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*: {{done}} --[[Pengguna:Glorious Engine|Glorious Engine]] ([[Pembicaraan Pengguna:Glorious Engine|bicara]]) 17 September 2023 02.42 (UTC)
*: {{done}} --[[Pengguna:Glorious Engine|Glorious Engine]] ([[Pembicaraan Pengguna:Glorious Engine|bicara]]) 17 September 2023 02.42 (UTC)

In 1962, Oppenheimer delivered the Whidden Lectures at McMaster University, which were published in 1964 as The Flying Trapeze: Three Crises for Physicists.[280]

In 1962, Kennedy―now President of the United States―invited Oppenheimer to a ceremony honoring 49 Nobel Prize winners. At the event, AEC chairman Glenn Seaborg asked Oppenheimer whether he wanted another security hearing. Oppenheimer declined.[287]
Oppenheimer stands behind a large bust and gives a speech
In April 1958, Oppenheimer spoke at the inauguration of the Nuclear Physics Institute in the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. The bust is of Niels Bohr.
Deprived of political influence, Oppenheimer continued to lecture, write, and work on physics. He toured Europe and Japan, giving talks about the history of science, the role of science in society, and the nature of the universe.[281] Oppenheimer spoke about the importance of studying the history of science at the dedication of the Niels Bohr Library and Archives of the American Institute of Physics in September 1963.[282][283]

Also present were Edward Teller, who had recommended Oppenheimer receive the award in hopes that it would heal the rift between them,[291] and Henry D. Smyth, who in 1954 had been the lone dissenter from the AEC's 4–1 decision to define Oppenheimer as a security risk.
In September 1957, France made him an Officer of the Legion of Honor,[284] and on May 3, 1962, he was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society in Britain.[285][286]

Enrico Fermi Award
In 1959, then-Senator John F. Kennedy voted to deny Lewis Strauss, Oppenheimer's greatest detractor in his security hearings, confirmation as Secretary of Commerce, effectively ending Strauss's political career. In 1962, Kennedy―now President of the United States―invited Oppenheimer to a ceremony honoring 49 Nobel Prize winners. At the event, AEC chairman Glenn Seaborg asked Oppenheimer whether he wanted another security hearing. Oppenheimer declined.[287]

In March 1963, the General Advisory committee of the AEC selected Oppenheimer to receive its Enrico Fermi Award, an award Congress had created in 1954.[287] Kennedy was assassinated before he could present the award to Oppenheimer, but his successor, Lyndon Johnson, did so in a December 1963 ceremony at which he cited Oppenheimer's "contributions to theoretical physics as a teacher and originator of ideas, [and] leadership of the Los Alamos Laboratory and the atomic energy program during critical years".[288] He called the signing of the award one of Kennedy's greatest acts as president.[289] Oppenheimer told Johnson, "I think it is just possible, Mr. President, that it has taken some charity and some courage for you to make this award today".[289][290]

Kennedy's widow, Jackie, made a point of attending the ceremony so she could tell Oppenheimer how much her husband had wanted him to have the medal.[288] Also present were Edward Teller, who had recommended Oppenheimer receive the award in hopes that it would heal the rift between them,[291] and Henry D. Smyth, who in 1954 had been the lone dissenter from the AEC's 4–1 decision to define Oppenheimer as a security risk.

But congressional hostility to Oppenheimer lingered. Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper formally protested Oppenheimer's selection just eight days after Kennedy was killed,[287] and several Republican members of the House AEC Committee boycotted the ceremony.[292]
But congressional hostility to Oppenheimer lingered. Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper formally protested Oppenheimer's selection just eight days after Kennedy was killed,[287] and several Republican members of the House AEC Committee boycotted the ceremony.[292]

The rehabilitation represented by the award was symbolic, as Oppenheimer still lacked a security clearance and could have no effect on official policy, but the award came with a $50,000 tax-free stipend.[289]

*ini hilang [[Pengguna:Agus Damanik|Agus Damanik]] ([[Pembicaraan Pengguna:Agus Damanik|bicara]]) 21 September 2023 05.11 (UTC)
*ini hilang [[Pengguna:Agus Damanik|Agus Damanik]] ([[Pembicaraan Pengguna:Agus Damanik|bicara]]) 21 September 2023 05.11 (UTC)

Revisi per 21 September 2023 05.19

Pengusul: Glorious Engine (b • k • l)
Status:    Dalam diskusi

Mumpung filmnya sedang dirilis. Artikelnya juga sudah dikembangkan oleh bung Dikaalnas dan yang bersangkutan juga sudah bersedia menjawab peninjauannya. Mengenai pranalanya, saya harap tak ada masalah karena pranala merahnya saya lihat paling tidak sudah kurang dari setengahnya. Saya sendiri sudah membirukan 22 pranalanya tanpa melakukan penerjemahan (karena saya terkena moratorium). Pasalnya, saya minta tolong pengguna lain untuk membirukan pranala merah yang ada malah ditegur bung Dedhert.Jr karena dianggap canvassing. Jikalau pranala merahnya masih dipermasalahkan, saya harap ada pihak yang bisa berkenan membirukan pranala merah yang masih ada seperti halnya yang terjadi pada pengusulan artikel Orang utan. --Glorious Engine (bicara) 26 Agustus 2023 02.33 (UTC)[balas]

Komentar Komentar @Glorious Engine Saya bantu birukan (lagi) beberapa pranala merahnya, sementara peninjauannya silakan mengundang pengguna lain. Semoga dapat menjadi artikel pilihan secepatnya. Salam, JumadilM Diskusi 27 Agustus 2023 00.39 (UTC)[balas]
Terima kasih --Glorious Engine (bicara) 27 Agustus 2023 00.55 (UTC)[balas]

Komentar Agus Damanik

itu dulu karena suntingannya akan cukup banyak diterjemahkan Agus Damanik (bicara) 8 September 2023 08.34 (UTC)[balas]

  • Oppenheimer mengaku pernah meletakkan apel yang disiram cairan kimia berbahaya di meja Blackett. - Oppenheimer mengaku pernah meletakkan apel yang disuntikkan racun di meja Blackett yang akhirnya tidak dimakan oleh siapapun. ( Kenapa dirubah dari racun ke cairan kimia ya?)
  • Meskipun Oppenheimer berada dalam masa percobaan dan.- Sebagai hukuman, Oppenheimer menjalani masa percobaan dan harus menjalani konseling rutin dengan psikiater di Harley Street, London ( Instead tidak bisa diterjemahkan menjadi meskipun. Saya menggantinya menjadi sebagai hukuman,untuk menggantikan kata malahan yang merupakan terjemahan untuk kata instead

Itu saja, yang lainnya cukup minor dan saya perbaiki sendiri Agus Damanik (bicara) 11 September 2023 08.50 (UTC)[balas]

  • Oppenheimer served as director of the institute until 1966, when he gave up the position due to his failing health.[174] As of 2023, he is the longest-serving director of the institute.[175]

ini hilang Agus Damanik (bicara) 16 September 2023 18.36 (UTC)[balas]

In 1962, Kennedy―now President of the United States―invited Oppenheimer to a ceremony honoring 49 Nobel Prize winners. At the event, AEC chairman Glenn Seaborg asked Oppenheimer whether he wanted another security hearing. Oppenheimer declined.[287]

Also present were Edward Teller, who had recommended Oppenheimer receive the award in hopes that it would heal the rift between them,[291] and Henry D. Smyth, who in 1954 had been the lone dissenter from the AEC's 4–1 decision to define Oppenheimer as a security risk.

But congressional hostility to Oppenheimer lingered. Senator Bourke B. Hickenlooper formally protested Oppenheimer's selection just eight days after Kennedy was killed,[287] and several Republican members of the House AEC Committee boycotted the ceremony.[292]

Komentar Iwagloves

  • (dan diserahkan oleh Lyndon B. Johnson), ini mungkin bisa ditambahkan catatan kaki atau bahkan dijadikan catatan kaki sepenuhnya dengan keterangan bahwa penyerahan oleh Presiden Lyndon karena JFK sudah meninggal.
  • Untuk bagian kalimat yang memakai tanda baca titik koma (;) menurutku bisa diganti pakai tanda koma. Atau kalau mau ganti pakai tanda titik supaya jadi kalimat baru.
  • dari gaji tahunannya—kira-kira $100 (setara dengan $2.000 saat ini)—untuk membantu... diganti jadi "... dari gaji tahunannya, yaitu kurang lebih sebesar $100 (setara dengan $2.000 saat ini), untuk membantu..."

Sekian dulu untuk saat ini, nanti aku coba sambung lagi. Bang IWA (bicara) 4 September 2023 03.57 (UTC)[balas]


  • Campuran fisikawan Eropa dan murid-muridnya sendiri—kelompok yang antara lain beranggotakan, tanda sambungnya bisa dipisah dan diganti koma dengan penulisan: "Campuran fisikawan Eropa dan murid-muridnya sendiri, yang anggotanya antara lain..."
  • dan juga kebijakan internasional—meskipun sarannya tidak selalu diindahkan, jadi "dan juga kebijakan internasional. Meskipun dalam penerapannya, saran-saran dari dirinya tidak selalu diindahkan."
  • saya telah melihat Dr. Oppenheimer bertindak—saya mengerti Dr. Oppenheimer bertindak—dengan cara yang bagi saya sangat sulit untuk dipahami jadi "...saya telah melihat Dr. Oppenheimer bertindak, saya mengerti cara Dr. Oppenheimer bertindak, meski dengan cara yang bagi saya sangat sulit untuk dipahami..."
  • Untuk referensi 25, 33, 42, 48, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64, 77, 78, 79, 85, 94, 100, 122, 129, 130, 134, 135, 142, 143, 145, 151, 187, 201, 221, 222, 225, 227, 230, 237, 238, 239, 242, 244, 248, 252, 257, 259, 264, 265, 277 sampai 291, dan 294. Penulisan tanggal perbaiki pakai sistem bahasa Indonesia.

OK semoga bisa diterima. Bang IWA (bicara) 5 September 2023 02.20 (UTC)[balas]