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B. Indonesia: Kekuasaan Dikau
(きみ) ()
Lembar musik "Kimigayo"

Lagu kebangsaan  Jepang
Penulis lirikpuisi waka,
Zaman Heian (794–1185)
KomponisYoshiisa Oku dan Akimori Hayashi (digubah oleh Franz Eckert, 1880)
Penggunaan1869 (musik)
1870 (lirik)
3 November 1880 (musik)
Penggunaan ulang13 Agustus 1999
Sampel audio
"Kimigayo" (instrumental)

Kimigayo[1] (君が代, pengucapan bahasa Jepang: [kimiɡajo]; "Kekuasaan Dikau") adalah lagu kebangsaan Jepang. Liriknya termasuk yang tertua diantara lagu-lagu kebangsaan lainnya di dunia. Dengan panjang lirik hanya 30 aksara, menjadikannya sebagai lagu kebangsaan terpendek di dunia. Liriknya berasal dari sebuah antologi waka zaman Heian berjudul Kokin Wakashū.[2] Melodinya digubah pada tahun 1880 untuk menggantikan melodi usang yang dibuat oleh John William Fenton 11 tahun sebelumnya.

Sejak tahun 1888 hingga 1945, Kimigayo berstatus sebagai lagu kebangsaan Kekaisaran Jepang. Setelah menyerahnya Jepang pada 14 Agustus 1945, yang diikuti dengan pembubaran kekaisaran mutlak dan pendudukan Sekutu atas Jepang, Jepang berubah menjadi negara berparlemen. Kedaulatan yang awalnya di tangan kaisar kini berubah menjadi kedaulatan berada di tangan rakyat. Walau begitu, kedudukan Kimigayo sebagai lagu kebangsaan de facto tidak goyah dan terus berlanjut hingga tahun 1999. Pada tahun 1999, Diet Jepang mengesahkan UU no. 127 tentang Bendera dan Lagu Kebangsaan yang secara resmi mengakui Hinomaru dan Kimigayo sebagai Bendera dan Lagu Kebangsaan Jepang.


Kata kimi merupakan kata benda merujuk pada seorang kaisar atau penguasa (tuan) sejak zaman Heian.[3][4] Contohnya, tokoh protagonis dalam Hikayat Genji, Hikaru Genji (光源氏) sering dipanggil "Hikaru no Kimi" atau "Hikaru-gimi" (光の君 atau 光君). Tapi sebelum zaman Nara, kaisar sering disebut opokimi (tuan besar). Hal ini menimbulkan perdebatan mengenai apakah kata kimi dalam kimigayo benar-benar merujuk pada kaisar.

Di zaman Kamakura, Kimigayo menjadi lagu penghibur bagi para samurai dan menjadi semakin populer di kalangan rakyat di zaman Edo. Di akhir zaman Edo, Kimigayo dimanfaatkan oleh Ōoku (harem di Puri Edo) dan Satsuma-han (sekarang Prefektur Kagoshima) sebagai lagu perayaan tahun baru. Dalam konteks ini, kata kimi sama sekali tidak merujuk pada kaisar tetapi merujuk pada shōgun Tokugawa, klan Shimazu, tamu kehormatan, dan semua anggota pesta minum. Setelah Restorasi Meiji, para pejabat Kekaisaran Jepang yang mayoritas merupakan mantan samurai dari Satsuma-han mengadopsi Kimigayo sebagai lagu kebangsaan Jepang. Sejak saat itu hingga menjelang Perang Dunia kedua, Kimigayo dipahami sebagai lagu pemujaan terhadap kaisar.

Dengan diadopsinya Konstitusi Jepang 1947, kaisar tidak lagi menjadi penguasa penerima Mandat Surga, tetapi sekadar menjadi lambang negara dan pemersatu rakyat.[5] Kementerian Pendidikan tidak memberikan pemaknaan baru terhadap Kimigayo pascaperang. Sehingga bisa jadi kata kimi dalam Kimigayo merujuk pada rakyat Jepang itu sendiri. Kementerian Pendidikan juga tidak melakukan tindakan apapun untuk menganulir pemaknaan terhadap Kimigayo di masa praperang.[6]

Selama musyawarah penyusunan UU tentang Bendera dan Lagu Kebangsaan sedang berlangsung

untuk merayakaas a common festive new year song. In those contexts, "kimi" never meant the emperor but only the , the Shimazu clan as rulers of the Satsuma-han, guests of honor or all members of festive drinking party. After the Meiji Restoration, samurai from Satsuma-han controlled the Imperial Japanese government and they adopted "Kimigayo" as the national anthem of Japan. From this time until the Japanese defeat in World War II, "Kimigayo" was understood to mean the long reign of the emperor. With the adoption of the Constitution of Japan in 1947, the emperor became no longer a sovereign who ruled by divine right, but a human who is a symbol of the state and of the unity of the people. The Ministry of Education did not give any new meanings for "Kimigayo" after the war; this allowed the song to mean the Japanese people. The Ministry also did not formally renounce the pre-war meaning of "Kimigayo".

In , during the deliberations of the Act on National Flag and Anthem, the official definition of Kimi or Kimi-ga-yo was questioned repeatedly. The first suggestion, which was given by Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiromu Nonaka, stated that kimi meant the "emperor as the symbol of Japan", and that the entire lyrics wish for the peace and prosperity of Japan. He referred to the new status of emperor as established in Article 1 of the Constitution of Japan as the main reason for these suggestions.[7] During the same session, Prime Minister Keizō Obuchi confirmed this meaning with a statement on June 29, 1999:

"Kimi" indicates the Emperor, who is the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people, and whose position is derived from the consensus-based will of Japanese citizens, with whom sovereign power resides. And, the phrase "Kimigayo" indicates our State, Japan, which has the Emperor enthroned as the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people by the consensus-based will of Japanese citizens. And it is reasonable to take the lyric of "Kimigayo" to mean the wish for the lasting prosperity and peace of such country of ours.[7][8]

Parties opposed to the Liberal Democratic Party, which was in control of the government at the time Obuchi was prime minister, strongly objected to the government's meaning of kimi and "Kimigayo". From the Democratic Party of Japan, members objected, due to the lack of any historical ties to the meaning. The strongest critic was Kazuo Shii, the chairman of the Communist Party of Japan, who strongly claimed that "Japan" could not be derived from "Kimigayo", because the lyrics only mention wishing for the emperor to have a long reign. Shii also objected to the use of the song as the national anthem because for a democratic nation, a song about the emperor is not appropriate.[7]


Empire of Japan (1868–1945)

Sazare-Ishi pebbles are believed to grow into boulders in some legends. A photo taken at Shimogamo Shrine in Kyōto.
Franz Eckert's notes, presented to the Meiji-Tennō in 1880 (cover design by Curt Netto).

The lyrics first appeared in the Kokin Wakashū, a poetry anthology, as an anonymous poem. The poem was included in many anthologies, and was used in a later period as a celebration song of a long life by people of all social statures. Unlike the form used for the current national anthem, the poem originally began with "Waga Kimi wa" ('my lord') instead of "Kimiga Yo wa" ('my lord's reign').[9] The first lyrics were changed during the Kamakura period, while the rest of the lyrics stayed the same. Because the lyrics were sung on formal occasions, such as birthdays, there was no sheet music for it until the 19th century.[7]

In 1869, John William Fenton, a visiting Irish military band leader, realized there was no national anthem in Japan, and suggested to Iwao Ōyama, an officer of the Satsuma Clan, that one be created. Ōyama agreed, and selected the lyrics.[10] The lyrics may have been chosen for their similarity to the British national anthem, due to Fenton's influence.[11] After selecting the anthem's lyrics, Ōyama then asked Fenton to create the melody. After being given just two[12] to three weeks to compose the melody and only a few days to rehearse, Fenton debuted the anthem before the Japanese Emperor in 1870.[11] This was the first version of "Kimigayo". This was discarded because the melody "lacked solemnity", according to the Japanese government[13] although others believe it is because the melody was actually "unsingable" for the Japanese.[14] However, this version is still performed annually at the Myōkōji temple in Yokohama, where Fenton served as a military band leader. Myōkōji serves as a memorial to him.[10]

In 1880, the Ministry of the Imperial Household adopted a new melody composed by Yoshiisa Oku and Akimori Hayashi. The composer is often listed as Hiromori Hayashi, who was their supervisor and Akimori's father. Akimori was also one of Fenton's pupils.[11] Although the melody is based on a traditional mode of Japanese court music, it is composed in a mixed style influenced by Western hymns, and uses some elements of the Fenton arrangement.[15] The German musician Franz Eckert applied the melody with Western style harmony, creating the second and current version of "Kimigayo". The government formally adopted "Kimigayo" as the national anthem in 1888 and had copies of the music and lyrics sent overseas for diplomatic ceremonies.[16] By 1893, "Kimigayo" was included in public school ceremonies due to the efforts of the then Ministry of Education.[7]

At the turn of the 20th century, "Kimigayo" was beginning to be closely associated with the idea of honoring the Emperor. It was also associated as a part of Japanese education. However, opinions expressed in an Osaka paper in 1904 calls "Kimigayo" a song for the imperial family and not the state as a whole.[17] Uchimura Kanzo, a Christian leader in Japan, stated at the turn of the 20th century that "Kimigayo" is not the anthem of Japan by saying the song's purpose is to praise the emperor. According to Kanzo, a national anthem should express the feelings of the people, and not of the divine emperor.[18] The Japanese were not familiar with "Kimigayo" as the anthem until there was a surge of celebrations after victories in the First Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese Wars. Previously, papers were critical of fellow Japanese who could not sing "Kimigayo" properly at ceremonies overseas.[16]

During World War II, the Japanese Empire ordered that schoolchildren, both from its homeland and its colonies, were to sing the "Kimigayo" anthem and salute Emperor Hirohito every morning.

Jepang Pascaperang (1945–sekarang)

1945 – 1999

Selama pendudukan Sekutu atas Jepang, tidak ada arahan khusus dari Panglima Tertinggi Sekutu untuk melarang penggunaan Kimigayo oleh pemerintah Jepang. Hal ini berbeda dengan kebijakan sebelumnya yang melarang pengibaran bendera Hinomaru.[19] Seiring dengan munculnya dorongan untuk menggunakan Kimigayo sebagai media pembelajaran pertahanan dan bela negara di sekolah, lembaga penyiaran publik NHK mulai menggunakan lagu ini untuk membuka dan menutup acara televisi.[20]

Sejak 1999

A page with Asian characters and a black-and-white version of the Japanese flag left above
The Act on National Flag and Anthem (Japan) as it appears in the Official Gazette on August 15, 1999

The "Act on National Flag and Anthem" was passed in 1999, choosing both the Hinomaru and "Kimigayo" as Japan's national symbols. The passage of the law stemmed from a suicide of a school principal in Hiroshima who could not resolve a dispute between his school board and his teachers over the use of the Hinomaru and "Kimigayo".[21]

Prime Minister Keizō Obuchi of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) decided to draft legislation to make the Hinomaru and "Kimigayo" official symbols of Japan in 2000. His Chief Cabinet Secretary, Hiromu Nonaka, wanted the legislation to be completed by the 10th anniversary of the coronation of Akihito as Emperor.[22] This is not the first time legislation was considered for establishing both symbols as official. In 1974, with the backdrop of the 1972 return of Okinawa to Japan and the 1973 oil crisis, Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka hinted at a law being passed legalizing both symbols.[23]

Main supporters of the bill were the LDP and the Komeito (CGP), while the opposition included the Social Democratic Party (SDPJ) and Communist Party (CPJ), who cited the connotations both symbols had with the war era. The CPJ was further opposed for not allowing the issue to be decided by the public. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) could not develop party consensus on it. President of the DPJ, Naoto Kan stated that the DPJ must support the bill because the party already recognized both symbols as the symbols of Japan.[24] Deputy Secretary General and future prime minister Yukio Hatoyama thought that this bill would cause further divisions among society and the public schools.[22]

Before the vote, there were calls for the bills to be separated at the Diet. Waseda University professor Norihiro Kato stated that "Kimigayo" is a separate issue more complex than the Hinomaru flag.[25] Attempts to designate only the Hinomaru as the national flag by the DPJ and other parties during the vote of the bill were rejected by the Diet.[26] The House of Representatives passed the bill on July 22, 1999, by a 403 to 86 vote.[27] The legislation was sent to the House of Councilors on July 28 and was passed on August 9. It was enacted into law on August 13.[28]


A photo taken on November 6, 2007, as "Kimigayo" was being played before a volleyball tournament in Ōsaka.

The lyrics and musical notation of the anthem are given in the second appendix of the Act on National Flag and Anthem. As for the sheet music itself, it displays a vocal arrangement with no mention of tempo and all of the lyrics in hiragana. The anthem is composed in 4/4 (common time) in the Dorian mode.[29] The Act on National Flag and Anthem does not detail how one should show respect during performances of "Kimigayo". In a statement made by Prime Minister Obuchi, the legislation will not impose new regulations on the Japanese people when it comes to respecting the flag or anthem.[30] However, local government bodies and private organizations sometimes suggest or demand certain protocols be followed. For example, an October 2003 directive by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government required teachers to stand during the national anthem at graduation ceremonies. While standing, the teachers are required to sing "Kimigayo" while facing the Hinomaru.[31] United States military personnel are required by regulations to render honors with a hand salute, or when in civilian dress, to place their right hand over their heart when "Kimigayo", "The Star-Spangled Banner", or any other national anthem is performed.[32] The Act on National Flag and Anthem also does not dictate when or where "Kimigayo" should be played. The anthem, however, is commonly played at sporting events inside of Japan, or at international sporting events where Japan has a competing team. At sumō tournaments, "Kimigayo" is played before the awards ceremony.[13]

Public schools

Since the end of World War II, the Ministry of Education has issued statements and regulations to promote the usage of both the Hinomaru and "Kimigayo" at schools under their jurisdiction. The first of these statements was released in 1950, stating that it was desirable, but not required, to use both symbols. This desire was later expanded to include both symbols on national holidays and during ceremonial events to encourage students on what national holidays are and to promote defense education. The Ministry not only took great measures to explain that both symbols are not formally established by law, they also referred to "Kimigayo" as a song and refused to call it the national anthem. It was not until 1977 that the Ministry referred to "Kimigayo" as the national anthem (国歌, kokka) of Japan.[33] In a 1989 reform of the education guidelines, the LDP-controlled government first demanded that the Hinomaru flag must be used in school ceremonies and that proper respect must be given to it and to "Kimigayo".[34] Punishments for school officials who did not follow this order were also enacted with the 1989 reforms.[33]

The 1999 curriculum guideline issued by the Ministry of Education after the passage of the Law Regarding the National Flag and Anthem decrees that "on entrance and graduation ceremonies, schools must raise the flag of Japan and instruct students to sing the "Kimigayo" (national anthem), given the significance of the flag and the song."[35] Additionally, the ministry's commentary on 1999 curriculum guideline for elementary schools note that "given the advance of internationalization, along with fostering patriotism and awareness of being Japanese, it is important to nurture school children's respectful attitude toward the flag of Japan and "Kimigayo" as they grow up to be respected Japanese citizens in an internationalized society."[36] The ministry also stated that if Japanese students cannot respect their own symbols, then they will not be able to respect the symbols of other nations.[37]

Pandangan masa kini

Berdasarkan survei yang diadakan oleh TV Asahi di tahun 1999, kebanyakan orang Jepang menganggap Kimigayo sangat penting, meskipun mereka juga tahu bahwa lagu tersebut sangat kontroversial jauh sebelum disahkannya UU Bendera dan Lagu Kebangsaan.[38] Namun, jajak pendapat yang diadakan oleh Mainichi Shimbun di tahun yang sama menunjukkan sebaliknya. Kebanyakan responden menentang UU tersebut atau meminta parlemen untuk berpikir dua kali sebelum mengesahkan UU tersebut.[39] Banyak murid sekolah yang mengeluh karena mereka selalu dipaksa untuk menyanyikan Kimigayo tiap hari, padahal mereka tidak paham arti liriknya dan tidak diajari tentang sejarah penggunaannya.[40] Kontroversi seputar penggunaan lagu kebangsaan di acara sekolah masih tetap ada hingga kini.


Lirik resmi
Kana (Hiragana)
Terjemahan langsung



Kimigayo wa
Chiyo ni yachiyo ni
Sazare-ishi no
Iwao to narite
Koke no musu made

(Semoga) kekuasaan Dikau
(Terus berlanjut hingga) seribu, delapan ribu generasi
Hingga batu kecil
(Berubah) menjadi batu besar
(Yang) diselimuti lumut

Semoga Jepang
kekal abadi

  1. ^ Kamus Kanji Modern Jepang-Indonesia (Nelson) menulisnya Kimigayo, begitu pula dengan MOFA dan situs pemerintah Jepang. Alternatif penulisan menurut Kamus Jepang-Indonesia (Matsuura) adalah Kimi-ga-yo, di mana tanda - berarti boleh ada spasi. Alih aksara bahasa Jepang tidak mengatur kapitalisasi dan spasi.
  2. ^ "「君が代」の歴史的変遷". 同志社女子大学. Diakses tanggal 2021-03-29. 
  3. ^ 新村出記念財団(1998). A dictionary of language 『広辞苑』 ("Kōjien"), 5th edition. Published by Iwanami Shoten, Publishers.
  4. ^ 君が代の源流. Furuta's Historical Science Association (dalam bahasa Jepang). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-05-29. Diakses tanggal 2008-05-10.  "Inside "Kimigayo"". Furuta's Historical Science Association. Diakses tanggal 2008-05-10. 
  5. ^ Michael Williams; Graham Humphrys, ed. (2003). Citizenship Education and Lifelong Learning: Power and Place. Nova Biomedical Books. hlm. 126. ISBN 978-1-59033-863-6. 
  6. ^ Hutchinson, John; Smith, Anthony D (2000). Nationalism: Critical concepts in political science. ISBN 978-0-415-21756-9. 
  7. ^ a b c d e Itoh, Mayumi (July 2001). "Japan's Neo-Nationalism: The Role of the Hinomaru and Kimigayo Legislation". Japan Policy Research Institute Working Paper. 79. Diakses tanggal 2010-10-13. 
  8. ^ The House of Representatives (1999-06-29). "Info of the minutes of the plenary session No.41 of the House of Representatives in the 145th Diet term". National Diet Library (dalam bahasa Jepang). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2008-04-11. Diakses tanggal 2008-05-10. 
  9. ^ Goodman, Neary 1996, hlm. 78
  10. ^ a b Aura Sabadus (2006-03-14). "Japan searches for Scot who modernised nation". The Scotsman. Published by Johnston Press Digital Publishing. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2012-12-16. Diakses tanggal 2007-12-10.  Hapus pranala luar di parameter |work= (bantuan)
  11. ^ a b c Colin Joyce (2005-08-30). "Briton who gave Japan its anthem". Telegraph.co.uk. Published by Telegraph Media Group Limited. Diakses tanggal 2007-12-10.  Hapus pranala luar di parameter |work= (bantuan)
  12. ^ Boyd, Richard; Tak-Wing Ngo (2006). State Making in Asia. Routledge. hlm. 40. ISBN 978-0-415-34611-5. 
  13. ^ a b "National Flag and Anthem" (PDF). Web Japan. Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 2000. Diakses tanggal 2009-12-11. 
  14. ^ Marshall, Alex (2016). Republic or Death! Travels in Search of National Anthems. London: Windmill Books. hlm. 104. ISBN 9780099592235. Fenton's effort was overhauled in 1880 because it turned out to be completely unsingable if you were Japanese – 'Japanese is not a tonal language, but it has its highs and lows, and he got it completely wrong, 'Professor Kazuo Fukushima, the director of Japan's Music Historiography Research Institute, told me – but after the rework it grew in prominence, especially as Japan's ruling elite tried to create a modern country... 
  15. ^ Hermann Gottschewski: "Hoiku shōka and the melody of the Japanese national anthem Kimi ga yo", in: Journal of the Society for Research in Asiatic Music (東洋音楽研究), No. 68 (2003), pp. 1–17. Published by The society for Research in Asiatic Music Diarsipkan 2009-02-11 di Wayback Machine.
  16. ^ a b Boyd, Richard; Ngo, Tak-Wing (2006). State Making in Asia. Routledge. hlm. 36. ISBN 978-0-415-34611-5. Diakses tanggal 2010-10-14. 
  17. ^ Goodman, Neary 1996, hlm. 79
  18. ^ Shields Jr., James J. (1989). Japanese Schooling: Patterns of Socialization, Equality, and Political Control. Penn State University Press. hlm. 241. ISBN 978-0-271-02340-3. Diakses tanggal 2010-10-14. 
  19. ^ Goodman, Neary 1996, hlm. 81
  20. ^ Goodman, Neary 1996, hlm. 82
  21. ^ Aspinall 2001, hlm. 126
  22. ^ a b Itoh 2003, hlm. 209–10
  23. ^ Goodman, Neary 1996, hlm. 82–83
  24. ^ Democratic Party of Japan. 国旗国歌法制化についての民主党の考え方 [The DPJ Asks For A Talk About the Flag and Anthem Law]; 1999-07-21 [archived July 28, 2011; cited 2010-01-17]. (dalam bahasa Jepang).
  25. ^ Calichman, Richard (2005). Contemporary Japanese Thought. Columbia University Press. hlm. 211. ISBN 978-0-231-13620-4. Diakses tanggal 2010-10-14. 
  26. ^ Democratic Party of Japan. 国旗・国歌法案、衆院で可決 民主党は自主投票 [Flag and Anthem Law Passed by the House, DPJ Free Vote]; 1999-07-22 [archived July 28, 2011; cited 2010-01-18]. (dalam bahasa Jepang).
  27. ^ National Diet Library. 第145回国会 本会議 第47号; 1999-07-22 [archived 2012-07-14; cited 2010-01-17]. (dalam bahasa Jepang).
  28. ^ House of Representatives. 議案審議経過情報: 国旗及び国歌に関する法律案; 1999-08-13 [archived 2011-03-23; cited 2010-01-17]. (dalam bahasa Jepang).
  29. ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama law
  30. ^ "Statement of Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi". Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. 1999-08-09. Diakses tanggal 2010-05-17. 
  31. ^ Editorial staff (2004-04-07). "Editorial: Coercion can't foster respect". The Japan Times Online. The Japan Times. Diakses tanggal 2007-12-19. 
  32. ^ Trevor M. Carlee (2005-02-18). "Corps places hand over heart for national anthem". Okinawa Marine. From United States Marine Corps. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2006-04-27. Diakses tanggal 2007-12-19.  Hapus pranala luar di parameter |work= (bantuan)
  33. ^ a b Goodman, Neary 1996, hlm. 81–83
  34. ^ Trevor 2001, hlm. 78
  35. ^ Hiroshima Prefectural Board of Education Secretariat. 学習指導要領における国旗及び国歌の取扱い [Handling of the flag and anthem in the National Curriculum]; 2001-09-11 [archived 2011-07-22; cited 2009-12-08]. (dalam bahasa Jepang).
  36. ^ Ministry of Education. 小学校学習指導要領解説社会編,音楽編,特別活動編 [National Curriculum Guide: Elementary social notes, Chapter music Chapter Special Activities]; 1999 [archived 2006-03-19]. (dalam bahasa Jepang).
  37. ^ Aspinall 2001, hlm. 125
  38. ^ Asahi Research. TV Asahi. 国旗・国歌法制化について [About the Law of the Flag and Anthem]; 1999-07-18 [archived 2008-05-23; cited 2008-03-11]. (dalam bahasa Jepang).
  39. ^ Japan Times. Japan Times. Flag-anthem law no end to controversy; 1999-07-09 [cited 2015-12-21]. (dalam bahasa Inggris).
  40. ^ Japan Times. Japan Times. ‘Kimigayo’ controversy leaves students indifferent, confused; 1999-07-09 [cited 2015-12-21]. (dalam bahasa Inggris).