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Templat:Harvard citation text/doc

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[sunting sumber]

{{{1}}} menghasilkan kutipan pendek denga gaya "author-date" yang terdiri dari parameter berikut:

<ref>{{{{{1}}} | <last1*> | <last2> | <last3> | <last4> | <year*> | p= <page> | loc= <location> }}</ref>

Pada parameter di atas,

  • <last1> – diperlukan. Parameter ini merupakan nama akhir penulis
  • <last2>–<last4> – parameter ini merupakan tiga nama akhir penulis berikutnya
  • <year> – diperlukan; dibutuhkan empat digit tahun
  • |p= – parameter untuk memberikan halaman sumber
  • |pp= – comma-separated list of individual pages and / or range(s) of pages referenced in the source
  • |loc= – in-source location when |p= and |pp= are inappropriate; may be used to supplement |p= and |pp=; information such as a section or figure number.

Pemakaian templat ini umumnya dapat diperlihatkan melalui contoh di bawah.

Template {{{1}}} is placed inside <ref>...</ref> tags to create catatan kaki singkat.

Markah Hasil akhir
Article text.<ref>{{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|p=25}}</ref>
More article text.<ref>{{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|p=25}}</ref>
Still more article text.<ref>{{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|p=26}}</ref>


* {{cite book
 | last = Smith | first = John
 | date = 2020
 | title = Smith's Book

Article text.[1] More article text.[2] Still more article text.[3]

  1. ^ {{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|p=25}}
  2. ^ {{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|p=25}}
  3. ^ {{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|p=26}}

Smith, John (2020). Smith's Book. 


[sunting sumber]

Author(s) and year

[sunting sumber]

The author and the year of publication are the only required parameters. Up to four authors can be given as parameters.

The possible issues section below describes workarounds for various common problems, such as large number of authors, no author name, multiple works in the same year, multiple authors with same last name and others.

Markah Hasil akhir
Article text.<ref>{{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|p=25}}</ref>

Article text.[1]

  1. ^ {{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|p=25}}
Article text.<ref>{{{{{1}}}|Smith|Jones|2020|p=25}}</ref>

Article text.[1]

  1. ^ {{{{{1}}}|Smith|Jones|2020|p=25}}
Article text.<ref>{{{{{1}}}|Smith|Jones|Brown|2020|p=25}}</ref>

Article text.[1]

  1. ^ {{{{{1}}}|Smith|Jones|Brown|2020|p=25}}
Article text.<ref>{{{{{1}}}|Smith|Jones|Brown|Black|2020|p=25}}</ref>

Article text.[1]

  1. ^ {{{{{1}}}|Smith|Jones|Brown|Black|2020|p=25}}

Location in the source text

[sunting sumber]

The optional parameters |p=, |pp= and |loc= can be used to indicate the location in the source, such as page numbers. For single pages, use |p=; for multiple pages (such as ranges), use |pp=. Use of |p= for multiple pages or |pp= for single pages can cause cite errors. |loc= can be used to specify a location in the source in another way, such as section numbers or chapters. The parameters |page= and |pages= exist as aliases for |p= and |pp=, respectively.

Markah Hasil akhir
Article text.<ref>{{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|p=25}}</ref>

Article text.[1]

  1. ^ {{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|p=25}}
Article text.<ref>{{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|pp=25–26}}</ref>

Article text.[1]

  1. ^ {{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|pp=25–26}}
Article text.<ref>{{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|loc=chpt. 3}}</ref>

Article text.[1]

  1. ^ {{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|loc=chpt. 3}}
Article text.<ref>{{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|loc=section 7}}</ref>

Article text.[1]

  1. ^ {{{{{1}}}|Smith|2020|loc=section 7}}

Additional text

[sunting sumber]

The optional parameter |postscript= or |ps= can be used to change the text which appears at the end of the note in the reference list. (See § Adding additional comments or quotes and § No closing period, below.) The postscript is only effective the first time {{sfn}} is used for a particular author, year and location.

[sunting sumber]

Not available in {{sfn}} and similar templates.

The optional parameter |ref= is used to create a unusually named link from the short citation to the full citation. This parameter is usually not necessary, and it is more common to use {{sfnRef}} or {{harvid}} in the reference section. If you specify |ref=none, no hyperlink is created. However, if one does not want the link, it is always possible to simply use plain text instead of the template. The parameter |Ref= is an alias for |ref=.