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Koordinat: 34°43′23″N 36°42′52″E / 34.723185°N 36.714462°E / 34.723185; 36.714462

Pertempuran Firadh
Bagian dari Perang Kekhalifahan-Bizantium dan
Penaklukan Islam di Persia

Peta perjalaan Khalid bin Walid di Iraq
TanggalJanuari 634
LokasiFiradh, Mesopotamia (Irak)
Hasil Kemenangan Kekhilafahan Rasyidin[1]
Pihak terlibat
Kekhalifahan Rasyidin Kekaisaran Sassania
Kekaisaran Romawi timur
Federasi suku-suku Arab Kristen
Tokoh dan pemimpin
Khalid Walid Hormuz Jadhuyih[2]
15.000[3] beberapa kali lipat dari pasukan Kekhilafahan[4] 150-200.000[3]
Tidak diketahui hampir 100.000[5][6]

Khalid ingin menyerang Ctesiphon namun Intel Khalid melaporkan pasukan besar gabungan berkumpul di perbatasan Firadh [7]

Khalid gave the enemy the option to cross the Euphrates. As soon as the enemy had crossed the Euphrates, Khalid commanded the Muslim force to go into action. The united forces of the Persians and the Byzantines had the river at their back. At Firaz, Khalid adopted the same tactics as he had adopted at Mazar. As the front ranks of both the forces committed themselves in the fighting, Khalid fixed his enemy on either flank with the help of his rear wings. Making a swift movement, the Muslims dashed for the bridge on the river, and succeeded in occupying it. The enemy was thus held in a pincer movement.[4]

  1. ^ Michael G. Morony, Iraq After the Muslim Conquest, (Gorgias Press, 2005), 225.[1]
  2. ^ Parvaneh Pourshariati, Decline and Fall of the Sasanian Empire:The Sasanian-Parthian Confederacy and the Arab Conquest of Iran, (I.B.Tauris, 2008), 201-202. [2]
  3. ^ a b at-Thabari, Ibnu Jarir; Ibnu Katsir, Ismail. "'iikhtibar shadid lilmuslimin fi akhir maearik khalid bin alwalid bialeiraq !!- Battle of Firaz!! mengutip Tarikh ar Rusul wal Muluk; al Bidayah wal Nihayah". Youtube. Tarikh x Haduuta. Diakses tanggal 14 Oktober 2021. 
  4. ^ a b A.I. Akram, The Sword of Allah: Khalid bin al-Waleed, His Life and Campaigns, Nat. Publishing. House, Rawalpindi (1970) ISBN 0-7101-0104-X.
  5. ^ Alafani, Sayed Hussein. "Fursanul Nahar minal Shahabatul Akhyar". Noor-Book. Noor-Book. Diakses tanggal 14 Oktober 2021. 
  6. ^ bin Abd allah Almaghlouth, Sami. "Atlas of Caliph Abu Bakr". Noor-Book. Noor-Book. 
  7. ^ R.G., Grant (2017). 1001 Battles That Changed the Course of History (edisi ke-English). Phillip Cooper. hlm. 108. ISBN 9780785835530. Diakses tanggal 14 Oktober 2021.