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Bahasa Skots Pertengahan

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Bahasa Skots Pertengahan
WilayahDataran Rendah Skotlandia, sampai batas tertentu Kepulauan Utara
EraBerkembang menjadi bahasa Skots Modern pada pertengahan abad ke-18
Bentuk awal
Kode bahasa
ISO 639-3
LINGUIST list sudah tidak beroperasi lagi
GlottologTidak ada
Status pemertahanan

CRSingkatan dari Critically endangered (Terancam Kritis)
SESingkatan dari Severely endangered (Terancam berat)
DESingkatan dari Devinitely endangered (Terancam)
VUSingkatan dari Vulnerable (Rentan)

NESingkatan dari Not Endangered (Tidak terancam)
ICHEL Red Book: Extinct

Bahasa Skots Pertengahan diklasifikasikan sebagai bahasa yang telah punah (EX) pada Atlas Bahasa-Bahasa di Dunia yang Terancam Kepunahan

Referensi: [1][2]
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Bahasa Skots Pertengahan ialah bahasa Anglik yang dituturkan di Dataran Rendah Skotlandia pada periode dari 1450 hingga 1700. Pada akhir abad ke-15, fonologi, ortografi, infleksi, sintaksis, dan perbendaharaan kata bahasa ini telah menyimpang dari bahasa Skots Awal secara mencolok, yang hampir tidak dapat dibedakan dari bahasa Inggris Pertengahan Northumbria Awal. Selanjutnya, ortografi bahasa Skots Pertengahan berbeda dengan bentuk baku bahasa Inggris Modern Awal yang muncul. Bahasa Skots Pertengahan cukup seragam dalam banyak teks, walaupun dengan beberapa variasi karena penggunaan bentuk bahasa Roman dalam terjemahan dari bahasa Latin atau Prancis. Perubahan frasa dan tata bahasa dalam resensi teks-teks selatan yang dipengaruhi bentuk-bentuk selatan, kesalahpahaman, dan kesalahan yang dibuat percetakan asing.


Teks percontoh

Berikut ini kutipan dari surat selebaran antireformasi Tentang Berdoa dalam Latine Nicol Burne (1581):

Thair be tua kynd of prayeris in the kirk, the ane is priuat, quhilk euerie man sayis be him self, the vthir is publik, quhilk the preistis sayis in the name of the hail kirk. As to the priuate prayeris, na Catholik denyis bot it is verie expedient that euerie man pray in his auin toung, to the end he vndirstand that quhilk he sayis, and that thairbie the interior prayer of the hairt may be the mair valkinnit, and conseruit the bettir; and gif, onie man pray in ane vther toung, it is also expedient that he vnderstand the mening of the vordis at the lest. For the quhilk caus in the catholik kirk the parentis or godfatheris ar obleist to learne thame quhom thay hald in baptisme the formes of prayeris and beleif, and instruct thame sufficiently thairin, sua that thay vndirstand the same: Albeit the principal thing quhilk God requiris is the hairt, that suppois he quha prayis vndirstand nocht perfytlie the vordis quhilk he spekis, yit God quha lukis in the hairt, vill nocht lat his prayer be in vane. As to the publik prayeris of the kirk, it is not necessar that the pepill vndirstand thame, becaus it is nocht the pepill quha prayis, bot the preistis in the name of the hail kirk, and it is aneuche that thay assist be deuotione liftand vp thair myndis to God or saying thair auin priuate oraisonis, and that be thair deuotione thay may be maid participant of the kirk. As in the synagogue of the Ieuis, the peopill kneu not quhat all thay cerimonies signifeit, quhilk vas keipit be the preistis and vtheris in offering of thair sacrifices and vther vorshipping of god, and yit thay did assist vnto thame; ye, sum of the preistis thame selfis miskneu the significatione of thir cerimoneis Than gif it vas aneuche to the pepill to vndirstand that in sik ane sacrifice consisted the vorshipping of God, suppois thay had not sua cleir ane vndirstanding of euerie thing that vas done thairin, sua in the catholik kirk, quhen the people assistis to the sacrifice of the Mess, thay acknaulege that thairbie God is vorshippit, and that it is institute for the remembrance of Christis death and passione. Albeit thay vndirstand nocht the Latine toung, yit thay ar not destitut of the vtilitie and fruit thairof. And it is nocht vithout greit caus that as in the inscrptione and titil quhilk pilat fixed vpone the croce of Christ Iesus thir thre toungis var vritt in, Latine, Greik, and Hebreu, sua in the sacrifice and the publik prayeris of the kirk thay ar cheiflie retenit for the conseruatione of vnitie in the kirk and nationis amang thame selfis; for, gif al thingis var turnit in the propir langage of euerie cuntrey, na man vald studie to the Latine toung, and thairbie al communicatione amangis Christiane pepil vald schortlie be tane auay, and thairbie eftir greit barbaritie inseu. Mairatour sik publique prayeris and seruice ar keipit mair perfytlie in thair auin integritie vithout al corruptione; for gif ane natione vald eik or pair onie thing, that vald be incontinent remarkt and reprouit be vther nationis, quhilk culd not be, gif euerie natione had al thai thingis turnit in the auin propir langage; as ye may se be experience, gif ye vald confer the prayeris of your deformit kirkis, togidder vith the innumerabil translationis of the psalmes, quihlk ar chaingit according to euerie langage in the quhilk thay ar turnit. It is not than vithout greit caus, and ane special instinctione of the halie Ghaist, that thir toungis foirspokin hes bene, as thay vil be retenit to the end of the varld. And quhen the Ieuis sall imbrace the Euangel than sall the sacrifice and other publik prayeris be in the Hebreu toung, according to that quhilk I said befoir, that on the Croce of Christ thai thrie toungis onlie var vrittin, to signifie that the kirk of Christ suld vse thay thre toungis cheiflie in his vorshipping, as the neu and auld testament ar in thir thre toungis in greitast authoritie amangis al pepill.[3]

Lihat juga


  1. ^ "UNESCO Interactive Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger" (dalam bahasa bahasa Inggris, Prancis, Spanyol, Rusia, and Tionghoa). UNESCO. 2011. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 29 April 2022. Diakses tanggal 26 Juni 2011. 
  2. ^ "UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger" (PDF) (dalam bahasa Inggris). UNESCO. 2010. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (PDF) tanggal 31 Mei 2022. Diakses tanggal 31 Mei 2022. 
  3. ^ Smith, G. Gregory (1902). Specimens of Middle Scots. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood and Sons. hlm. 218. Diakses tanggal 2020-05-31. 

Bacaan lanjut

  • A History of Scots to 1700 in A Dictionary of Older Scots Vol. 12. Oxford University Press 2002.
  • Aitken, A.J. (1977) How to Pronounce Older Scots in Bards and Makars. Glasgow, Glasgow University Press.
  • Jones C. (ed) The Edinburgh History of the Scots Language, Edinburgh, University of Edinburgh Press. ISBN 0-7486-0754-4

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