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Dear Residents of The Middle East and Asia

My name is Erik Young.I wrote to the Israeli Intelligence of their military about 12 months ago because I was concerned about the disappearance of an Israeli friend of mine who built a large house by the beach on Koh Samui Island off Thailand. Thailand's Mafia, who are commonly known as The Thai CIA are the origin of Iraq's Secret Police. In 1982 they raided Bagdhad hospital and force The Dean of Bagdhad Hospital out of his job and out of Iraq. ====They had lied to President Saddam Hussein==== and alleged The Dean (Mr Mullah) was a security risk. Mr Mullah was responsible for taking care of the medical files of Saddam Hussein. The Dean of Bagdhad Hospital finally settled in the UK and was my next door neighbour for about seven years. This is how I know what happened. The THAI CIA using then ID The Secret Police of Saddam Hussein claimed to be "Christians" They were NOT Christians but Satanists/Christian Scientologists. A while after taking control of Saddam Husseins medical files they had a (fake) Doctor diagnose Saddam Hussein as Diabetic and administered what they alleged was Insulin to him. They were lying he did not nhave Daibetes at all and they were administering Heroin to him so they ncould gain control of him and his assets. it was the THAI CIA-SECRET POLICE of MR SOPHONPANICH whose front was THE BANGKOK BANK PLC started out of the proceeds of Gestapo looting in WW2 who controls the world's Heroin trade. His laboratories were bin Afghanistan controlled at the time by his "Taliban Team" (Yaa-si-Ban which is the Thai for House 4 Drugs or Drug Factory). In recent years his team of Scientology dsrug dealing fraudsters have been killing foreigners and assuming their identities then robbing their bank accounts. The "PALESTINE EXTREMISTS" who are the target of the Israeli forces are MR SOPHONPANICH'S SATANIC HEROIN DEALING SCIENTOLOGY ID FRAUIDSTERS. So please do everything you can do to assist Israel and the rest of the "Honest World" to rid your country and elsewhere of these Satanists who use the ID of others to cause major conflicts. The Scientologists train up children and adults to exactly copy the voices of another person. On the phone you cannot identify that is is a fruadster talking to you. Scienlogists are also involved in locating look-a-likes to enable the ThaiCIA-Secret-Police-Heroin-Sophonpanich-Mafia rob countries, banks,insurance companies and individuals estates. Beneficiary fraud is another one of their satanic crimes. They do this to distract attention so they have the opportunity within the chaos created to loot the assets of their target countries. here is some more information for you..... This evening I have received a continuing amount abuse and threats and psychological terrorism from the terrorists that plague Thailand callinmg themselves Mr Bakstir (Baxter). These terrorists who are also Heroin producers and dealers caused the 911 WTC air attack in New York, the corruption on Cuba in te 1950s attempts toill Fidel castro by poisoning his food overloading drinks etc with Aluminium sulphate, impregnating clothing and spiking the washing with dangerous chemicals and drugs, spraying dangerous toxins and spores from fungi into sleeping area of Fidel Castro and pouring bleach etc into water tanks etc. They are associated and directly involved in the killing of 600,000 Rwandan people in one year, the Zimbabwe financial problems, Nelson Mandela's 27 year jail term because thety spread lies about him and a lan for a foreign invasion of South Africa, turning Saddam Hussein into a Heroin addict by dismissing and threatening the principle (Dean) of Baghdad Hospital so their fake doctor Baxter could falsify a diagnosis of Diabetes to Saddam Hussein but prescribe Heroin instead of Insulin. They then had control and they orchestrated the invasion of Kuwait which they looted. They arranged the Lockerbie Pan Am Bombing as part of a hate/revenge attack upon Colonel Gaddafi of Libya. Their ancestors lied about the Jews to Adolph Hitler and turned hiteler against the Jews. They were the killers in the Cambodian "KILLING FIELDS GENOCIDE where 3.5 million people died. likewise they slaughter people in laos and burma and more recently 500,000 in Thailand. The Guildford Surrey pub bombings related to these people and a HATE CAMPAIGN AGAINST A GROUP WHO PREVENTED THE DISTRIBUTION OF HEROIN IN SURREY UNIVERSITY... This led to 2 pub bombings as usual they blamed others, in these cases the IRA.... They have arrived in mass in Pattaya again. Please please get The Royal Thai Police here in force together with some rocket launchers to remove this monster called Baxter. Earlier tonight 2nd Jan 2009 one man came to near a Boutique Hotel where I was being terrorised mentally by Mr Baxter and his Heroin dealers. The man held out handcuffs. he was nothing to do with any Police force he is a criminal and should be questioned concerning the location of Mr Baxter. I have ordered about 100 grenades with grenadelauncher from the military producer in China today. many children have been killed this problem of some Mafia people behaving like there is no Royal Thai Police and Mr baxter claiming the Royal Thai Police do not exist needs to be overcome by outside assistance for The Royal Thai Police and Thai people.

They keep trying to get others to rob me and keep takling girls away and intimidating people.

I am not leaving Pattaya until the Mafia are stamped out they are mass killers see the record of countries they have looted which includes Afghanistan, The United Kingdom, Zimbabwe, South Africa, The Phillipines, Egypt, Cuba, former Yugoslavia )(I think they caused the political and ethnic rift and were responsible for killing that Molosovich was blamed for doing). They killed the Russian Royal Family and they have kiled over 30 members of my family/friends in the last 4 years.


Erik Young (Henry-Rasmussen-Fogh) - Human Rights Ambassador My Great Grand Father was King Frederick of Denmark who bought land in about 20 countries during his lifetime. Some of this land and property was bought under an alias since he did not want his massive wealth to be too obvious. The United Nations c/o The Copenhagen Soi 13/3 Beach Road Pattaya Thailand 2009-04-01


A warning to those of you who continue to terrorise Mr Young. His lawyers will freeze ALL your assets and make application to bankrupt you your businesses and your agents and associates.

Republic of Uganda
SemboyanFor God and My Country
(Inggris: "Untuk Tuhan dan Negaraku")
Lokasi Uganda
Ibu kota
Bahasa resmiInggris
PemerintahanRepublik multipartai demokratik
 - Perairan (%)
 - Perkiraan 2006
27.810.000 (41)
 - Sensus Penduduk -
PDB (KKB)2005
 - Total
US$44,69 miliar (76)
US$1.728 (155)
Mata uangShilling
Zona waktu
 - Musim panas (DST)
Kode telepon256 1
Kode ISO 3166UG
Ranah Internet.ug
1. +006 dari Kenya dan Tanzania.
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Republik Uganda adalah sebuah negara di Afrika Timur. Negara yang mendapat julukan "Mutiara Afrika" oleh Winston Churchill ini berbatasan dengan Kenya di sebelah timur, Sudan di utara, Republik Demokratik Kongo di barat, Rwanda di barat daya, dan Tanzania serta Danau Victoria di selatan. Nama negara ini berasal dari kerajaan Buganda yang wilayahnya dahulu mencakup bagian selatan Uganda. Uganda terbagi kepada 70 distrik.


Pada mulanya Uganda dikuasai oleh beberapa suku-suku besar yang berprofesi sebagai pemburu. Suku terbesar adalah suku Baganda atau Buganda. Suku ini berhasil mendirikan sebuah kerajaan yang dipimpin oleh Kimera. Giovani Miani (seorang penjelajah dari Italia) adalah orang Eropa pertama yang menemukan Uganda pada tahun 1860.

Kemudian, para misionaris berdatangan. Pada tahun 1862 ditemukan situs Raja ke-30 dari Kerajaan Buganda yang ditengarai berkuasa pada abad ke-16. Pada abad ke-19, Uganda dikuasai oleh Inggris dan Mesir. Ketika itu Uganda menjadi salah satu provinsi Mesir bernama Equatoria. Penguasaan Equatoria oleh Mesir berakhir pada pemerintahan Emin Pasha pada tahun 1889 dan beralih ke tangan Inggris pada tahun 1890.

Perjuangan untuk memperoleh kemerdekaan dari Inggris dimulai pada tahun 1945-1949, yaitu ketika ada kerusuhan kaum proletar di Buganda. Pada 1953, Raja Mutesa II (Kabaka) diasingkan ke Inggris dan dikembalikan ke Uganda pada tahun 1955. Akhirnya pada 9 Oktober 1962, Uganda memnperoleh kemerdekaan dari Inggris.

Apollo Milton Obote terpilih sebagai perdana menteri pertama. Kabaka Edward Mutesa II (Raja Buganda) sebagai kepala negara. Pada tahun 1966 terjadi pembunuhan berdarah di istana, hingga akhirnya Milton Obote menghapuskan Kerajaan Buganda dan Kabaka Edward Mutesa II mengasingkan diri ke Inggris hingga wafat dalam kemiskinan selama tiga tahun.

Pada 25 Januari 1971, ketika Milton Obote menghadiri suatu konperensi di Singapora, Mayor Jendral Idi Amin mengambilalih kekuasaan. Pada pemerintahan ini Uganda sangat terkenal di dunia, karena Idi Amin melakukan banyak pembunuhan (sangat kejam) kepada lawan-lawan politiknya, khususnya yang berasal dari Acholi dan Langi. Diperkirakan sebanyak 300.000 orang dibunuh pada masa pemerintahannya. Ia berkuasa sampai tahun 1979.

Idi Amin dalam pecahan 10 shilling

Pada April1979, tentara pemberontak yang tidak menyukai kediktatoran Idi Amin, yang tergabung dalam Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA) dibantu oleh tentara Tanzania memasuki Kampala dan mengusir Idi Amin. Yusuf Lule menggantikan kedudukan Idi Amin selama dua bulan, lalu digantikan oleh Godfrey Binaisa selama sebelas bulan, yang akhirnya dikudeta, dan kedudukannya digantikan oleh Paul Muwanga yang berkuasa selama empat bulan sampai dengan 20 September 1980 untuk mempersiapkan pemilihan umum. Milton Obote terpilih kembali menjadi Presiden Uganda pada tanggal 11 Desember 1980. Milton Obote melakukan kebiasaan lamanya, yaitu berlaku diktator. Pada masa pemerintahannya diperkirakan 100.000 orang dibunuh.

Hal ini membuat Yoweri Museveni (dilahirkan di Bahima, sebelah barat Uganda pada tahun 1944) bersama 26-30 anak muda lainnya mulai merancang pemberontakan dengan membentuk The National Resistance Army (NRA). NRA berhasil membuat kekacauan, sehingga akhirnya Milton Obote berhasil digulingkan. Karena terjadi ketegangan konstitusi, parlemen akhirnya memutuskan Jendral Tito Okello menggantikan Milton Obote pada Juli 1985. Kedudukan Okello juga tak lebih baik, akhirnya dalam perjanjian yang diadakan di Kenya, Okello mengalah kepada Museveni. Pada 29 Januari 1986, Museveni disumpah sebagai Presiden Uganda. Pada 12 Maret 2001, Museveni terpilih kembali sebagai Presiden Uganda sampai tahun 2006.


Yoweri Museveni

Presiden Uganda Yoweri Museveni saat ini tampil sebagai kepala negara dan kepala pemerintahan. Presiden memberi tugas kepada Perdana Menteri Apolo Nsibambi untuk mengendalikan aids. Parlemen Nasional yang terdiri 303 anggota, sekitar 86 di antaranya memberikan dukungan untuk itu. Kaum wanita dan militer juga diperkenankan masuk di parlemen. Anggota sisanya dipilih untuk masa lima tahun dalam pemilu. Hanya 75% penduduk yang mengikuti pemilu.

Dalam rangka mengatasi kekerasan bermotif keagamaan, kegiatan partai-partai politik dibatasi mulai tahun 1986. Dalam sistem demokrasi tanpa partai yang dipelopori oleh Yoweri Museveni, partai politik masih ada tapi tidak boleh berkampanye pada pemilu atau langsung mencalonkan kandidat (walaupun kandidat itu bisa saja datang dari partai politik). Referendum tahun 2005 (bulan Juli) menghapus pembatasan politik multipartai yang telah berlangsung selama 19 tahun ini.


Peta Uganda

Walaupun tak berpantai, Uganda mempunyai beberapa danau besar, seperti Danau Victoria, danau Albert,danau Kyoga dan danau Edward. Negeri ini terletak di plateau Afrika Timur, kira-kira 900 m di atas permukaan laut. Pada umumnya Uganda beriklim tropis, tapi terdapat juga variasi. Uganda mempunyai beberapa pulau di danau Victoria. Kota-kota terpenting terletak di selatan di dekat danau Victoria termasuk ibukota Kampala dan kota di dekatnya Entebe.

Uganda terbagi dalam 70 distrik, 4 daerah administratif: Utara, Timur, Sentral dan Barat. Distrik ini dinamai menurut kota terbesarnya, misalnya kota Kampala terletak di distrik Kampala.

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