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{{Infobox officeholder
|name = Joachim Gauck
|image =
|office = [[Presiden Jerman]]
|chancellor = [[Angela Merkel]]
|term_start = 18 Maret 2012
|term_end =
|predecessor = [[Christian Wulff]]
|successor =
|office1 = [[Komisaris Federasi untuk Arsip Stasi]]
|term_start1 = 4 Oktober 1990
|term_end1 = 10 Oktober 2000
|predecessor1 = Jabatan dibentuk
|successor1 = [[Marianne Birthler]]
|office2 = Ketua [[Bundestag]]
|term_start2 = 3 Oktober 1990
|term_end2 = 4 Oktober 1990
|office3 = Ketua [[Volkskammer]]
|term_start3 = 18 Maret 1990
|term_end3 = 3 Oktober 1990
|birth_date = {{birth date and age|1940|1|24|df=y}}
|birth_place = [[Rostock]], [[Nazi Jerman|Jerman]]
|death_date =
|death_place =
|party = [[Independen (politikus)|Independen]] <br><small>(1990–kini)</small><br>
|otherparty = [[Forum Baru]]/[[Aliansi 90]] <br><small>(1989–1990)</small><br>
|spouse = Gerhild Gauck <small>(m. 1959; berpisah sejak 1991)</small><br>
|partner = [[Daniela Schadt]] <small>(2000–kini)</small>
|children = Christian<br>Martin<br>Gesine<br>Katharina
|alma_mater = [[Universitas Rostock]]<ref>{{Citation|url=http://www.uni-rostock.de/detailseite/news-artikel/auf-vielfaeltige-weise-mit-der-universitaet-rostoc/|title=Auf vielfältige Weise mit der Universität Rostock verbunden |publisher=Uni Rostock |date=20 Februari 2012 |accessdate=29 Februari 2012}}</ref>
|profession = [[Pastor]]
|religion = [[Lutheranisme|Lutheran]]<ref>{{Citation |url=http://www.dw.de/dw/article/0,,15751782,00.html|first=Michael |last=Gessat |title=Gauck's civic engagement wins him wide support |publisher=DW |date=19 Februari 2012 |accessdate=28 Februari 2012}}</ref>
|signature = Joachim Gaucks signature.svg
'''Joachim Gauck''' {{IPA-de|joːˈʔaxiːm ɡaʊ̯k|pron}} (lahir [[24 Januari]] [[1940]]) ialah [[Presiden Jerman]] yang terpilih pada [[18 Maret]] [[2012]]. Mantan pastor [[Lutheranisme|Lutheran]] ini menjadi terkenal sebagai [[aktivis]] [[Hak asasi manusia]] yang anti-[[komunisme|komunis]] di [[Jerman Timur]].<ref name="rfe-rl"/><ref>[http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/21/world/europe/joachim-gaucks-background-seen-as-an-asset-in-germany.html?_r=1&pagewanted=2&seid=auto&smid=tw-nytimesglobal German Presidential Nominee’s Background Seen as an Asset],[[New York Times]], February 20, 2012</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.france24.com/en/20100630-2010-german--president-merkel-gauck-wulff-political-test-afghanistan-resign-cdu-greens-fdp/|title=A crucial test for Angela Merkel |publisher=FRANCE 24 |date= |accessdate=2012-02-21}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.dw.de/dw/article/0,,15751782,00.html |title=Gauck's civic engagement wins him wide support|publisher=DW.DE |date=2012-02-17 |accessdate=2012-02-21}}</ref>

Ketika [[Penyatuan kembali Jerman]], dia merupakan salah seorang penggagas gerakan pemberontakan pro reunifikasi di [[Jerman Timur]] yang bergelar [[Forum Baru]] yang membantu tumbangnya [[Kediktatoran|pemerintahan diktator]] [[Partai Sosialis Jerman]] (SED) yang disokong oleh [[Uni Soviet]]<ref>http://www.bundestag.de/htdocs_e/artandhistory/history/parliamentarism/peoples_chamber/index.html</ref>. Pada tahun 1990, dia menjabat sebagai wakil rakyat [[Pakatan 90/Hijau|Ikatan 90]] dalam satu-satunya [[Volkskammer|Dewan Rakyat]] pilihan rakyat. Pada [[penyatuan kembali Jerman]], dia dipilih oleh [[Bundestag]] sebagai [[Komisaris Federasi untuk Arsip Stasi]] yang pertama mulai tahun 1990 hingga 2000. Dalam jabatan itu, dia terkenal sebagai "pemburu [[Stasi]]" dan "pendukung pro-demokrasi yang tidak kenal penat lelah" karena mendedahkan kejahatnan polisi era komunis.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.thelocal.de/politics/20100604-27645.html|title=German media roundup: Little excitement for Wulff presidency|work=thelocal.de|date=4 June 2010|accessdate=30 June 2010}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.wn.de/Archiv/2010/06/Politik-Inland-Joachim-Gauck-der-Stasi-Jaeger |title=Politik Inland : Joachim Gauck, der Stasi-Jäger - Archiv - Westfälische Nachrichten |language={{de icon}} |publisher=Wn.de|date=2010-06-30 |accessdate=2012-02-20}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,816407,00.html |title=Germany's Next President: 'I'm No Superman' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International |publisher=Spiegel.de |date=|accessdate=2012-02-20}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|author=Post a Job|url=http://www.businessweek.com/news/2012-02-20/merkel-names-gauck-as-unity-candidate-for-german-presidency.html|title=Merkel Names Gauck as Unity Candidate for German Presidency |publisher=Businessweek |date=2009-12-08|accessdate=2012-02-20}}</ref>

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Dia dicalonkan sebagai calon [[Partai Demokratik Sosial Jerman|Partai Demokratik Sosial]] dan [[Pakatan 90/Hijau]] untuk [[Presiden Jerman]] pada [[Pilihan raya presiden Jerman 2010|pemilu 2010]], tetapi kalah tipis kepada calon partai campuran pemerintah yaitu [[Christian Wulff]]. Bagaimanapun, pencalonannya disambut baik oleh para penduduk dan pihak akbar; akbar ''[[Der Spiegel]]'' menyifatkan dia sebagai "Presiden yang lebih baik"<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/index-2010-23.html|title=DER SPIEGEL 23/2010 - Inhaltsverzeichnis |publisher=Spiegel.de |date= |accessdate=2012-02-20}}</ref> sementara ''[[Bild]]'' menggelarnya "presiden pujaan ramai."<ref name="thelocalhearts">{{cite web|url=http://www.thelocal.de/politics/20120220-40853.html |title=Profile: Joachim Gauck, Germany's 'President of Hearts' - The Local |publisher=Thelocal.de |date=2012-01-01|accessdate=2012-02-20}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.bild.de/politik/inland/bundespraesident/joachim-gauck-portraet-22722042.bild.html|title=Joachim Gauck: Der "Kandidat der Herzen" - Politik Inland |language={{de icon}} |publisher=Bild.de|date= |accessdate=2012-02-20}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.mdr.de/nachrichten/gauck-portraet100.html|title=Vom Sieger der Herzen zum Bundespräsidenten? |publisher=MDR.DE |date= |accessdate=2012-02-20}}</ref> Setelah Wulff meletak jawatan, Gauck dipilih sebagai Presiden dengan meraih 991 daripada 1228 undian dalam [[Konvensyen Persekutuan (Jerman)|Konvensyen Persekutuan]] di [[Pilihan raya presiden Jerman 2012|pilihan raya 2012]], sebagai calon ijmak [[Bebas (ahli politik)|tanpa sekutuan parti]] yang dipersetujui oleh [[Kesatuan Demokratik Kristian (Jerman)|Kesatuan Demokratik Kristian]] (CDU), [[Kesatuan Sosial Kristian di Bavaria|Kesatuan Sosial Kristian]] (CSU), [[Parti Demokratik Bebas (Jerman)|Parti Demokratik Bebas]] (FDP), [[Parti Demokratik Sosial Jerman|Parti Demokratik Sosial]] (SPD) dan [[Pakatan 90/Hijau]].
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Kehidupan politik Gauck kuat dipengaruhi oleh nasib keluarganya serta didikannya di [[Jerman Timur]] komunis yang berpemerintahan [[totalitarian]]; bapanya meringkuk dalam sebuah [[gulag]] di [[Uni Soviet]] selama lima tahun<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/joachim-gauck-anticommunist-pastor-who-could-turn-out-to-be-angela-merkels-nemesis-14859395.html|title=Joachim Gauck: Anti-communist pastor who could turn out to be Angela Merkel's nemesis - World news, News |publisher=Belfasttelegraph.co.uk |date=2010-06-30 |accessdate=2012-02-20}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jun/20/joachim-gauck-angela-merkel-president | location=London |work=The Guardian | title=Joachim Gauck: the dissident hero who holds the destiny of Germany in his hands |first=Kate | last=Connolly | date=20 June 2010}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,703658,00.html |title=Eastern Inspiration: Gauck the Therapist Wants to Put Germany On the Couch - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International |publisher=Spiegel.de|date=2010-06-29 |accessdate=2012-02-20}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6551A720100606 | work=Reuters | title=Rival candidate for president new headache for Merkel | date=6 June 2010}}</ref> dan keluarganya berdepan dengan diskriminasi di Jerman Timur.<ref name="abendblatt-christian"/> Gauck merupakan penandatangan terawal [[Deklarasi Praha Tentang Suara Hati dan Komunisme Eropa]], bersama-sama dengan [[Václav Havel]] dan ramai lagi bangsawan, dan juga [[Perisytiharan Jenayah Komunisme]]. Dia menyeru demi lebih kesedaran akan [[jenayah komunis|kezaliman komunis]] di Eropah, pendakwaan penjenayah komunis, dan perlunya mengharamkan pemerintahan komunis.<ref name="rfe-rl">Robert Coalson,[http://www.rferl.org/content/german_parties_agree_on_new_president/24489630.html Longtime Anticommunist Activist To Become Germany's Next President], [[Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty]], February 20, 2012</ref> Dia telah mengarang buku-buku tentang kem tumpuan zaman Soviet seperti [[Kem Khas NKVD No. 1]], kezaliman komunis, dan penindasan politik di Jerman Timur, serta menyumbang kepada ''[[Buku Hitam Komunisme]]''. Gauck menuduh penggiat politik haluan kiri kerana mengetepikan kezaliman komunis.<ref name="radiocz"/> Bukunya, ''[[Freiheit. Ein Plädoyer]]'' ("Kebebasan. Satu Rayuan", 2012) menyeru agar [[kebebasan]] dan [[hak asasi manusia]] dipertahankan di seluruh dunia.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.volksstimme.de/kultur_medien/buch/buch_aktuell/750034_Gauck-Buch-Plaedoyer-fuer-Freiheit-und-Menschenrechte.html|title=Gauck-Buch: Plädoyer für Freiheit und Menschenrechte |publisher=Volksstimme.de |date=|accessdate=2012-02-21}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/europe/germany/120219/angela-merkel-nelson-mandela-east-germany-president-Joachim-Gauck|title=Angela Merkel backs 'German Nelson Mandela' for president |publisher=Globalpost.com |date=|accessdate=2012-02-21}}</ref> Dia disifatkan oleh [[Kanselir]] [[Angela Merkel]] sebagai "guru demokrasi yang sejati" dan "pendukung kebebasan, demokrasi dan keadilan yang tidak mengenal penat."<ref name="spiegel-merkel"/> ''[[The Wall Street Journal]]'' pula menyifatkannya sebagai "yang terakhir dalam golongan pemimpin gerakan bantahan di sebalik Tirai Besi yang kemudiannya memimpin negara mereka selepas tahun 1989."<ref name="wsj">[http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203358704577237123740391712.html?mod=googlenews_wsjThe Gauck File], ''[[The Wall Street Journal]]'', February 22, 2012, p. 14</ref>
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Sejak tahun 2003, dia merupakan pengurus persatuan [[Gegen Vergessen – Für Demokratie]] ("Melawan Keterlupaan – Demi Demokrasi"), serta melayani dalam Lembaga Pengurusan [[Pusat Pengawasan Rasisme dan Xenofobia Eropah]] 2001–2004.<ref>[http://www.rpo.gov.pl/pliki/12785936230.pdf Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection in Poland], [[Government of Poland]], 2008</ref> Dia menerima pelbagai penghargaan, termasuk [[Hadiah Hannah Arendt]] 1997.
Marcos Antonio Brenelli
Marcos Antonio Brenelli

Therapist - Quantum Therapy
Phone: (19) 3579 0639 Mobile:

Rua Dna Elidia Ana Campos, 645
Garden District Don Bosco
Campinas - SP
Ask the Therapist

Marcos Antonio Brenelli a degree in Economics, Trainer in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and training in Dowsing, Radionics, Flower Therapy, Touch Therapy, Reiki. Self-taught in mental and spiritual techniques operates since 1996 in Campinas and region, as Quantum Therapist, Emotional Coach, Business Consultant, which has served people with panic, depression, stress, anxiety, phobia, obesity, impotence, trauma, pain of unknown origin, various diseases, etc. Co-created revolutionary techniques using Quantum Energy for purification and treatment of the physical body, energy and the environment by channeling Cosmic Masters, among them: 72 radionics GRAPHICS UNPUBLISHED for dowsing and radionics, hundreds of times more potent the current graphics. Essences 72 radionic special treatment for energy. ESSENCES 11 ENVIRONMENTAL lifting frequency energy from the environment. QUANTUM THERAPY technique, which is a method of treatment of emotional and highly effective energy field in the treatment of various ailments emotional or physical, with extraordinary results from the first consultation. The MEMORY Regression technique using neurolinguistic programming technology, which makes the process easy, fast and highly effective reducing the treatment time. INTEGRATED ATLANTIS HEALING that activates a process of healing through advanced 21 symbols that brings an energy transformation, emotional, mental and spiritual. Radionics QUANTUM implementing a new operating model with the Radionics in the healing process of people and environments. Quantum Business Program Release effecting a release energy in the distance enterprise environment, releasing negative energy accumulated through thought forms for all employees and company directors and external interference in order to hinder in any way the company's operations. Quantum Family Treatment Program that performs a complete purification in the whole family, residence, cars and pets, eliminating spells, envy, thought form and more, bringing harmony to the family, opening the way for Abundance and Prosperity .. He worked for IBM Brazil - Fabrica Sumaré for 22 years he served in various management positions. Current director and owner of Quantum Technology Center

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Hebrew language
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עברית ʿIvrit
Pronunciation [(ʔ)ivˈʁit] - [(ʔ)ivˈɾit][note 1]
Native to Gaza Strip, Israel, West Bank;[1] used globally as a liturgical language for Judaism
Native speakers
5.3 million as L1 (not all native) (1998)[2]
as L1 or L2 by all 7.4 million Israelis[2][3]
Language family
Central Semitic
Northwest Semitic
Early forms
Biblical Hebrew
Mishnaic Hebrew
Medieval Hebrew
Standard forms
Modern Hebrew
Writing system
Hebrew alphabet
Hebrew Braille
Signed forms
Signed Hebrew (oral Hebrew accompanied by sign)[4]
Official status
Official language in
Recognised minority
language in
Regulated by Academy of the Hebrew Language
האקדמיה ללשון העברית (HaAkademia LaLashon HaʿIvrit)
Language codes
ISO 639-1 he
ISO 639-2 heb
ISO 639-3 Variously:
heb – Modern Hebrew
hbo – Ancient Hebrew (liturgical)
smp – Samaritan Hebrew (liturgical)
xdm – Edomite (extinct)
obm – Moabite (extinct)
Glottolog hebr1246[6]
Linguasphere 12-AAB-a

The Hebrew-speaking world:
regions where Hebrew is the language of the majority
regions where Hebrew is the language of a significant minority
This article contains IPA phonetic symbols. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Unicode characters.

Hebrew street sign, above in Hebrew alphabet, below in Latin letter transliteration. Aluf Batslut veAluf Shum(he) ("The Onion Champion and the Garlic Champion") is a play by Hayyim Nahman Bialik.
Hebrew (/ˈhiːbruː/; עברית ʿIvrit [ʔivˈʁit] or [ʕivˈɾit]) is a West Semitic language of the Afroasiatic language family. Historically, it is regarded as the language of the Hebrew Israelites and their ancestors, although the language was not referred to by the name Hebrew in the Tanakh.[note 2] The earliest examples of written Paleo-Hebrew date from the 10th century BCE, in the form of primitive drawings, although "the question of the language used in this inscription remained unanswered, making it impossible to prove whether it was in fact Hebrew or another local language".[9]

Hebrew had ceased to be an everyday spoken language somewhere between 200 and 400 CE, declining since the aftermath of the Bar Kochba War.[8][10][note 3] Aramaic and to a lesser extent Greek were already in use as international languages, especially among elites and immigrants.[12] It survived into the medieval period as the language of Jewish liturgy, rabbinic literature, intra-Jewish commerce, and poetry. Then, in the 19th century, it was revived as a spoken and literary language, and, according to Ethnologue, is now the language of 9 million people worldwide,[13][14] of whom 7 million are from Israel.[3][15] The United States has the second largest Hebrew speaking population, with about 221,593 fluent speakers,[16] mostly from Israel.

Modern Hebrew is one of the two official languages of Israel (the other being Arabic), while pre-modern Hebrew is used for prayer or study in Jewish communities around the world today. Ancient Hebrew is also the liturgical tongue of the Samaritans, while modern Hebrew or Arabic is their vernacular. As a foreign language, it is studied mostly by Jews and students of Judaism and Israel, and by archaeologists and linguists specializing in the Middle East and its civilizations, as well as by theologians in Christian seminaries.

The Torah (the first five books), and most of the rest of the Hebrew Bible, is written in Biblical Hebrew, with much of its present form specifically in the dialect that scholars believe flourished around the 6th century BCE, around the time of the Babylonian exile. For this reason, Hebrew has been referred to by Jews as Leshon HaKodesh (לשון הקדש), "The Holy Language", since ancient times.

Current status
Hebrew grammar
Writing system
Liturgical use in Judaism
See also
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Rent (film)
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Theatrical release poster
Directed by Chris Columbus
Produced by Chris Columbus
Robert De Niro
Jane Rosenthal
Mark Radcliffe
Michael Barnathan
Screenplay by Stephen Chbosky
Based on Rent
by Jonathan Larson
Starring Rosario Dawson
Taye Diggs
Wilson Jermaine Heredia
Jesse L. Martin
Idina Menzel
Adam Pascal
Anthony Rapp
Tracie Thoms
Music by Jonathan Larson
Rob Cavallo
Doug McKean
Jamie Muhoberac
Tim Pierce
Cinematography Stephen Goldblatt
Edited by Richard Pearson
Revolution Studios
1492 Pictures
TriBeCa Productions
Distributed by Columbia Pictures
Release dates
November 23, 2005
Running time
135 minutes
Country United States
Language English
Budget $40 million
Box office $31,670,620
Rent is a 2005 American musical drama film directed by Chris Columbus. It is an adaptation of the Broadway musical of the same name, in turn based on Giacomo Puccini's opera La bohème. The film depicts the lives of several Bohemians and their struggles with sexuality, drugs, paying their rent, and life under the shadow of AIDS. It takes place in the East Village of New York City from 1989 to 1990. The film features six of the original Broadway cast members reprising their roles.

Critical reception
Alternate ending
Differences between the stage and film versions
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Last edited 2 days ago by Debresser
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Hebrew: יהודים‎ (Yehudim)


Baruch Spinoza

Sholem Aleichem

Albert Einstein

Emmy Noether

David Ben-Gurion

Marc Chagall

George Gershwin

Natalie Portman
Total population
Regions with significant populations
Israel 6,042,000[2][3]
United States 5,425,000 (2011)[4] – 6,800,000[5]
France 480,000[4]
Canada 375,000[4]
United Kingdom 291,000[4]
Russia 194,000 – over 500,000[6][4]
Argentina 182,300[4]
Germany 119,000[4]
Australia 107,500[4]
Hungary 100,000 – 120,000[7][8]
Brazil 95,300[4]
South Africa 70,800[4]
Ukraine 67,000- 200,000[9][4]
Mexico 39,400[4]
Belgium 30,300[4]
Netherlands 30,000[4]
Italy 28,400[4]
Turkey 26,000[10]
Chile 18,500[4]
Colombia 12,000- over 25,000[11]
All other countries 250,200[4]
Predominant spoken languages:
English Hebrew Russian Spanish the vernacular languages of other countries in the diaspora
Historical languages:
Yiddish Ladino Judeo-Arabic others
Sacred languages:
Biblical Hebrew Aramaic
Related ethnic groups
other Levantines,[12][13][14][15] Samaritans,[14] Arabs,[14][16] Assyrians[14][15]
The Jews (Hebrew: יְהוּדִים ISO 259-3 Yehudim, Israeli pronunciation [jehuˈdim]), also known as the Jewish people, are an ethnoreligious group[17] originating from the Historical Israelites of the Ancient Near East.[18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25]

According to Jewish tradition, Jewish ancestry is traced back to the Biblical patriarchs such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the Biblical matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, Leah, and Rachel, who lived in Canaan around the 18th century BCE. Jacob and his family migrated to Ancient Egypt after being invited to live with Joseph (who rose to the rank of Pharaoh's Vizier) in the Land of Goshen region by Pharaoh himself. The patriarchs' descendants were later enslaved until the Exodus led by Moses, which is commonly dated to the 13th century BCE. Historically, Jews have descended mostly from the tribes of Judah and Simeon, and partially from the tribes of Benjamin and Levi, who had all together formed the ancient Kingdom of Judah (alongside the remnants of the Northern Kingdom of Israel who migrated to their Southern counterpart and assimilated there).[26] A closely related group is the Samaritans, who claim descent from the Israelite tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, while according to the Bible their origin is in the people brought to Israel by the Neo-Assyrian Empire and some Cohanim (Jewish priests) who taught them how to worship the "native God".[27]

The Jewish ethnicity, nationality and religion are strongly interrelated, as Judaism is the traditional faith of the Jewish nation.[28][29][30] Converts to Judaism typically have a status within the Jewish ethnos equal to those born into it.[31] Conversion is not encouraged by mainstream Judaism, and is considered a tough task, mainly applicable for cases of mixed marriages.[32]

The modern State of Israel was established as a Jewish state and defines itself as such in its Basic Laws. Its Law of Return grants the right of citizenship to any Jew who requests it.[33] Israel is the only country where Jews are a majority of the population. Jews had also enjoyed political independence twice before in ancient history. The first of these periods lasted from 1350[34] to 586 BCE,[35] and encompassed the periods of the Judges, the United Monarchy, and the Divided Monarchy of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, ending with the destruction of the First Temple. The second was the period of the Hasmonean Kingdom spanning from 140 to 37 BCE and to some degree under Herodians from 37 BCE to 6 CE. Since the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, most Jews have lived in diaspora.[36] As an ethnic minority in every country in which they live (except Israel), they have frequently experienced persecution throughout history, resulting in a population that has fluctuated both in numbers and distribution over the centuries.

The world Jewish population reached a peak of 16.7 million prior to World War II,[37] but 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust. Since then the population has risen again, and as of 2012 was estimated at 13.75 million by the North American Jewish Data Bank,[37] or less than 0.2% of the total world population (roughly one in every 514 people).[38] According to this report, about 43% of all Jews reside in Israel (6 million), and 39% in the United States (5.3–6.8 million), with most of the remainder living in Europe (1.5 million) and Canada (0.4 million).[37] These numbers include all those who self-identified as Jews in a socio-demographic study or were identified as so by a respondent in the same household.[39] The exact world Jewish population, however, is difficult to measure. In addition to issues with census methodology, there are halakhic disputes regarding who is a Jew and secular, political, and ancestral identification factors that may affect the figure considerably.[40]

Name and etymology
Who is a Jew?
Ethnic divisions
Genetic studies
Notable individuals
See also
Further reading
External links
Read in another language
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Revisi per 20 Februari 2015 14.53

Joachim Gauck
Presiden Jerman
Mulai menjabat
18 Maret 2012
KanselirAngela Merkel
Komisaris Federasi untuk Arsip Stasi
Masa jabatan
4 Oktober 1990 – 10 Oktober 2000
Jabatan dibentuk
Ketua Bundestag
Masa jabatan
3 Oktober 1990 – 4 Oktober 1990
Ketua Volkskammer
Masa jabatan
18 Maret 1990 – 3 Oktober 1990
Informasi pribadi
Lahir24 Januari 1940 (umur 84)
Rostock, Jerman
Partai politikIndependen
Afiliasi politik
Forum Baru/Aliansi 90
Suami/istriGerhild Gauck (m. 1959; berpisah sejak 1991)
Pasangan serumahDaniela Schadt (2000–kini)
Alma materUniversitas Rostock[1]
Tanda tangan
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Joachim Gauck pelafalan [joːˈʔaxiːm ɡaʊ̯k] (lahir 24 Januari 1940) ialah Presiden Jerman yang terpilih pada 18 Maret 2012. Mantan pastor Lutheran ini menjadi terkenal sebagai aktivis Hak asasi manusia yang anti-komunis di Jerman Timur.[3][4][5][6]

Ketika Penyatuan kembali Jerman, dia merupakan salah seorang penggagas gerakan pemberontakan pro reunifikasi di Jerman Timur yang bergelar Forum Baru yang membantu tumbangnya pemerintahan diktator Partai Sosialis Jerman (SED) yang disokong oleh Uni Soviet[7]. Pada tahun 1990, dia menjabat sebagai wakil rakyat Ikatan 90 dalam satu-satunya Dewan Rakyat pilihan rakyat. Pada penyatuan kembali Jerman, dia dipilih oleh Bundestag sebagai Komisaris Federasi untuk Arsip Stasi yang pertama mulai tahun 1990 hingga 2000. Dalam jabatan itu, dia terkenal sebagai "pemburu Stasi" dan "pendukung pro-demokrasi yang tidak kenal penat lelah" karena mendedahkan kejahatnan polisi era komunis.[8][9][10][11] Sejak tahun 2003, dia merupakan pengurus persatuan Gegen Vergessen – Für Demokratie ("Melawan Keterlupaan – Demi Demokrasi"), serta melayani dalam Lembaga Pengurusan Pusat Pengawasan Rasisme dan Xenofobia Eropah 2001–2004.[12] Dia menerima pelbagai penghargaan, termasuk Hadiah Hannah Arendt 1997.


  1. ^ Auf vielfältige Weise mit der Universität Rostock verbunden, Uni Rostock, 20 Februari 2012, diakses tanggal 29 Februari 2012 
  2. ^ Gessat, Michael (19 Februari 2012), Gauck's civic engagement wins him wide support, DW, diakses tanggal 28 Februari 2012 
  3. ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama rfe-rl
  4. ^ German Presidential Nominee’s Background Seen as an Asset,New York Times, February 20, 2012
  5. ^ "A crucial test for Angela Merkel". FRANCE 24. Diakses tanggal 2012-02-21. 
  6. ^ "Gauck's civic engagement wins him wide support". DW.DE. 2012-02-17. Diakses tanggal 2012-02-21. 
  7. ^ http://www.bundestag.de/htdocs_e/artandhistory/history/parliamentarism/peoples_chamber/index.html
  8. ^ "German media roundup: Little excitement for Wulff presidency". thelocal.de. 4 June 2010. Diakses tanggal 30 June 2010. 
  9. ^ "Politik Inland : Joachim Gauck, der Stasi-Jäger - Archiv - Westfälische Nachrichten" (dalam bahasa (Jerman)). Wn.de. 2010-06-30. Diakses tanggal 2012-02-20. 
  10. ^ "Germany's Next President: 'I'm No Superman' - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International". Spiegel.de. Diakses tanggal 2012-02-20. 
  11. ^ Post a Job (2009-12-08). "Merkel Names Gauck as Unity Candidate for German Presidency". Businessweek. Diakses tanggal 2012-02-20. 
  12. ^ Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Commissioner for Civil Rights Protection in Poland, Government of Poland, 2008

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