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Kecomberan, Talun, Cirebon: Perbedaan antara revisi

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'''Kecomberan''' adalah [[desa]] di kecamatan [[Talun, Cirebon|Talun]], [[Kabupaten Cirebon|Cirebon]], [[Jawa Barat]], [[Indonesia]]
'''Kecomberan''' adalah [[desa]] di kecamatan [[Talun, Cirebon|Talun]], [[Kabupaten Cirebon|Cirebon]], [[Jawa Barat]], [[Indonesia]]
Stupid boy brings joy.

Lukman Pratama
Make short story about a stupid boy named Ariandi Lie

Once upon a time, in a small village in Indonesia, there lived a boy named Ariandi Lie. Ariandi was known to be quite foolish, often making silly mistakes and getting into trouble.

One day, Ariandi was playing with his friends by the river when he saw a shiny object floating in the water. Without thinking, he jumped into the river to retrieve it. It turned out to be an old tin can, and Ariandi's friends laughed at him for his foolishness.

Undeterred, Ariandi continued to make silly mistakes. He once tried to climb a tree to impress a girl he liked, only to get stuck halfway up and have to be rescued by his friends. Another time, he tried to catch a chicken by chasing it around the village, only to end up falling into a mud puddle.

Despite his foolishness, Ariandi was a kind-hearted boy who always tried to help others. One day, he found a lost puppy and spent hours searching for its owner. When he finally found the owner, he refused a reward and simply said, "I just wanted to help."

Eventually, Ariandi's friends and neighbors grew to appreciate his kind nature, even if he was a bit silly at times. They came to realize that being foolish was not a bad thing, as long as one had a good heart.

In the end, Ariandi became known as the village's friendly fool, and his silly antics brought joy and laughter to everyone around him. And even though he never became the smartest boy in the village, he was loved and respected for the person he was.

Revisi per 28 Maret 2023 22.05

Negara Indonesia
ProvinsiJawa Barat
Kode Kemendagri32.09.14.2003 Edit nilai pada Wikidata
Luas... km²
Jumlah penduduk... jiwa
Kepadatan... jiwa/km²

Kecomberan adalah desa di kecamatan Talun, Cirebon, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
