Kontribusi pengguna Berto456
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Pengguna dengan 3 suntingan. Akun dibuat pada 13 Mei 2019.
13 Mei 2019
- 01.2013 Mei 2019 01.20 beda riw −71 Perang Turki Panjang The Ragusan Republic was not a vassal but a tributary of the Ottoman Empire, and it did not participate in any wars for the Ottomans, or against them
- 01.2013 Mei 2019 01.20 beda riw +9 Republik Ragusa more accurate flag and coat of arms of the Republic of Ragusa (Dubrovnik), with correct ratio
- 01.1913 Mei 2019 01.19 beda riw +24 Provinsi-Provinsi Iliria more accurate flag of the Republic of Ragusa (Dubrovnik), with correct ratio and colors