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Legislatif: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 80: Baris 80:
|colspan=2|<div align=center>[[National Assembly of Azerbaijan|National Assembly]] (''Milli Məclis'')
|colspan=2|<div align=center>[[National Assembly of Azerbaijan|National Assembly]] (''Milli Məclis'')
|rowspan=2 valign=top|{{flagicon|Bahamas}} [[The Bahamas|Bahamas, The]]
|rowspan=2 valign=top| {{flagcountry|Bahamas}} [[The Bahamas|Bahamas, The]]
|colspan=2|<div align=center>[[Parliament of the Bahamas|Parliament]]
|colspan=2|<div align=center>[[Parliament of the Bahamas|Parliament]]

Revisi per 13 September 2009 09.36

Legislatif adalah badan deliberatif pemerintah dengan kuasa membuat hukum. Legislatif dikenal dengan beberapa nama, yaitu parlemen, kongres, dan asembli nasional. Dalam sistem Parlemen, legislatif adalah badan tertinggi dan menujuk eksekutif. Dalam sistem Presiden, legislatif adalah cabang pemerintahan yang sama, dan bebas, dari eksekutif. Sebagai tambahan atas menetapkan hukum, legislatif biasanya juga memiliki kuasa untuk menaikkan pajak dan menerapkan budget dan pengeluaran uang lainnya. Legislatif juga kadangkala menulis perjanjian dan memutuskan perang.

Daftar Legislatif oleh Negara

Legislatif Supranasional

Organisasi Nama Legislatif
Mejelis Rendah Majelis Tinggi
 Uni Eropa

Legislatures of sovereign states

Nama Negara Nama Legislatif
Majelis Rendah Majelis Tinggi
House of the People (ولسي جرګه Wolesi Jirga)
House of Elders (مشرانوجرګه Meshrano Jirga)
Assembly of Albania (Kuvendi i Shqipërisë)
National People's Assembly (al-Majlis al-Sha'abi al-Watani)
Council of the Nation (al-Majlis al-Umma)
General Council of the Valleys (Consell General de les Valls)
National Assembly (Assembleia Nacional)
 Antigua dan Barbuda
Argentine National Congress (Congreso de la Nación Argentina)
Chamber of Deputies of the Nation (Cámara de Diputados de la Nación)
Senate of the Nation (Senado de la Nación)
National Assembly (Ազգային Ժողով Azgayin Zhoghov)
Federal Assembly (Bundesversammlung)
National Council (Nationalrat)
Federal Council (Bundesrat)
National Assembly (Milli Məclis)
 Bahama Bahamas, The
Assembly of Representatives (Majlis an-nuwab)
Consultative Assembly (Majlis al-shura)
House of the Nation (জাতীয় সংসদ Jatiyo Sangshad)
National Assembly (Нацыянальны Сход Natsiyanalny Shod)
Chamber of Representatives (Палата Прадстаўнікоў Palata Pradstawnikow)
Council of the Republic (Савет Рэспублікі Savet Respubliki)
Federal Parliament (Federale Parlement / Parlement Fédérale / Föderales Parliament)
Chamber of People's Representatives (Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers / Chambre des Représentants / Abgeordnetenkammer)
Senate (Senaat / Sénat / Senat)
National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale)
National Assembly (རྒྱལ་ཡོངས་ཚོགས་འདུ། Gyelyong Tshogdu)
National Council (རྒྱལ་ཡོངས་ཚོགས་སྡེ། Gyelyong Tshogde)
National Congress (Congreso Nacional)
Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados)
Chamber of Senators (Cámara de Senadores)
 Bosnia dan Herzegovina
Parliamentary Assembly (Parlamentarna Skupština)
House of Representatives ('Представнички Дом / Predstavnički Dom)
House of Peoples (Dom Naroda)
National Congress (Congresso Nacional)
Chamber of Deputies (Câmara dos Deputados)
Federal Senate (Senado Federal)
National Assembly (Народно събрание Narodno sabranie)
 Burkina Faso
National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale)
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
Senate (Sénat)
National Assembly (Radhsphea ney Preah Recheanachakr Kampuchea)
Senate (Sénat)[1]
National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale)
Parliament/ Parlement
House of Commons/ Chambre des communes
Senate / Sénat
 Tanjung Verde
National Assembly (Asembleia Nacional)
 Afrika Tengah
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
National Congress (Congreso Nacional)
Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados)
Senate of the Republic (Senado de la República)
Tiongkok China, People's Republic of
National People's Congress (全国人民代表大会 Quánguó Rénmín Dàibiǎo Dàhuì) [4]
Congress (Congreso)
House of Representatives (Cámara de Representantes)
Senate (Senado)
Assembly of the Union (Assemblée de la Union)
Republik Demokratik Kongo Congo, Democratic Republic of the
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
Senate (Sénat)
Republik Kongo Congo, Republic of the
Parliament (Parlement)
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
Senate (Sénat)
 Kosta Rika
Legislative Assembly (Asamblea Legislativa)
 Pantai Gading
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
Croatian Assembly[3] (Hrvatski sabor)
National Assembly of People's Power (Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular)
House of Representatives (Βουλή των Αντιπροσώπων Vouli Antiprosópon / Temsilciler Meclisi)[5]
Parliament of the Czech Republic (Parlament České republiky)
Chamber of Deputies (Poslanecká sněmovna)
Senate (Senát)
Parliament[3] (Folketing)
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
 Republik Dominika
National Congress (Congreso Nacional)
Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados)
Senate (Senado)
 Timor Leste
National Parliament (Parlamenta Nacional)
National Congress (Congreso Nacional)
People's Assembly (مجلس الشعب Majilis Al-Sha’ab)
Consultative Council (مجلس الشورى Majilis Al-Shura)
 El Salvador
Legislative Assembly (Asamblea Legislativa)
 Guinea Khatulistiwa
House of People's Representatives (Cámara de Representantes del Pueblo)
National Assembly (Hagerawi Baito)
State Assembly[3] (Riigikogu)
House of People's Representatives (የሕዝብ ተወካዮች ምክር ቤት Yehizbtewekayoch Mekir Bet)
House of Federation (የፌዴሬሽን ምክር ቤት Yefedereshn Mekir Bet)
Parliament (Eduskunta)[6]
Parliament (Parlement)
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
Senate (Sénat)
Parliament (Parlement)
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
Senate (Sénat)
Gambia Gambia, The
Parliament of Georgia (საქართველოს პარლამენტი Sak'art'velos Parlamenti)
Federal Diet[3] (Bundestag)
Federal Council[3] (Bundesrat)
Hellenic Parliament[3] (Βουλή των Ελλήνων Vouli ton Ellinon)
Congress of the Republic (Congreso de la República)
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
National People's Assembly (Assembleia Nacional Popular)
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
Chamber of Deputies (Chambre des Députés)
Senate (Sénat)
National Congress (Congreso Nacional)
National Assembly (Országgyűlés)
Assembly of All[3] (Alþingi)
Parliament (Sansad)
Council of States[3] (Rajya Sabha)
People's Consultative Assembly (Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat)
People's Representative Council (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat)
Regional Representatives Council (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah)
Assembly[3] (مجلس Majlis)
Council of Representatives of Iraq[3] (مجلس النواب العراقي Majlis Al-Niwab Al-Iraqi)
Republik Irlandia Ireland
Parliament[3] (Oireachtas)
Dáil Éireann(Chamber of Deputies of Ireland)
Senate of Ireland[3] (Seanad Éireann)
Assembly[3] (כנסת Knesset)
Italian Parliament (Parlamento Italiano)
Chamber of Deputies (Camera dei Deputati)
Senate of the Republic (Senato della Repubblica)
Diet (国会 Kokkai)
House of Representatives (衆議院 Shūgiin)
House of Councillors (参議院 Sangiin)
National Assembly (مجلس الأمة Majlis al-Umma)
Assembly of Deputies (مجلس النواب Majlis al-Nuwaab)
Assembly of Senators (مجلس الأعيان Majlis al-Aayan)
Parliament (Parlamenti)
Assembly[3] (Mazhilis)
House of Assembly (Maneaba ni Maungatabu)
Korea Utara Korea, North
Supreme People's Assembly (최고인민회의 Ch'oe-go In-min Hoe-ŭi)
Korea Selatan Korea, South
National Assembly (국회 Gukhoe)
National Assembly (مجلس الأمة Majlis al-Umma)
Supreme Council (Joghorku Keneš)
Legisative Assembly (Myizam Chygaruu Jyiyny)
National Assembly (Sapha Heng Xat)
Parliament[3] (Saeima)
Assembly of Deputies (مجلس النواب Majlis an-Nuwwab)[7]
General People's Congress (مؤتمر الشعب العام الليبي Mu'tammar al-sha'ab al 'âmm)
Diet[3] (Landtag)
Parliament[3] (Seimas)
Chamber of Deputies (Châmber vun Députéirten)[8]
Makedonia Utara Macedonia, Republic of
Assembly (Собрание Sobranie)
National Assembly (Antenimieram-Pirenena)[9]
Senate (Sénat)
Parliament (Parlimen)
Senate[11] (Dewan Negara)
Assembly[3] (Majlis)
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
House of Representatives (Il-Kamra tar-Rappreżentanti)
 Kepulauan Marshall
Legislature (Nitijela)
Parliament (Barlamene)
National Assembly (Al Jamiya al-Wataniyah)
Assembly of Senators (Majlis al-Shuyukh)
Congress of the Union (Congreso de la Unión)
Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados)
Chamber of Senators (Cámara de Senadores)
Federasi Mikronesia Micronesia, Federated States of
Parliament (Parlamentul)
National Council (Conseil National)
State Great Assembly[12] (Улсын Их Хурал Ulsyn Ich-Chural)
Assembly (Skupština / Скупштина)
Assembly of Representatives (Majlis al-Nuwab)
Assembly of Councillors (Majlis al-Mustasharin)
Assembly of the Republic (Assembleia da República)
States-General (Staten-Generaal)
House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer, Second Chamber)
Senate (Eerste Kamer, First Chamber)
 Selandia Baru
National Assembly (Asamblea Nacional)
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
Great Assembly[3] (Storting)
Consultative Assembly[14] (Majlis al-Shura)
Assembly of State[15] (Majlis al-Dawla)
Assembly of Councillors (Majlis-e-Shoora)
National Congress (Olbiil era Kelulau)
National Assembly (Asamblea Nacional)
 Papua Nugini
Congress (Congreso)
Chamber of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados)
Chamber of Senators( Cámara de Senadores)
Congress of the Republic (Congreso de la República)
Congress of the Philippines (Kongreso ng Pilipinas)
House of Representatives (Kapulungan ng mga Kinatawan)
Senate (Senado)
National Assembly (Zgromadzenie Narodowe)[16]
Senate (Senat)
Assembly of the Republic (Assembleia da República)
Consultative Assembly[17] (Majlis ash-Shura)
Parliament (Parlamentul)
Chamber of Deputies (Camera Deputaţilor)
Senate (Senat)
Federal Assembly (Федеральное Собрание Federalnoye Sobraniye)
State Duma[3] (Государственная Дума Gosudarstvennaya Duma)
Federation Council (Совет Федерации Soviet Federatsii)
Parliament (Inteko Ishinga Amategeko)
Chamber of Deputies (Umutwe w'Abadepite)
Senate (Umutwe wa Sena)
 Saint Kitts dan Nevis
 Saint Lucia
 Saint Vincent dan Grenadine
 San Marino
Grand and General Council (Consiglio Grande e Generale)
 Sao Tome dan Principe
National Assembly (Assembleia Nacional)
 Arab Saudi
Consultative Assembly[18] (Majlis ash-Shura)
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
National Assembly (Народна скупштина / Narodna Skupština)
 Sierra Leone
National Council (Národná rada)
Parliament (Parlament)
National Assembly (Državni zbor)
National Council (Državni svet)
 Kepulauan Solomon
 Afrika Selatan
General Courts[3] (Cortes Generales)
Congress of Deputies (Congreso de los Diputados)
Senate (Senado)
 Sri Lanka
Parliament (ශ්‍රී ලංකා පාර්ලිමේන්තුව (Sinhala)/

இலங்கை பாராளுமன்றம் (Tamil))[1]

National Assembly (Majlis Watani)
Assembly of States (Majlis Welayat)
National Assembly (Nationale Assemblée)
Parliament (Liblanda)
Diet[3] (Riksdag)
People's Assembly (Majlis al-Sha'ab)
Federal Assembly (Bundesversammlung, Assemblée fédérale, Assemblea federale)
National Council (Nationalrat, Conseil National, Consiglio Nazionale)
Council of States (Ständerat, Conseil des Etats, Consiglio degli Stati)
 Republic of China (Taiwan)
Legislative Yuan (立法院 Lìfǎ Yùan)
Supreme Assembly (Majlisi Oli)
Assembly of Representatives (Majlisi Mamoyandogan)
National Assembly (Majlisi Milliy)
National Assembly (รัฐสภา ;Rathasapha)
House of Representatives (สภาผู้แทนราษฎร ; Saphaputhan Ratsadon)
Senate (วุฒิสภา ;Wuthisapha)
National Assembly (Assemblée nationale)
 Trinidad dan Tobago
Assembly of Deputies (Majlis al-Nuwaab)
Grand National Assembly of Turkey (Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi)
Assembly (Mejlis)
Parliament (Palamene)
Supreme Council (Верховна Рада Verkhovna Rada)
 Uni Emirat Arab
Federal National Assembly (المجلس الوطني الإتحادي Majlis Watani Ittihad)
 Britania Raya
 Amerika Serikat
General Assembly (Asamblea General)
Chamber of Representatives (Cámara de Diputados)
Chamber of Senators (Cámara de Senadores)
Supreme Assembly (Oliy Majlis)
Parliament (Parlement)
National Assembly (Asamblea Nacional)
National Assembly (Quoc Hoi)
 Sahara Barat (SADR)
Assembly of Representatives (Majlis al-Nuwaab)

Legislatures of non sovereign countries, dependencies and other territories

Territory Overall name of legislature
Lower house Upper house
Law Assembly[3] (Lagtinget)
 Samoa Amerika
Estates (Staten)
 Kepulauan Virgin Britania Raya
 Kepulauan Cayman
 Kepulauan Cook
 Kepulauan Falkland
 Kepulauan Faroe
Law Assembly[3] (Løgtingið)
 Polinesia Prancis
Assembly of French Polynesia (Assemblée de la Polynésie française)
Assembly (Inatsisartut)[19]
Legislature of Guam (Liheslaturan Guåhan)
States (États)
 Hong Kong
Legislative Council (立法會)
 Pulau Man
Tynwald (Tinvaal)
House of Keys (Kiare as Feed)
Legislative Council (Yn Choonceil Slattyssagh)
States (États)
Assembly of Kosovo (bahasa Albania: Kuvendi i Kosovës, Serbian: Скупштина Косова)
Legislative Assembly (立法會, Assembleia Legislativa)
General Council (conseil général)
 Antillen Belanda
Estates (Staten)
 Kaledonia Baru
Territorial Congress (Congrès Territorial)
 Pulau Norfolk
Britania Raya Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Assembly (Tionól Thuaisceart Éireann, Norlin Airlann Semmlie)
 Kepulauan Mariana Utara
 Kepulauan Pitcairn
 Puerto Riko
Legislative Assembly (Asamblea Legislativa)
House of Representatives (Cámara de Representantes)
Senate (Senado)
 Republika Srpska
National Assembly (Народна скупштина / Narodna skupština)
Territorial Council (conseil territorial)
 Saint Helena
Territorial Council (conseil territorial)
Scottish Parliament (Pàrlamaid na h-Alba)
 Sudan Selatan
 Kepulauan Turks dan Caicos
 Kepulauan Virgin AS
National Assembly of Wales (Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru)
 Wallis dan Futuna
Territorial Assembly (Assemblée Territoriale)

Legislatures of unrecognized states

Unrecognized state Overall name of legislature
Lower house Upper house
People's Assembly (Жәлар Реизара, Zhelar Reizara)
 Republik Artsakh
National Assembly (Azgayin Zhoghov)
 Northern Cyprus
Assembly of the Republic (Cumhuriyet Meclisi)
Negara Palestina Palestinian National Authority
Parliament (Baarlamaanka)
House of Representatives (Golaha Wakiilada)
House of Elders (Golaha Guurtida)
 Ossetia Selatan
Supreme Soviet (Верховный Совет, Verhkovny Sovet)
 Sahara Barat (Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic)
Sahrawi National Council (المجلس الوطني الصحراوي Al-Majlis al-watani al-sahrawi)

Lihat pula

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w Native name not available
  2. ^ a b The head of state is a constituent part of the parliament too.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac The native name is also used in English.
  4. ^ The PRC has also a Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (中国人民政治协商会议 Zhōngguó Rénmín Zhèngzhì Xiéshāng Huìyì), which is a political advisory body but not a legislature.
  5. ^ Also: Temsilciler Meclisi
  6. ^ Also: Riksdag
  7. ^ Also: National Assembly (Assemblée Nationale)
  8. ^ Also: Chambre des Députés
  9. ^ Also: Assemblée nationale
  10. ^ Transliterally, People's Hall
  11. ^ Transliterally, Nation's Hall
  12. ^ In English State Great Khural is used too.
  13. ^ The elected People's Assembly (Pyithu Hluttaw) never convened, so didn't became the legislature.
  14. ^ The Consultative Assembly has only consultative tasks
  15. ^ The Assembly of State has only consultative tasks
  16. ^ Name used only on those rare occasions when both houses sit together
  17. ^ The Consultative Assembly has only consultative task
  18. ^ The appointed Consultative Assembly has only legislative tasks
  19. ^ Also: Landsting