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Warga yang dilindungi Inggris: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 17: Baris 17:

* Negara-negara yang dilindungi adalah wilayah yang mempunyai pemerintahan internal yang terorganisir dan menjalankan otonomi tingkat tinggi dalam pemerintahan lokal. Inggris hanya bertanggung jawab atas urusan luar negeri. Subyek penguasa negara-negara yang dilindungi ini diberi status BPP. Bekas negara bagian yang dilindungi pada tahun 1949 yang diberikan status hukum BPP meliputi: [[Brunei]], [[Kanton dan Kepulauan Enderbury]], sembilan [[Negara bagian dan wilayah federal Malaysia|negara bagian Melayu]] ([[Johor]], [[Kedah]], [[Kelantan]], [[Negeri Sembilan]], [[Pahang]], [[Perak]], [[Perlis]], [[Selangor]], [[Terengganu]]), [[Maladewa]], [[Hebrida Baru]], [[Negara Bagian Trucial]], dan [[Tonga]].<ref name="ProtectoratesAndProtectedStates" />
* Negara-negara yang dilindungi adalah wilayah yang mempunyai pemerintahan internal yang terorganisir dan menjalankan otonomi tingkat tinggi dalam pemerintahan lokal. Inggris hanya bertanggung jawab atas urusan luar negeri. Subyek penguasa negara-negara yang dilindungi ini diberi status BPP. Bekas negara bagian yang dilindungi pada tahun 1949 yang diberikan status hukum BPP meliputi: [[Brunei]], [[Kanton dan Kepulauan Enderbury]], sembilan [[Negara bagian dan wilayah federal Malaysia|negara bagian Melayu]] ([[Johor]], [[Kedah]], [[Kelantan]], [[Negeri Sembilan]], [[Pahang]], [[Perak]], [[Perlis]], [[Selangor]], [[Terengganu]]), [[Maladewa]], [[Hebrida Baru]], [[Negara Bagian Trucial]], dan [[Tonga]].<ref name="ProtectoratesAndProtectedStates" />
* Protectorates had no preexisting government and were territories where the British had administrative jurisdiction as well control over foreign affairs and defence. There was practically no distinction between a colony and protectorate, except that protectorates were not formally governed within British sovereignty. Former protectorates in 1949 include: [[Aden Protectorate|Aden]], [[Bechuanaland Protectorate|Bechuanaland]], [[Gambia Colony and Protectorate|Gambia]], the [[Gold Coast (British colony)|Gold Coast]], [[Kenya Colony|Kenya]], [[Colonial Nigeria|Nigeria]], [[Northern Rhodesia]], [[Nyasaland]], [[Sierra Leone Colony and Protectorate|Sierra Leone]], the [[British Solomon Islands|Solomon Islands]], [[British Somaliland|Somaliland]], [[Eswatini|Swaziland]], [[Uganda Protectorate|Uganda]], and [[Sultanate of Zanzibar|Zanzibar]].<ref name="ProtectoratesAndProtectedStates" />
* Protektorat tidak mempunyai pemerintahan sebelumnya dan merupakan wilayah di mana Inggris mempunyai yurisdiksi administratif serta kendali atas urusan luar negeri dan pertahanan. Praktis tidak ada perbedaan antara koloni dan protektorat, kecuali bahwa protektorat tidak secara formal diatur dalam kedaulatan Inggris. Bekas protektorat pada tahun 1949 meliputi: [[Protektorat Aden|Aden]], [[Protektorat Bechuanaland|Bechuanaland]], [[Koloni dan Protektorat Gambia|Gambia]], [[Gold Coast (koloni Inggris)|Gold Coast]], [[Koloni Kenya|Kenya]], [[Kolonial Nigeria|Nigeria]], [[Rhodesia Utara]], [[Nyasaland]], [[Sierra Leone|Sierra Leone]], [[Kepulauan Solomon Britania |Kepulauan Solomon]], [[Somaliland Inggris|Somaliland]], [[Eswatini|Swaziland]], [[Protektorat Uganda|Uganda]], dan [[Kesultanan Zanzibar|Zanzibar]].<ref name="ProtectoratesAndProtectedStates" />
* League of Nations mandates were territories held under custodianship that were granted after the [[World War I|First World War]]. United Nations trust territories were those mandated territories that continued to be held under British control after the [[World War II|Second World War]]. Because the areas that became trust territories did not have internal nationality laws, those regions were treated as if they were protectorates for nationality purposes. Former trust territories in 1949 include: [[British Cameroons|Cameroons]], [[Tanganyika (territory)|Tanganyika]], and [[British Togoland|Togoland]].<ref>{{cite web|title=Mandated and Trust Territories|url=https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/632333/manandtrust.pdf|access-date=2 April 2019}}</ref>
* League of Nations mandates were territories held under custodianship that were granted after the [[World War I|First World War]]. United Nations trust territories were those mandated territories that continued to be held under British control after the [[World War II|Second World War]]. Because the areas that became trust territories did not have internal nationality laws, those regions were treated as if they were protectorates for nationality purposes. Former trust territories in 1949 include: [[British Cameroons|Cameroons]], [[Tanganyika (territory)|Tanganyika]], and [[British Togoland|Togoland]].<ref>{{cite web|title=Mandated and Trust Territories|url=https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/632333/manandtrust.pdf|access-date=2 April 2019}}</ref>

Revisi per 18 Desember 2023 06.52

Templat:Good article Templat:British subjects

Orang yang dilindungi Inggris (BPP) adalah anggota dari kelompok Kebangsaan Inggris yang terkait dengan bekas protektorat, negara bagian yang dilindungi, dan mandat|mandat Liga Bangsa-Bangsa dan perwalian di bawah kendali Inggris. Individu dengan kewarganegaraan ini adalah Warga negara Inggris, tetapi bukan orang Inggris atau Warga negara persemakmuran. Warga negara dari kelas ini tunduk pada kontrol imigrasi ketika memasuki Inggris dan tidak memiliki hak tinggal otomatis di sana atau di negara lain mana pun.

Kebangsaan ini diciptakan untuk mengakomodasi penduduk di wilayah tertentu yang berada di bawah perlindungan atau administrasi Inggris tetapi tidak secara resmi tergabung sebagai Dominion Mahkota. Hingga 2020 sekitar 1.200 orang yang dilindungi Inggris saat ini memegang Paspor Inggris aktif dengan status ini dan menikmati perlindungan konsuler saat bepergian ke luar negeri.[1] Namun, individu yang hanya memiliki kewarganegaraan BPP secara efektif adalah tanpa kewarganegaraan karena mereka tidak dijamin haknya untuk memasuki negara di mana mereka menjadi warga negaranya.

Latar belakang

Bagian dari Kerajaan Inggris tidak dimasukkan sebagai wilayah Kerajaan dan malah dianggap sebagai tanah asing di bawah kekuasaan Inggris. Ini termasuk protektorat, negara-negara yang dilindungi, mandat Liga Bangsa-Bangsa, dan wilayah perwalian Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa. Karena merupakan negeri asing, kelahiran di salah satu wilayah tersebut tidak secara otomatis memberikan status warga negara Inggris. Sebaliknya, sebagian besar orang yang terkait dengan wilayah ini ditetapkan sebagai orang yang dilindungi Inggris.[2]

Pada abad ke-19, istilah ini mengacu pada anggota populasi asli protektorat atau subjek penguasa negara yang dilindungi. Seiring berjalannya waktu, hal ini menjadi suatu bentuk kebangsaan yang substansial.[2] Persyaratan kelayakan untuk status tersebut pada awalnya tidak didefinisikan dengan baik.[3] Penunjukan tersebut diberikan kepada siapa saja yang dianggap berutang kesetiaan kepada penguasa lokal suatu negara di bawah perlindungan Inggris atau yang merupakan penduduk asli suatu protektorat tanpa pemerintahan lokal.[2] Persyaratan yang lebih substansial dikodifikasikan pada tahun 1934; individu yang lahir di wilayah yang dilindungi namun tidak memiliki kewarganegaraan lain saat lahir atau mereka yang lahir di luar negeri yang tidak memiliki kewarganegaraan dari ayah BPP, yang juga lahir di wilayah yang dilindungi, menjadi orang yang dilindungi Inggris.[4] Status tersebut diberikan semata-mata oleh hak prerogatif kerajaan hingga pertama kali ditetapkan menurut undang-undang dalam British Nationality Act 1948. Ketika Inggris menarik diri dari sisa kepemilikannya di luar negeri selama dekolonisasi, beberapa orang yang dilindungi tetap menjadi BPP meskipun wilayah mereka telah merdeka.[2] Setelah hampir semua wilayah yang dilindungi merdeka, Parlemen dengan tegas membatasi perolehan status BPP pada tahun 1978.[5]

Beberapa jenis kawasan lindung dibedakan berdasarkan struktur administratifnya:

Acquisition and loss

Countries entirely or partially composed of former protectorates and trust territories that current British protected persons may originate from (includes the British Solomon Islands in the Pacific Ocean, east of Papua New Guinea)

Becoming a British protected person is effectively no longer possible.[7] Registration as a BPP is currently only permitted for individuals who have always been stateless and were born to at least one BPP parent in the United Kingdom or an overseas territory.[8] Prior to decolonisation, individuals born in a protected territory and held no other nationality at birth were British protected persons. The status was transferable by descent to children of BPP fathers (but not mothers) who did not have any other nationality following independence of their territories[9] until 16 August 1978.[5] BPP status was granted in addition to other British nationality classes; an individual can be both a British citizen and a British protected person.[2]

Retaining BPP status past the end of British jurisdiction over a protected territory is dependent on the type of territory it was. Persons connected with former protectorates or trust territories may remain BPPs if they did not acquire citizenship of the relevant countries, while all who were associated with former protected states or mandated territories automatically had the status revoked on independence.[2] For those associated with the British Solomon Islands, BPP retention has the added requirement of never having possessed any other nationality. Additionally, Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies who were solely connected with that protectorate lost CUKC status on independence and became BPPs instead.[10]

British protected person status is automatically lost if an individual acquires any other nationality or citizenship after 16 August 1978, including other British nationality classes. It can also be voluntarily relinquished by a declaration made to the Home Secretary, provided that an individual already possesses or intends to acquire another nationality. BPP status may be deprived if it was fraudulently acquired. There is no path to restore BPP status once lost.[11]

Rights and privileges

British protected persons are exempted from obtaining a visa or entry certificate when visiting the United Kingdom for less than six months.[12] When travelling in other countries, they may seek British consular protection.[13] BPPs are also eligible to serve in non-reserved Civil Service posts[14] and enlist in the British Armed Forces.[15]

BPPs may become British citizens by registration, rather than naturalisation, after residing in the United Kingdom for more than five years and possessing indefinite leave to remain for more than one year. Registration confers citizenship otherwise than by descent, meaning that children born outside of the UK to those successfully registered will be British citizens by descent. Individuals who become British citizens automatically lose their BPP status.[16] BPPs who do not hold and have not lost any other nationality on or after 4 July 2002 are entitled to register as British citizens.[17]


BPPs who hold no other nationality are de facto stateless because they do not have a right to enter the country that claims them as nationals.[18] The Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 allowed these individuals to register as British citizens, after which statelessness was generally resolved for people who were solely BPPs.[17]

United Kingdom

Unlike members of other British nationality classes, British protected persons are not Commonwealth citizens.[19] BPPs are subject to immigration control and have neither the right of abode nor the right to work in the United Kingdom.[13] They are required to pay a "health surcharge" to access National Health Service benefits when residing in the UK for longer than six months.[20] They do not have the right to vote in UK elections and are ineligible to stand for election to the House of Commons and local government.[21] They are additionally barred from being sitting members in the House of Lords.[19]

European Union

Before the United Kingdom withdrew from the European Union on 31 January 2020, full British citizens were European Union citizens.[22] British protected persons have never been EU citizens and do not enjoy freedom of movement in other EU countries.[23] They were,[24] and continue to be, exempted from obtaining visas when visiting the Schengen Area.[22]



  1. ^ FOI Letter on Passports.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h "Protectorates and Protected States" (PDF). Diakses tanggal 1 April 2019. 
  3. ^ Pollack 1963, hlm. 144.
  4. ^ "No. 34051". The London Gazette. 18 May 1934. hlm. 3194. 
  5. ^ a b The British Protectorates, Protected States and Protected Persons Order 1978.
  6. ^ "Mandated and Trust Territories" (PDF). Diakses tanggal 2 April 2019. 
  7. ^ INPD Letter on BOCs, at para. 19
  8. ^ "British protected persons" (PDF). 1.0. Home Office. 14 July 2017. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 29 March 2019. Diakses tanggal 29 March 2019. 
  9. ^ The British Protectorates, Protected States and Protected Persons Order 1974.
  10. ^ Solomon Islands Act 1978.
  11. ^ "Nationality policy: renunciation of all types of British nationality" (PDF). 3.0. Home Office. 30 January 2018. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 8 January 2019. Diakses tanggal 1 April 2019. 
  12. ^ "Check if you need a UK visa". gov.uk. Government of the United Kingdom. Diakses tanggal 1 April 2019. 
  13. ^ a b "Types of British nationality: British protected person". gov.uk. Government of the United Kingdom. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 19 August 2018. Diakses tanggal 1 April 2019. 
  14. ^ "Civil Service Nationality Rules" (PDF). Cabinet Office. November 2007. hlm. 6. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 21 August 2018. Diakses tanggal 2 April 2019. 
  15. ^ "Nationality". British Army. Diakses tanggal 2 April 2019. 
  16. ^ "Guide B(OTA): Registration as a British citizen" (PDF). Home Office. March 2019. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 28 March 2019. Diakses tanggal 29 March 2019. 
  17. ^ a b Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002.
  18. ^ Kaur [2001] C-192/99, at para. 17
  19. ^ a b British Nationality Act 1981.
  20. ^ "UK announces health surcharge". gov.uk. Government of the United Kingdom. 27 March 2015. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 11 December 2018. Diakses tanggal 8 January 2018. 
  21. ^ Representation of the People Act 1983.
  22. ^ a b Regulation (EU) No 2019/592.
  23. ^ Kaur [2001] C-192/99, at para. 19–27
  24. ^ Regulation (EU) No 2018/1806 Annex II.




Case law
