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== Mulai mencari nafkah ==
== Mulai mencari nafkah ==
Pada tahun [[1950]], Subur mulai bekerja di kantor [[Stanvac]], perusahaan minyak Amerika, di Jakarta. Ia menangani pembukuan dan surat-menyurat perusahaan. Pada [[1951]] Subur menikah dengan Lie Gwat Nio dan memperoleh 9 orang anak, yaitu Lukman, Yulianti, Andyan, Yuliany, Irwan, Gunawan, Liem Lan Hoa, Francisca, Ardyan.
Pada tahun [[1950]], Subur mulai bekerja di kantor [[Stanvac]], perusahaan minyak Amerika, di Jakarta. Ia menangani pembukuan dan surat-menyurat perusahaan. Pada [[1951]] Subur menikah dengan Lie Gwat Nio dan memperoleh 9 orang anak, yaitu Lukman, Yulianti, Andyan, Yuliany, Irwan, Gunawan, Liem Lan Hoa, Francisca, Ardyan.
Subur Rahardja was born on 4 April 1925 under the name Lim Sin Tjoei of a father named Lim Kim hauw. Subur Rahardja since little has been educated the hard discipline. Fighters came from, since the age of 6 years of studying martial arts directly from his father and from father Gusti Agung Gede Agung Djelantik Balewangse (his teacher nobleman from Lombok) as well as from some famous martial arts teachers, as Sutur, Mr. Mada( Mbah Sakir protege of Cimande),Style Kampung Baru Kalibata-Batavia (was Haji Husen alia Jiencin)and Haji Dulhamid of Tarikolot Cimande West Java,) Tjong Kim Nji, Liu Chi Tay (a lot of teaching moments herons), Bapak Sabuy. This is done until he was 25 years old. He studied the combination of the core is then taken.The style is a lot of movement is affecting Southern Shaolin Kungfu and multiple streams of Pencak Silat.
Plus he was pleased to observe the movements of nature so much more take the principle of nature. Motion obtained mixed into moves such as crane stance, tigers, snakes, monkeys, jungle fowl, and peacocks.
It is said that the current White Crane Silat style taught by PGB represents synthesis of four martial arts styles with that of his original clan emstyle of kun tao.
In the years following World War II, Subur joined his country in the battle for independence. Subur gained a reputation as a formidable fighter during the guerrilla campaign against the Dutch and English colonial powers. Due to his bravery and common sense, Subur often found himself in the role of leader. Subur naturally began to share his martial skills with his close friends and comrades during the struggle for independence.
After attracting interest from colleagues around him, that he sparked the idea to form a container named Unity Movement Agency PGB abbreviated with the symbol of the White Stork. Apparently the idea is approved by his father along with The Hong Kie and Tjio Swie Hong. Then on the 25th of December 1952 was officially born Silat Education Board with the symbol of Unity Movement White Stork, and was appointed Mr Mada an elder on his School . White Stork is taken as the symbol of pure white color, graceful, quiet, gregarious and live in the five nature.http://www.silat.tv/profiles/blogs/the-road-way-of-guru-besar-subur-rahardja-from-kun-tao-hokian-to

== Mendirikan PGB ==
== Mendirikan PGB ==

Revisi per 7 November 2012 03.51

Subur Rahardja mendirikan PGB (Persatuan Gerak Badan) Bangau Putih di daerah Tugu, Cisarua, Jawa Barat. Ia dilahirkan pada 4 April 1925 dengan nama Liem Sin Tjoei, anak dari Liem Kim Sek dan Tan Kim Nio. Ia meninggal dunia dalam sebuah kecelakaan lalu lintas di daerah Rembang, Jawa Tengah, 31 Desember 1985. Murid-muridnya datang dari berbagai penjuru dunia. Kini PGB Bangau Putih mempunyai cabang-cabang di Jerman dan Amerika Serikat.

Masa kecil

Subur Rahardja, yang biasa disapa Suhu oleh murid-muridnya, mendapatkan pendidikan Belanda di Sekolah Kesatuan dan belajar bahasa Inggris di sekolah Tunas Harapan, di Jl. Suryakencana, Bogor. Kemudian ia melanjutkan sekolahnya di Sekolah Gedong Dalam.

Pada usia 6 tahun ia dan kakaknya mulai berlatih silat bersama ayahnya, seorang guru silat. Belakangan ia berlatih dengan Asuk Yat Long, seorang guru silat yang lain, di dekat rumahnya.

Ketika ia berusia 8 tahun, ayahnya meninggal dunia, dan ia diangkat oleh pamannya, Liem Kiem Bouw, seorang guru bela diri dan sinshe yang juga tinggal di Bogor. Di situlah Subur belajar tentang ilmu bela diri dari pamannya yang adalah murid dari sebuah aliran pencak silat.

Setiap hari Subur membantu pamannya di toko obat-obatannya, serta berlatih dengan sebuah kelompok musik keroncong. Pada tahun 1940-an, kelompok ini mulai mengadakan latihan bela diri.

Mulai mencari nafkah

Pada tahun 1950, Subur mulai bekerja di kantor Stanvac, perusahaan minyak Amerika, di Jakarta. Ia menangani pembukuan dan surat-menyurat perusahaan. Pada 1951 Subur menikah dengan Lie Gwat Nio dan memperoleh 9 orang anak, yaitu Lukman, Yulianti, Andyan, Yuliany, Irwan, Gunawan, Liem Lan Hoa, Francisca, Ardyan. http://silatindonesia.com/2009/08/subur-rahardja-from-bangau-putih/


Subur Rahardja was born on 4 April 1925 under the name Lim Sin Tjoei of a father named Lim Kim hauw. Subur Rahardja since little has been educated the hard discipline. Fighters came from, since the age of 6 years of studying martial arts directly from his father and from father Gusti Agung Gede Agung Djelantik Balewangse (his teacher nobleman from Lombok) as well as from some famous martial arts teachers, as Sutur, Mr. Mada( Mbah Sakir protege of Cimande),Style Kampung Baru Kalibata-Batavia (was Haji Husen alia Jiencin)and Haji Dulhamid of Tarikolot Cimande West Java,) Tjong Kim Nji, Liu Chi Tay (a lot of teaching moments herons), Bapak Sabuy. This is done until he was 25 years old. He studied the combination of the core is then taken.The style is a lot of movement is affecting Southern Shaolin Kungfu and multiple streams of Pencak Silat. Plus he was pleased to observe the movements of nature so much more take the principle of nature. Motion obtained mixed into moves such as crane stance, tigers, snakes, monkeys, jungle fowl, and peacocks. It is said that the current White Crane Silat style taught by PGB represents synthesis of four martial arts styles with that of his original clan emstyle of kun tao. In the years following World War II, Subur joined his country in the battle for independence. Subur gained a reputation as a formidable fighter during the guerrilla campaign against the Dutch and English colonial powers. Due to his bravery and common sense, Subur often found himself in the role of leader. Subur naturally began to share his martial skills with his close friends and comrades during the struggle for independence. After attracting interest from colleagues around him, that he sparked the idea to form a container named Unity Movement Agency PGB abbreviated with the symbol of the White Stork. Apparently the idea is approved by his father along with The Hong Kie and Tjio Swie Hong. Then on the 25th of December 1952 was officially born Silat Education Board with the symbol of Unity Movement White Stork, and was appointed Mr Mada an elder on his School . White Stork is taken as the symbol of pure white color, graceful, quiet, gregarious and live in the five nature.http://www.silat.tv/profiles/blogs/the-road-way-of-guru-besar-subur-rahardja-from-kun-tao-hokian-to

Mendirikan PGB

Pada 1952, ketika mencapai usia 27 tahun, Subur mendirikan PGB Bangau Putih secara resmi. Perhatiannya terpusat kepada perkumpulan ini yang berkembang pesat setelah ia mempertunjukkannya di Stanvac, karena seluruh staf kantor itu bergabung dengan kelompoknya. Di kemudian hari banyak orang terkenal dan selebritis menjadi muridnya, seperti W.S. Rendra, Adi Kurdi, Sunarti Rendra, Sitoresmi, Poppy Dharsono, dll.

Kecelakaan lalu lintas

Pada 27 Desember 1985, Subur bersama sejumlah muridnya mengadakan perjalanan dengan tiga mobil ke Klenteng Tuban di Jawa Timur. Dalam perjalanan pulang ke Jakarta, mobil yang ditumpanginya terguling di sebuah tikungan di desa Sluke. Subur terluka parah dan dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Lasem. Karena perlengkapannya tidak memadai, ia dipindahkan ke RS Rembang. Dokter bedah di sana mengatakan bahwa kepalanya terluka parah.

Pada tanggal 31 Desember 1985 Subur Rahardja meninggal dunia setelah kondisinya sempat membaik sebentar. Jenazahnya dikebumikan pada 10 Januari 1986 di Tugu, tempat ia biasa berlatih.

Pranala luar

(Inggris) http://www.silat-white-crane.de/flashback_of_pgb_en.html