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Baris 48: Baris 48:
The text is written in one column per page of 29 lines, with 38 letters per line (average).<ref name = Comfort358/> It has no breathings (spiritus asper, spiritus lenis) nor accents. The double point (:) is the only mark of punctuation. The letters are slightly inclined to the right; the writing shows the influence of cursive handwriting.<ref name = Hatch/> It was written by a professional scribe.<ref name = Comfort358/> The [[nomina sacra]] are written in an abbreviated way.<ref name = Comfort358/>

Teks ini ditulis dalam satu kolom tiap halaman, yang terdiri dari 29 baris, dengan 38 huruf per baris (rata-rata).<ref name = Comfort358/> Tidak mengandung tanda baca nafas (spiritus asper, spiritus lenis) atau aksen. Satu-satunya tanda baca hanya "titik dua" (:). Huruf-hurufnya sedikit condong ke kanan; penulisan menunjukkan pengaruh gaya kursif.<ref name = Hatch/> Ditulis oleh seorang jurutulis profesional.<ref name = Comfort358/> Istilah [[nomina sacra]] ditulis dalam keadaan disingkat.<ref name = Comfort358/>
The Greek text of this codex is a representative of the [[Alexandrian text-type]]. [[Kurt Aland|Aland]] ascribed it as “at least Normal text”, and placed it in [[Categories of New Testament manuscripts#Category I|Category I]].<ref name = Aland/> [[Bruce M. Metzger]] identifies it as Alexandrian text. According to Philip Comfort and David Barrett the manuscript shows a strong agreement with [[Codex Sinaiticus]] and [[Codex Vaticanus]] (in 14 out of 16 textual variants).<ref name = Comfort>{{Cite book | last = Comfort| first = Philip W. |author2 = David P. Barrett | title = The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts | publisher = Tyndale House Publishers Incorporated | place = Wheaton, Illinois | year = 2001 | page = 355 | isbn = 978-0-8028-4098-1 }}</ref>

Naskah Yunani ini tergolong jenis [[Teks Alexandria]]. [[Kurt Aland|Aland]] menyebutnya "paling sedikit teks Normal" dan menempatkannya dalam [[Kategori Naskah Perjanjian Baru|Kategori I]].<ref name = Aland/> [[Bruce M. Metzger]] mengidentikasinya sebagai Teks Alexandria. Menurut Philip Comfort dan David Barrett naskah ini menunjukkan kesesuaian kuat dengan [[Codex Sinaiticus]] dan [[Codex Vaticanus]] (14 dari 16 varian tekstual).<ref name = Comfort>{{Cite book | last = Comfort| first = Philip W. |author2 = David P. Barrett | title = The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts | publisher = Tyndale House Publishers Incorporated | place = Wheaton, Illinois | year = 2001 | page = 355 | isbn = 978-0-8028-4098-1 }}</ref>
According to Comfort, <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>49</sup> and [[Papyrus 65|<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>65</sup>]] came from the same manuscript.<ref>Philip W. Comfort, ''Encountering the Manuscripts. An Introduction to New Testament Paleography & Textual Criticism'', Nashville, Tennessee: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2005, p. 68-69.</ref> Both manuscripts have the same measurements, and the same number of lines per page. Both were written by a documentary hand, both manifest the same formation of certain letters, such as titled [[lambda]], titled [[sigma]], extended [[iota]], and toiled [[ypsilon]]. The [[nomina sacra]] and abbreviations are written in the same rather unusual way.<ref name = Comfort358/> Bradford Welles remarks that "there is not a single case of difference in the letter shapes in the two papyri".<ref name = Comfort358/> Neither use [[Typographic ligature|ligatures]].<ref name = Wachtel>Klaus Wachtel, Klaus Witte, [http://books.google.pl/books?id=gEzctvICPS0C&pg=RA1-PA1&lpg=RA1-PA1&dq= ''Das Neue Testament auf Papyrus: Gal., Eph., Phil., Kol., 1. u. 2. Thess., 1. u. 2 Tim., Tit., Phlm., Hebr''], Walter de Gruyter, 1994, p. LXI.</ref> The only difference is in the number of letters per line: <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>65</sup> has more letters per line (42).<ref name = Comfort358/> The same situation exists in [[Papyrus 75]]. The scribe of <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>75</sup> appears to have realized that he was running out of room in his codex and added three letters in each line and even added extra lines.<ref name = Comfort358/> The manuscript may be one of the earliest manuscripts to display a complete Pauline codex, along with [[Papyrus 13]], [[Papyrus 15]]/[[Papyrus 16]], [[Papyrus 30]], [[Papyrus 46]], and [[Papyrus 92]].<ref name = Comfort358/>
According to Comfort, <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>49</sup> and [[Papyrus 65|<math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>65</sup>]] came from the same manuscript.<ref>Philip W. Comfort, ''Encountering the Manuscripts. An Introduction to New Testament Paleography & Textual Criticism'', Nashville, Tennessee: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2005, p. 68-69.</ref> Both manuscripts have the same measurements, and the same number of lines per page. Both were written by a documentary hand, both manifest the same formation of certain letters, such as titled [[lambda]], titled [[sigma]], extended [[iota]], and toiled [[ypsilon]]. The [[nomina sacra]] and abbreviations are written in the same rather unusual way.<ref name = Comfort358/> Bradford Welles remarks that "there is not a single case of difference in the letter shapes in the two papyri".<ref name = Comfort358/> Neither use [[Typographic ligature|ligatures]].<ref name = Wachtel>Klaus Wachtel, Klaus Witte, [http://books.google.pl/books?id=gEzctvICPS0C&pg=RA1-PA1&lpg=RA1-PA1&dq= ''Das Neue Testament auf Papyrus: Gal., Eph., Phil., Kol., 1. u. 2. Thess., 1. u. 2 Tim., Tit., Phlm., Hebr''], Walter de Gruyter, 1994, p. LXI.</ref> The only difference is in the number of letters per line: <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>65</sup> has more letters per line (42).<ref name = Comfort358/> The same situation exists in [[Papyrus 75]]. The scribe of <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>75</sup> appears to have realized that he was running out of room in his codex and added three letters in each line and even added extra lines.<ref name = Comfort358/> The manuscript may be one of the earliest manuscripts to display a complete Pauline codex, along with [[Papyrus 13]], [[Papyrus 15]]/[[Papyrus 16]], [[Papyrus 30]], [[Papyrus 46]], and [[Papyrus 92]].<ref name = Comfort358/>

== Varian Tekstual ==
; Textual variants

In Ephesians 4:23, <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>49</sup> has the rare textual reading {{lang|grc|εν τω πνευματι}} (''in spirit'') instead of the reading {{lang|grc|τω πνευματι}} (''spirit''). The reading of the codex is supported by Codex Vaticanus, [[minuscule 33]], 1175, [[Minuscule 1739|1739]], 1881 and several other manuscripts.<ref name = NA510>{{Cite book | last = K. Aland (ed.)| first = E. Nestle, | title = Novum Testamentum Graece (ed. 26)| publisher = Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft | place = Stuttgart | page = 510 | year = 1991}}</ref>
In Ephesians 4:23, <math>\mathfrak{P}</math><sup>49</sup> has the rare textual reading {{lang|grc|εν τω πνευματι}} (''in spirit'') instead of the reading {{lang|grc|τω πνευματι}} (''spirit''). The reading of the codex is supported by Codex Vaticanus, [[minuscule 33]], 1175, [[Minuscule 1739|1739]], 1881 and several other manuscripts.<ref name = NA510>{{Cite book | last = K. Aland (ed.)| first = E. Nestle, | title = Novum Testamentum Graece (ed. 26)| publisher = Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft | place = Stuttgart | page = 510 | year = 1991}}</ref>
Baris 67: Baris 67:
In Ephesians 5:9, it has the textual reading φωτος (''light''), supported by Codex Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus, Vaticanus, Bezae, Augiensis, Boernerianus, Porphyrianus, minuscule 6, 33, 81, 629, 1175<sup>c</sup>, 1739, 1881, 2464, some Old-Latin manuscripts, Peshitta and Coptic manuscripts. The reading πνευματος (''spirit'') is found in the manuscripts <math>\mathfrak{P}^{46}</math>, D<sup>2</sup>, Ψ, majority of the Byzantine manuscripts and syr<sup>h</sup>.<ref name = NA511/>
In Ephesians 5:9, it has the textual reading φωτος (''light''), supported by Codex Sinaiticus, Alexandrinus, Vaticanus, Bezae, Augiensis, Boernerianus, Porphyrianus, minuscule 6, 33, 81, 629, 1175<sup>c</sup>, 1739, 1881, 2464, some Old-Latin manuscripts, Peshitta and Coptic manuscripts. The reading πνευματος (''spirit'') is found in the manuscripts <math>\mathfrak{P}^{46}</math>, D<sup>2</sup>, Ψ, majority of the Byzantine manuscripts and syr<sup>h</sup>.<ref name = NA511/>

== History ==
== Sejarah ==
The handwriting of the manuscript displays many third-century features. Comfort dated the manuscript to the middle of the third century.<ref name = Comfort/> It is presently assigned to the third century on [[palaeography|palaeographic]] grounds by the [[Institute for New Testament Textual Research]] (INTF).<ref name = Aland/><ref name = INTF/> It was probably written in Egypt, but it cannot be assigned to any particular locality.<ref name = Hatch>W. H. P. Hatch & C. B. Welles, [http://www.jstor.org/pss/1508577 ''A Hitherto Unpublished Fragment of the Epistle to the Ephesians''], HTR 51 (1958), 33-37.</ref>
The handwriting of the manuscript displays many third-century features. Comfort dated the manuscript to the middle of the third century.<ref name = Comfort/> It is presently assigned to the third century on [[palaeography|palaeographic]] grounds by the [[Institute for New Testament Textual Research]] (INTF).<ref name = Aland/><ref name = INTF/> It was probably written in Egypt, but it cannot be assigned to any particular locality.<ref name = Hatch>W. H. P. Hatch & C. B. Welles, [http://www.jstor.org/pss/1508577 ''A Hitherto Unpublished Fragment of the Epistle to the Ephesians''], HTR 51 (1958), 33-37.</ref>

Baris 87: Baris 87:

Vittorio Bartoletti (1920–1990) was the first to note that Papyrus 49 and [[Papyrus 65]] were produced by the same scribe.<ref>Vittorio Bartoletti, ''Papiri greci e latini della Società Italiana'', vol. XIV, (1957), pp.&nbsp;5-7.</ref> This conclusion was confirmed by Bradford Welles, Comfort and Barrett, and other palaeographers.<ref name = Comfort358/> They are still catalogued as separate manuscripts on the [[INTF]]'s list.<ref name = INTF/><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://intf.uni-muenster.de/vmr/NTVMR/ListeHandschriften.php?ObjID=10049|title= Liste Handschriften|publisher=Institute for New Testament Textual Research|accessdate=26 August 2011|location=Münster}}</ref>
Vittorio Bartoletti (1920–1990) was the first to note that Papyrus 49 and [[Papyrus 65]] were produced by the same scribe.<ref>Vittorio Bartoletti, ''Papiri greci e latini della Società Italiana'', vol. XIV, (1957), pp.&nbsp;5-7.</ref> This conclusion was confirmed by Bradford Welles, Comfort and Barrett, and other palaeographers.<ref name = Comfort358/> They are still catalogued as separate manuscripts on the [[INTF]]'s list.<ref name = INTF/><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://intf.uni-muenster.de/vmr/NTVMR/ListeHandschriften.php?ObjID=10049|title= Liste Handschriften|publisher=Institute for New Testament Textual Research|accessdate=26 August 2011|location=Münster}}</ref>
== Teks ==
[[File:Papyrus49reverso.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Halaman ''verso'' dengan teks Efesus 4:31-5:13]]

[recto (Efesus 4:16-25)]
== Text ==
[[File:Papyrus49reverso.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Page verso with text of Eph 4:31-5:13]]

[recto (Eph 4:16-25)]
: <sup>[16]</sup> – [οικοδομην εαυτου] ε̣ν̣ αγαπ[η <sup>[17]</sup> το]υ̣το̣ ο̣υ̣ν λ̣[εγω και
: <sup>[16]</sup> – [οικοδομην εαυτου] ε̣ν̣ αγαπ[η <sup>[17]</sup> το]υ̣το̣ ο̣υ̣ν λ̣[εγω και
: μαρτυρομ]α̣ι εν κ̅ω̅ μη̣κετι υ[μας π]ε̣ρ̣[ι]π̣ατ[ειν καθ]
: μαρτυρομ]α̣ι εν κ̅ω̅ μη̣κετι υ[μας π]ε̣ρ̣[ι]π̣ατ[ειν καθ]
Baris 118: Baris 118:
: τος υμων
: τος υμων

[verso (Eph 4:29-5:13)]
[verso (Efesus 4:29-5:13)]
: ρισατο ημ[ιν <sup>[1]</sup> γιν]ε[σθ]ε̣ ουν μιμηται του θ̅υ̅ ω̣ς̣ τ̣ε̣[κνα] αγα
: ρισατο ημ[ιν <sup>[1]</sup> γιν]ε[σθ]ε̣ ουν μιμηται του θ̅υ̅ ω̣ς̣ τ̣ε̣[κνα] αγα
: πητα <sup>[2]</sup> κα̣[ι] π̣ε̣[ρι]πατειται εν αγαπη καθως κ[αι]
: πητα <sup>[2]</sup> κα̣[ι] π̣ε̣[ρι]πατειται εν αγαπη καθως κ[αι]
Baris 141: Baris 141:
: υπ ·αυτων [αι]σχ̣ρον εστιν και ·λεγειν <sup>[13]</sup> τα̣ [δε] [παν]
: υπ ·αυτων [αι]σχ̣ρον εστιν και ·λεγειν <sup>[13]</sup> τα̣ [δε] [παν]
: τα ελλεγχο[μ]ενα υπο του φωτος φανερ[ουται]
: τα ελλεγχο[μ]ενα υπο του φωτος φανερ[ουται]

== Lihat pula ==
== Lihat pula ==
* [[Daftar Papirus Perjanjian Baru]]
* [[Daftar Papirus Perjanjian Baru]]

Revisi per 23 Oktober 2013 04.23

Papirus 49
Sisi recto dengan teks Efesus 4:16-29
Sisi recto dengan teks Efesus 4:16-29
Sisi recto dengan teks Efesus 4:16-29
NamaPapirus Yale 415
TeksSurat Efesus 4-5 †
Waktuabad ke-3
Aksarabahasa Yunani
Kini diYale University Library
KutipanW. H. P. Hatch and C. B. Welles, A Hitherto Unpublished Fragment of the Epistle to the Ephesians, HTR LI (1958), pp. 33-37.
Ukuran18 x 25
JenisTeks Alexandria

Papirus 49 (bahasa Inggris: Papyrus 49; dalam penomoran Gregory-Aland diberi kode 49) adalah sebuah naskah papirus kuno berisi bagian Perjanjian Baru dari Alkitab Kristen dalam bahasa Yunani. Memuat potongan Surat Efesus, yang terlestarikan hanya 4:16-29; 4:31-5:13. Berdasarkan paleografi diperkirakan naskah ini dibuat pada awal abad ke-3. Kemungkinan berasal dari satu manuskrip yang sama dengan Papirus 65. Diketemukan di Mesir, kemudian dibeli untuk Yale University Library. Secara tekstual lebih dekat kepada Codex Sinaiticus dan Codex Vaticanus. Teks naskah ini telah dipublikasikan beberapa kali.


Ukuran asli lembaran ini adalah 18 (tinggi) x 25 (lebar) cm.[1] Lembaran ini rusak di bagian atasnya, dan enam baris teks terhilang. Saat ini ukuran lembarannya adalah 20.3 cm x 13.3 cm. Marjin bawah dan luar lebarnya 3 cm; marjin atas dan dalam ikut bagian yang hilang.[2]

Manuskrip ini hanya terlestarikan dalam keadaan terfragmentasi dan memuat teks Efesus 4:16-29; 4:31-5:13.[3][4] Menurut Kurt Aland, merupakan satu dari tiga naskah tertua dengan teks dari Surat Efesus.[4][5]

Teks ini ditulis dalam satu kolom tiap halaman, yang terdiri dari 29 baris, dengan 38 huruf per baris (rata-rata).[1] Tidak mengandung tanda baca nafas (spiritus asper, spiritus lenis) atau aksen. Satu-satunya tanda baca hanya "titik dua" (:). Huruf-hurufnya sedikit condong ke kanan; penulisan menunjukkan pengaruh gaya kursif.[2] Ditulis oleh seorang jurutulis profesional.[1] Istilah nomina sacra ditulis dalam keadaan disingkat.[1]

Naskah Yunani ini tergolong jenis Teks Alexandria. Aland menyebutnya "paling sedikit teks Normal" dan menempatkannya dalam Kategori I.[3] Bruce M. Metzger mengidentikasinya sebagai Teks Alexandria. Menurut Philip Comfort dan David Barrett naskah ini menunjukkan kesesuaian kuat dengan Codex Sinaiticus dan Codex Vaticanus (14 dari 16 varian tekstual).[6]


Halaman verso dengan teks Efesus 4:31-5:13

[recto (Efesus 4:16-25)]

[16] – [οικοδομην εαυτου] ε̣ν̣ αγαπ[η [17] το]υ̣το̣ ο̣υ̣ν λ̣[εγω και
μαρτυρομ]α̣ι εν κ̅ω̅ μη̣κετι υ[μας π]ε̣ρ̣[ι]π̣ατ[ειν καθ]
[ως και τα] ε̣θνη ·περιπατει εν̣ [ματαιοτ]η̣τ̣ι του
[νοος] αυτων [18] εσκοτωμενοι τη ·δ[ια]νο̣ι̣α οντες
[απηλ]λοτριωμ̣ενοι της ζωης του θ̅υ̅ δ̣ια την αγνοι
[αν τη]ν̣ ουσαν εν ·αυτοις δια τ̣η̣[ν πωρ]ω̣σιν της
[καρδια]ς αυ̣των̣ [19] οιτινες απηλ[γηκοτες] ε̣αυτους
[παρεδ]ω̣καν τη̣ ·α̣σελγια ε̣ι[ς] εργα̣[σιαν] α̣καθαρ
[σιας πασης εν πλεο]ν̣ε̣ξ̣ια [20] υμ̣[εις δε] ο̣υ̣χ̣ ουτως
[εμαθετε τον χ̅̅ν̅ [21] ει γε] α̣υτον ηκ̣[ουσατ]ε̣ και εν αυτω
[εδιδαχθητε καθως εστι]ν̣ α̣λ̣η̣θ̣ε̣ι̣α̣ ε̣ν̣ [τω] ι̣̅̅υ̅ [22] [α]π̣οθεσθε
[υμας κατα τη]ν̣ προ[τεραν α]ναστροφη̣[ν το]ν̣ παλαιον αν
[θρωπον τον] φ̣θ̣ε̣ι̣ρομενον κατα τα[ς ε]π̣ιθυμιας της
[απατης [23] ανα]νεο̣υσθαι δε εν τω π̅ν̣̅[ι̅ το]υ νοος ·υμων
[24] [και ενδυσασ]θ̣α̣ι̣ τ̣ον καινον ανθ̣[ρωπο]ν̣ τον κατα
[θ̅ν̅ κτισ]θ̣εντ̣α εν δικαιοσυνη̣ τ̣ι̣ της αλη
[θειας [25] δι]ο̣ αποθ̣εμενοι το ψευδ̣[ος λαλει]τ̣[α]ι̣ ·αληθειαν
[εκαστος μ]ε̣τ̣α του̣ πλησιον αυτ̣[ου οτι εσμεν] α̣λ̣λ̣η̣λ̣ων
[μελη [26] ο]ρ̣γιζ̣ε̣σθαι και μη̣ αμαρ̣τ̣αν[ετ]α̣ι ο ηλιος
[μη επ]ι̣δυετω επι παρο̣[ργ]ι̣σμω ·υμω̣ν̣ [27] μηδε
[διδοτε τ]οπον τω διαβολ̣ω̣ [28] ο κλεπτων μηκετει
[κλεπτετ]ω μαλλον δ[ε κ]ο̣πιατω εργ̣[α]ζ̣ομενος
[ταις χερσι]ν̣ το ·αγαθον ινα εχη με̣[τα]δ̣ιδο̣να̣ι
[τω χρεια]ν̣ ·εχοντι [29] πας λογος σαπρος [ε]κ̣ του στομα
τος υμων

[verso (Efesus 4:29-5:13)]

ρισατο ημ[ιν [1] γιν]ε[σθ]ε̣ ουν μιμηται του θ̅υ̅ ω̣ς̣ τ̣ε̣[κνα] αγα
πητα [2] κα̣[ι] π̣ε̣[ρι]πατειται εν αγαπη καθως κ[αι]
ο χ̅ς̅ ηγαπησε[ν] ·[ημ]ας και παρεδωκε[ν] εαυτον [υπερ]
ημων πρ̣ο[σφορα]ν̣ κ̣α̣ι θυσιαν τω θ̅ω̅ ε̣[ι]ς̣ οσμη[ν ·ευω]
διας [3] πορν[εια] [δε] κ̣αι ακαθαρσια πασα̣ η ·π̣λ̣ε[ο
ν]εξεια μη̣δ̣[ε ονο]μ̣αζεσθω εν υμιν̣ [κ]α̣θως π[ρεπει] ·
αγιοις [4] και εσ̣[χροτ]ης και μ̣ω̣[ρολογια η ευτραπελια α]
ουκ α̣νηκεν̣ α̣λ̣λ̣[α μ]α̣λ̣[λον ευχαριστια [5] τουτο γαρ]
ειστε γιν̣ωσκ̣[ο]ντ̣[ες] οτι π̣α̣[ς πορνος η ακ]α[θαρτος]
η πλεονεκτη̣ς̣ ο̣ [εσ]τ̣ιν ειδωλο̣λ̣α̣τ̣ρ̣η̣ς̣ ου̣[κ εχει]
κληρονομεια εν̣ [τη] βασιλεια του χυ̅ κ̣α̣ι θ̅υ̣̅ [6] [μηδεις]
υμας απ̣ατατ̣ω̣ [κε]ν̣οις ·λογοις δια τ̣α̣υτ̣α̣ [γαρ ερχε]
τε η̣ οργη του̣ θ̣[υ̅ επι] τους̣ υ̣ιο̣υς της απισ̣τι̣α[ς [7] μη]
ουν γινεσθ̣[ε συμμετ]οχ̣[οι] ·α̣υ̣των [8] ητε γαρ π̣[οτε]
σκοτος ν[υν δε φω]ς̣ ε̣ν̣ ·κ̅ω̅ ως̣ τεκ̣[ν]α φ̣[ωτος πε]
ριπατειτ̣ε̣ [9] [ο γαρ] [καρπ]ο̣ς̣ τ̣ο̣υ φωτος εν πα̣[ση αγα]
θοσυνη και δ̣[ικα]ιοσυν̣η κ̣α̣ι̣ αληθεια [10] δ̣οκι[μα]
ζοντες τι εστ̣[ι]ν ευα̣ρεσ[το]ν̣ τω κ̅ω̅ [11] και μη [συγ]
κοινωνειται το̣ις εργοις τ[οις] α̣καρποις του σ̣κ̣[οτους]
μαλλον δε κ̣[α]ι̣ ελλεγχετ̣[ε] [12] τ̣α κρυφη γινο̣[μενα]
υπ ·αυτων [αι]σχ̣ρον εστιν και ·λεγειν [13] τα̣ [δε] [παν]
τα ελλεγχο[μ]ενα υπο του φωτος φανερ[ουται]

Lihat pula


  1. ^ a b c d Comfort, Philip W.; David P. Barrett (2001). The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers Incorporated. hlm. 358. ISBN 978-0-8028-4098-1. 
  2. ^ a b Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama Hatch
  3. ^ a b Aland, Kurt (1995). The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. hlm. 98. ISBN 978-0-8028-4098-1. 
  4. ^ a b "Liste Handschriften". Münster: Institute for New Testament Textual Research. Diakses tanggal 23 January 2011.  Kesalahan pengutipan: Tanda <ref> tidak sah; nama "INTF" didefinisikan berulang dengan isi berbeda
  5. ^ Aland, Kurt (1995). The Text of the New Testament: An Introduction to the Critical Editions and to the Theory and Practice of Modern Textual Criticism. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. hlm. 85. ISBN 978-0-8028-4098-1. 
  6. ^ Comfort, Philip W.; David P. Barrett (2001). The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers Incorporated. hlm. 355. ISBN 978-0-8028-4098-1. 

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