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Pembicaraan Wikipedia:Kedutaan/Arsip/2009

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Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Hi, can someone please care about this users uploads? They are all taken from different sources and uploaded with a wrong GFDL-self claim, they should be marked with Template:Fair use with a corrected source or deleted! Thanks and greetings, --Martin H. (bicara) 04:47, 19 Januari 2009 (UTC)

Please help, are these people notable in Indonesia ?? Power.corrupts (bicara) 22:53, 19 Januari 2009 (UTC)

I have got message on Indonesian language

[sunting sumber]

What is it. May I have English translate? Please send me it by E-mail. Thank you!


Article got deleted

[sunting sumber]


I Had posted an article on Citibank Indonesia. The article has been deleted, would you please let me know the reason.

Thank You, Sally

I just checked the deletion log but haven't found your article. Please provide me the title of the deleted article and also please sign your message with four tildes ~~~~. Meursault2004ngobrol 11:35, 23 Januari 2009 (UTC)
This Log? , that article not in Indonesian language. --•• Jagawana 14:19, 23 Januari 2009 (UTC)ir


Please let me know if I can post this on Wiki.

The language is rather strange, and should be edited. I gather you do not speak Indonesian well? I think you can go ahead and create the article, but please ask an active user here to help you with the language. P.S: please always sign your message with ~~~~ Gombang (bicara) 13:38, 29 Januari 2009 (UTC)

Hello Sir,

Would you please let me know some active users to whom I can approach for article correction. As i am not thorough with Bahasa I need help with the same.

Sally Sally12d (bicara) 06:17, 20 Februari 2009 (UTC)

Citibank telah berada di Indonesia dalam satu segi atau lainnya sejak tahun 1918 melalui, The International Banking Corporation dengan membuka cabang di Batavia dan Surabaya. The International Banking Corporation memundur dari Indonesia di akhir 1920an, tetapi Citibank kembali membuka di Jakarta di 1968.

Profil Perusahan

[sunting sumber]

Citibank retail banking di Indonesia sekarang beroperasi dari 19 kantor cabang dan 102 ATM di kota Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Semarang dan Denpasar. Pada tahun 2003, Citibank juga meluncurkan Mobile banking.

Lintasan Waktu

[sunting sumber]

2004- Citibank meluncurkan Citifinancial
2005-2007 – Citibank menerima Indonesia Best Brand Award dari SWA Magazine
2006 – Citibank mendapat ranking Kualitas Service Terbaik, dari salah satu influencial banking sector service pelangan voting yang di adakan oleh Infobank magazine dan collaborasi dengan The Institute of Service Management Studies (Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta)
2007 – Menerima Penghargaan Employer of Choice dari Warta Ekonomi
2007 – Menerima Penghargaan Indonesia Bank Loyalty Award untuk kategori Kartu Kredit dan Deposito dari InfoBank
2007 – Menerima Penghargaan Perbankan Internet Terbaik dari Global Finance
2007 - Menerima Penghargaan eCompany Award dari Warta Ekonomi
2007 - Menerima Penghargaan Financial Performance Award dari Infobank
2007 - Menerima Penghargaan Bank Asing Terbaik dari Finance Asia
2007 - Menerima Penghargaan Indonesia Most Admired Company 2006 (untuk 2 tahun berurutan) dari Business Week dan FrontierMarketing Research
2007 - Menerima Penghargaan Management Uang Terbaik dan Bank Retail & Service Satisfaction Index Konsumen dari Marketing Magazine & CCSL
2007 - Menerima Penghargaan Best Corporate PR Program Award dari Mix Magazine
2007 – 2008 Menerima Penghargaan Banking Service Excellence Award dari Infobank

Produk dan Servis

[sunting sumber]

Citibank pertama kali mengeluarkan kartu kredit pada tahun 1989. Citibank sekarang memberi 9 jenis kartu kredit. Mempunyai network pembayaran lebih dari 11,000 lokasi, 13 bank dan 1 kantor pos, darimana konsumen bisa membayar rekening kartu kreditnya. Facilitas pembayaran online juga telah dipersediahkan.

Manajemen Keuangan adalah pusat keahlihan atau area yang di utamakan dari Citibank Indonesia, dimana mereka memberi jasa nasehat keuangan kepada konsumennya. Citibank juga mempunyai 24–Jam CitiPhone, layanan bantuan banking untuk para konsumen.

Citibank Indonesia juga memberi fasilitas umum seperti pinjaman, deposito dan assuransi untuk konsumennya.

Citifinancial memiliki 56 cabang di enam kota besar antaranya Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan, dan Denpasar. Sejak 2007, Citifinancial telah berkolaborisasi dengan PT. Pos Indonesia untuk memperluas pasaran dan jankauan kuat distribusi di Indonesia.

Shariq Mukhtar- Citi Officer Negara Meliana Sutikno – Ketua Perdagangan Bank Irfan Ahmed – Ketua Bisnis Kartu Djamin Nainggolan - Citifinancial & Ketua Keuangan Bisnis Konsumen Toha Anwar - Ketua Citi Bisnis Ditta Amahorseya - Direktur, ketua bagian Aktifitas Resmi Negara

[sunting sumber]

Sebagai bagian dari Program Layanan Masyrakat, Citibank Indonesia memiliki program untuk mempelajari konsumen dan rakyat mengenai “Use Credit Wisely”.

Request for help from English Wikipedia

[sunting sumber]

Dear colleagues from the Indonesian Wikipedia.

I am a Czech Wikipedia and an English Wikipedia editor and I would like to ask you for some help. There is a Featured article en:Homo floresiensis at the English Wikipedia and at the moment it has been suggested for a Featured article review.

One question, which was raised at the review, is connected with reportedly missing bones of the fossilized H. floresiensis. One of the Indonesian anthropologists Teuku Jacob is said to take the bones away without permission and not to return some of them back, as of 2005. Unfortunately, there is no mention in English written online media, what happened with the missing bones later, whether he has already returned them back or whether they remain lost. May I ask, if somebody could try to search for the information especially in the Indonesian language media? It would help us very much.

Thank you very much. Jan.Kamenicek (bicara) 21:02, 4 Februari 2009 (UTC)

Welcome emails

[sunting sumber]

I just viewed one page on Indonesian Wikipedia (with my global login) and I received an email with the subject "Halaman Pembicaraan Pengguna:Commander Keane di Wikipedia telah dibuat oleh Borgxbot". I understand that it is a welcome, but I recommend that an email only be sent to users who have made one edit, or who created a new account here at Indonesian Wikipedia. The email was not helpful for me.--Commander Keane (bicara) 10:51, 19 Februari 2009 (UTC)

Boîte Utilisateur interwiki

[sunting sumber]

Bonjour je fais parti du projet de boîte utilisateur et j'ai réalisé une boîte avec l'aide d'un traducteur ; w:fr:Modèle:Utilisateur Wikiid pour ceux qui ont une page personnelle sur la Wikipédia francophone. Amicalement. w:fr:User:FrankyLeRoutier FrankyLeRoutier (bicara) 04:01, 27 Februari 2009 (UTC)

Dear Indonesian Wikipedia Embassy,

I have done an article on an Indonesian subject, but I am not from Indonesia.

Thank you, Saira92

Thanks for the welcome

[sunting sumber]

Today I visited the Indonesian Wikipedia, not aware that I left some trace... Did I make an unintended, accidental change?


The Netherlands

Thanks for visiting Jan. No, you didn't accidentally change anything :) dragunovadiscuss 14:26, 2 Maret 2009 (UTC)

small and fast GNU/Linux distribution SliTaz - help - translating

[sunting sumber]

Dear Wikipedia friends!

We are Slitaz community (www.slitaz.org) and we would like to introduce our GNU/Linux distribution to people in your country. SliTaz is a free micro GNU/Linux distro using BusyBox, a Linux kernel, and GNU free software. The goal of SliTaz is to have a GNU/Linux distro working in memory (RAM). Installable to a hard disk, with good support for French language web, it offers reliability, high performance and PC recycling. SliTaz boots with Syslinux and provides more than 200 Linux commands, the LightTPD web server, SQLite database, rescue tools, IRC client, SSH client/server powered by Dropbear, X window system, JWM (Joe's Window Manager), gFTP, Geany IDE, Mozilla Firefox, Alsaplayer, Gparted, a sound file editor and much more.

The open source distribution is elegant, fast and also suitable for older, slower computers. Because we can't speak your language well we are asking you to help us with translating the web page.

The original web page was written in English, French and Deutsch:



Thank you.

David from Slovenia.


[sunting sumber]

himatika_itboo adalah akun email yang dimiliki oleh Dani. Dani berkuliah di Institut Teknologi Bandung, angkatan 2003 dani memiliki personal web yang beralamat di http://pringgondani.blogdetik.com Pendidikan  : Institut Teknologi Bandung : Matematika SMAN 1 Cianjur SMPN 1 Cianjur sekarang dani stay di KualaLumpur dan bekerja sebagai software Engineer

e-mail from [email protected] in your language

[sunting sumber]

Salve, ho ricevuto quest'e-mail oggi, da [email protected], ma purtroppo per la lingua non riesco a leggerla:
Hi, I've received today this e-mail from [email protected], but I can't read it for the language:

Dear Bizio,
Halaman Pembicaraan Pengguna:Bizio di Wikipedia telah dibuat pada
00:04, 31 Maret 2009 oleh Borgxbot, lihat
http://wiki-indonesia.club/wiki/Pembicaraan_Pengguna:Bizio untuk versi
Ini adalah halaman baru.
Riwayat suntingan: Selamat datang
Hubungi penyunting:
mail: http://wiki-indonesia.club/wiki/Istimewa:Suratepengguna/Borgxbot
wiki: http://wiki-indonesia.club/wiki/Pengguna:Borgxbot
Kami tidak akan mengirimkan pemberitahuan lain jika terjadi perubahan
lagi, kecuali Anda jika Anda telah mengunjungi halaman tersebut. Anda
juga dapat menghapus tanda notifikasi untuk semua halaman pantauan Anda
pada daftar pantauan Anda.
Sistem notifikasi Wikipedia
Untuk mengubah preferensi daftar pantauan Anda, kunjungi
Umpan balik dan bantuan lanjutan:

Cosa significa? Mi è stata spedita per la creazione dell'account globale? Grazie,
What it means? It was delivered for "global account" creation? Thanks,
--Bizio (bicara) 11:54, 31 Maret 2009 (UTC)

Yes, we are using welcome bot. Sorry for the inconvenience. Bot is being used to prevent welcome message flood in the special:recentchanges page. borgx(kirim pesan) 04:44, 1 April 2009 (UTC)

Please! Help me to write and correct this advertisement on my user page as it follows:

Hello! I do not talk or understand Bahasa indonesian. Any discussion should be performed in catalan, spanish, english and french in order of preference. My edits will be minor edits.

Catalunya va tenir el primer Parlament, molt abans que Anglaterra. I fou a Catalunya on hi va haver un principi de "Nacions Unides". Totes les autoritats de Catalunya es van reunir el segle XI a Toluges ­una ciutat que avui pertany a França però que abans era de Catalunya­ per parlar de pau. Sí, al segle XI! Pau al món, perquè Catalunya ja estava contra la guerra, contra allò que les guerres tenen d'inhumà. Sí, al segle XI. Això era Catalunya! I jo estic tant content d'ésser aquí, amb vosaltres, content i commogut..."

"I am a catalan. Catalonia has been one of the greatests nations ever in the world. Catalonia had the first Parliament, long before England. An it were in Catalonia where there was a principle of "United Nations". All the authorities in Catalonia met at the 11th century at Toluges a city that belongs to France but that was before belonging to Catalonia to talk about peace. Yes! Peace in the world because Catalonia was against war, against what war have of inhumanity. Yes, on 11th century!. That was Catalonia! I am so happy to be here with you, happy and excited ... "(Citing Pau Casals on a UN plenary session speech, October 24, 1971)

Aku Katalan. Katalonia telah salah satu negara yang paling besar di dunia lamanya. Katalonia Parlemen telah pertama, jauh sebelum Inggris. Saya masih di Katalonia di mana ada satu prinsip "PBB". Semua pihak berwenang di Katalonia bertemu pada abad XI Toluges kota yang dimiliki Perancis tetapi yang sebelum de Catalunya untuk berbicara tentang damai. SG_HOME! Perdamaian di dunia adalah karena Katalonia terhadap perang, terhadap apa yang telah kita dalam peperangan inhumano. SG_HOME. $ Loc! I am so happy to be disini dengan Anda, dan konten dipindahkan ... "

I get a message that I do not understund

[sunting sumber]

Message that lead me hear is beneath (could be in english? polish? swedish?):

Dear Vv3k70r,

Halaman Pembicaraan Pengguna:Vv3k70r di Wikipedia telah dibuat pada 17:55, 1 Mei 2009 oleh Borgxbot, lihat http://wiki-indonesia.club/wiki/Pembicaraan_Pengguna:Vv3k70r untuk versi terakhir.

Ini adalah halaman baru.

Riwayat suntingan: Selamat datang

Hubungi penyunting: mail: http://wiki-indonesia.club/wiki/Istimewa:Suratepengguna/Borgxbot wiki: http://wiki-indonesia.club/wiki/Pengguna:Borgxbot

Kami tidak akan mengirimkan pemberitahuan lain jika terjadi perubahan lagi, kecuali Anda jika Anda telah mengunjungi halaman tersebut. Anda juga dapat menghapus tanda notifikasi untuk semua halaman pantauan Anda pada daftar pantauan Anda.

Sistem notifikasi Wikipedia

-- Untuk mengubah preferensi daftar pantauan Anda, kunjungi http://wiki-indonesia.club/wiki/Istimewa:Watchlist/edit

Umpan balik dan bantuan lanjutan: http://wiki-indonesia.club/wiki/Bantuan:Isi

Ok, you got message written in Indonesian language on Indonesian language Wikipedia, what do you expect? borgx(kirim pesan) 02:00, 3 Mei 2009 (UTC)

Translation Request - Gekiranger's Plot Summary

[sunting sumber]

Dear colleagues from the Indonesian Wikipedia.

Here is the Plot Summary from the Super Sentai series - Juken Sentai Gekiranger. Could you please translate one of the article, namely about the story from Juuken Sentai Gekiranger, to the Indonesian language? Thanks. --- Seansoo3 (bicara) 12:51, 3 Juni 2009 (UTC)

Four thousand years ago, in China, a form of Kenpō martial arts called the Beast-Fist (獣拳, Jūken) style was developed. It was created by a man named Brusa Ee, who built the hidden Beast Origin Village (獣源郷, Jūgenkyō). Beast-Fist is a martial art in which one mimics the abilities of animals as well as reach spiritual peace. However, dissent grew among the creator's ten students. Three believed that they should use the suffering and hatred harnessed within humans to increase their power, using their power to assume their monstrous forms, the Three Fist Demons. After Brusa Ee was murdered, the Fist Demons gathered followers to practice an evil form of the Beast-Fist style known as Confrontation Beast-Fist Akugata. The other seven students believed that true strength should come from within, engaging their former friends in a great war, ending the fight with a forbidden technique to seal the Fist Demons' powers at the cost of losing their own human forms in the process, becoming the Seven Fist Sages. Followers of the Fist Sages created the Fierce Beast-Fist Beast Arts school: the Beast-Fist of justice whose sport discipline enhances the human body with the self-produced positive Qi called "Fierce Ki." It is taught by Grand Master Sha-Fu, one of the seven Fist Sages, using a sports goods company named "SCRTC" as a front. By present time, a fallen student from the Fierce Beast-Fist school named Rio turns to the Confrontation Beast Fist-style, rebuilding the Confrontation Beast Hall and bring the long-dead Confrontation Beast-Fist users back to life as kyonshi to collect Confrontation Ki, Fierce Ki's polar opposite Qi, in order to resurrect the Three Fist Demons so that through them, he can become stronger. To fight the new Confrontation Beast Hall, Sha-Fu had been training two youths: Ran Uzaki and Retsu Fukami. Along with Jan Kandou, a feral boy raised by tigers in the woods near the hidden village, the Gekiranger team is formed and later joined by two other Fierce Beast users to save the world from the Akugata's ambitions. However, an even greater evil is using the two sides for its own agenda.

Please correct the Italian Welcome in the Indonesian Wikipedia Embassy page

[sunting sumber]

This is the corrected text:

"Benvenuto nell'ambasciata di Wikipedia Indonesiano! Se ha un commento o una domanda riguardante Wikipedia Indonesiano, è invitato a scrivere nella pagina di discussione di questo articolo."

Thank you,


Indonesische Waffen, Messer, Äxte, Bogen u.s.w.

[sunting sumber]

Hallo. Ich bin Benutzer: MittlererWeg / de.Wikipedia. Ich schreibe zur Zeit Artikel über Hieb- und Stichwaffen, International. Ich kann fast keine Informationen über Indonesische Waffen bekommen. Ich möchte euch bitten mir zu helfen. Ich benötige Informationen über die Geschichte der Waffen, ihre genauen Namen und wenn möglich Fotos. Es würde mich sehr freuen wenn ihr mir helfen könntet. Ich danke euch im vorraus .Bis dann mal.Gruß-MittlererWeg (bicara) 15:23, 17 Juli 2009 (UTC)

Cia-cia language to be written in Hangul?

[sunting sumber]

The presses in South Korea says that the City of Bau-Bau in Pulau Buton and a Korean organization called Hunminjeonguem Society agreed to teach Cia-Cia language in local schools with the textbooks written in Hangul, the writing system we are using for Korean language.[1][2][3] They say that teaching 40 kids at an elementary school in Sorawolio District with the textbook was successful, and the government promised to build a Hangul Center in that area in next month, but I can't verify any of these from Indonesian media.

I can't speak or read Indonesian, but I found some press releases from the local government last year. ([4][5]) However it doesn't look like it has anything to do with Hangul.

Can anyone help me out?

--Puzzlet Chung (bicara) 00:17, 7 Agustus 2009 (UTC)

Need Indonesian e-mail translated for me into English

[sunting sumber]

Here's the message: ....................................

Halo Glenn L,

Halaman Pembicaraan Pengguna:Glenn L di Wikipedia telah dibuat pada 03:27, 4 Oktober 2009 oleh Borgxbot. Lihat http://wiki-indonesia.club/wiki/Pembicaraan_Pengguna:Glenn_L untuk revisi saat ini.

Ini adalah halaman baru.

Ringkasan suntingan: Selamat datang

Hubungi penyunting: surat: http://wiki-indonesia.club/wiki/Istimewa:Surel_pengguna/Borgxbot wiki: http://wiki-indonesia.club/wiki/Pengguna:Borgxbot

Kami tidak akan mengirimkan pemberitahuan perubahan lainnya sampai Anda mengunjungi halaman tersebut. Anda juga dapat menghapus tanda notifikasi untuk semua halaman pantauan Anda pada daftar pantauan Anda.

           Sistem notifikasi Anda di Wikipedia

-- Untuk mengubah preferensi daftar pantauan Anda, kunjungi http://wiki-indonesia.club/wiki/Istimewa:Daftar_pantauan/edit

Umpan balik dan bantuan lebih lanjut: http://wiki-indonesia.club/wiki/Bantuan:Isi

--Glenn L (bicara) 04:17, 4 Oktober 2009 (UTC)

Translation request for book Hominide

[sunting sumber]

Hello. I am Irina from Austria and I would like to place a translation request for the article on the German book Hominide by Austrian writer Klaus Ebner about whom the Indonesian Wikipedia also has an article. You can find the English version of the article on the book under en:Hominide (novel). Many thanks in advance. ---Irina Walter AT (bicara) 20:40, 10 November 2009 (UTC)

I hope this message will be adequate; I do not speak Indonesian or know an active Indonesian speaker on en:wiki. This article has been renamed to "Battle of Bauds" and should be here too. Please email me if this is a problem. Thanks very much. Rodhullandemu (bicara) 00:44, 17 November 2009 (UTC)

02:31, 17 November 2009 (UTC)

Map of administration borders in West Timor

[sunting sumber]

Hello! Has anybody online a map of administration borders in Westtimor? Please contact me in German wikipeida. Thanx. --J. Patrick Fischer (bicara) 21:22, 23 November 2009 (UTC)