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Baris 67: Baris 67:
Many societies throughout history have insisted that a [[marriage]] take place before the couple settle down, but enforcement of this rule or compliance with it has varied considerably. In some jurisdictions, when an unmarried man and woman [[cohabitation|live together]] long enough, they are deemed to have established a [[common-law marriage]].
Many societies throughout history have insisted that a [[marriage]] take place before the couple settle down, but enforcement of this rule or compliance with it has varied considerably. In some jurisdictions, when an unmarried man and woman [[cohabitation|live together]] long enough, they are deemed to have established a [[common-law marriage]].

Heteroseksisme adalah suatu bentuk [[bias]] atau [[diskriminasi]] terhadap seksualitas dan hubungan dua jenis kelamin yang berbeda. Dengan asumsi bahwa semua orang adalah heteroseksual dan terlibat dalam berbagai tingkatan diskriminasi terhadap gay, lesbian, biseksual, [[heterofleksible]], atau transgender.

Heteronormativitas menunjukkan atau berhubungan dengan suatu pandangan dunia yang mempromosikan heteroseksualitas sebagai orientasi seksual yang normal atau yang lebih dipilih oleh orang-orang. Hal ini kemungkinan akan menetapkan secara tegas peran gender pada pria dan wanita. Istilah ini dipopulerkan oleh [[Michael Warner]] di tahun 1991.<ref>Warner, Michael (1991), "Introduction: Fear of a Queer Planet". ''Social Text''; 9 (4 [29]): 3–17</ref>

==Sekutu heteroseksual==
{{utama|Sekutu straight}}
Seorang sekutu heteroseksual adalah seseorang yang heteroseksual, tetapi mendukung persamaan hak sipil bagi lesbian dan gay. Sekutu heteroseksual juga ikut mendukung gerakan sosial [[LGBT]].<ref>Emerging Issues in the 21st Century World-system: Volume 2 - Page 40, Wilma A. Dunaway - 2003</ref>

==Aspek religius==
The [[Judeo-Christian]] tradition has several scriptures related to heterosexuality. In [[Book of Genesis|Genesis]] 2:24, there is a commandment stating "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" ({{lds|Gen|gen|2|24}}) In [[1 Corinthians]], Christians are advised:

{{quote|Now for the matters you wrote about: It is good for a man not to marry. But since there is so much immorality, each man should have his own wife, and each woman her own husband. The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. I say this as a concession, not as a command. (NIV)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1%20Corinthians%207;&version=NIV |title=1 Corinthians 7; NIV - Concerning Married Life - Now for the |publisher=Bible Gateway |date= |accessdate=2013-10-11}}</ref> }}

For the most part, religious traditions in the world reserve marriage to heterosexual unions, but there are exceptions including certain Buddhist and Hindu traditions, [[Unitarian Universalist]], [[Metropolitan Community Church]] and some [[homosexuality and Anglicanism#Anglican Church of Canada|Anglican]] dioceses and some [[Quaker]], [[United Church of Canada]] and [[Reform Judaism|Reform Jewish]] congregations.<ref>"World Religions and Same Sex Marriage", Marriage Law Project, [[Columbus School of Law]] at The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC, July 2002 revision {{PDFlink|[http://marriagelaw.cua.edu/publications/wrr.pdf]{{dead link|date=October 2013}}|84.1&nbsp;KB}}</ref><ref name=united>[http://www.united-church.ca/exploring/marriage/affirmingcongregations Affirming Congregations and Ministries of the United Church of Canada]{{dead link|date=October 2013}}</ref>

Almost all religions believe sex between a man and a woman is allowed, but there are a few that believe that it is a sin, such as The [[Shakers]], The [[Harmony Society]], and The [[Ephrata Cloister]]. These religions tend to view all sexual relations as [[sin]]ful, and promote [[celibacy]]. Other religions view heterosexual relationships as being inferior to celibacy. Some religions require celibacy for certain roles, such as Catholic priests; however, the Catholic Church also views heterosexual marriage as sacred and necessary.<ref>[http://www.vatican.va/archive/catechism/p2s2c3a7.htm#I]{{dead link|date=October 2013}}</ref>


''Hetero-'' comes from the Greek word ''έτερος'' [héteros], meaning "other party" or "another",<ref>p.345, Klein</ref> used in science as a [[prefix]] meaning "different";<ref>"hetero." The American Heritage® Science Dictionary. Houghton Mifflin Company. 12 May. 2012. <Dictionary.com http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hetero>.</ref> and the Latin word for sex (that is, characteristic sex or [[sexual differentiation]]). The term "''heterosexual''" was first published in 1892 in [[Charles Gilbert Chaddock|C.G. Chaddock's]] translation of [[Richard von Krafft-Ebing|Krafft-Ebing's]] "[[Psychopathia Sexualis (book)#Psychopathia Sexualis|Psychopathia Sexualis]]". The noun came into use from early 1920s, but did not enter common use until 1960s. The colloquial shortening "hetero" is attested from 1933. The abstract noun "heterosexuality" is first recorded in 1900.<ref>p.22, Mills</ref> The word ''"heterosexual"'' was first listed in Merriam-Webster's ''New International Dictionary'' as a [[Medical terminology|medical term]] for "morbid sexual passion for one of the opposite sex"; however, in 1934 in their ''Second Edition Unabridged'' it is defined as a "manifestation of sexual passion for one of the opposite sex; normal sexuality". (p.&nbsp;92, Katz)
The adjective ''heterosexual'' is used for [[intimate relationship]]s or [[human sexual behavior|sexual relations]] between male and female.
The current use of the term ''heterosexual'' has its roots in the broader 19th century tradition of personality taxonomy. It continues to influence the development of the modern concept of sexual orientation, and can be used to describe individuals' sexual orientation, sexual history, or self-identification. Some reject the term "heterosexual" as the word only refers to one's sexual behavior and does not refer to non-sexual romantic feelings. The term "''heterosexual''" is suggested to have come into use as a [[neologism]] after, and opposite to the word "homosexual" by [[Karl Maria Kertbeny]] in 1868. In LGBT slang, the term "[[Breeder (slang)|breeder]]" has been used as a denigrating phrase to deride heterosexuals. Hyponyms of heterosexual include ''heteroflexible''.<ref>Porn.com: Making Sense of Online Pornography - Page 229, Feona Attwood - 2010</ref><ref>Patience: A Gay Man's Virtue - Page 80, La Lumiere - 2012</ref>
[[File:HeteroSym-pinkblue2.svg|thumb|upright|Salah satu versi simbol heteroseksualitas]]
The word can be informally<ref>"hetero." Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 12 May. 2012. [http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/hetero Dictionary.com].</ref> shortened to "hetero".<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/hetero |title=hetero |publisher=Merriam-Webster |date= |accessdate=2013-10-11}}</ref> The term "''straight''" originated as a mid-20th century [[gay slang]] term for heterosexuals, ultimately coming from the phrase "''to go straight''" (as in "straight and narrow"), or stop engaging in homosexual sex. One of the first uses of the word in this way was in 1941 by author G. W. Henry.<ref name=Henry>Henry, G. W. (1941). ''Sex Variants: A Study of Homosexual Patterns''. New York: Paul B. Hoeber</ref> Henry's book concerned conversations with homosexual males and used this term in connection with the reference to ''[[ex-gay]]s''. It currently simply is a colloquial term for "heterosexual" having, like many words, changed in primary meaning over time. Some object to usage of the term "''straight''" because it implies that non-heteros are crooked.<ref>Encyclopedia Of School Psychology - Page 298, T. Steuart Watson, Christopher H. Skinner - 2004</ref>
Heterosexual symbolism dates back to the earliest artifacts of humanity, with ritual fertility carvings and primitive art. This was later expressed in the symbolism of [[fertility rites]] and [[Polytheism#Historical polytheism|polytheistic worship]], which often included images of human [[Sex organ|reproductive organs]]. Modern symbols of heterosexuality in societies derived from European traditions still reference symbols used in these ancient beliefs. One such image is a combination of the symbol for [[Mars (mythology)|Mars]], the Roman god of war, as the definitive [[male]] symbol of masculinity, and [[Venus (mythology)|Venus]], the Roman goddess of love and beauty, as the definitive [[female]] symbol of femininity. The [[unicode]] character for this combined symbol is ⚤ (U+26A4).-->

==Lihat pula==
==Lihat pula==

Revisi per 4 Mei 2014 07.21

Seorang pria dan seorang wanita saling berpegangan tangan

Heteroseksualitas merupakan ketertarikan romantika, ketertarikan seksual, atau kebiasaan seksual antara orang-orang yang berbeda jenis kelamin atau gender menurut pasangan gender. Sebagai sebuah orientasi seksual, heteroseksualitas merujuk pada "suatu pola tetap atau watak untuk melakukan ketertarikan seksual, kasih sayang, fisik, atau romantika pada orang-orang yang berjenis kelamin berbesa"; juga merujuk pada "sebuah rasa identitas seseorang berdasarkan ketertarikan-ketertarikan tersebut, kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang berhubungan, dan keanggotaan dalam sebuah komunitas yang juga memiliki ketertarikan yang sama seperti itu".[1][2] Istilah ini biasanya diaplikasikan pada manusia, tetapi juga diamati pada semua mamalia.

Heteroseksualitas adalah satu dari tiga klasifikasi utama orientasi seksual, bersama dengan biseksualitas dan homoseksualitas. Ketiganya merupakan bagian dari Rangkaian kesatuan heteroseksual-homoseksual.

Istilah ini secara etimologi terbentuk dengan menambahkan bahasa Yunani έτερος heteros (memiliki arti "berbeda" atau "lain") sebagai imbuhan pada "seksualitas".

Sejarah dan demografi

Demografi dari orientasi seksual sulit untuk ditetapkan karena kurangnya data yang tersedia. Meskipun demikian, sikap dan kebiasaan dalam sejarah seksualitas manusia cukup bervariasi pada berbagai kebudayaan.

Studi akademis


Teori hormonal sebelum kelahiran

Neurobilogi dari maskulinisasi otak telah cukup dimengerti. Estradiol dan testosteron, yang dikatalisa oleh enzim 5α-reduktase menjadi dihidrotestosteron, berikatan dengan reseptor androgen di otak untuk membuatnya maskulin. Jika reseptor androgen terlalu sedikit (pada manusia yang mengidap sindrom androgen tidak sensitif) atau terlalu banyak (wanita dengan congenital adrenal hyperplasia), akan timbul efek secara fisik dan psikologi.[3] Telah diduga bahwa keheteroseksualan pria dan wanita merupakan hasil dari variasi proses tersebut.[4] Menurut penelitian ini, keheteroseksualan pada wanita berkaitan dengan rendahnya proses maskulinisasi pada otaknya dibandingkan dengan yang ditemukan pada wanita lesbian. Namun, pada pria heteroseksual, terdapat sejumlah penelitian yang mendukung bahwa proses maskulinisasinya lebih tinggi dibandingkan pria homoseksual, tetapi beberapa penelitian yang lain justru membuktikan sebaliknya.

Seleksi alam

Banyak kebiasaan manusia yang dipandang dapat dijelaskan secara sempurna dalam konteks seleksi alam. Dari sudut pandang ini, variasi fenotip antara hasrat heteroseksual dan homoseksual dalam setiap individu telah berkembang pada manusia, sebagaimana juga terjadi pada beberapa spesies lain. Hal ini merupakan wujud nyata adaptasi yang lebih baik, sebab tidak ada dokumentasi populasi manusia yang heteroseksual secara keseluruhan.

Kebiasaan heteroseksual pada hewan

Sebagian besar proses reproduksi di dunia binatang difasilitasi melalui hubungan heteroseksual, meskipun ada juga binatang yang bereproduksi secara aseksual, seperti protozoa dan hewan tak bertulang belakang berkelas rendah.[5]

Reproduksi secara seksual sebenarnya tidak membutuhkan suatu orientasi heteroseksual, sebab orientasi seksual merujuk pada pola tetap berjangka panjang terhadap ketertarikan seksual dan emosional yang membimbing pada suatu ikatan sosial yang biasanya juga berjangka panjang. Sementara itu, reproduksi seksual hanya membutuhkan tindakan dasar hubungan kelamin yang seringkali dilakukan hanya sekali setiap waktu.


Penelitian terhadap kebiasaan

Kodrat dan pola asuhan

Kritik atas penelitian

Sosial dan sejarah


Heteroseksisme adalah suatu bentuk bias atau diskriminasi terhadap seksualitas dan hubungan dua jenis kelamin yang berbeda. Dengan asumsi bahwa semua orang adalah heteroseksual dan terlibat dalam berbagai tingkatan diskriminasi terhadap gay, lesbian, biseksual, heterofleksible, atau transgender.


Heteronormativitas menunjukkan atau berhubungan dengan suatu pandangan dunia yang mempromosikan heteroseksualitas sebagai orientasi seksual yang normal atau yang lebih dipilih oleh orang-orang. Hal ini kemungkinan akan menetapkan secara tegas peran gender pada pria dan wanita. Istilah ini dipopulerkan oleh Michael Warner di tahun 1991.[6]

Sekutu heteroseksual

Seorang sekutu heteroseksual adalah seseorang yang heteroseksual, tetapi mendukung persamaan hak sipil bagi lesbian dan gay. Sekutu heteroseksual juga ikut mendukung gerakan sosial LGBT.[7]

Aspek religius





Salah satu versi simbol heteroseksualitas


Lihat pula

Catatan kaki

  1. ^ "What is sexual orientation?". APAHelpCenter.org. Diakses tanggal 2011-03-31. 
  2. ^ "APA California Amicus Brief" (PDF). Courtinfo.ca.gov. Diakses tanggal 2013-10-11. 
  3. ^ Vilain, E. (2000). Genetics of Sexual Development. Annual Review of Sex Research, 11:1–25
  4. ^ Wilson, G. and Rahman, Q., (2005). Born Gay. Chapter 5. London: Peter Owen Publishers
  5. ^ The Columbia Encyclopedia (Colum. Univ. Press, 5th ed. [casebound?] 1993 (ISBN 0-395-62438-X)), entry Reproduction.
  6. ^ Warner, Michael (1991), "Introduction: Fear of a Queer Planet". Social Text; 9 (4 [29]): 3–17
  7. ^ Emerging Issues in the 21st Century World-system: Volume 2 - Page 40, Wilma A. Dunaway - 2003


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