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Templat:Data pandemi COVID-19: Perbedaan antara revisi

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Baris 20:
!{{flagdeco|United States}}
![[Pandemi koronavirus di Amerika Serikat|Amerika Serikat]]
|<!-- #bot#(United States)-->{{formatnum:{{Sum|1873871<!-- US overall aggregate -->|-3935<!-- Puerto Rico -->|-175<!-- Guam -->|-23<!-- Northern Mariana Islands -->|-42<!-- U.S. Virgin Islands -->}}}}<!-- Add overall US figure and then negative figures for overseas territories. Do not use comma, they will be added automatically. -->
|{{formatnum:{{Sum|107799<!-- US overall aggregate -->|-138<!-- Puerto Rico -->|-5<!-- Guam -->|-2<!-- Northern Mariana Islands -->|0<!-- U.S. Virgin Islands -->}}}}<!-- Add overall US figure and then negative figures for overseas territories. Do not use commas, they will be added automatically. -->
|{{formatnum:{{Sum|421827<!-- US overall aggregate -->|850<!-- Puerto Rico -->|-143<!-- Guam -->|16<!-- Northern Mariana Islands -->|-34<!-- U.S. Virgin Islands -->}}}}<!-- Add overall US figure and then negative figures for overseas territories. Do not use comma, they will be added automatically. -->
|<ref name="WOMC">{{cite web |url=https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries |title=Coronavirus Update (Live) - Worldometer |website=www.worldometers.info}}</ref><ref name=":1p3a">{{cite web |title=COVID-19/Coronavirus Real Time Updates With Credible Sources in US and Canada 1Point3Acres |url=https://coronavirus.1point3acres.com/en |website=coronavirus.1point3acres.com}}</ref><!-- #bot# -->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagdeco|Spain}}
Baris 29:
|Termasuk kota otonom dari [[Pandemi virus korona 2020 di Ceuta|Ceuta]] dan [[Pandemi virus korona 2020 di Melilla|Melilla]].
|Pengujian telah dibatasi untuk orang yang berisiko menunjukkan gejala.<ref>{{Cite web|url=https://english.elpais.com/society/2020-03-23/640000-rapid-coronavirus-tests-arrive-in-spain.html|title=640,000 rapid coronavirus tests arrive in Spain|first=Elena|last=Sevillano|date=March 23, 2020|via=www.elpais.com}}</ref>}}}}
|<!-- #bot#(Spain)-->239,932<!-- DO NOT update Spain data from worldometer/WOMC -->
|27,127<!-- DO NOT update Spain data from worldometer/WOMC -->
|150,376<!-- DO NOT update Spain data from worldometer/WOMC -->
|<!--IMPORTANT: SOURCING INSTRUCTIONS! Keep the most up-to-date source uncommented and comment the others. All these three sources ("es-rtve", "es-elpais", "es-iscii") are reliable sources. --><ref name="es-rtve">{{cite web |url=https://www.rtve.es/noticias/20200404/mapa-del-coronavirus-espana/2004681.shtml |title=El mapa del coronavirus en España: 11.947 muertos y más de 126.000 casos |website=RTVE |language=es|access-date=5 April 2020}}</ref><!-- <ref name="es-elpais">{{cite web|url=https://elpais.com/sociedad/2020/03/16/actualidad/1584379038_891570.html|title=Casos confirmados en España y en el mundo y claves para entender el coronavirus|website=El País|language=es}}</ref> --><!-- <ref name="es-iscii">{{cite web|url=https://covid19.isciii.es/|title=Situación de COVID-19 en España|work=Instituto de Salud Carlos III|language=es}}</ref> --><!-- #bot# -->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagdeco|Italy}}
! style="padding:0px 2px 0px 1px; border-left:none;" scope="row"|[[Italia]]
|<!-- #bot#(Italy)-->233,515
|<!--Note: this ArcGIS map has been provided to the public by the civil protection department of Italy, and is therefore a government source--><!--Please do not replace the following source with an aggregate source if the aggregate source does not provide more up-to-date details, as this primary source is a more reliable source--><!--Please simply comment out the following source if removing the citation, as this is a government source, and likely will be referenced again in the future--><ref>{{Cite web|url=http://opendatadpc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/b0c68bce2cce478eaac82fe38d4138b1|author=Dipartimento della Protezione Civile|title=COVID-19 Italia - Monitoraggio della situazione
|website=opendatadpc.maps.arcgis.com}}</ref><!-- <ref>{{cite web |title=Ministero della Salute - Nuovo coronavirus |url=http://www.salute.gov.it/nuovocoronavirus |website=www.salute.gov.it |accessdate=22 March 2020 |language=IT}}</ref> --><!-- #bot#-->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; border-right:none;" scope="row" |{{flagdeco|Germany}}
! style="padding:0px 2px 0px 1px; border-left:none;" scope="row" |[[Jerman]]
|<!-- #bot#(Germany)-->184,091<!-- Use Tagesspiegel: more reliable case count -->
|8,674<!-- Use Tagesspiegel: more reliable death count -->
|166,428<!-- Use Zeit Online; Tagesspiegel publishes an estimate of recoveries, not an actual count -->
|<!-- <ref>{{Cite web|url=https://interaktiv.morgenpost.de/corona-virus-karte-infektionen-deutschland-weltweit/|title=Coronavirus-Monitor|website=Berliner Morgenpost|language=de|access-date=2020-03-27}}</ref> --><ref name="zeit">{{Cite web|url=https://www.zeit.de/wissen/gesundheit/2020-03/coronavirus-deutschland-infektionen-faelle-verbreitung-epidemie-karte|access-date=2020-03-07|title=Wie sich das Coronavirus in Ihrer Region ausbreitet|trans-title=How the coronavirus affects your region|publisher=Zeit Online|language=German}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=https://interaktiv.tagesspiegel.de/lab/karte-sars-cov-2-in-deutschland-landkreise/|title=Corona-Karte Deutschland: COVID-19 live in allen Landkreisen und Bundesländern|website=Tagesspiegel|language=de|access-date=2020-04-04}}</ref><!-- #bot#-->
! style="padding:0px 2px 1px; border-right:none;" scope="row"| {{flagdeco|France}}

Revisi per 20 Juni 2020 15.36

Sunting dengan VisualEditor

Page Templat:Data pandemi koronavirus 2019–2020/styles.css has no content.

Negara dan teritori[a] Kasus[b] Kematian[c] Sembuh[d] Ref.
Seluruh dunia 246.889.661 5.003.021 {{{recovered}}} [2]
Amerika Serikat 1.869.696 107.654 422.516 [3][4]
Spanyol[e] 239,932 27,127 150,376 [6]
Italia 233,515 33,530 160,092 [7]
Jerman 184,091 8,674 166,428 [8][9]
Prancis 151,325 28,940 68,812 [10][11]
Tiongkok Daratan 83,021 4,634 78,314 [12]
Iran 157,562 7,942 123,077 [13]
Korea Selatan 8,652 100 2,233
Swiss 20,505 666 6,415
Britania Raya 41,903 4,313 [14][15]
Belanda 46,647 5,967
Austria 16,759 669 15,629
Belgia 58,685 9,522 15,959
Norwegia 8,455 237 7,727
Swedia 40,803 4,542 4,971
Denmark 11,771 580 10,552
Kanada 93,085 7,498 51,048
Malaysia 8,247 115 6,559
Portugal 33,592 1,455 20,323
Brasil 615,870 34,039 274,997
Jepang 17,018 903 14,867
Australia 7,238 102 6,664
Republik Ceko 9,494 326 6,809
Diamond Princess 712 14 653
Israel 17,429 291 14,993
Irlandia 25,142 1,664 22,698
Turki 23,934 501 786
Pakistan 89,249 1,838 31,198
Yunani 2,952 180 1,374
Luksemburg 4,027 110 3,874
Qatar 63,741 45 39,468
Finlandia 6,911 322 5,800
Chili 118,292 1,356 6
Ekuador 40,966 3,486 4,000
Polandia 25,048 1,117 12,410
Islandia 1,806 10 1,794
Singapura 36,922 24 23,904
Indonesia 28,233 8,406 1,698
Arab Saudi 93,157 611 68,965
Slovenia 1,477 109 1,358
Thailand 3,101 58 2,968
Rumania 19,907 1,306 13,919
Bahrain 13,296 21 7,728
Estonia 1,890 69 1,663
Peru 183,198 5,031 76,228
Hong Kong 1,100 4 1,042
Mesir 29,767 1,126 7,756
Rusia 441,108 5,384 204,623
India 226,770 6,348 109,462
Filipina 20,382 984 4,248
Afrika Selatan 40,792 848 21,311
Panama 15,044 363 9,619
Irak 192 12 41
Meksiko 164 1 4
Lebanon 163 4 4
Kuwait 159 0 22
San Marino 151 14 4
Kolombia 145 0 1
Uni Emirat Arab 140 2 31
Slowakia 137 0 0
Armenia 136 0 1
Republik Tiongkok 135 2 28
Serbia 135 1 2
Argentina 128 3 3
Kroasia 128 0 5
Bulgaria 127 3 1
Latvia 111 0 1
Uruguay 94 0 0
Vietnam 91 0 17
Aljazair 90 10 32
Bosnia dan Herzegovina 89 0 2
Kosta Rika 89 2 0
Hongaria 85 4 7
Yordania 85 0 1
Brunei Darussalam 78 0 1
Maroko 77 3 2
Makedonia Utara 77 0 1
Andorra 75 0 1
Siprus 75 0 0
Republik Dominika 72 2 0
Albania 70 2 2
Sri Lanka 70 0 3
Belarus 69 0 15
Malta 64 0 2
Tunisia 54 1 1
Selandia Baru 53 0 0
Kazakhstan 52 0 0
Kamboja 51 0 1
Moldova 49 1 1
Lituania 49 0 1
Oman 48 0 13
Palestina 48 0 17
Azerbaijan 44 1 10
Georgia 43 0 1
Venezuela 42 0 0
Ukraina 41 3 1
Burkina Faso 40 1 4
Senegal 38 0 2
Republik Turki Siprus Utara 33 0 0
Uzbekistan 33 0 0
Liechtenstein 28 0 0
Afganistan 24 0 1
Honduras 24 0 0
Kosovo 21 0 0
Bangladesh 55,140 746 11,590
Kamerun 20 0 2
Republik Demokratik Kongo 18 0 0
Makau 17 0 10
Bolivia 16 0 0
Kuba 16 1 0
Ghana 16 0 0
Jamaika 15 1 2
Maladewa 13 0 0
Montenegro 13 0 0
Paraguay 13 0 0
Guatemala 12 1 0
Jersey 12 0 0
Mauritius 12 0 0
Nigeria 12 0 1
Monako 11 0 1
Rwanda 11 0 0
Etiopia 9 0 0
Pantai Gading 9 0 1
Togo 9 0 0
Trinidad dan Tobago 9 0 0
Kenya 7 0 0
Guinea Khatulistiwa 6 0 0
Kirgizstan 6 0 0
Mongolia 6 0 0
Seychelles 6 0 0
Tanzania 6 0 0
Barbados 5 0 0
Guyana 4 1 0
Suriname 4 0 0
Bahama 3 0 0
Republik Kongo 3 0 0
Gabon 3 0 0
Madagaskar 3 0 0
Namibia 3 0 0
Benin 2 0 0
Bhutan 2 0 0
Afrika Tengah 2 0 0
Guernsey 2 0 0
Haiti 2 0 0
Liberia 2 0 0
Mauritania 2 0 0
Saint Lucia 2 0 0
Sudan 2 1 0
Zambia 2 0 0
Antigua dan Barbuda 1 0 0
Tanjung Verde 1 0 0
Chad 1 0 0
Djibouti 1 0 0
El Salvador 1 0 0
Eswatini 1 0 0
Fiji 1 0 0
Gambia 1 0 0
Guinea 1 0 0
Pulau Man 1 0 0
Nepal 1 0 1
Niger 1 0 0
Nikaragua 1 0 0
Papua Nugini 1 0 0
Saint Vincent dan Grenadine 1 0 0
Somalia 1 0 0
Vatikan 1 0 0
Zimbabwe 1 1 0
Pada 20 Juni 2020 (UTC)
  1. ^ Negara dan teritori, serta kendaraan internasional tempat kasus didiagnosis. Kewarganegaraan dan lokasi infeksi asli mungkin bervariasi. Di beberapa negara, kasus meliputi beberapa teritori, dengan catatan yang sesuai.
  2. ^ Kasus terkonfirmasi yang dilaporkan. Jumlah kasus aktual mungkin lebih tinggi, tetapi tidak mungkin untuk dipastikan.[1]
  3. ^ Total kematian belum tentu bertambah karena frekuensi pembaruan nilai untuk setiap lokasi individu.
  4. ^ tanda "–" menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada data yang dapat diandalkan yang tersedia untuk wilayah tersebut saat ini, bukan berarti nilainya nol.
  5. ^ Spanyol
    1. Termasuk kota otonom dari Ceuta dan Melilla.
    2. Pengujian telah dibatasi untuk orang yang berisiko menunjukkan gejala.[5]
