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Perang Sosial (220–217 SM)

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Perang Sosial, juga Perang Sekutu dan Perang Aetolia, terjadi dari 220 SM sampai 217 SM antara Liga Hellenik di bawah Filipus V dari Makedonia dan Liga Aetolia, Sparta dan Elis. Perang tersebut berakhir dengan Perdamaian Naupaktus.


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  • Austin, M.M. The Hellenistic world from Alexander to the Roman conquest (Pages 152-156) ISBN 0-521-53561-1
  • Eckstein, Arthur M. Mediterranean Anarchy, Interstate War, and the Rise of Rome. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006.
  • Fine, John V.A. “The Background of the Social War of 220-217 B.C.” The American Journal of Philology 61 (1940): 129-165.
  • Grainger, John D. The League of the Aitolians. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 1999. 244-296.
  • Gruen, Erich S. The Hellenistic World and the Coming of Rome. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.
  • Kleu, Michael. Die Seepolitik Philipps V. von Makedonien." Bochum, Verlag Dr. Dieter Winkler, 2015.
  • Larsen, J.A.O. “Phocis in the Social War of 220-217 B.C.” Phoenix 19 (1965): 116-128.
  • Scholten, Joseph B. The Politics of Plunder: Aitolians and Their Koinon in the Early Hellenistic Era. University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London, 2000.
  • Walbank, F.W. Philip V of Macedon. Hamden, CT: Archan Books, 1967.