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Revisi sejak 1 Desember 2022 21.39 oleh Carolina Mahadewi Malin (bicara | kontrib) (merombak ulang)

Kota atau dalam ejaan lama di bahasa Indonesia disebut Kotamadya adalah sebuah pemukiman manusia yang besar.[1][2][a] Kota kecil dapat disebut Kota praja, kota besar disebut Megalopolis, perkumpulan kota besar disebut Konurbasi, perkumpulan beberapa kota besar dan kota kecil disebut Kawasan Perkotaan, perkumpulan aglomerasi kawasan perkotaan disebut Metropolitan, perkumpulan kawasan metropolitan disebut Megakota, dan kawasan setengah kota–setengah desa dapat disebut Desakota. Ini dapat didefinisikan sebagai tempat permanen dan berpenduduk padat dengan batas-batas yang ditentukan secara administratif yang anggotanya bekerja terutama pada tugas-tugas non-pertanian.[3] Pemimpin kota kadang disebut Wali kota atau Duma Kota dalam pemerintahan Federasi Rusia. Kota umumnya memiliki sistem yang luas untuk perumahan, transportasi, sanitasi, daya guna, penggunaan lahan, produksi barang, dan komunikasi. Kepadatan mereka memfasilitasi interaksi antara orang-orang, organisasi pemerintah dan bisnis, terkadang menguntungkan pihak yang berbeda dalam prosesnya, seperti meningkatkan efisiensi distribusi barang dan jasa.

Secara historis, penduduk kota telah menjadi bagian kecil dari umat manusia secara keseluruhan, tetapi setelah dua abad yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dan urbanisasi yang sangat cepat, lebih dari separuh populasi dunia sekarang tinggal di kota-kota, yang memiliki konsekuensi mendalam bagi keberlanjutan global.[4][5] Kota masa kini biasanya membentuk inti dari wilayah metropolitan dan wilayah perkotaan yang lebih besar—menciptakan banyak komuter yang bepergian menuju pusat kota untuk mencari pekerjaan, hiburan, dan pendidikan. Namun, dalam dunia globalisasi yang semakin intensif, semua kota pada tingkat yang berbeda-beda juga terhubung secara global di luar wilayah ini.

Pengaruh yang meningkat ini berarti bahwa kota juga memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap isu-isu global, seperti pembangunan berkelanjutan, pemanasan global, dan kesehatan global. Karena pengaruh besar terhadap isu-isu global tersebut, masyarakat internasional telah memprioritaskan investasi di kota-kota melalui tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Karena efisiensi transportasi dan konsumsi lahan yang lebih kecil, kota padat memiliki potensi untuk memiliki jejak ekologi yang lebih kecil per penduduk daripada daerah yang jarang penduduknya.[6] Oleh karena itu, kota kompak sering disebut sebagai elemen penting dalam memerangi perubahan iklim.[7] Namun, konsentrasi ini juga dapat memiliki konsekuensi negatif yang signifikan, seperti membentuk pulau panas perkotaan, memusatkan polusi, dan menekankan pasokan air dan sumber daya lainnya.

Moskwa, Rusia
London, Inggris
Jakarta, Indonesia

Ciri-ciri penting lainnya dari kota-kota selain populasi termasuk status ibu kota dan pendudukan kota yang relatif berlanjut. Misalnya, ibu kota negara seperti Beijing, London, Meksiko City, Moskwa, Nairobi, New Delhi, Paris, Roma, Athena, Seoul, Singapura, Tokyo, Manila, dan Washington, D.C. mencerminkan identitas dan puncak bangsanya masing-masing.[8] Beberapa ibu kota bersejarah, seperti Kyoto dan Xi'an, mempertahankan refleksi identitas budaya mereka bahkan tanpa status modal modern. Situs-situs suci keagamaan menawarkan contoh lain status modal dalam suatu agama, Yerusalem, Makkah, Benares, Ayodhya, Haridwar, dan Prayagraj masing-masing memiliki arti penting.


Peta Piraeus, dirancang menurut rencana Hippodameia (kisi).
Palitana mewakili fungsi simbolis kota secara ekstrem, dikhususkan untuk kuil Jain.[9]

Sebuah kota dapat dibedakan dari pemukiman manusia lainnya dengan ukurannya yang relatif besar, tetapi juga dengan fungsi dan status simbolisnya yang khusus, yang dapat diberikan oleh otoritas pusat. Istilah ini juga dapat merujuk pada fisik jalan dan bangunan kota atau untuk kumpulan orang yang tinggal disana, dan dapat digunakan dalam pengertian umum berarti wilayah perkotaan daripada pedesaan.[10][11]

Sensus nasional menggunakan berbagai definisi–faktor pemicu seperti populasi, kepadatan populasi, jumlah tempat tinggal, fungsi ekonomi, dan infrastruktur–untuk mengklasifikasikan populasi sebagai perkotaan. Definisi kerja tipikal untuk populasi kota kecil mulai dari sekitar 100.000 orang.[12] Definisi populasi umum untuk daerah perkotaan (kota atau kota) berkisar antara 1.500 dan 50.000 orang, dengan sebagian besar negara bagian Amerika Serikat menggunakan minimum antara 1.500 dan 5.000 penduduk.[13][14]

Beberapa yurisdiksi tidak menetapkan minimum seperti itu.[15] Di Britania Raya, status kota diberikan oleh Mahkota dan kemudian tetap secara permanen. Secara historis, faktor kualifikasinya adalah adanya katedral, yang menghasilkan beberapa kota yang sangat kecil seperti Wells, dengan populasi 12.000 hingga tahun 2018 dan Saint Davids, dengan populasi 1.841 hingga tahun 2011. Menurut "definisi fungsional", sebuah kota tidak dibedakan berdasarkan ukurannya saja, tetapi juga oleh peran yang dimainkannya dalam konteks politik yang lebih besar. Kota berfungsi sebagai pusat administrasi, komersial, agama, dan budaya untuk wilayah sekitarnya yang lebih besar.[16][17] Contoh pemukiman dengan nama "kota" yang mungkin tidak memenuhi salah satu kriteria tradisional untuk diberi nama seperti Broad Top City di Pennsylvania (populasi 452 orang).

Kehadiran elit terpelajar terkadang dimasukkan dalam definisi.[18] Kota yang khas memiliki administrator profesional, peraturan, dan beberapa bentuk perpajakan (makanan dan kebutuhan atau sarana lain untuk berdagang untuk mereka) untuk mendukung para pegawai pemerintah. Pengaturan ini kontras dengan hubungan horizontal yang lebih khas dalam suatu suku atau desa mencapai tujuan bersama melalui kesepakatan informal antara tetangga, atau melalui kepemimpinan seorang kepala suku. Pemerintahan bisa berdasarkan keturunan, agama, kekuatan militer, sistem kerja seperti pembangunan kanal, distribusi makanan, kepemilikan tanah, pertanian, perdagangan, manufaktur, keuangan, atau kombinasi dari semuanya. Masyarakat yang hidup di kota sering disebut peradaban.

Tingkat urbanisasi adalah metrik modern untuk membantu menentukan apa yang terdiri dari sebuah kota: "populasi setidaknya 50.000 jiwa dalam sel jaringan padat yang berdekatan (>1,500 penduduk per kilometer persegi)".[19] Metrik ini dirancang selama bertahun-tahun oleh Komisi Eropa, OECD, Bank Dunia, dan yang lainnya. Kemudian disahkan pada bulan Maret 2021 oleh Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa yang sebagian besar untuk tujuan perbandingan statistik internasional.[20]


Kata kota dan civilization terkait berasal dari akar bahasa Latin civitas, awalnya memiliki arti 'kewarganegaraan' atau 'anggota masyarakat' dan akhirnya datang untuk menyesuaikan dengan urbanisasi, berarti 'kota' dalam arti yang lebih fisik.[10] Rumpun bahasa roman untuk civitas terkait erat dengan bahasa Yunani polis—akar umum lain yang muncul dalam kata-kata bahasa Inggris seperti metropolis.[21]

Dalam terminologi toponim, nama masing-masing kota dan desa disebut astionim (dari bahasa Yunani Kuno ἄστυ 'kota atau kota praja' dan ὄνομα 'nama').


Sebuah gapura dari peradaban Sumeria kuno yaitu Ur, yang berkembang pada milenium ketiga SM, dapat dilihat di Tell el-Mukayyar sekarang di Irak
Mohenjo-daro, sebuah kota peradaban Lembah Indus di Pakistan, yang dibangun kembali enam kali atau lebih, menggunakan batu bata dengan ukuran standar, dan mengikuti tata letak kisi yang sama—juga pada milenium ketiga SM.
Pandangan udara dari apa yang dulunya pusat kota Teotihuacan menunjukkan Piramida Matahari, Piramida Bulan, dan jalan prosesi yang berfungsi sebagai tulang punggung sistem jalan kota.

Kota-kota di Yerikho, Aleppo, Al-Fayyum, Yerevan, Athena, Damaskus dan Argos termasuk di antara mereka yang mengklaim tinggal terus-menerus terlama.

Kota-kota yang dicirikan oleh kepadatan penduduk, fungsi simbolis, dan tata kota, telah ada selama ribuan tahun.[22] Dalam pandangan konvensional, peradaban dan kota sama-sama mengikuti perkembangan pertanian, yang memungkinkan produksi makanan surplus, dan dengan demikian pembagian kerja sosial.

Zaman kuno

Recreation of Ancient Rome at its height. The city was the first in the world to reach one million inhabitants.

Jericho and Çatalhöyük, dated to the eighth millennium BC, are among the earliest proto-cities known to archaeologists.[23][24] However, the Mesopotamian city of Uruk from the mid fourth millennium BC (ancient Iraq) is considered by some to be the first true City, with its name attributed to the Uruk period.[25][26][27]

In the fourth and third millennium BC, complex civilizations flourished in the river valleys of Mesopotamia, India, China, and Egypt.[28][29] Excavations in these areas have found the ruins of cities geared variously towards trade, politics, or religion. Some had large, dense populations, but others carried out urban activities in the realms of politics or religion without having large associated populations.

Among the early Old World cities, Mohenjo-daro of the Indus Valley civilization in present-day Pakistan, existing from about 2600 BC, was one of the largest, with a population of 50,000 or more and a sophisticated sanitation system.[30] China's planned cities were constructed according to sacred principles to act as celestial microcosms.[31]

The Ancient Egyptian cities known physically by archaeologists are not extensive.[16] They include (known by their Arab names) El Lahun, a workers' town associated with the pyramid of Senusret II, and the religious city Amarna built by Akhenaten and abandoned. These sites appear planned in a highly regimented and stratified fashion, with a minimalistic grid of rooms for the workers and increasingly more elaborate housing available for higher classes.[32]

In Mesopotamia, the civilization of Sumer, followed by Assyria and Babylon, gave rise to numerous cities, governed by kings and fostering multiple languages written in cuneiform.[33] The Phoenician trading empire, flourishing around the turn of the first millennium BC, encompassed numerous cities extending from Tyre, Cydon, and Byblos to Carthage and Cádiz.

In the following centuries, independent city-states of Greece, especially Athens, developed the polis, an association of male landowning citizens who collectively constituted the city.[34] The agora, meaning "gathering place" or "assembly", was the center of athletic, artistic, spiritual and political life of the polis.[35] Rome was the first city that surpassed one million inhabitants. Under the authority of its empire, Rome transformed and founded many cities (coloniae), and with them brought its principles of urban architecture, design, and society.[36]

In the ancient Americas, early urban traditions developed in the Andes and Mesoamerica. In the Andes, the first urban centers developed in the Norte Chico civilization, Chavin and Moche cultures, followed by major cities in the Huari, Chimu and Inca cultures. The Norte Chico civilization included as many as 30 major population centers in what is now the Norte Chico region of north-central coastal Peru. It is the oldest known civilization in the Americas, flourishing between the 30th and 18th centuries BC.[37] Mesoamerica saw the rise of early urbanism in several cultural regions, beginning with the Olmec and spreading to the Preclassic Maya, the Zapotec of Oaxaca, and Teotihuacan in central Mexico. Later cultures such as the Aztec, Andean civilization, Mayan, Mississippians, and Pueblo peoples drew on these earlier urban traditions. Many of their ancient cities continue to be inhabited, including major metropolitan cities such as Mexico City, in the same location as Tenochtitlan; while ancient continuously inhabited Pueblos are near modern urban areas in New Mexico, such as Acoma Pueblo near the Albuquerque metropolitan area and Taos Pueblo near Taos; while others like Lima are located nearby ancient Peruvian sites such as Pachacamac.

Jenné-Jeno, located in present-day Mali and dating to the third century BC, lacked monumental architecture and a distinctive elite social class—but nevertheless had specialized production and relations with a hinterland.[38] Pre-Arabic trade contacts probably existed between Jenné-Jeno and North Africa.[39] Other early urban centers in sub-Saharan Africa, dated to around 500 AD, include Awdaghust, Kumbi-Saleh the ancient capital of Ghana, and Maranda a center located on a trade route between Egypt and Gao.[40]

Middle Ages

Vyborg in Leningrad Oblast, Russia has existed since the 13th century
Old town of Utrecht, Netherlands
Imperial Free Cities in the Holy Roman Empire 1648
This map of Haarlem, the Netherlands, created around 1550, shows the city completely surrounded by a city wall and defensive canal, with its square shape inspired by Jerusalem.

In the remnants of the Roman Empire, cities of late antiquity gained independence but soon lost population and importance. The locus of power in the West shifted to Constantinople and to the ascendant Islamic civilization with its major cities Baghdad, Cairo, and Córdoba.[41] From the 9th through the end of the 12th century, Constantinople, capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, was the largest and wealthiest city in Europe, with a population approaching 1 million.[42][43] The Ottoman Empire gradually gained control over many cities in the Mediterranean area, including Constantinople in 1453.

In the Holy Roman Empire, beginning in the 12th century, free imperial cities such as Nuremberg, Strasbourg, Frankfurt, Basel, Zurich, Nijmegen became a privileged elite among towns having won self-governance from their local lord or having been granted self-governanace by the emperor and being placed under his immediate protection. By 1480, these cities, as far as still part of the empire, became part of the Imperial Estates governing the empire with the emperor through the Imperial Diet.[44]

By the 13th and 14th centuries, some cities become powerful states, taking surrounding areas under their control or establishing extensive maritime empires. In Italy medieval communes developed into city-states including the Republic of Venice and the Republic of Genoa. In Northern Europe, cities including Lübeck and Bruges formed the Hanseatic League for collective defense and commerce. Their power was later challenged and eclipsed by the Dutch commercial cities of Ghent, Ypres, and Amsterdam.[45] Similar phenomena existed elsewhere, as in the case of Sakai, which enjoyed a considerable autonomy in late medieval Japan.

In the first millennium AD, the Khmer capital of Angkor in Cambodia grew into the most extensive preindustrial settlement in the world by area,[46][47] covering over 1,000 km2 and possibly supporting up to one million people.[46][48]

Early modern

In the West, nation-states became the dominant unit of political organization following the Peace of Westphalia in the seventeenth century.[49][50] Western Europe's larger capitals (London and Paris) benefited from the growth of commerce following the emergence of an Atlantic trade. However, most towns remained small.

During the Spanish colonization of the Americas the old Roman city concept was extensively used. Cities were founded in the middle of the newly conquered territories, and were bound to several laws regarding administration, finances and urbanism.

Industrial age

The industrial-based city of Tampere on the shores of the Tammerkoski rapids in 1837.

The growth of modern industry from the late 18th century onward led to massive urbanization and the rise of new great cities, first in Europe and then in other regions, as new opportunities brought huge numbers of migrants from rural communities into urban areas.

Diorama of old Gyumri, Armenia with the Holy Saviour's Church (1859–1873)
Small city Gyöngyös in Hungary in 1938.

England led the way as London became the capital of a world empire and cities across the country grew in locations strategic for manufacturing.[51] In the United States from 1860 to 1910, the introduction of railroads reduced transportation costs, and large manufacturing centers began to emerge, fueling migration from rural to city areas.

Industrialized cities became deadly places to live, due to health problems resulting from overcrowding, occupational hazards of industry, contaminated water and air, poor sanitation, and communicable diseases such as typhoid and cholera. Factories and slums emerged as regular features of the urban landscape.[52]

Post-industrial age

In the second half of the twentieth century, deindustrialization (or "economic restructuring") in the West led to poverty, homelessness, and urban decay in formerly prosperous cities. America's "Steel Belt" became a "Rust Belt" and cities such as Detroit, Michigan, and Gary, Indiana began to shrink, contrary to the global trend of massive urban expansion.[53] Such cities have shifted with varying success into the service economy and public-private partnerships, with concomitant gentrification, uneven revitalization efforts, and selective cultural development.[54] Under the Great Leap Forward and subsequent five-year plans continuing today, China has undergone concomitant urbanization and industrialization and to become the world's leading manufacturer.[55][56]

Amidst these economic changes, high technology and instantaneous telecommunication enable select cities to become centers of the knowledge economy.[57][58][59] A new smart city paradigm, supported by institutions such as the RAND Corporation and IBM, is bringing computerized surveillance, data analysis, and governance to bear on cities and city-dwellers.[60] Some companies are building brand new masterplanned cities from scratch on greenfield sites.


  1. ^ Goodall, B. (1987) The Penguin Dictionary of Human Geography. London: Penguin.
  2. ^ Kuper, A. and Kuper, J., eds (1996) The Social Science Encyclopedia. 2nd edition. London: Routledge.
  3. ^ Caves, R. W. (2004). Encyclopedia of the City. Routledge. hlm. 99. 
  4. ^ Ritchie, Hannah; Roser, Max (13 June 2018). "Urbanization". Our World in Data (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 29 October 2020. Diakses tanggal 14 February 2021. 
  5. ^ James, Paul; with Magee, Liam; Scerri, Andy; Steger, Manfred B. (2015). Urban Sustainability in Theory and Practice: Circles of Sustainability. London: Routledge. ISBN 9781315765747. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 1 March 2020. Diakses tanggal 20 December 2017. 
  6. ^ "Cities: a 'cause of and solution to' climate change". UN News (dalam bahasa Inggris). 18 September 2019. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 4 March 2021. Diakses tanggal 20 March 2021. 
  7. ^ "Sustainable cities must be compact and high-density". The Guardian News (dalam bahasa Inggris). 30 June 2011. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 9 March 2021. Diakses tanggal 20 March 2021. 
  8. ^ "Ch2". www-personal.umich.edu. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 4 August 2020. Diakses tanggal 10 May 2021. 
  9. ^ Moholy-Nagy (1968), p. 45.
  10. ^ a b "city, n.", Oxford English Dictionary, June 2014.
  11. ^ Kevin A. Lynch, "What Is the Form of a City, and How is It Made?"; in Marzluff et al. (2008), p. 678. "The city may be looked on as a story, a pattern of relations between human groups, a production and distribution space, a field of physical force, a set of linked decisions, or an arena of conflict. Values are embedded in these metaphors: historic continuity, stable equilibrium, productive efficiency, capable decision and management, maximum interaction, or the progress of political struggle. Certain actors become the decisive elements of transformation in each view: political leaders, families and ethnic groups, major investors, the technicians of transport, the decision elite, the revolutionary classes."
  12. ^ "Population by region - Urban population by city size - OECD Data". theOECD (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 3 June 2019. Diakses tanggal 3 June 2019. 
  13. ^ "Table 6 Diarsipkan 11 August 2017 di Wayback Machine." in United Nations Demographic Yearbook (2015 Diarsipkan 8 July 2018 di Wayback Machine.), the 1988 version of which is quoted in Carter (1995), pp. 10–12.
  14. ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama HugoEtAl2003
  15. ^ "How NC Municipalities Work – North Carolina League of Municipalities". www.nclm.org. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 16 May 2010. 
  16. ^ a b Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama Smith2002
  17. ^ Marshall (1989), pp. 14–15.
  18. ^ Kaplan et al. (2004), pp. 23–24.
  19. ^ Lewis Dijkstra, Ellen Hamilton, Somik Lall, and Sameh Wahba (10 March 2020). "How do we define cities, towns, and rural areas?". Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 6 October 2021. Diakses tanggal 2 October 2021. 
  20. ^ Moore, Oliver (2 October 2021). "What makes a city a city? It's a little complicated". The Globe and Mail. hlm. A11. 
  21. ^ Yi Jianping, "'Civilization' and 'State': An Etymological Perspective"; Social Sciences in China 33(2), 2012; DOI:10.1080/02529203.2012.677292.
  22. ^ Nick Compton, "What is the oldest city in the world?", The Guardian, 16 February 2015.
  23. ^ Fredy Perlman, Against His-Story, Against Leviathan, Detroit: Black & Red, 1983; p. 16.
  24. ^ Southall (1998), p. 23.
  25. ^ Department of Ancient Near Eastern Art (Oct 2003). "Uruk: The First City". www.metmuseum.org. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 1 April 2020. Diakses tanggal 5 March 2022. 
  26. ^ "Uruk (article)". Khan Academy (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 5 March 2022. Diakses tanggal 5 March 2022. 
  27. ^ "What Science Has Learned about the Rise of Urban Mesopotamia". ThoughtCo (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 5 March 2022. Diakses tanggal 5 March 2022. 
  28. ^ Ring, Trudy (2014). Middle East and Africa: International Dictionary of Historic Places. hlm. 204. 
  29. ^ Jhimli Mukherjee Pandeyl, "Varanasi is as old as Indus valley civilization, finds IIT-KGP study", Times of India 25 February 2016.
  30. ^ Kenoyer, Jonathan Mark (1998) Ancient Cities of the Indus Valley Civilization. Oxford University Press, Karachi and New York.
  31. ^ Southall (1998), pp. 38–43.
  32. ^ Moholy-Nagy (1968), pp. 158–161.
  33. ^ Robert McCormick Adams Jr., Heartland of Cities: Surveys of Ancient Settlement and Land Use on the Central Floodplain of the Euphrates Diarsipkan 13 November 2018 di Wayback Machine.; University of Chicago Press, 1981; ISBN 0-226-00544-5; p. 2. "Southern Mesopotamia was a land of cities. It became one precociously, before the end of the fourth millennium B.C. Urban traditions remained strong and virtually continuous through the vicissitudes of conquest, internal upheaval accompanied by widespread economic breakdown, and massive linguistic and population replacement. The symbolic and material content of civilization obviously changed, but its cultural ambience remained tied to cities."
  34. ^ Pocock, J.G.A. (1998). The Citizenship Debates. Chapter 2 – The Ideal of Citizenship since Classical Times (originally published in Queen's Quarterly 99, no. 1). Minneapolis, MN: The University of Minnesota. hlm. 31. ISBN 978-0-8166-2880-3. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 9 June 2016. Diakses tanggal 11 November 2015. 
  35. ^ Ring, Salkin, Boda, Trudy, Robert, Sharon (1 January 1996). International Dictionary of Historic Places: Southern Europe. Routledge. hlm. 66. ISBN 978-1-884964-02-2. 
  36. ^ Kaplan et al. (2004), pp. 41–42. "Rome created an elaborate urban system. Roman colonies were organized as a means of securing Roman territory. The first thing that Romans did when they conquered new territories was to establish cities."
  37. ^ Shady Solís, Ruth Martha (1997). La ciudad sagrada de Caral-Supe en los albores de la civilización en el Perú (dalam bahasa Spanyol). Lima: UNMSM, Fondo Editorial. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 7 February 2009. Diakses tanggal 3 March 2007. 
  38. ^ McIntosh, Roderic J., McIntosh, Susan Keech. "Early Urban Configurations on the Middle Niger: Clustered Cities and Landscapes of Power," Chapter 5.
  39. ^ Magnavita, Sonja (2013). "Initial Encounters: Seeking traces of ancient trade connections between West Africa and the wider world". Afriques (4). doi:10.4000/afriques.1145alt=Dapat diakses gratis. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 15 December 2013. Diakses tanggal 13 December 2013. 
  40. ^ History of African Cities South of the Sahara Diarsipkan 24 January 2008 di Wayback Machine. By Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch. 2005. ISBN 1-55876-303-1
  41. ^ Kaplan et al. (2004), p. 43. "Capitals like Córdoba and Cairo had populations of about 500,000; Baghdad probably had a population of more than 1 million. This urban heritage would continue despite the conquests of the Seljuk Turks and the later Crusades. China, the longest standing civilization, was in the midst of a golden age as the Tang dynasty gave way—after a short period of fragmentation—to the Song dynasty. This dynasty ruled two of the most impressive cities on the planet, Xian and Hangzhou. / In contrast, poor Western Europe had not recovered from the sacking of Rome and the collapse of the western half of the Roman Empire. For more than five centuries a steady process of deurbanization—whereby the population living in cities and the number of cities declined precipitously—had converted a prosperous landscape into a scary wilderness, overrun with bandits, warlords, and rude settlements."
  42. ^ Cameron, Averil (2009). The Byzantines. John Wiley and Sons. hlm. 47. ISBN 978-1-4051-9833-2. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 23 May 2020. Diakses tanggal 24 January 2015. 
  43. ^ Laiou, Angeliki E. (2002). "Writing the Economic History of Byzantium". Dalam Angeliki E. Laiou. The Economic History of Byzantium (Volume 1). Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks. hlm. 130–131. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 18 February 2012. Diakses tanggal 6 June 2012. 
  44. ^ "Free and Imperial Cities – Dictionary definition of Free and Imperial Cities". www.encyclopedia.com. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 29 May 2018. Diakses tanggal 29 May 2018. 
  45. ^ Kaplan et al. (2004), pp. 47–50.
  46. ^ a b Evans et al., A comprehensive archaeological map of the world's largest preindustrial settlement complex at Angkor, Cambodia Diarsipkan 22 April 2017 di Wayback Machine., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the US, 23 August 2007.
  47. ^ "Map reveals ancient urban sprawl Diarsipkan 28 October 2007 di Wayback Machine.", BBC News, 14 August 2007.
  48. ^ Metropolis: Angkor, the world's first mega-city Diarsipkan 19 September 2011 di Wayback Machine., The Independent, 15 August 2007
  49. ^ Curtis (2016), pp. 5–6. "In the modern international system, cities were subjugated and internalized by the state, and, with industrialization, became the great growth engines of national economies."
  50. ^ Kesalahan pengutipan: Tag <ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernama Blomley2013
  51. ^ Kaplan et al. (2004), pp. 53–54. "England was clearly at the center of these changes. London became the first truly global city by placing itself within the new global economy. English colonialism in North America, the Caribbean, South Asia, and later Africa and China helped to further fatten the wallets of many of its merchants. These colonies would later provide many of the raw materials for industrial production. England's hinterland was no longer confined to a portion of the world; it effectively became a global hinterland."
  52. ^ Kaplan et al. (2004), pp. 54–55.
  53. ^ Steven High, Industrial Sunset: The Making of North America's Rust Belt, 1969–1984; University of Toronto Press, 2003; ISBN 0-8020-8528-8. "It is now clear that the deindustrialization thesis is part myth and part fact. Robert Z. Lawrence, for example, uses aggregate economic data to show that manufacturing employment in the United States did not decline but actually increased from 16.8 million in 1960, to 20.1 million in 1973, and 20.3 million in 1980. However, manufacturing employment was in relative decline. Barry Bluestone noted that manufacturing represented a decreasing proportion of the U.S. labour force, from 26.2 per cent in 1973 to 22.1 per cent in 1980. Studies in Canada have likewise shown that manufacturing employment was only in relative decline during these years. Yet mills and factories did close, and towns and cities lost their industries. John Cumbler submitted that 'depressions do not manifest themselves only at moments of national economic collapse' such as in the 1930s, but 'also recur in scattered sites across the nation in regions, in industries, and in communities.'"
  54. ^ Kaplan (2004), pp. 160–165. "Entrepreneurial leadership became manifest through growth coalitions made up of builders, realtors, developers, the media, government actors such as mayors, and dominant corporations. For example, in St. Louis, Anheuser-Busch, Monsanto, and Ralston Purina played prominent roles. The leadership involved cooperation between public and private interests. The results were efforts at downtown revitalization; inner-city gentrification; the transformation of the CBD to advanced service employment; entertainment, museums, and cultural venues; the construction of sports stadiums and sport complexes; and waterfront development."
  55. ^ James Xiaohe Zhang, "Rapid urbanization in China and its impact on the world economy"; 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, "New Challenges for Global Trade in a Rapidly Changing World", Shanhai Institute of Foreign Trade, 12–14 June 2013.
  56. ^ Ian Johnson, "China's Great Uprooting: Moving 250 Million Into Cities Diarsipkan 29 August 2017 di Wayback Machine."; New York Times, 15 June 2013.
  57. ^ Castells, M. (ed) (2004). The network society: a cross-cultural perspective. London: Edward Elgar. (ebook)
  58. ^ Flew, T. (2008). New media: an introduction, 3rd edn, South Melbourne: Oxford University Press
  59. ^ Harford, T. (2008) The Logic of Life. London: Little, Brown.
  60. ^ Taylor Shelton, Matthew Zook, & Alan Wiig, "The 'actually existing smart city' Diarsipkan 3 June 2017 di Wayback Machine.", Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society 8, 2015; DOI:10.1093/cjres/rsu026.

Pranala luar

  1. Faiz, Abd. Aziz (2018). Muslimah Perkotaan (PDF) (edisi ke-4). Yogyakarta: SUKA-Press. ISBN 978-602-1326-53-4. 
  2. Jamaluddin, A. N. (2017). Sosiologi Perkotaan: Memahami Masyarakat Kota dan Probelmatikanya (PDF). Bandung: CV. Pustaka Setia. ISBN 978-979-076-518-4. 
  3. Mulyadi, Lalu (2018). Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Arsitektur Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur (PDF). Malang: CV. Dream Litera Buana. ISBN 978-602-5518-38-6. 
  4. Mulyandari, Hestin (2011). Pengantar Arsitektur Kota. Yogyakarta: Penerbit ANDI Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-979-29-1749-9. 
  5. Mumtazinur (2019). Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya Dasar (PDF). Banda Aceh: Lembaga Kajian Konstitusi Indonesia (LKKI) Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Ar-Raniry. ISBN 978-602-50172-4-7. 
  6. Prihatin, S.D., Daryanti, S., Pramadha, R.A. (ed) (2019). Aplikasi Teori Perencanaan: Dari Konsep ke Realita (PDF). Sleman: CV. Buana Grafika. ISBN 978-623-7358-33-6. 
  7. Sumandiyar, dkk. (2020). Sosiologi Perkotaan: Kapitalisasi Ruang dan Marginalisasi Sosial (PDF). Kendari: Literacy Institute. ISBN 978-602-5722-41-7. 
  8. Umar, Fitrawan (2018). Masa Depan Kota dan Lingkungan (PDF). Makassar: Penerbit CV. Loe. ISBN 978-602-5862-08-3. 
  9. UNESCAP dan UN-HABITAT (2008). Perumahan bagi kaum miskin di kota-kota Asia: Perumahan untuk MBR: Memberi Tempat yang Layak bagi Kaum Miskin Kota (PDF). Bangkok: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. ISBN 978-92-113-1947-7. 


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