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Jung Myung-seok

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Jung Myung Seok
Joshua Jung
Joshua Jung Myung Seok
LahirJung Myung Seok
(1945-03-16)16 Maret 1945
Wolmyeongdong-gil, Kabupaten Geumsan, Provinsi Chungcheong Selatan, Korea Selatan
PekerjaanPemimpin agama, Penyair, Pengarang, Artis, Veteran perang, Pemerkosa, Pelaku Pelecehan Seksual
Dikenal atasPresiden Misi Injili Kristen, Pemerkosa, Pelaku Pelecehan Seksual
PenghargaanPenghargaan Kesusastraan Seoul 2013
PenghormatanCitation for Distinguished Service in War
Nama Korea
정명석 鄭明錫[1]
Alih AksaraJung Myung-seok
McCune–ReischauerJŏng Myŏng-sŏk
Nama lahir
Situs webjungmyungseok.net

Joshua Jung Myung Seok (Korea 정명석 Jung Myung Seok; atau Jeong Myeong Seok; lahir 16 Maret 1945) adalah pemimpin kultus dan pelaku pelecehan seksual dari Korea Selatan.[2].[3].[4] Ia merancang dan membangun Wolmyeongdong Natural Temple dan menjadi Presiden Misi Injili Kristen.[5]).[6] Ia juga dikenal dengan sebutan Joshua Jung, Joshua Lee dan Pastor Joshua.[7][8][9] Ia lahir dan dibesarkan di Wolmyeongdong-gil, Kabupaten Geumsan, Provinsi Chungcheong Selatan, Korea Selatan..[10]

Dari lahir, keluarga Jung menjadi miskin setelah Korea merdeka dari penjajahan Jepang.[10] Pada masa awalnya, ia bekerja di kebun dan hanya meraih pendidikan SD.[11][12] Pada usia 20 tahun, ia bertugas dalam Perang Vietnam.[4].[13]

Jung bertugas 2 kali dalam Perang Vietnam, dari 1966 sampai 1969.[4] Pada 1967, ia dianugerahi Citation of Distinguished Service in War oleh Komandan Angkatan Bersenjata ROK di Vietnam dan Kepala Staf Angkatan Darat ROK, Jenderal Chae Myung-shin..[14]

Pada 1978, Jung mendirikan Misi Injili Kristen.[6] Kemudian pada 1989, Jung merancang dan membangun Wolmyeongdong Natural Temple.[5]


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  1. ^ "::: 교회와신앙 :::". www.amennews.com. Diakses tanggal 2023-03-10. 
  2. ^ Oh Ha-neul (12 March 2014). "Christian Gospel Mission holds an exhibition of paintings by President Jung Myung Seok" (dalam bahasa Korean). News Kyong-nam. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2017-01-18. Diakses tanggal 14 February 2017. 이번 전시에서 특히 눈길을 끄는 작품은 2011년 국제 아트 페어전에서 대표작으로 선정돼 세계인의 찬사를 받은 <운명>이다. 강자 앞에 약자의 운명을 그림으로 표현한 작품인데 작가는 “성자 예수의 구상을 받았으며 영감으로 주님이 보여 주셔서 순간 숨도 안 쉬고, 그렸다.”라고 밝혔다. The painting that especially drew people’s attention at the exhibit is Destiny, which was nominated as Jung’s featured artwork at 2011 Arteclasica Art Fair held in Argentina. It won plaudits from people around the world. He portrayed the destiny of the weak before the strong through painting. 그의 그림에 등장하는 소재들은 산과 바다, 해와 새, 나무와 바위 등 흔히 자연경관에서 볼 수 있는 것들이지만, 그 소재가 화폭 위에 형상화된 모습은 결코 평범하지 않다. 이는 그가 제도적인 교육이나 육신에 국한된 감각 체험이나 외적 질료에 매이지 않고, 신과의 교감을 통해 자유롭게 연상하기 때문이다. 또한 시각 너머의 본질적인 형상을 포착하려는 부단한 도전의 산물로 이해된다. 곧 신과 맞닿은 고도의 정신을 표상한 것이다. The objects that appear in his drawings are mountains, seas, the sun, birds, trees, and rocks: things we can commonly see in nature. However, the way those objects are illustrated on his canvas is not ordinary at all. The reason is that Jung is not restricted by institutionalized education or by a sensory experience that is limited to the physical body and external stimuli, but he freely receives various ideas through communing with the Divine. 그는 특정모델의 복제를 뛰어 넘어 작가 자신만의 새로운 예술 공간을 자유롭게 창조해 나간 작가다. 그러나 그 자유로움에는 흐트러짐이 없다. 인간의 무지와 착오로 일그러진 세상이나 미완성된 인간을 묘사하기보다, 창조주가 지휘하는 이상세계와 진리 안에서의 자유로움을 이미지로 조형하고자 했기 때문이다. Jung is an artist who goes beyond mimicking certain models. He has been freely creating his own world of new art. Yet, there is no disorder to be found within that freedom; the reason being, instead of portraying imperfect human beings or a distorted world caused by mankind’s ignorance and errors, he endeavors to shape his images using the freedom found within the truth and within the ideal world which our Creator governs. 정명석 총재는 그동안 국내뿐만 아니라 영국, 프랑스, 독일, 아르헨티나 등에서 그림과 서예 작품 다수를 전시하면서 예술 활동을 활발하게 펼쳐 왔다. President Jung Myung Seok has been active in his artistic activities by exhibiting his calligraphy and a number of his paintings in this nation as well as in England, France, Germany and Argentina. 
  3. ^ Pak Sae-ho (16 Dec 2013). "Results of the "2013 Most Beautiful People" Awards". Korea News System. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2017-01-26. Diakses tanggal 14 February 2017. 서울문학상을 수상한 정명석 시인은 열악한 환경에서 1주일에 1권 분량의 책을 집필하고 주간 베스트셀러를 기록해 열정적 작품활동을 하였다. The poet Jung Myung-seok, who won the Seoul Literary Prize, wrote a book's worth of writing a week in a harsh environment. He wrote his weekly bestseller and continued to work enthusiastically. 
  4. ^ a b c 최Choi, 희남Hee-nam (2010). 나의 푸른날: 베트남 전쟁터에서My Blue Days: In the Vietnam Battlefield. South Korea: Dabit Publishers. hlm. 6. ISBN 9788991615021. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2017-01-18. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2017. 이책에 나오는 대부분의 배경은 필자가 28연대 1대대 3중대 1소대장으로 근무했던 기간은 중심으로... 정명석 병사가 백마부대 본진(1진)으로파월하여 The majority of this book focuses on the perspective as the 28th Regiment, 1st Battalion, 3rd Company, 1st Platoon Commander... Private Jung Myung Seok was sent to Vietnam War as part of the White Horse Division 
  5. ^ a b Kim, Myeong-yeok (15 Oct 2013). "A Milestone in the History of Christianity" (dalam bahasa Korean) (15 Oct 2013). Environmental, Civil Defence, and Police News. Environmental, Civil Defence, and Police News. hlm. 8. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2017-01-18. Diakses tanggal 13 February 2017. 정명석 총재가 기독교복음선교회의 회원들과 함께 10년 이상 직접 실천하여 만든 자연성전으로 국내외에서 연인원 수십만명이 방문하여 세계적인 명소가 되고 있다. 여름에는 젊은이들의 심신을 단련하고 수련하는 수련회가 매년 진행되고 있으며 사시사철의 아름다운 절경을 배경으로 봄에는 꽃축제, 가을에는 돌축제를 매년 시행하고 있다.The Wolmyeongdong training center is the Natural Temple built by President Jung Myung Seok along with CGM members. The Natural Temple was constructed over 10 years. It has become an international tourist attraction with hundreds of thousands of visitors from home and abroad vising every year. Summer retreats are held every year when young people come to train their minds and bodies. Also, annual flower festivals and rock festivals are held every spring and autumn, with its beautiful natural scenery. 
  6. ^ a b "Christian Gospel Mission: "We actualize God's ideal world on the Earth."" (dalam bahasa Korean) (June 2005). South Korea: Headline News. Headline News. June 2005. Archived from the original on 2017-02-27. Diakses tanggal 2017-03-19. 기독교복음선교회는 1978년 6월부터 설립자 정명석 총재가 말씀을 전파하기 시작, 현재 전국 4백여 개의 교회와 해외 50여 개국에 20여 만 명의 회원들이 선교활동을 벌이고 있다. 기독교복음선교회는 27년의 짧은 시간에도 불구하고 놀라운 전파력으로 국내외 선교활동을 벌이고 있다. Chairman Jung Myung Seok, who established Christian Gospel Mission (CGM), started to spread the gospel in June of 1978. Currently, there are about 200,000 members in 400 churches throughout the nation (Korea) and 50 overseas nations. Even though it’s only been a short period of time—27 years—they have been actively engaged in ministry and have powerfully branched out throughout the nation and also abroad. 기독교복음선교회는 지난 1978년 정명석 총재가 서울에서 선교활동을 시작한 이래 1980년 첫 생명의 결실을 시작으로 1982년 한국대학생MS선교회 창립, 1983년 예수교대한감리회 교단 가입, 그리고 1986년 예수교대한감리회(진리)를 창립해 감독으로 정명석 총재가 취임했다. 1989년 세계청년대학생MS연맹으로 조직을 개편했고, 1996년에는 국제크리스천연합으로 개편해 운영했다. In 1978 when Chairman Jung started his ministry in Seoul, he bore the first fruit of lives in 1980. From that point on, CGM established Korean College Students MS Ministry in 1982, registered the Presbyterian Methodist Order in 1983, founded a Presbyterian Methodist organization in 1986, and appointed Chairman Jung as the director. In 1989, it was restructured as the World Youth College Students MS Union, and in 1996, it was re-organized and run as the International Christian Union. 1999년 10월에는 “기도하는 선교회, 진리로 하나되는 선교회, 세계로 나아가는 선교회”라는 목표 아래 기독교복음선교회로 개편해 현재까지 이르고 있다. 전국 22개 지역회에 400여 개의 교회, 20여 만 명의 신자가 소속되어 있으며, 해외에도 50여 개국에 지부를 형성, 세계적인 선교회로 교세를 확장하고 있다. In October 1999, with the theme, “The ministry that prays, the ministry that becomes one through the truth, and the ministry that has advanced to the world,” it was reconstructed as Christian Gospel Mission, which has been operating until now. They have 400 churches in 22 regional districts throughout the nation and have branched out to 50 foreign nations with a total of 200,000 members worldwide. They are expanding their religious influence as a worldwide ministry. 
  7. ^ Cubby, Ben (March 10, 2007). "Claims sect using social groups to recruit members". The Sydney Morning Herald. Diakses tanggal October 28, 2013. 
  8. ^ Schwartzman, Nathan (English translator) (April 2, 2012). "Seoul: Former JMS cult members tell their stories". Asian Correspondent. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2015-07-16. Diakses tanggal September 20, 2015. ; original article: Song, Ju-youl (송주열) (March 28, 2012). "JMS 정명석, 탈퇴자에 대한 테러 지시". CBS (Korea) Newsroom (dalam bahasa Korean). No Cut News. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal January 1, 2015. 
  9. ^ Miller, Mallory (April 8, 2014). "South Korean 'cult' JMS recruiting students at US universities". Cult News. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal May 22, 2014. Diakses tanggal September 20, 2015. 
  10. ^ a b Seoul Education Broadcast. "2013 Seoul Literature Award Winner: Poet Jung Myung Seok". Seoul Literature Publications (dalam bahasa Korean). Seoul Education Broadcast. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2017-01-25. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2017. 달밝골이라는 충남 진산면 석막리에서 한 아이가 태어났다. 당시 행정구역은 충청도가 아니라 전라도였다. 정명석 시인, 부친 정팔성의 셋째 아들이다. 식민지 시절 무슨 희망이 있었으랴. 태어나자마자 정명석 시인은 죽음을 직면했다. 면역력이 없는 아이는 숨을 쉬지 않는다. 집에서는 불길하다며 밖에 묻어라고 시어머니가 재촉했지만, 정명석 시인의 어머니는 자식이 안타까워 한번 더 얼굴을 들여다보면 딱 그때 아이가 눈을 떴다. A boy was born in Darlpak-gol, Seokmak-ri, Jinsan-myeon, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea. At that time, the district was not called Chungcheong Province but Jeolla Province. Poet Jung Myung Seok was the third son of Jung Pal Seong. 
  11. ^ "Jung's Journey". The Official English Site of Jung Myung Seok (dalam bahasa English). Christian Gospel Mission. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2017. At the age of 15, even though he completed his elementary education, his family was unable to support him to prceed to middle school. 
  12. ^ "Life Journey". The Christian Gospel Mission Official Site (dalam bahasa Korean). Christian Gospel Mission. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2016-12-23. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2017. 어릴 때부터 지독스런 가난을 겪었다. 변변한 땅이 없어 농사를 지어도 거둘 곡식이 적었다. 멀건 죽으로 끼니를 해결하는 게 다반사였고 낮에는 칡뿌리를 캐 산으로 다녔다. From youth, he experienced extreme poverty. Without suitable land to farm, even after farming the crops were few. It became the norm for them to solve their meal issues with thin porridge, and in the day they would go to the mountains to cut arrowroots. 
  13. ^ "Vietnam War Stories". The Official English Site of Jung Myung Seok. Christian Gospel Mission. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2017. Pastor Jung Myung Seok was enlisted for military operations in the Vietnam war on Feb 22, 1966. 
  14. ^ "Life in Vietnam War". The Official English Site of Jung Myung Seok (dalam bahasa English). Christian Gospel Mission. Diakses tanggal 12 February 2017. 전공 표창장 CITATION OF DISTINGUISHED SERVICE IN WAR 보병 제 9사단 28연대 ROK 9th Infantry Division, 28th Regiment 육군 상병 정 명 석 ROK Army Corporal, Jung Myung Seok 11571406 우자는 1966년 8월 주월한국군의 일원으로 보직됨이래 제반 난관과 위험을 무릅쓰고 맡은 바 임무를 훌륭히 수행함으로써 월남공화국의 평정과업을 지원하고 방공전선의 일익을 담당하는 한국군임무를 성공적으로 수행케 하였을 뿐만 아니라 한월 양국간의 유대 강화와 국위 선양에 기여한 공이 지대함. The aforementioned person above, since being assigned as a member of the ROK Armed Forces in Vietnam in August 1966, has carried out his assigned mission through conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. He has aided in the pacification of the Republic of Vietnam and succeeded in accomplishing the objective of the ROK Army that was in charge of a key part of the defensive line against the spread of communism. The service of his contribution on the strengthening of the bond between both countries, Korea and Vietnam, and the enhancement of national prestige is immense. 이는 평소 왕성한 군인정신과 투철한 방공이념의 발로로서 타 장병의 귀감이 되므로 그 공을 높이 찬양하여 이에 표창함. As a manifestation of the exuberant mentality of a solider and as a clear symbol against the spread of communism, his service has become exemplary to other soldiers. Therefore, we highly praise his merits and honor him. 1967년 10월 13일 October 13, 1967 주월한국군사령관 Commander of the ROK Army Forces in Vietnam 육군총장 채명신 Chief of Staff of the ROK Army, Chae Myung Shin 
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