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Templat:Infobox Korean settlement/doc

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Nama Korea
Alih Aksara yang Disempurnakan{{{rr}}}
Short name
Alih Aksara yang Disempurnakan{{{rrshort}}}
Area1.234 km2 (476 sq mi) {{{areanote}}}
Ketinggian1.234 m (4.049 ft) {{{elevationnote}}}
Penduduk ({{{popyear}}}){{{pop}}} {{{popnote}}}
Kepadatan1.234/km2 (3.200/sq mi) {{{popdennote}}}
Wali kota{{{mayor}}}
Ibu kota{{{capital}}}
Pembagian administratif{{{divs}}}

Templat ini digunakan untuk menampilkan sebuah kotak info pemukiman di Korea (seperti kota, distrik atau wilayah).

Cara pemakaian

[sunting sumber]

Kotak info ini dapat ditambahkan dengan mem-paste templat seperti di bawah ini ke dalam artikel. Semua bidang bersifat opsional dan nama parameter yang tidak digunakan dapat dikosongkan atau dihilangkan; akan tetapi, setidaknya satu hangul, hanja, rr, dan mr diperlukan untuk menampilkan kotak info ini.

  • Penting: Silakan masukkan semua nilai numeris dalam sebuah mode mentah, tanpa format. Rujukan disertakan dalam bidang catatan kaki bagiannya masing-masing. Nilai numeris yang tidak "mentah" dapat menyebabkan "Expression error". Nilai mentah akan terformat otomatis oleh templat ini. Jika Anda menemukan sebuah nilai mentah yang tidak terformat pada pemakaian templatnya, silakan tulis peringatan pada halaman diskusi templat ini.
{{Infobox Korean settlement
| title         = 
| context       = 
| logo          = 
| logowidth     = 
| logoalt       = 
| img           = 
| imgwidth      = 
| imgcaption    = 
| imgalt        = 
| map           = 
| mapwidth      = 
| mapcaption    = 
| mapalt        = 
| hangul        = 
| hanja         = 
| rr            = 
| mr            = 
| hangulshort   = 
| hanjashort    = 
| rrshort       = 
| mrshort       = 
| area_km2      = 
| areanote      = 
| elevation_m   = 
| elevationnote = 
| pop           = 
| popnote       = 
| popyear       = 
| popden_km2    = 
| popdennote    = 
| gov           = 
| mayor         = 
| capital       = 
| divs          = 
| region        = 
| dialect       = 
| text          = 


[sunting sumber]
Bidang Deskripsi Default
title Bidang teks pada bagian atas tabel. {{PAGENAME}}
context Spesifikasi konteks. Untuk tempat di Korea Utara, pakailah "context=north"; untuk provinsi historis dan sejenisnya pada pembagian Korea terdahulu, gunakan "context=old".
logo A small image displayed beside title, such as a flag or official logo. Use the filename of the image (i.e. for Image:Koreageostub.svg, set "img=Koreageostub.svg".)
logowidth The width of the logo in pixels. 80px
img An image displayed at the top of the infobox. Use the filename of the image (i.e. for Image:Koreageostub.svg, set "img=Koreageostub.svg".)
imgwidth The width of the img in pixels. tablewidth - 20
imgcaption A caption for the img; appears beneath the img.
map A location map displayed at the bottom of the infobox. Use the filename of the image (i.e. for Image:Koreageostub.svg, set "img=Koreageostub.svg".)
mapwidth The width of the map in pixels. tablewidth - 20
mapcaption A caption for the map; appears beneath the map.
logoaltalt Specify alt text for the logo, img or map. See WP:ALT for more information.
hangul Korean name in Hangul.
Leaving this field empty will add the page to Category:Articles needing Korean script or text.
hanja Korean name in Hanja.
Leave this field empty or set to none, if there is no corresponding hanja name.
Set this field to ! to add the page to Category:Wikipedia articles needing romanized Korean.
rr The Revised Romanization of the name.
Leaving this field empty will add the page to Category:Wikipedia articles needing romanized Korean.
mr The McCune-Reischauer of the name.
Leaving this field empty will add the page to Category:Wikipedia articles needing romanized Korean.
*short Short name for the settlement (if different from the primary name). replace * with
hangul, hanja, rr, or mr
area_km2 Total area in square kilometres entered in a raw, unformatted fashion. The values will be converted, formatted, and symbols added automatically.
areanote A place to include any references and/or notes regarding the area if none are given in the main article.
elevation_m Elevation in metres entered in a raw, unformatted fashion. The values will be converted, formatted, and symbols added automatically.
elevationnote A place to include any references and/or notes regarding the elevation if none are given in the main article.
pop Population. Raw unformatted numbers only. The template will format the values automatically.
popnote A place to include any references and/or notes regarding the population if none are given in the main article.
popyear The year from when the population figures were taken. Do not include brackets, as the year will automatically be placed in parenthesis.
popden_km2 Population density (people per square kilometre) entered in a raw, unformatted fashion. The values will be converted, formatted, and symbols added automatically. Alternatively, if this field is left blank and values are given for both area_km2 and pop, the template will automatically calculate population density.
popdennote A place to include any references and/or notes regarding the population density if none are given in the main article.
gov The type of government that applies to the settlement.
mayor For municipalities, the name of the current mayor.
capital The capital of the region or district.
divs The administrative divisions (South Korea/North Korea) of the settlement. This field will be omitted if the context is set to old.
region The region of Korea where the settlement is located.
dialect The dialect of Korean spoken in the settlement.
text A text field for any additional notes or information.


[sunting sumber]


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[sunting sumber]