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Margaret Jope

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Margaret Jope (1913–2004) adalah seorang ahli biokimia Skotlandia, yang lahir dengan nama Henrietta Margaret Halliday di Peterhead, Skotlandia.

Ia mendapatkan gelarnya dalam bidang kimia di Universitas Aberdeen, dan meraih gelar D.Phil.-nya di Kolese Somerville, Oxford. Ia bertemu suami masa depannya Martyn Jope saat bekerja di Laboratorium Dyson Perrins di Universitas Oxford. Setelah mereka menikah, Margaret ikut Martyn ke Belfast, dimana ia kemudian menjadi Profesor Arkeologi di Queen's University.

Margaret melanjutkan penelitiannya saat di Belfast, di Departemen Geologi, dimana ia bekerja utamanya pada brakiopoda, khsusunya tentang protein kerang mereka.[1] Penelitiannya yang lain meliputi kristalisasi dari haemoglobin,[2] dan bekerja dengan Martyn, membuat pembelajaran tulang hewan, khususnya tulang burung di situs-situs arkeologi utamanya di Irlandia Utara dan Oxfordshire.

Makalah tentang Brakiopoda

  • H M Jope, "Composition of Brachiopod Shell", "Treatise on Invertebrate Palaeontology", ed. R C Moore, Brachiopoda, vol H, University of Kansas Press?, 1965, p H156–H164.
  • H M Jope, "The Protein of Brachiopod Shell I: Amino acid composition and implied protein taxonomy", Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 20 (1967), p 593–600.
  • H M Jope, "The protein of Brachiopod Shell II: Shell protein from fossil articulates: amino acid composition", Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 20 (1967), p 601–605.
  • H M Jope, "The Protein of Brachiopod Shell III: Comparison with structural protein of soft tissue", Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 30 (1969), p 209–224.
  • H M Jope, "The Protein of Brachiopod Shell IV: Shell protein from fossil inarticulates: amino acid composition and Disc Electrophoresis of fossil articulate shell protein", Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 30 (1969), p 225–232.
  • H M Jope, "Constituents of Brachiopod Shells", Comprehensive Biochemistry, ed. M Florkin and E H Stotz, 26C (1971), p 749–784.
  • H M Jope, "The Protein of Brachiopod Shell V: N-terminal End Groups", Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 45B (1973), p 17–24.
  • H M Jope, "Brachiopod Shell Proteins: Their functions and taxonomic significance", American Zoology, 17 (1977), p 133–140.
  • H M Jope, "The Protein of Brachiopod Shell VI: C Terminal end groups and sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis: molecular constitution and structure of the protein", Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 63B (1979), p 163–173.
  • H M Jope, "Phylogenetic Information derivable from Fossil Brachiopods", Biogeochemistry of Amino Acids, ed. P E Hare, Wiley, 1980, p 83–94.
  • H M Jope, "Evolution of Brachiopods: The Molecular Approach", Les Brachiopoda, Fossils et Actuels, ed. P R Racheboeuf and C C Emig, Brest, 1985, p 103–111.


  1. ^ MARGARET JOPE: Brachiopod Shell Proteins: Their Functions and Taxonomic Significance. In: Integrative and Comparative Biology. 17, 1977, S. 133–140, doi:10.1093/icb/17.1.133.
  2. ^ O'Brien, J.R.P. (1949). "Haemoglobin". Barcroft Memorial Conference: Butterworths Scientific Publications, London: 269–278.