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In strive for realizing prosperity in the area of globalization, ICT appears as a prominent element for national development stage. ICT creates new opportunity for developing independent businesses in society. Indirectly, ICT create a new chances of businesses form the conventional ways of business. Form this point ICT is expected to be an alternative solution for solving the problem of development such as poverty, unemployment and acceleration of growth rate.

According to the reason, the idea of developing information and communication technologies volunteer (ICT Volunteer) becomes highly relevant. In the implementation, it becomes a model of how the society work together to change and to improve welfare.

Within this context, social voluntarily work has became the fundamental vision of ICT Volunteer program in Indonesia. The vision was declared in the inaugural of Indonesia ICT Volunteer on 5th of July, 2011 in Bogor. Since then the Indonesia ICT Volunteer in llocal provinces and region was established gradualy.

Considering nthe important effects of the establishment ICT Volunteer, Government has decided to continue to deploy this program at provincial level, regencies and cities. The Indonesia ICT volunteer activities arte not merely in encouring the socialtization of healthy and safe internet program, but also providing technical knowledge in the field of IT security, digital content and IT applications development. Therefore, it is clearly expected that ICT Volunteer and communities are work together to utilize goverment support on facilities such as PLIK (Community Access Point), M-PLIK ( Mobile Community Access Point), Warmasif (information society cafe), Rumah pintar (Smart home), Desa Pintar (Smart village) and Desa Berdering (Ringing Village).

ICT Volunteer Vision

Creating ICT Volunteer as self reliance movement and leading volunteer organization. Who are ready to serve the public as humanitarianb mission for the society. Empowering the people through socializing, educating and ICT Training skills for the benefits of community nation.

ICT Volunteer Programs

Volunteerism and Organization Capacity building Society Education on internet


Socialization and Publication Some of ICT Volunteer Activities

Internet for disable people ICT socialization through television and Radio Computer Assambly Training Internet Training for student Formed The ICT Volunteer in Regency and city level Training of Trainer (TOT) for ICT Volunteer The utilization of web and social media Visi

Menjadikan Relawan TIK sebagai pribadi, sekaligus warga masyarakat unggulan, yang siap siaga mengemban misi sosial, kemasyarakatan dan kemanusiaan bagi pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pemanfaatan/penguasaan keterampilan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk kemaslahatan masyarakat dan kemajuan bangsa


Internal (mikro) menyiapkan anggota dalam penguasaan pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan individual maupun kerjasama kelompok guna menyelenggarakan tugas-tugas edukasi sosial, pemberdayaan maupun kegiatan insidental; Organisasional (meso) menjadikan Relawan TIK sebagai sebagai satuan yang mampu bereaksi cerdas, tanggap, bergerak cepat serta bertindak cermat dalam menjalankan tugasnya; Nasional (makro) berkontribusi dan partisipasi dalam berbagai kegiatan pembangunan, kemasyarakatan serta berperan dalam tugas kemanusiaan, dengan cara mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan TIK bagi kemaslahatan masyarakat dan kemajuan bangsa Indonesia.