to 4,378 thousand. The increment in the domestic primary labour market was 105 thousand, while the number of people declaring to work in public employment decreased by 11 thousand and the number of those working at local units abroad by 9 thousand. Employed people: 4.378 million + Unemployed: 0.351 million (National Employment Service)|publisher=[[Hungarian Central Statistical Office]]|accessdate=21 May 2017}}</ref>
| labor = {{increase}}4,729 juta (April 2017) (persentase orang yang bekerja 72,4%)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ksh.hu/gyorstajekoztatok/#/en/document/fog1704|title=Number of employed people increased by 2.0% to 4,378 thousand. Lalalalaalahe domestic primary labour market was 105 thousand, while the number of people declaring to work in public employment decreased by 11 thousand and the number of those working at local units abroad by 9 thousand. Employed people: 4.378 million + Unemployed: 0.351 million (National Employment Service)|publisher=[[Hungarian Central Statistical Office]]|accessdate=21 May 2017}}</ref>
| occupations = Jasa: 64,8%<br/>Industri: 21,4%<br/>Konstruksi: 6,5%<br/>Pertanian: 4,8%<br/>Lainnya: 2,7% (2016)<ref>{{cite web|url=https://hipa.hu/main#why-hungary|title=ABOUT HUNGARY|publisher=Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency|accessdate=23 May 2017}}</ref>
| occupations = Jasa: 64,8%<br/>Industri: 21,4%<br/>Konstruksi: 6,5%<br/>Pertanian: 4,8%<br/>Lainnya: 2,7% (2016)<ref>{{cite web|url=https://hipa.hu/main#why-hungary|title=ABOUT HUNGARY|publisher=Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency|accessdate=23 May 2017}}</ref>
| unemployment = {{DecreasePositive}}4,2% (Juli 2017)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ksh.hu/gyorstajekoztatok/#/en/document/mun1707 | title=In the period of May–July 2017, the average number of unemployed people was 193 thousand, 35 thousand fewer than a year earlier, and the unemployment rate decreased by 0.8 percentage point to 4.2%. |publisher=[[Hungarian Central Statistical Office]]|accessdate=30 August 2017}}</ref>
| unemployment = {{DecreasePositive}}4,2% (Juli 2017)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.ksh.hu/gyorstajekoztatok/#/en/document/mun1707 | title=In the period of May–July 2017, the average number of unemployed people was 193 thousand, 35 thousand fewer than a year earlier, and the unemployment rate decreased by 0.8 percentage point to 4.2%. |publisher=[[Hungarian Central Statistical Office]]|accessdate=30 August 2017}}</ref>

Revisi per 17 Oktober 2021 11.57

Ekonomi Hongaria
Galeri gambar
Markas NN di Budapest
Menara di CBD Budapest
Pusat penelitian dan perancangan Gedeon Richter
Bursa Efek Budapest
Budapest, pusat keuangan Hongaria
Mata uangForint Hongaria (HUF)
Tahun fiskalTahun kalender
Organisasi perdaganganUni Eropa, OECD, AIIB dan WTO
PDBKenaikan$284,266 miliar (KKB; 2017)[1]
Pertumbuhan PDBKenaikan+4,2% Q1 2017 (Y/Y)[2] HCSO
Kenaikan+2,0% 2016 tahun fiskal[3]
PDB per kapitaKenaikan$28.965 (KKB; 2017)[1]
45 (KKB; 2017)
PDB per sektorPertanian: 3,5%
Industri: 31,8%
Jasa: 64,7% (2016)[4]
Inflasi (IHK)0,4% (tahun fiskal 2016)[5]
di bawah garis kemiskinan
Steady12,0% (perk. 2013)[6]
Koefisien gini27,9 (2014)[7]
Angkatan kerjaKenaikan4,729 juta (April 2017) (persentase orang yang bekerja 72,4%)[8]
Angkatan kerja
berdasarkan sektor
Jasa: 64,8%
Industri: 21,4%
Konstruksi: 6,5%
Pertanian: 4,8%
Lainnya: 2,7% (2016)[9]
Pengangguran4,2% (Juli 2017)[10]
Gaji kotor rata-rata968 € / 1.154$, bulanan (2017)[11]
12.416 € / 13.848 $, tahunan (2017)
Gaji bersih rata-rata670 € / 751 $, bulanan (2017)[11]
8.040 € / 9.012$, tahunan (2017)
Industri utamaPenambangan, metalurgi, bahan bangunan, pemrosesan makanan, elektronik, tekstil, bahan kimia, farmasi, kendaraan bermotor, teknologi informasi
Peringkat kemudahan melakukan bisnis41 (2017)[12]
EksporKenaikan$103,23 miliar (2016)[13]
Komoditas eksporAlat mesin 53,5%, hasil produksi lainnya 31,2%, produk makanan 8,7%, bahan bakar dan listrik 3,9%, bahan baku 3,4% (2012)
Tujuan ekspor utama Jerman 28%
 Rumania 5,4%
 Slowakia 5,1%
 Austria 5%
 Italia 4,8%
 Prancis 4,7%
 Britania Raya 4%
 Republik Ceko 4% (2015)[14]
ImporKenaikan$92,24 miliar (2016)[13]
Komoditas imporAlat mesin 45,4%, hasil produksi lainnya 34,3%, bahan bakar dan listrik 12,6%, produk makanan 5,3%, bahan baku 2,5% (2012)
Negara asal impor utama Jerman 25,8%
 Tiongkok 6,7%
 Austria 6,6%
 Polandia 5,5%
 Slowakia 5,3%
 Prancis 5%
 Republik Ceko 4,8%
 Belanda 4,6%
 Italia 4,5%(2015)[15]
Modal investasi langsung asingMasuk: Kenaikan$240,4 miliar (2016)[4]
Keluar: Kenaikan$168,4 miliar (2016)[4]
Utang kotor luar negeri$131,2 miliar (2016)[4]
Pembiayaan publik
Utang publik73,9% PDB (2016)[16]
Defisit anggaran€2,64 miliar, 2,6% PDB (2014)[17]
Pendapatan$66,28 miliar (2014)[4]
Beban$70,15 miliar (2014)[4]
Bantuan ekonomi$22,40 miliar dari Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund Uni Eropa (2007-13)
Peringkat utangStandard & Poor's:[18]
Prospek: Stabil
Prospek: Stabil
Prospek: Stable
Cadangan mata uang asing$44,8 miliar (perk. 31 Desember 2014)[4]
Sumber data utama: CIA World Fact Book

Ekonomi Hongaria adalah sebuah ekonomi campuran berpendapatan tinggi dengan indeks pembangunan manusia yang sangat tinggi dan tenaga kerja yang terampil. Negara anggota OECD ini juga merupakan negara dengan kesenjangan pendapatan terendah ke-13 di dunia dan negara dengan ekonomi paling kompleks ke-14 berdasarkan Indeks Kompleksitas Ekonomi.[21] Selain itu, ekonomi Hongaria adalah ekonomi terbesar ke-57 di dunia (dari 188 negara yang dibandingkan oleh IMF) dengan nilai sebesar $265,037 miliar[22] dan negara dengan pendapatan per kapita terbesar ke-49 berdasarkan keseimbangan kemampuan berbelanja. Berdasarkan pengeluaran, konsumsi rumah tangga merupakan komponen utama produk domestik bruto Hongaria dan mencakup 50% total PDB, yang kemudian diikuti oleh formasi modal sebesar 22% dan pengeluaran pemerintah sebesar 20%.[23]

Ekonomi Hongaria merupakan ekonomi pasar yang berorientasi pada ekspor, sehingga Hongaria memiliki ekonomi ekspor terbesar ke-35 di dunia. Nilai ekspor Hongaria pada tahun 2015 tercatat sebesar $100 miliar dengan surplus neraca perdagangan sebesar $9,003 miliar.[24] Pada tahun 2015, mitra dagang utama Hongaria adalah Jerman, Austria, Rumania, Slowakia, Prancis, Italia, Polandia dan Republik Ceko.[25]

Hongaria masih menjadi salah satu negara Eropa Tengah dan Timur yang paling banyak menarik penanaman modal asing. Investasi asing langsung yang masuk ke Hongaria tercatat sebesar $119,8 miliar pada tahun 2015, sementara Hongaria menginvestasikan $50 miliar di luar negeri.[26] Sementara itu, 80% kapasitas produksi Hongaria dimiliki oleh swasta, tetapi mereka dikenakan pajak sebesar 39,1% untuk mendanai kesejahteraan rakyat.

Industri-industri utama Hongaria adalah pemrosesan makanan, farmasi, kendaraan bermotor, teknologi informasi, bahan kimia, metalurgi, alat mesin, barang listrik dan pariwisata (pada tahun 2014, jumlah wisatawan asing di Hongaria mencapai 12,1 juta).[27] Hongaria merupakan produsen elektronik terbesar di Eropa Tengah dan Timur. Produksi dan penelitian elektronik menjadi pendorong utama inovasi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Hongaria. Dalam 20 tahun terakhir, Hongaria juga telah menjadi pusat teknologi mobile, keamanan informasi dan penelitian perangkat keras terkait.[28]

Persentase orang yang bekerja di ekonomi Hongaria tercatat sebesar 67,4% pada Januari 2017[29] dengan struktur tenaga kerja ekonomi post-industrial: 63,2% tenaga kerja menyambung hidup di sektor jasa, 29,7% di sektor industri dan 7,1% di sektor pertanian. Sementara itu, tingkat pengangguran pada Juli 2017 tercatat sebesar 4,2%.[30]

Hongaria merupakan bagian dari pasar tunggal Eropa yang mencakup lebih dari 508 juta konsumen. Beberapa kebijakan ekonomi di tingkat domestik ditentukan oleh institusi Uni Eropa. Hongaria masih memiliki mata uangnya sendiri, yaitu forint Hongaria. Negara ini memenuhi hampir semua kriteria Maastricht untuk bergabung dengan zona Euro. Walaupun Hongaria tidak memenuhi kriteria utang negara, rasio utang terhadap PDB Hongaria (75,3% pada tahun 2015) berada jauh di bawah rata-rata Uni Eropa.

Catatan kaki

  1. ^ a b "Hungary". International Monetary Fund. Diakses tanggal 29 April 2017. 
  2. ^ "The volume of gross domestic product was 4.2% higher in Hungary in the 1st quarter of 2017 than in the corresponding period of the previous year. The primary contributors to the growth were market-based services and industry". Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Diakses tanggal 21 May 2017. 
  3. ^ "In 2016, GDP rose by 2.0%". Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Diakses tanggal 21 May 2017. 
  4. ^ a b c d e f g "The World Factbook, Hungary, Economy". CIA. Diakses tanggal 21 May 2017. 
  5. ^ "In 2016 as a whole, consumer prices rose by 0.4% on average compared to the previous year". Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Diakses tanggal 21 May 2017. 
  6. ^ "Poverty in Europe: the Current Situation". 
  7. ^ "Gini coefficient of equivalised disposable income (source: SILC)". Eurostat Data Explorer. Diakses tanggal 4 December 2015. 
  8. ^ "Number of employed people increased by 2.0% to 4,378 thousand. Lalalalaalahe domestic primary labour market was 105 thousand, while the number of people declaring to work in public employment decreased by 11 thousand and the number of those working at local units abroad by 9 thousand. Employed people: 4.378 million + Unemployed: 0.351 million (National Employment Service)". Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Diakses tanggal 21 May 2017. 
  9. ^ "ABOUT HUNGARY". Hungarian Investment Promotion Agency. Diakses tanggal 23 May 2017. 
  10. ^ "In the period of May–July 2017, the average number of unemployed people was 193 thousand, 35 thousand fewer than a year earlier, and the unemployment rate decreased by 0.8 percentage point to 4.2%". Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Diakses tanggal 30 August 2017. 
  11. ^ a b "In March 2017, average gross earnings amounted to HUF 298,300, 12.8% higher than a year earlier. In January–March 2017, average gross earnings amounted to HUF 281,900. In the first three months of the year, both gross and net earnings grew by 11.0% compared to the same period of the previous year. Rises of 15% in the minimum wage and 25% in the guaranteed minimum wage as well as salary adjustments affecting specific areas of the public sector and the employees of state owned public service companies had an impact on earnings growth. (HUF 298,300/308(EUR/HUF)= 1006 EUR x 1.12(EUR/USD)=1.084 USD)". Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Diakses tanggal 21 May 2017. 
  12. ^ "Ease of Doing Business in Hungary". Doingbusiness.org. Diakses tanggal 2017-01-25. 
  13. ^ a b "In December 2016, the export volume increased by 8.0% and the import volume by 7.7%, and the surplus decreased by EUR 58 million compared to the same month of the previous year. In 2016, the external trade surplus was EUR 9.9 billion. In January–December 2016 the value of exports amounted to EUR 93.0 billion (USD 103.23 billion, HUF 28,977 billion) and that of imports to EUR 83.1 billion (USD 92.24 billion, HUF 25,883 billion)". Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Diakses tanggal 21 May 2017. 
  14. ^ "Export Partners of Hungary". CIA World Factbook. 2012. Diakses tanggal 24 July 2013. 
  15. ^ "Import Partners of Hungary". CIA World Factbook. 2012. Diakses tanggal 24 July 2013. 
  16. ^ Eurostat: General government gross debt - annual data
  17. ^ Eurostat: General government deficit (-) and surplus (+) - annual data
  18. ^ "S&P upgrades Hungary in surprise gift to PM Orban". Diakses tanggal 13 January 2017. 
  19. ^ "Moody's upgrades Hungary's government bond ratings to Baa3; stable outlook". 4 November 2016. Diakses tanggal 13 January 2017. 
  20. ^ "Fitch Upgrades Hungary to 'BBB-'; Outlook Stable". 20 May 2016. Diakses tanggal 13 January 2017. 
  21. ^ "World Bank Country Classification". Diakses tanggal 30 September 2014. 
  22. ^ "Hungary". International Monetary Fund. Diakses tanggal 6 September 2015. 
  23. ^ "GDP - composition, by end use". CIA World Factbook. 2016. Diakses tanggal 11 March 2016. 
  24. ^ "External trade surplus was EUR 604 million in December". Hungarian Central Statistical Office. 10 March 2016. Diakses tanggal 10 March 2016. 
  25. ^ "Export Partners of Hungary". CIA World Factbook. 2016. Diakses tanggal 11 March 2016. 
  26. ^ "Hungary". CIA World Factbook. 2016. Diakses tanggal 2016. 
  27. ^ "Tourism Highlights 2015 Edition". World Tourism Organisation. 10 March 2016. Diakses tanggal 10 March 2016. 
  28. ^ "Electronics". HIPA. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2016-03-15. Diakses tanggal 11 March 2016. 
  29. ^ "161 thousand more people in work in November-January than a year earlier (employed: 4.401 million, unemployed: 0.274 million (National Employment Service))". KSH. Diakses tanggal 27 February 2017. 
  30. ^ "Unemployment rate decreased to 4.2% in May–July". Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Diakses tanggal 30 August 2017.