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Endotelial lipase

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Lipase endotelial (bahasa Inggris: endothelial lipase, lipase; triglyceride lipase; tributyrase; butyrinase; glycerol ester hydrolase; tributyrinase; Tween hydrolase; steapsin; triacetinase; tributyrin esterase; Tweenase; amno N-AP; Takedo 1969-4-9; Meito MY 30; Tweenesterase; GA 56; capalase L; triglyceride hydrolase; triolein hydrolase; tween-hydrolyzing esterase; amano CE; cacordase; triglyceridase; triacylglycerol ester hydrolase; amano P; amano AP; PPL; glycerol-ester hydrolase; GEH; meito Sangyo OF lipase; hepatic lipase; lipazin; post-heparin plasma protamine-resistant lipase; salt-resistant post-heparin lipase; heparin releasable hepatic lipase; amano CES; amano B; tributyrase; triglyceride lipase; liver lipase; hepatic monoacylglycerol acyltransferase, triacylglycerol acylhydrolase, EL, EC merupakan enzim dari jenis lipase hasil sekresi sel endotelial lebih memiliki aktivitas katalitik sebagai fosfolipase A1,[1] selain trigliserida-lipase dan fosfatidil kolina-lipase.[2] Sekresi berlebih dari EL akan menurunkan plasma HDL-C dan senyawa protein utama yang dikandungnya yaitu apolipoprotein A-I.[3] EL juga mencerap heparin,[4] dan meningkatkan kandungan kolesterol di dalam hati.[5]

Aktivitas EL terhadap HDL akan menghasilkan senyawa LPC 16:0, LPC 18:2, LPC 20:4 dan LPC 18:1.[6] Seringkali LPC 18:C bersifat pasif, namun jenis LPC yang lain aktif menstimulasi sekresi sitokina IL-8 aterogenik dan PGI-2 dari sel endotelial dan meningkatkan penyerapan Ca2+ ke dalam sitoplasma sel tersebut.[7]

ANGPTL-3 merupakan senyawa penghambat EL, berupa irisan protein dari lintasan proteolitik enzim proprotein konvertase yang disekresi oleh hati.[8]

  1. ^ (Inggris) "Endothelial lipase and cholesterol metabolism". Section of Cardiology and Atherosclerosis, Baylor College of Medicine; Cilingiroglu M, Ballantyne C. Diakses tanggal 2011-05-08. 
  2. ^ (Inggris) "Identification of the Active Form of Endothelial Lipase, a Homodimer in a Head-to-Tail Conformation". Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics, Cardiovascular Institute, and Institute for Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, NIAMS, National Institutes of Health, Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Nathalie Griffon, Weijin Jin, Thomas J. Petty, John Millar, Karen O. Badellino, Jeffery G. Saven, Dawn H. Marchadier, Ellis S. Kempner, Jeffrey Billheimer, Jane M. Glick, dan Daniel J. Rader. Diakses tanggal 2011-05-08. 
  3. ^ (Inggris) "A novel endothelial-derived lipase that modulates HDL metabolism". Cardiovascular Biology Department, Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Research and Development; Jaye M, Lynch KJ, Krawiec J, Marchadier D, Maugeais C, Doan K, South V, Amin D, Perrone M, Rader DJ. Diakses tanggal 2011-05-08. 
  4. ^ (Inggris) "Q9Y5X9 (LIPE_HUMAN) Reviewed". UniProt. Diakses tanggal 2011-05-01. 
  5. ^ (Inggris) "Hepatic SR-BI, not endothelial lipase, expression determines biliary cholesterol secretion in mice". Center for Liver, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Harmen Wiersma, Alberto Gatti, Niels Nijstad, Folkert Kuipers, dan Uwe J. F. Tietge. Diakses tanggal 2011-05-08. 
  6. ^ (Inggris) "Endothelial lipase (EL) and EL-generated lysophosphatidylcholines promote IL-8 expression in endothelial cells". Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Riederer M, Lechleitner M, Hrzenjak A, Koefeler H, Desoye G, Heinemann A, Frank S. Diakses tanggal 2011-05-08. 
  7. ^ (Inggris) "Acyl chain-dependent effect of lysophosphatidylcholine on endothelial prostacyclin production". Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, University of Helsinki; Riederer M, Ojala PJ, Hrzenjak A, Graier WF, Malli R, Tritscher M, Hermansson M, Watzer B, Schweer H, Desoye G, Heinemann A, Frank S. Diakses tanggal 2011-05-08. 
  8. ^ (Inggris) "Hepatic proprotein convertases modulate HDL metabolism". Department of Pharmacology, Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine; Jin W, Wang X, Millar JS, Quertermous T, Rothblat GH, Glick JM, Rader DJ. Diakses tanggal 2011-05-08.