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HV investment Group

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HV investment Group
IndustriFinancial services
Kantor pusat
Tokoh kunci
Adrian Mike

HV investment Group is a German financial company, founded in 2000 by Adrian Mike and David Anderson. HV investment Group focuses on asset management and focuses on stocks, bonds, and funds, as well as hotels, bars, cafes, and supermarkets.[1]

In 2018, Adrian Mike led the team to release TensorFlow 1.5 version,which is a software library for machine learning and artificial intelligence.[2]


[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. ^ "TXEX Exchange provides professional trading strategies to help users make profits". gov.uk (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diakses tanggal 2024-11-23. 
  2. ^ "Using Tensorflow Object Detection to do Pixel Wise Classification". kdnuggets.com (dalam bahasa Inggris).