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Bahasa Inggris

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Revisi sejak 3 November 2018 05.47 oleh (bicara)


Bahasa Inggris mempunyai 26 fonem yaitu 21 huruf mati dan 5 huruf hidup. Di samping itu sistem tata bahasanya sederhana, di mana:


Dalam sistem bunyi vokal terdiri dari 5 buah yaitu a, e, i, o, dan u.


  Bilabial Labio-
Dental Alveolar Post-
Palatal Velar Labial-
Celah suara
Nasal m     n     ŋ[cn 1]  
Plosif p  b     t  d     k  ɡ  
Afrikat         tʃ  dʒ[cn 2]      
Frikatif   f  v θ  ð[cn 3] s  z ʃ  ʒ[cn 2] ç[cn 4] x[cn 5] h
Sentuhan         ɾ[cn 6]      
Aproksiman       ɹ[cn 2]   j   ʍ  w[cn 7]  
Lateral       l        

Catatan untuk konsonan

  1. ^ The velar nasal [ŋ] is a non-phonemic allophone of /n/ in some northerly British accents, appearing only before /k/ and /ɡ/. In all other dialects it is a separate phoneme, although it only occurs in syllable codas.
  2. ^ a b c The sounds /ʃ/, /ʒ/, and /ɹ/ are labialised in some dialects. Labialisation is never contrastive in initial position and therefore is sometimes not transcribed. Most speakers of General American realise <r> (always rhoticised) as the retroflex approximant /ɻ/, whereas the same is realised in Scottish English, etc. as the alveolar trill.
  3. ^ In some dialects, such as Cockney, the interdentals /θ/ and /ð/ have usually merged with /f/ and /v/, and in others, like African American Vernacular English, /ð/ has merged with dental /d/. In some Irish varieties, /θ/ and /ð/ become dental plosives, which then contrast with the usual alveolar plosives.
  4. ^ The voiceless palatal fricative /ç/ is in most accents just an allophone of /h/ before /j/; for instance human /çjuːmən/. However, in some accents (see this), the /j/ has dropped, but the initial consonant is the same.
  5. ^ The voiceless velar fricative /x/ is used by Scottish or Welsh speakers of English for Scots/Gaelic words such as loch /lɒx/ or by some speakers for loanwords from German and Hebrew like Bach /bax/ or Chanukah /xanuka/. /x/ is also used in South African English. In some dialects such as Scouse (Liverpool) either [x] or the affricate [kx] may be used as an allophone of /k/ in words such as docker [dɒkxə].
  6. ^ The alveolar tap [ɾ] is an allophone of /t/ and /d/ in unstressed syllables in North American English and Australian English.[1] This is the sound of tt or dd in the words latter and ladder, which are homophones for many speakers of North American English. In some accents such as Scottish English and Indian English it replaces /ɹ/. This is the same sound represented by single r in most varieties of Spanish.
  7. ^ Voiceless w [ʍ] is found in Scottish and Irish English, as well as in some varieties of American, New Zealand, and English English. In most other dialects it is merged with /w/, in some dialects of Scots it is merged with /f/.

Sistem penulisan

Huruf besar Huruf kecil IPA Huruf besar Huruf kecil IPA
A a /eɪ/ N n /ɛn/
B b /biː/ O o /eoʊ/
C c /siː/ P p /piː/
D d /diː/ Q q /kjuː/
E e /iː/ R r /ɑr/
F f /ɛf/ S s /ɛs/
G g /dʒiː/ T t /tiː/
H h /eɪtʃ/ U u /juː/
I i /aɪ/ V v /viː/
J j /dʒeɪ/ W w /ˈdʌbəljuː/
K k /keɪ/ X x /ɛks/
L l /ɛl/ Y y /waɪ/
M m /ɛm/ Z z /ziː/

Tata bahasa

Tata bahasa Inggris memiliki variasi dalam struktur dan penggunaannya, itu tergantung tradisi yang digunakan oleh suatu negara yang dipengaruhi oleh bahasa asli dari negara tersebut. Secara umum, tata bahasa yang dipedomani adalah tata bahasa Inggris Amerika (American English) dan Inggris Britania Raya (British English).

Sistem kala

Sistem kala dalam bahasa Inggris disebut tense. Tense terbagi menjadi tiga yakni:

Dalam satu tense masing-masing terbagi menjadi empat yakni:

  • Simple
  • Continuous/Progressive
  • Perfect
  • Perfect Continuous/Progressive

Rumus sistem kala

Kalimat positif/Kalimat aktif
Past Present Future Past Future
Simple S + KK2 + O S + KK1 + O S + Will + KK1 + O S + Would + KK1 + O
Continuous S + Was/Were + KK-ing + O S + Am/Are/Is + KK-ing + O S + Will + Be + KK-ing + O S + Would + Be + KK-ing + O
Perfect S + Had + KK3 + O S + Have/Has + KK3 + O S + Will + Have + KK3 + O S + Would + Have + KK3 + O
Perfect Continuous S + Had + Been + KK-ing + O S + Have/Has + Been + KK-ing + O S + Will + Have + Been + KK-ing + O S + Would + Have + Been + KK-ing + O
  • Ket:
    Subjek adalah pelaku dan objek adalah penderita.
    untuk KK1, kata ganti orang ketiga harus ditambah s/es
Kalimat negatif
Past Present Future Past Future
Simple S + Did + Not + KK1 + O S + Do/Does + Not + KK1 + O S + Will + Not + KK1 + O S + Would + Not + KK1 + O
Continuous S + Was/Were + Not + KK-ing + O S + Am/Are/Is + Not + KK-ing + O S + Will + Not + Be + KK-ing + O S + Would + Not + Be + KK-ing + O
Perfect S + Had + Not + KK3 + O S + Have/Has + Not + KK3 + O S + Will + Not + Have + KK3 + O S + Would + Not + Have + KK3 + O
Perfect Continuous S + Had Not + Been + KK-ing + O S + Have/Has + Not + Been + KK-ing + O S + Will + Not + Have + Been + KK-ing + O S + Would + Not + Have + Been + KK-ing + O
  • Ket: Subjek adalah pelaku dan objek adalah penderita.
Kalimat pasif
Past Present Future Past Future
Simple S + Was/Were + KK3 + By + O S + Am/Are/Is + KK3 + By + O S + Will + Be + KK3 + By + O S + Would + Be + KK3 + By + O
Continuous S + Was/Were + Being + KK3 + By + O S + Am/Are/Is + Being + KK3 + By + O S + Will + Be + Being + KK3 + By + O S + Would + Be + Being + KK3 + O
Perfect S + Had + Been + KK3 + By + O S + Have/Has + Been + KK3 + O S + Will + Have + Been + KK3 + O S + Would + Have + Been + KK3 + O
Perfect Continuous S + Had + Been + Being + KK3 + By + O S + Have/Has + Been + Being + KK3 + By + O S + Will + Have + Been + Being + KK3 + By + O S + Would + Have + Been + Being + KK3 + By + O
  • Ket: Subjek adalah penderita dan objek adalah pelaku.

Kata ganti


Kata ganti orang Inggris[2]:52
Orang Nomor Kasus
Subjek Objek
Pertama Tunggal I me
Jamak we us
Kedua Tunggal you you
Jamak you you
Ketiga Tunggal he, she, it him, her, it
Jamak they them


Kata ganti refleksi Inggris[2]:52
I myself
you yourself
we ourselves
they themselves
you (jamak) yourselves
he, she, it himself, herself, itself


Kata ganti pemilik dalam bahasa Inggris[2]:52
Subjek Kata sifat Kata ganti
I my mine
you your yours
we our ours
they their theirs
he, she, it his, her, its his, hers, its


Kata ganti penanya Inggris[2]:52
Inggris Indonesia
how bagaimana
who siapa
what apa
when kapan
why mengapa
where di mana, ke mana
whose milik siapa
whom oleh siapa
how many berapa (untuk benda dapat dihitung)
how much berapa (untuk benda tidak dapat dihitung)


Kata ganti penunjuk Inggris[2]:52
Inggris Indonesia
this, these ini
that, those itu
this one yang ini
that one yang itu


  1. ^ Cox, Felicity (2006). "Australian English Pronunciation into the 21st century" (PDF). Prospect. 21: 3–21. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 24 July 2007. Diakses tanggal 22 July 2007. 
  2. ^ a b c d e Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama Borjars

Daftar pustaka

Ammon, Ulrich (November 2006). "Language Conflicts in the European Union: On finding a politically acceptable and practicable solution for EU institutions that satisfies diverging interests". International Journal of Applied Linguistics. 16 (3): 319–338. doi:10.1111/j.1473-4192.2006.00121.x. 
Crystal, David (2003a). English as a Global Language (edisi ke-2nd). Cambridge University Press. hlm. 69. ISBN 978-0-521-53032-3. Diakses tanggal 04-02-2015. Ringkasan (PDF)Library of Congress (sample) (04-02-2015). 
Mazrui, Ali A.; Mazrui, Alamin (3 August 1998). The Power of Babel: Language and Governance in the African Experience. University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-51429-1. Diakses tanggal 15-02-2015. Ringkasan (15-02-2015). 
Schneider, Edgar (2007). Postcolonial English: Varieties Around the World. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-53901-2. Diakses tanggal 05-04-2015. Ringkasan (05-04-2015). 
Wardhaugh, Ronald (2010). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Blackwell textbooks in Linguistics; 4 (edisi ke-Sixth). Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-4051-8668-1. 
Watts, Richard J. (3 March 2011). Language Myths and the History of English. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195327601.001.0001. ISBN 978-0-19-532760-1. Diakses tanggal 10-03-2015. Ringkasan (10-03-2015). 
Wells, J.C. (1982). Accents of English, I, II, III. Cambridge University Press. 
Wojcik, R. H. (2006). "Controlled Languages". Dalam Brown, Keith. Encyclopedia of language & linguistics. Elsevier. hlm. 139–142. doi:10.1016/B0-08-044854-2/05081-1. ISBN 978-0-08-044299-0. Diakses tanggal 06-02-2015. Ringkasan (06-02-2015). 
Wolfram, W. (2006). "Variation and Language: Overview". Dalam Brown, Keith. Encyclopedia of language & linguistics. Elsevier. hlm. 333–341. doi:10.1016/B0-08-044854-2/04256-5. ISBN 978-0-08-044299-0. Diakses tanggal 06-02-2015. Ringkasan (06-02-2015). 

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